Holocaust memorial vandalised with swastika graffiti ( www.independent.co.uk )

A swastika was left on a wall of the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza in Philadelphia

A Holocaust memorial in Philadelphia has been vandalised with a swastika as acts of antisemitism continue to rise across the country.

The Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza said in a post that earlier this weekend, an unidentified figure vandalised a wall of the plaza, drawing a large swastika.

The memorial’s post described it as “a disgusting act of antisemitism that comes amid a staggering spike in anti-Jewish hatred across Philadelphia and the country more broadly”.

While the swastika graffiti has been removed from the wall, according to NBC, the organisation is asking anyone who may have any information about the vandalism to contact the Philadelphia Police Department.

Bluefalcon ,

It is fucking mind blowing with these people. Either the Holocaust happened or it didn't. Pick a fucking lane.

BlackNo1 ,

nazi cunts fuck off

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Trump’s America want to be seen now. The light are on, yet the cockroaches won’t scurry.

agitatedpotato ,

For what it's worth, and hopefully thats not nothing, my personal expirences with American Jews paints them much more progressive and compassionate than the typical American. I abhor that they get caught up in this nonsense, especially when so many of them even shed off the propaganda around 'birthright' and know exactly what's happening and have to reckon with the fact that a far right state conducts this violence in their name and religion.

Shame on whoever uses current events as cover for stuff like this. Not only is that symbol never okay, but if you're gonna bring any kind of heat to someone, make damn sure it's someone responsible for what you're upset about. This is just lazy and racist.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Israel using the good Jewish name as a shield for their Genocide is the root cause of rising Anti-Semitsm.

Anytime a politician calls criticism of israel Anti-Semitic they should be charged with a hate crime.

Witchfire ,
@Witchfire@lemmy.world avatar

Equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is, itself, anti-Semitic

BrokebackHampton ,
@BrokebackHampton@kbin.social avatar

America sowing Zionism: Yes…Ha Ha Ha…Yes!

America reaping Neonazism: This fucking sucks…

JustZ ,
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I hope they catch the racist Trump supporters responsible for this.

captainlezbian ,

Antisemites can fuck off and die. We’ve got no room for this Nazi ass bullshit

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

I fucking hate Nazis

jwt ,

Especially Illinois nazis.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Not this shit again. American Jews are not Israeli. American Muslims are not Hamas. We're Americans. We have nothing to do with what's going on over there. Stop making us the targets of your bigotry!

kromem ,

People have held hatred for Jews long before this. I doubt the people putting up swastikas are doing so from bleeding hearts over Palestine.

It's just that now their hatred is perceived as more socially acceptable to be public with given the general "anti-Zionist" attitudes.

For a lot of white supremacists, 'Zionist' has been a code word for 'Jews' for a very long time now. And their hatred for 'Zionists' has a lot more to do with antisemitism than it does with any concerns over territory boundaries.

So they've been rejoicing over everyone suddenly seeming to be in agreement that their hatred is justified, and are now acting out more broadly.

ILikeBoobies ,

Maybe, in Toronto the pro-Palestine people are the ones attacking Jewish people/businesses

thefartographer ,

At this point in our fucked up storyline, the swastika might have been drawn by an American Jew showing solidarity with Israel's Palestinian genocide...

DarkGamer ,

Hamas appreciates your conflation of israelis with Nazis, that's literally their social media strategy for westerners.

“Avoid entering into a political argument with a Westerner aimed at convincing him that the Holocaust is a lie and deceit; instead, equate it with Israel’s crimes against Palestinian civilians.”

thefartographer ,

I think we can agree that Hamas is God-awful and that Israel is committing atrocious crimes against humanity.

I'm not in Israel and haven't spoken to my family there in a while, but I've heard some pretty awful things from members of the Jewish community that I used to respect. I heard one person say that if wiping out all the Palestinians is what it'll take for there to be peace in Israel, then they're not going to argue against taking a page or two from Hitler's notebook.

We've past members from our synagogue who bore the tattoo from their concentration camps, the majority of my family tree on my mother's side had so many branches pruned that I can only imagine what a big Polish family would look like. I'm not sure if that congregant was serious or joking, but the fact that other congregants nodded made me lose so much faith in my community.

