CharlesDarwin , avatar

How did that dirtbag Roger Stone say it (but about people that, unlike donnie, didn't do anything)?

It's donnie's turn in the barrel.

Twelve20two , avatar

Justice Engoron previously denied Trump's ask to deliver part of the closing arguments when his attorneys refused to agree to terms that Trump would not attack the Court and violate Court rules.

"Your Honor, I have literally no control over my client. He's essentially an aged, rabid dog at this point."

Edit: lol, I haven't gotten to this part of the article yet

Justice Engoron, in a plea to Trump's attorney, Chris Kise, implored, “Mr. Kise, please control your client.” However, the attempt to rein in Trump proved futile as he continued his tirade, even bringing up the prosecutor's alleged political motives, including what he called her "failed" run for Governor.

RizzRustbolt ,

Sooo... a pretty standard Thursday then?

comxtruise , avatar

Libtards in the server gonna ruin this platform too

Theprogressivist OP , avatar

People like you ruin everything for everyone.

comxtruise , avatar

Yeah, I, with 0 posts, am going to ruin the lives of libtards.

Avg Libtard ☕

Theprogressivist OP , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I, with 0 posts, am going to ruin the lives of libtards.

Well, if your first comment is anything to go by you're a fucking idiot.

Liberals live in your head rent-free and that's pathetic.

comxtruise , avatar

It's the Opposite actually. Trump lives in Libtards head rent free.

Theprogressivist OP , avatar

It's the Opposite actually. Trump lives in Libtards head rent free.

Ah, the "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. You sure got me.

You're a petulant child just like your dear leader.

Asafum ,

Your votes do... That does way more fucking damage than some stupid posts you could easily ignore...

But also, as a "conservative" I have to imagine you care about the "marketplace of ideas" and "freedom of speech" or is that only for you and your kind?

comxtruise , avatar

Karma system was created by the Libtards. The reason Reddit became a libtard shithole.

StinkyOnions ,

This is what a failed education system looks like, folks.

comxtruise , avatar

Stop Crying

StinkyOnions ,

And the irony is lost on you.

Doubleohdonut ,

What do you mean by "libtard"? Sounds like it might be offensive to some.

Wooshock ,

Damn did my ex-girlfriend write this headline?

DarkDecay ,

Definitely the actions of an innocent man. Lmao he's such a loser, and sore one at that. Hopefully they bleed his criminal organization dry with the verdict

julia ,

Does someone have a link to the video ?

n3m37h ,
mrmule ,

Wow, he really handed their asses on a plate in that video.

Birdie ,

Ya got me.

n3m37h ,

There are no cameras allowed in the court, tis only caricatures.

UsernameIsTooLon ,

What a man child lol

Arthur_Leywin ,

Snowflake behavior ❄️👶

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

When you're famous, they just let you do it.


This title is hilarious compared to others I’ve seen. Makes it seem like shit was crazy. Like they’re trying to top the guy who superman’d over the bench last week. It wasn’t. He spoke and the judge let him. And the judge will make his decision soon so let’s see how the EXPLOSIVE UNHINGED ATTACKS work out for him.

prole , avatar

Yeah I was going to say, "stormed out"? I've never seen a courtroom where the defendant could just leave, especially not in a case that's this high profile.

Peppycito , avatar

He could "storm out" because it was lunchtime

CADmonkey ,

"I'm going to call a one-hour recess."

"Thank you, your honor" Storms out

PutangInaMo ,

How explosively unhinged of you!

Pretzilla ,

It's civil not criminal so defendant isn't required to attend

squirrelwithnut ,

Is there video of this speech?


Not that I’ve seen (doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist), but other coverage I have read makes it seem way less dramatic.

some_guy ,

Agreed. I thought there was some huge, unhinged rant. I only read about it, didn't hear it, but it sounds pretty tame compared to this description.

Kbobabob ,

I'm guessing the only explosive or thunderous thing that happened was just Trump shitting his diaper as he waddled out.

funkless_eck ,

this article- which I skimmed - seems like a left-leaning Fox News. Like massive hyperbole and exaggeration designed to get rage clicks

Asafum ,

Unfortunately that's the devolution of most media now... It's ridiculous.

No no we can't be the media or the press and simply provide information, we are ad revenue companies masquerading as the press.

Right, left, center, whatever. It's all devolving into click bait shit.

nonplayablecharacter7334 ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Vorticity ,

    Looking at it, it seems worse than Fox. It seems closer to Gateway Pundit or some awful shit like that.

    800XL ,

    Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them this shit is unacceptable. Call over and over until their aides are sick of hearing your voice. Even if you aren't in the same party and you didn't vote for them. Let every gov't employee know enough is enough.

    some_guy ,

    What the fuck is that supposed to accomplish? They don't directly influence the judge. This comment makes no sense to me.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them this shit is unacceptable.

