mozz Admin , (edited )
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“So, I hear this a lot,” began Carville. “‘James, young voters are just not into this. It’s two candidates, one’s in their 80s, one is almost in their 80s, they’re concerned about things that Washington politicians, and you just can’t blame them for-‘ Oh, shit. Fuck you!”

“If Trump and [John] Roberts and Alito and [Neil] Gorsuch and [Clarence] Thomas and Leonard Leo and the Heritage Foundation, if they get a hold, there will be no government left, there will be no rights left, you will live under theocracy, you’ll end up with Christian nationalism. But that’s all right, you little fucking 26-year-old, you don’t feel like ‘the election’s important to me. They’re not addressing the issues that I care about,'” said Carville.

Carville concluded by advising the press and Democratic operatives “to tell these young people to get off your motherfucking ass and go vote because you should vote like your entire future and the entire future of this United States depends on it because quite frankly, it does — and that’s not an exaggeration.”

I never thought that in my life me and James Carville would see exactly eye-to-eye on things, but there you go. IDK if talking this way is tactically productive, but he's not wrong. They should have this guy intervene in every newscast about how Trump's ahead 3:1 among first-time Wisconsin voters with odd numbered license plates or whatever, to yell "Fuck you!" at the anchors with little bits of spittle flecked around his mouth.

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