I'm not saying that Israel is equal to Nazis, I'm just saying that a lot of Nazi-sympathizers seem to really like what they're doing right now. If you've got Nazis agreeing with your plan, it's time to rethink your plan.

And unfortunately, I was not being sarcastic: I truly worry that it's only a matter of time before some American Jews begin to adopt the swastika in support of Israel. Once again, I'm not saying Israel is a bunch of Nazis — they just happen to be courting a lot of Nazis right now.

lolcatnip ,

If by "we" you mean Americans, then we certainly do have a lot to do with funding and supplying Israel's genocide machine. I'm not justifying what happened, just pointing out that our leaders are making us complicit in all this shit.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I didn't fund anything. No one asked me whether or not I wanted to fund Israel. But I get shit for it anyway because of who my ancestors are.

ArumiOrnaught ,

What? Nazis have been doing this since their creation. This isn't something that just started because Israel wants to do a "totally not genocide trust me bro".

Honestly I'm glad they're dumb enough to use spray paint on the side of the Holocaust museum...again. It's easy enough to clean and they're not destroying anything.

This happens so often I had to double check it was a new article.

As long as Nazis exist Jewish people will always be the target of their bigotry. So I guess I don't understand where you are coming from.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

It ebbs and flows. There is a sharp increase on attacks on both Jews and Muslims in America since the war started.

This is because no matter how many generations back our families have been here, Jews and Muslims are still treated as foreigners on our own soil. And when a war involving Jews and/or Muslims starts, it emboldens bigots and creates new ones.

American Muslims got treated like absolute dogshit after 9/11. It was heartbreaking. You can't really believe that it was the same for them before 9/11.

And, frankly, people who aren't outright bigots need to be reminded at times like this that we're their neighbors and have a lot more in common with them than we do with people across the world because they can be swayed by propaganda.

ArumiOrnaught ,

I don't disagree with you, and as a queer person believe me when I say I do understand how media coverage puts a target on your back.

The one part I do disagree with is the people need to be reminded. Like imagine walking up to David Duke and reminding him that Jewish people are his neighbors. While I want to watch that, I don't think it would end well. How's that one meme go? There are two races, white and political. Two genders, male and political. Two religions. Etc etc. I dislike the "need to remind" because the implications is that it's fine to not be normalized. I know that's probably not what you're going for, but small things like that do matter. Like when someone threatens to kill me I can just add that to the pile, but when someone I know says they're "normal" it just means I'm excluded, part of a permanent out group. That makes me leagues more upset.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not sure how you get that from what I'm saying. I have no idea how saying "we share your culture a hell of a lot more than their culture" is excluding anyone. Do you know how many times in my life I've had some Christian tell me to speak Hebrew to them? They don't even mean it in any sort of rude way, they just assume a Jew can speak Hebrew. They also assume I'm rich (I'm not) or that I'm good with money (I'm not) or that I'm highly educated (I'm not). None of those things are necessarily negative traits, but they are still stereotyping me and people need to be reminded not to stereotype others.

Don't you think cishet people should be reminded that not all gay men go mincing around and not all lesbians are super butch from time to time? Now imagine if they also think your allegiance is to another nation.

ArumiOrnaught ,

The need to remind people is a certain lack of care of the people needing reminded. Like reminding people "hey don't drink and drive" I honestly don't think that helps out much. I feel like cigarettes packaging outside US does actually help though.

For example: if someone with a fundamentalist church was harassing me, would I rather my boss protect me, or them say "it's not a big deal". How many times do you need reminding to not drink a drive. I'm sure they know to not do it, but at the root of it they don't care. Reminding them won't change anything.

Don’t you think cishet...gay... lesbian

Ayy you're doing the thing :D I'm none of them, I'm also mostly just ribbing you. 3 types of Jewish people: Rabbi's, Brooklyn mom's, and John Stewart.

Now imagine if they also think your allegiance is to another nation.

Sure, maybe not another nation. But actively trying to destroy 'merica to create a "gay nation". I 100% believe people act differently, but I believe that's something they don't believe in. Where your situation I can see people believing in that, which is worse.

Let me rephrase my first attempt. "Do you think treating the symptoms will help fix the root problems or at least help the pain? Are you wasting time/effort/mental bandwidth on something that ultimately won't help? Is there a better way of dealing with this?" And those are honest questions. You do have a different situation than me.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

3 types of Jewish people: Rabbi’s, Brooklyn mom’s, and John Stewart.