    Hello, Mr. Ted Cruz? I'd like to file a complaint abou.... Oh, go fuck myself? No, that's fair. I'll just dial Mr Crenshaw and... Nope, it appears I'm being told that this phone call is uncivil and I can go fuck myself. Okay, well, you'll be hearing from my vote in a heavily caged and gerrymandered set of districts.

    Call over and over until their aides are sick of hearing your voice.

    Daily screaming matches with some telemarketing company paid to handle their calls will do more harm to me than to any of them.

    chitak166 ,

    Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them this shit is unacceptable.

    This has never had any impact on anything and idk why you people are so deluded into believing otherwise.

    DONATE (bribe) to your representatives. That's what they listen to.

    I guarantee, not a single senator will read anything anyone here ever sends to them.

    800XL ,

    When is the last time you called yours?

    A_Random_Idiot , avatar

    I hope this is used as precedent by so many people to have tantrums in court and walk the fuck out. and that all of legal history looks back on this judge for causing this with his desire to let trump do whatever the fuck he wants without significant, meaningful repercussion.

    NotMyOldRedditName ,

    Unfortunately what happens in a situation like this in court is up to the judge to handle.

    Trying to use this as a precedent on how you're treated would be laughed at by other judge.

    But... if you happen to have this judge, that would he very interesting to see.

    Rooskie91 ,

    Like a spoiled child who was forced to share his toys. What a baby. I sware, there are certain developmental milestones that are impossible to hit if you grow up rich.

    2piradians ,

    He should have been arrested, cuffed, and hauled off to be locked up like anyone else.

    Instead everyone will continue to coddle him, emboldening his jackass followers as if this course is somehow favorable to consequences.

    Lemminary ,

    Why is this a thing?? I don't get it. It's so stupid. Anybody else would get their ass handed back to them but he's the exception for some reason I can't fathom. Like, even if he has a lot of followers, so what?

    ripcord , avatar

    In this case, to give absolutely zero room for mistrial complaints that the judge was biased against him.

    And guess what? He has zero room for complaints. The judge has handled this pretty much perfectly.

    Lightor ,

    Yeah I think this is a case of "go ahead cry, you lost, game over"

    GladiusB , avatar

    I mean he was the President. As much as I hate the guy and think he is an awful leader he still has privilege above ours. Life has politics EVERYWHERE. His boss. His family. His community. There are certain things this judge has to balance in every decision.

    I don't know the judge or the details of the case. But you ask why he is hauled off? Because MOST white old guys that fuck up are just slapped on the wrist, pay a fine, and do community service unless he actually was violent. Did he perpetuate violence? Absolutely. Has that been proven in a court yet? No. It's not so black and white.

    UnderpantsWeevil , (edited ) avatar

    to give absolutely zero room for mistrial complaints

    My man standing up on the desk, pulling down his pants, shitting all over the place, then waddling out with his pants around his ankles and the judge turns to the bailiff saying "No no no, let him do his thing, I don't want to risk a mistrial".

    He has zero room for complaints.

    He's been indicted 91 times since he left office and we've yet to see any of them resolve into some kind of legal punishment. Everything is supposedly coming to a head between March and May of this year, but... In the middle of a heated election season, I'm not holding my breath on that shit getting deferred or extended or whatever.

    And then if he makes it to November and wins (hardly unlikely, given the direction of the current polling) he's back to being Unitary Executive and immune to prosecution. And then we'll get four more years. And if the country doesn't collapse on itself after that, we get to restart the whole process and hope another four years of pretending to indict a former President now pushing into his mid-80s will mean anything.

    Guy is going to die of poor health long before he sees the inside of a jail cell. The US justice system simply is not built to punish people like him.

    DarkDecay ,

    Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up

    Landmammals ,

    I was sure this would be an Onion article. Jesus.

    charonn0 , avatar

    Why is he not sitting in a cell for contempt of court?

    The judge is setting a bad precedent that is going to be used every single time he tries to hold anyone else in contempt ever again.

    Lightor ,

    I think this is a case of "I know you're going to appeal and say I was bias. They're going to look at how much I let you do and get away with and laugh in your face." I think she's playing the long game.

    lightnsfw ,

    Couldn't anyone else that was held in contempt for doing the same shit down the road use this in their appeal though?

    JustZ , avatar

    Not directly. Judges have significant discretion over their courtroom decorum and procedure.

    If the judges decisions on stuff like this are reasonable, they are upheld, even if it's applied diametrically to two identical litigants.

    chitak166 ,

    I dunno, giving special treatment to certain defendants doesn't seem like "the long game" to me.

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