suction ,

Look up the definition of genocide, you stupid and way too obvious groiper dummies

HomerianSymphony ,

Time Traveller from 1993 (when this episode aired): "So, what's 2024 like?"

"If you say you won't support genocide, you get accused of being a Russian asset."

KillingTimeItself ,

it's not controversial, what is controversial is what is being defined as genocide. Classic mischaracterization.

Now i'm not going to get into the immediate debate about whether or not this is an active genocide or not, because frankly, not my fucking problem.

what i will get into is the commonly accepted definition of genocide, which is in past tense. It's also commonly used to specifically denote a certain ethnicity, which considering that israel is indiscriminately bombing, i'm not sure how much that applies. I feel like considering palestinian an ethnicity would be like considering a US state to be an ethnicity as well. Though i'm sure there is historical merit to that statement, the complexities of it are not something i'm intimately familiar with so i won't say much on it.

Regardless, I think palestine is realistically entitled to it's own nation, i see no reason for it not to be. Israel, arguably is also entitled to it's own nation, i see no reason for it not to be either.

It'd be cool if israel and hamas stopped committing war crimes, but considering that this is a war in the middle east, i don't know when that will happen.

MindTraveller ,

Hey OP are you telling people not to vote against fascism or are you going to deny this is a dogwhistle?

Objection , avatar

>"Nothing justifies genocide."

>Proceeds to make arguments justifying genocide

I have no idea how you could possibly think this supports your position on things.

If Major Kira was living under a government that offered no alternative to genocide, she'd take up a phaser and start killing government officials, you know, like she literally did, in the show. She'd never condone someone who supported genocide, even if it meant resorting to violent opposition instead.

Crashumbc ,

And the commander of DS9 literally poisoned civilian settlements in one episode.

Objection , avatar

Yeah I mean fiction isn't always the best guide to real life situations.

PugJesus OP , (edited ) avatar

Proceeds to make arguments justifying genocide

"Justifying genocide is when you oppose genocide, and the more you oppose it, the more you justify it" - Very Serious Lemmings

Alternatively, "The prospect of an eventual violent revolution justifies genocide" - Very Serious Lemmings

Or more realistically, "I think that the prospect of virtue signaling without affecting government policy justifies genocide, because that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside" - Very Serious Lemmings

Objection , avatar

“Justifying genocide is when you oppose genocide, and the more you oppose it, the more you justify it” - Very Serious Lemmings

"Opposing genocide is when you vote for someone doing a genocide and the harder you post about supporting them the more you oppose it" - Very Serious Lemmings 🤡

It's very funny to me that you received friendly fire because people on your side saw a simple "genocide is bad" meme and just assumed it was about them. You'd think that would lead to introspection but what do I know lol.

HomerianSymphony ,

It's very funny to me that you received friendly fire because people on your side saw a simple "genocide is bad" meme and just assumed it was about them.

I think it's more that OP has made numerous comments in this thread arguing that we should vote for Biden.

OP's vibe seems to be "Yes, I really really really do oppose genocide... but the responsible thing is to vote for Biden, and people who won't support him are the true genocide enablers."

Objection , avatar

Right, he's a Biden stan and other Biden stans are attacking him for posting "genocide is bad" with one even calling it a "fascist dogwhistle."

"Are we the baddies?" moment.

HomerianSymphony ,

Oh, right. Now I follow.

Yeah, the Biden supporters are all doing ridiculous mental gymnastics. I'm not sure I've seen mental gymnastics like this outside of a cult.

PugJesus OP , avatar

“Opposing genocide is when you vote for someone doing a genocide and the harder you post about supporting them the more you oppose it” - Very Serious Lemmings 🤡

Ah, the good old "Thoughts and prayers to LGBT folk who are going to be genocided in the US under a Trump regime", how classy. You're literally just endorsing fascism with extra steps, but I'm sure we'll have great fun in the camps together when you say "AT LEAST I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS"

Objection , avatar

The democrats aren't going to coerce me into voting for genocide no matter how many far-right politicians they fund and support to threaten me. After all:

PugJesus OP , avatar

The democrats aren’t going to coerce me into voting for genocide

Oh, cool, so you're not voting for the option that intensifies genocide, right?

... right...?

Oh, who am I kidding? You'll do whatever you can to ensure a Trump victory and the total genocide of Palestinians.

Objection , avatar

Oh, cool, so you’re not voting for the option that intensifies genocide, right?

Yes, obviously. I'm not voting for either of the options that intensify genocide.

Oh, who am I kidding? You’ll do whatever you can to ensure a Trump victory and the total genocide of Palestinians.

This coming from someone who literally eats babies. See, I can make shit up too.

PugJesus OP , avatar

Yes, obviously. I’m not voting for either of the options that intensify genocide.

The classic "I'm going to uproot the tracks!" answer to the trolley problem, while sitting by and doing nothing of the sort. A fascist's best friend. :)

Objection , avatar

The trolley problem is a thought experiment, intentionally contrived to remove any alternatives to the two options. It isn't applicable to real life.