"Mostly just ribbing me" with stereotypes is exactly what I'm fucking talking about.

Imagine if you said- "I’m also mostly just ribbing you. 3 types of black people: Pastors, big mamas and Charlamagne Tha God?" to a black person. Do you think that's an acceptable thing to say to a black person? I sure as fuck don't. So why are you saying something similar to a Jew?

ArumiOrnaught ,

You give me a mild insult, one that I'm used to, and even the "in group" I'm a part of on the Internet also will make similar jokes about themselves. Then I just repeated what you said to me but applied to you.

You're mad at a mirror. And if you wanted me to believe you then you wouldn't have done it a second time.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

How did I insult you?

ArumiOrnaught ,

I said I was queer and you then list "cishet, gay, lesbian" and some tropes associated with them. Then do one of the funniest unintentional trope for what I am, which would be bi erasure.

You going 'the three sexualities are het,gay, lesbian' made me think of the one meme of "ah yes the [number] genders".

For whatever reason I cannot upload files otherwise I would attach the memes for you. Image search "ah yes the 3 genders" should turn it up for you though.

Me saying that stuff, wasn't me trying to be insulting. It was showing that I know what you're talking about. But it wasn't an attack. Definitely close to seeing a coworker slightly tired and saying something like "you look like you're ready to run a marathon."

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

When did I say you were cishet, gay or lesbian? When did I say those were the three sexualities? When did I say there were any number of genders?

You are just lying and I don't know why.

ArumiOrnaught ,

Don’t you think cishet people

Saying you know I'm not cishet

gay men go mincing around

Swing one

lesbians are super butch

Swing two

When did I say there were any number of genders

Look at the first line in my response. CIS so you did bring up genders. Then later you got 3 things wrong, which reminded me of a meme where they get 3 things wrong. "You going 'the three sexualities are het,gay, lesbian' made me think of the one meme"

You are just lying and I don’t know why.

You're so ready to win a competition that only you are a part of. I'm trying to have a talk and you want to fight.

FlyingSquid , (edited )
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Saying you know I’m not cishet

Lie. I wasn't talking about you.

Swing one


Swing two


Then later you got 3 things wrong,

You mean the things I said were untrue stereotypes? Or are you actually making the ridiculous claim that all gay men mince and all lesbians are butch? Because that is fucking insulting.

You’re so ready to win a competition that only you are a part of. I’m trying to have a talk and you want to fight.

Then don't lie and accuse me of insulting you.

ArumiOrnaught ,

How old are you? I'm in my 30's and a mechanic. If you don't even attempt to understand someone different then why are you talking so much on the Internet? I was referencing baseball because you said you were American.

I haven't lied, I said I'm queer and your next response switched over to saying effectively "when cishet people groups you like this doesn't it make you mad?"

And I will accuse you of insulting me. You obviously did, and you're doing it more and more. From my perspective for no good reason.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

My next response was another example I thought most people would understand. And considering the fact that my daughter is a Jewish lesbian, I thought it was a very good example from my own life.

It had nothing to do with you. Turn your ego down about a million notches. I don't know anything about you, nor do I care.

ArumiOrnaught ,

me - "I'm queer"
You - "Gay people be like"

So when someone brings something up about themselves, and then you go and talk about that thing it's up to the other person...to be psychic? If you just want to monologue then I recommend starting a YouTube channel. This spat has nothing to do with my ego.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I don't care if you're queer. I really don't. Maybe you want me to, but it has not mattered to me one bit this entire time.

ArumiOrnaught ,

I never tried to make you care. I was using that experience of becoming a monolith as a way to relate to you.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Well I must say, using antisemitic stereotypes and repeatedly insisting I insulted you when I told you I did nothing of the sort is a really great way to relate to me. Great job there.

ArumiOrnaught ,

You really need to look in a mirror more.

You started this by lumping me into a group I'm not a part of, the thing you were complaining about. And I then just repeated it back at you, but with your character. If you don't like it then don't do it.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yet again, I didn't lump you into anything. This isn't about you. Stop making it about you. You are irrelevant.

ArumiOrnaught ,

me - "I'm x"
you - talks about thing involving x

I'm willing to say you just lucked wrong. But it is fairly reasonable to say that the average person would assume you're talking about them. People aren't psychic.

