gun , avatar

No way a long list of Western media outfits who also lied about Iraq until we went to war with them are lying again?? That's Crazy!!

rbesfe ,

DW is a German news agency, I have a hard time believing they were part of the Iraq lie

gun , avatar

Nah, they hyped up the weapons of mass destruction claim same as everyone.

Meanwhile suspicion is growing that Iraq might actually be actively producing mass weapons of destruction.

The German daily, "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung" reported recently about a new nuclear programme. Relying on trustworthy reports of the Federal German News Service (BND) from January, the newspaper said that Iraq was buying "nuclear relevant basic chemicals".

Intelligence sources had also found indications that Iraq is continuing with its "Bio-Toxin-Programme" and is "building a mobile B-weapons capacity", the newspaper said.

This could mean that Iraq could achieve the high nuclear status of 1990.

febra ,

I wish the west would have the balls to call Israel out too. But eh, one genocide at a time I guess. Fuck China

Reddfugee42 ,
febra ,

Took them just 4 months

Reddfugee42 ,

Impressively short considering how dangerous it is to hold the secular actions of the secular Israeli government to scrutiny in America without being called an anti-semite.

PanArab ,

You forgot to condemn the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and most Turkic and Muslim countries for their silence on the Uyghur genocide. Muslims don’t care for one another like the West cares for them. They only pretend to care about Palestinians because they are antisemitic.

The brave people at VOA were quick to condemn them.

/s in case it isn’t obvious

If you googled the OIC report on Uyghur after they visited Xinjiang you will only get results for western outlets condemning it. It is clear who is using censorship to control the narrative

mlg , avatar

They only pretend to care about Palestinians because they are antisemitic.

No its usually money lol. KSA and every surrounding country will happily continue to literally kill people who stand in their way whether it be against Israel or even basic human rights which they deny by denying citizenship unless you're born to a citizen.

Most of the Muslim countries were also caught buying munitions and spyware from Israel too.

Also you shouldn't put "West" into one category. Some countries do care about Muslims to varying degrees. Germany is pretty nice. USA only cares if you've become a citizen, otherwise screw off. France has always said screw off, and loves to exploit Africa well after colonialism ended.

Both UK and France convinced the USA to also be complacent in the Bosnian genocide, something the USA had no political reason to support like how they support Israel. All because UK and France didn't want a Muslim country in Europe.

PanArab ,

So Muslim countries and Muslims in general are afraid of China but not the West or India? It seems odd they aren’t speaking up on it but the West is. They are speaking up about everything else but the West mostly isn’t.

deft ,

It is extremely racist to lump one of the largest demographics into one category and act like you are speaking for them lol

Islam itself is fractured into a ton of different groups that identify and want different things. Why are you trying to throw a blanket on it all?

Also any post that mentions Muslims and China you care so much to muddy the waters about. Hm

PanArab ,

أروح أتكلم مع جدار أحسن لي.

deft ,

Go do that and continue trying to legitimize your ability to speak for everyone.

Imagine if cause I spoke English I spoke for all English speaking people. That would be considered ignorant, racist and likely I'm probably not right.

Also it is the 21st century. You can just google translate stuff you doing this proves no sense of legitimacy so I dunno after you're done maybe jump off that wall too?

TheBat , avatar

Why are tankies so fucking stupid?

TokenBoomer ,

You can be a Marxist-Leninist and not support the cultural genocide of the Uyghurs.

assassin_aragorn ,

Yep. A Tankie is someone who claims to be leftist but then defends all actions by governments and countries who claim to be leftist too.

Zagorath , avatar

then defends all actions by governments and countries who claim to be leftist too

Tankies don't even need that. They just need the country to not be part of NATO and its allies. See their support for Russia, despite Russia being straight-up right-wing authoritarian with no pretence to leftism.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

We talking about T-90 Tankies or Leopard II Tankies? Type 99s or Merkavas?

Honestly, the people who seem to eat the most shit in the comments are the peaceniks. Being against a war is the fastest way to earn the label.

FluffyPotato ,

More like the T-34

PugJesus , avatar

Critical support for Comrade Xi's Uyghur Genocide! (but also it's not happening, and if it was it's justified anyway)

NaibofTabr ,

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

Altofaltception ,

There are 2 genocides actively occurring (or at least in the forefront).

Western media does not shy away from calling one a genocide (as they should), but refuses to call the other one a genocide.

Telodzrum OP ,

There are a lot more than two, tbh.

Altofaltception ,

Yes, hence the caveat of being in the forefront.

PugJesus , avatar

Western media does not shy away from calling one a genocide (as they should), but refuses to call the other one a genocide.

"Refuses" is a strong word. Genocide as an accusation against Israel has been prominent in news headlines as of late.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Don't forget about the US. We've been genociding Hispanic migrants for a while now.

EndlessApollo ,

Why the heck are you getting downvoted? You're absolutely right, it didn't stop when we found out about it or when biden became president

blanketswithsmallpox ,

It looks like the closest thing the US is genociding is temporarily separating children from parents to ensure they're actually parents and not traffickers and to confirm their history.

Here's more for those wondering. It doesn't meet genocide definitions. It received major lashback when they did. A federal judge halted it.

EndlessApollo ,

What's changed between when genocide was uncovered and now? What makes biden's policy less genocidal than trump's? Or have you always been a genocide denier, even when the concentration camps and their conditions first saw a bunch of coverage?

blanketswithsmallpox ,


What's changed between when genocide was uncovered and now? What makes biden's policy less genocidal than trump's? Or have you always been a genocide denier, even when the concentration camps and their conditions first saw a bunch of coverage?

I just root my understanding in reality and verifiable sauce. Like I did while nobody else followed suit.

Hyperreality ,

At least 5. Arguably the Israel-Gaza situation, Russia- Ukraine, Sudan(also with Russian involvement), China's treatment of the Uyghurs, and Myanmar's treatment of the Rohingya.

Obviously, those screeching loudest about genocide X, are inevitably entirely quiet about genocide Y, while accusing country Z of hypocrisy. I haven't named any sides, but if anyone reads this comment and thinks I'm talking about them, perhaps it's time for some introspection.

Not that whataboutism is particularly relevant for those suffering. But hey, why would anyone let human suffering and nuance get in the way of some political point scoring, real politik or a nice online shouting match.

Meanwhile we walk ever closer towards the precipice of the climate apocalypse. If it's isn't already too late.

Altofaltception ,

Absolutely. I went through a couple of revisions before settling on 2 based on being current and in the forefront.

HappycamperNZ ,

I would argue the Israeli/Palestine one.

Hamas wants to genocide Israel (literally in their founding document) but failing miserably. Absolutely guilty of a war crime or two.

Israel is very likely guilty of a number of war crimes due to proportionality, failure to minimize civilian casualties, and reasonable cause for infrastructure damage and blockades. The fact they have only killed off something like 3% of the population with this much damage and overwhelming force means they aren't committing genocide, or they are doing a pretty poor job of it. Individuals and small groups are likely killing off civilians and should be held to account (public hanging is a good way to do it) but question the broader Israeli goal.

Hamas absolutely guilty of war crime (clear cut), could add genocide if they were winning, Israel unsure as much less clear cut. Could they be - absolutely.

Slotos ,

God damn it, why are there people that think that genocide is competition in effectiveness on every damn side?

Primary genocide requirement is intent. And out of five definitions, only one involves outright killing.

Read the convention before arguing about genocide. (1) (2)

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group

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