You're literally a Trump supporter so I don't want to hear you accusing me of being "a fascist's best friend."

PugJesus OP , avatar

The trolley problem is a thought experiment, intentionally contrived to remove any alternatives to the two options. It isn’t applicable to real life.

Yes, as we all know, in real life, all outcomes are possible, which is why the only possible moral route is to Thoughts And Prayers your way to a total and untarnished victory.

Objection , avatar

Have fun voting for Trump.

assassin_aragorn ,

I've seen two interesting spins on the trolley problem recently.

  1. "Just blow up the trolley." This is actually a very apt description of accelerationism. Blowing up the trolley doesn't stop the forward momentum -- it just turns the trolley barrelling towards the trapped people into a fiery wreckage barreling towards the trapped people. Plus if there's people on the trolley... Yeah.

  2. "Untie the trapped people while other people push back and stop the trolley". This is once again rather emblematic, this time of blind idealism. The idea that if we get enough people, then we can stop the trolley,
    sounds good on paper and makes you feel nice. But it ignores the reality that people cannot hold back a trolley like that. It just isn't possible for the necessary number of people to simultaneously push back against it.

Not to mention, the whole point of the trolley problem is that the trolley is a metaphor for an unstoppable event that is impossible to avoid. It's nice to think we could dismantle it, but we can't.

Objection , avatar

The trolley problem is a philosophy 101 thought experiment. It's not an absolute guideline for philosophy.

As a side note, even if it was, there are many people who disagree with pulling the lever, like the whole branch of Deontology, for example. It's bizarre that everyone on here assumes that everyone else on here has to be operating under the exact same moral framework, and if you disagree you're either an idiot or a Russian bot. The idea that anyone could ever draw a red line against a particular action just, you know, organically is treated as totally alien.

In real life, things are never as simple as in a philosophical thought experiment. There's incomplete information, there's multiple actors, there's long term factors affecting cause and effect. Let's look at some ways in which an individual's choice on who to vote for in an election differ from the trolley problem:

  1. You don't have full control of the trolley. Instead, there are millions of other people who collectively decide which track the trolley will go down.

  2. There are more than two tracks. Some of them might be unlikely to be chosen, but they still exist.

  3. There are people who have engineered the situation to be the way it is, who have the ability to change it, and who can benefit depending on what choice you make.

  4. The trolley problem will be repeated, over and over again, indefinitely. Depending on which track it goes down, it could influence the number of people on the tracks in the future.

  5. There's uncertainty involved in everything. You don't know the exact number of people on each track, you don't know what all the other actors are going to do, you don't know how the people engineering the situation will behave, etc.

If you make the necessary changes to the hypothetical to make it actually reflect reality, it is so convoluted that it's no longer recognizable as a trolley problem and the choice becomes a lot less clear. There are plenty of Consequentialists who would agree with pulling the lever in the context of the hypothetical, because of all the constraints imposed in the hypothetical, but who would, in real life, say that you should consider every possible alternative and carefully consider the consequences before condemning one person to death to save five.

Don't derive your moral philosophy, or political philosophy, from random memes and thought experiments. Read.

AutistoMephisto , avatar

Oh, look. Another hopeful leader for the resistance when the red hats take over. Like we ain't got a million of those lying around somewhere. Have fun getting caught and thrown in a camp.

YeetPics ,

If you comment more, people will forget your bad takes and agree with you. Surely.

gardylou , avatar

That's the part these fucks don't understand. Accusing me of supporting genocide because I'm voting against a fascist doesn't make me question if I'm secretly pro-genocide and I don't even know it, it makes me question if they are a real person engaging me seriously or just more bad faith online accounts.

Keep riling the tankies, I enjoy it.

Objection , avatar

I'm not accusing you of supporting genocide for voting against a fascist, I'm also voting against a fascist. I'm accusing you of supporting genocide for voting for a candidate that supports genocide. There's nothing "secret" about it, it's your openly expressed position.

gardylou , avatar

Its the position you are falsely accusing me of, and nothing else.

Objection , avatar

So are you not voting Biden, or do you deny the genocide being done to the Palestinians?

Voroxpete ,

Will Trump getting into power make things better for people in Palestine?

Objection , avatar

No. That's why I'm not voting for him or helping him get into power.

Voroxpete ,

And do you understand that under the current American electoral system, any action other than voting for Biden will directly assist Trump in getting into power?

Objection , avatar

No, because that's not true. The only thing that assists Trump getting into power is voting for Trump. Voting third party provides the exact same assistance to Trump as it does to Biden: 0.

But I'll tell you what - if not voting for someone counts as assisting them, then you can rest assured that Biden will have my assistance.

gardylou , avatar

I'm rejecting your false dilemmas, lies, and accusations.

Objection , avatar

Without saying what they are, cool. I guess I'm rejecting your false dilemmas, lies, and accusations too, then.

gardylou , avatar

Most online debates are a waste of time, and I just choose to spend minimal time on them. Have a nice one and have fun with the anti-Biden shilling!

PsychedSy ,

Kinda soundin' like a tankie here...

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