Then on the scale of how you took my response apparently a smiley face means this is the 'worst iteration of anger'? And apparently ribbing means 'stabbing you as hard as I can', and not 'you did the thing and I'll play back'

You aren't perfect. Pretending like you are is silly.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

And pretending like you didn't say something antisemitic is also silly. Especially when you took great umbrage to an insult I never made.

ArumiOrnaught ,

I didn't take great umbrage. That was 3 lines out of 30. And also once again sandwiched between me agreeing with you mostly.

Also once again, if you're saying I said something antisemitic, then you said something homophobic first.

Once again, you're arguing against a mirror.

Weird, I thought reminding people worked :/

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I said absolutely nothing homophobic whatsoever. That is a scurrilous lie. In fact, I very blatantly talked about stereotypes of gay men and lesbians. Note I never once even implied you were either because I don't give a shit what you are.

You, however, said:

3 types of Jewish people: Rabbi’s, Brooklyn mom’s, and John Stewart.

Which is just blatantly antisemitic. You cannot quote one single homophobic thing I said. You just imagined I was talking about you as if you matter to me, which you don't.

ArumiOrnaught ,

If you want to take the worst possible interpretation of what I said then I'm just going to do the same to you.

If you're saying I said something antisemitic, then you said something homophobic first.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I quoted what you said that was antisemitic. You can't quote what I said that was homophobic because I said nothing homophobic. The one time you tried, you dishonestly took what I said out of context as if I was saying that all gay men DO mince around and all lesbians ARE butch when I was saying THE EXACT OPPOSITE. I don't know why you did that.

Again- you said something antisemitic. I quoted it. You cannot quote a single homophobic thing I said. Not a single thing.

ArumiOrnaught ,

I quoted what you said that was homophobic. You can’t quote what I said that was antisemitic because I said nothing antisemitic. The one time you tried, you dishonestly took what I said out of context as if I was saying that all Jewish people ARE rabbi's or ARE John Stewart when I was saying THE EXACT OPPOSITE. I don’t know why you did that.

Again- you said something homophobic. I quoted it. You cannot quote a single antisemitic thing I said. Not a single thing.

Me - "I'm part of x group"
You - "you think it's fine that x is stereotyped like this?"
Me - "No, it isn't good. I've heard same but for you"
You - "what you said was bad"
Me - "then what you said was bad"

I really don't understand how you're not getting this. You're mad at a mirror.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Your paraphrased conversation is in no way homophobic. That's why it's paraphrased and not a quote.

And I did quote an antisemitic thing you said, so you're lying again. I think I'll just report you for trolling and move on.

ArumiOrnaught ,

"all gay men go mincing around" - FlyingSquid

See now I'm quoting you saying something homophobic. Amazing what happens when you want to attack something.

I'll just do the same, once again, you're mad at a mirror.

JonsJava Mod ,
@JonsJava@lemmy.world avatar

I will be responding to you both, and ask very nicely that you shut this argument down. Moderators don't want to play man in the middle, and you're both using the reporting feature to try to win this argument. This stops now, or you both get a week vacation from !news.

ArumiOrnaught ,

Will do. I appreciate you making time for us hooligans :)

JonsJava Mod ,
@JonsJava@lemmy.world avatar

I will be responding to you both, and ask very nicely that you shut this argument down. Moderators don't want to play man in the middle, and you're both using the reporting feature to try to win this argument. This stops now, or you both get a week vacation from !news.

Stamets ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

This is lunatic behavior. You're inventing attacks upon yourself just to victimize yourself. No one said shit about you but you took it personally and got angry over literally nothing. It is astounding how much you're trying to double down on something no one said. You are tilting at windmills, Don Quixote. Have fun with that.

ArumiOrnaught ,

They called me a liar and said my ego is over inflated. How is that not an attack on my person?

This went downhill because I explained to them that what they did something to me is less than a paper cut, but I brought it up because they lumped me in a group I'm not a part of, the thing they were complaining about. I was calling them a hypocrite, not that my feelings were hurt.

Stamets ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

They called me a liar and said my ego is over inflated. How is that not an attack on my person?

After you attacked them. That was self defense.

ArumiOrnaught ,

Are you having computer problems where it jumbles up post order?

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