Assman , avatar

You don't have to hire either of them

Zorque ,

That's patently not true. The HR department has dumped two choices in your lap and you literally have to choose between them.

It sucks, and is something we absolutely need to fix in the future... but ignoring reality won't help anyone.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

It sucks, and is something we absolutely need to fix in the future…

But we're literally picking the new head of the HR department. And every head of HR before this person was picked this way, because of the policies set by that HR department. Like, the only way you could change this rule would be for 37 of our 50 departments to come together and agree to change the rules as part of a company wide convention. And all of them run their HR systems the same way, so that doesn't look too likely.

Liz ,

Start at the bottom and work your way up. It will take a long time. Meaningful change always will. But we got Fargo and St. Louis using Approval Voting and proved a small group of motivated individuals can change their government.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Start at the bottom and work your way up.

Or just become a Senator at the age of 30 by selling out to your state's massive insurance and legal community.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Er, well, I’m not sure what you’re planning there but I think the first suggestion would be better.

Assman , avatar

we absolutely need to fix in the future...

You do realize this is exactly the problem and the reason half of eligible voters sit at home on election day. Keep putting up shitty geriatrics and see how long it takes you to reach your future fix.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Personally I’m thinking the next candidate should come from OnlyFans. Er, no pun intended.

I mean, qualifications don’t appear to be an issue, so . . .

Ferrous ,

What happens to a mfer with no concept of class consciousness and a lack of understanding of the present dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The only way forward that doesn't involve fascist genocide is the creation of a true workers' party. Yes, the implication is that a workers' party would be for the complete dissolution of the United States, but that is what is needed right now.

If you disagree, you may as well tell any of the families of the 35k ethnically cleaned Palestinians that they must indefinitely wait until you get your genocidal ecocidal government (which was devised only 4 generations ago by rich, white, landowning slavers) sorted out.

"Just hold on folks! We are still figuring this out!". Bullshit. We tried our experiment, and we quickly failed. The backslide into genocidal fascism has begun. The only recourse is to abandon American electoralism, read Marx, and start planning for what comes next. We have a moral obligation to look at our genocidal nation and call a spade a spade. Dispelling the chauvinist myth that we as Americans protect the world and dispense limitless freedom to all is one of the first baby steps from liberal to leftist, and admittedly it's not easy.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Hahahaha - oh man, you had me goin there

MindTraveller ,

but ignoring reality won't help anyone.

I'm an anarcho-antirealist, and yet somehow I'm still better at recognising reality than these Stalinist liberals

daniskarma ,

Hot take: then fire the HR department.

MindTraveller ,

Hey look it's a liar. With skills like that you could run for president

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

It's okay because trying to blow up the building was an official act. The guys he appointed decided so.

NickwithaC , avatar

*someone who you'd already fired and then tried to blow up the building reapplied...

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

I just want to point out there's a third guy running and he's only got a mild case of brain worms.

Spiralvortexisalie ,

There a multiple people running, the only third party candidate that is actually on the ballot in all 50 states (RFK is not on all 50 states ballots) Chase Oliver gets no airtime, the msm rather talk to you about brain worms then a practical candidate.

Liz ,

Yeah but Chase wants to completely get rid of all tariffs, so, I mean, some of his policies aren't the greatest. He's also got absolutely no idea how healthcare works, wants to completely abandon all our military bases, and he doesn't even mention global warming in his policies.

Guns? Great. Drugs? Great. Crime and punishment? Great. Privacy? Great.

But most of his power and economics policies would completely dog-fuck the US economy and our ability to negotiate on the international stage.

Spiralvortexisalie ,

So a less then perfect candidate is worse than Trump or Biden? I just want to understand why so many write him off while hating the situation writing him off gives us.

Liz ,

Oh, no, if I would vote for more than one person, I'd probably vote for him, Biden, and whoever happens to be the green party candidate (hello Approval Voting). But as it stands right now, I can only pick one, and Biden offers the fewest compromises in the least damaging areas, in my opinion. Well, maybe whoever is leading the Greens, but my state is somewhat competitive so I'm forced to be strategic and pick between the two front-runners.

Mirshe ,

Green is running Stein again, I thought? Except she's gone pretty much towards the same extreme isolationism as Oliver and RFK.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Chase wants to completely get rid of all tariffs, so, I mean, some of his policies aren’t the greatest

He makes a compelling argument against tariffs as public policy. But he's still a business-first libertarian, which means his views on environmental regulation and labor rights and various federal public services also suck.

Guns? Great. Drugs? Great. Crime and punishment? Great.

Eh. I wish his immigration policy was as laisse-faire as his guns and drugs policy.

But most of his power and economics policies would completely dog-fuck the US economy

Our economy was dog-fucked ages ago, when we deindustrialized the midwest and plowed endless subsidies into FIRE and Tech sectors. Now we've got a bunch of computers churning out trillion dollar digital nothings, while investment cash flows like a waterfall into finance, insurance, and real estate, but our actual industrial capacity remains in a vestigial state.

We can't even make enough new silicon chips to feed our antiquated ICE engine automotive industry.

I don't think Oliver really has a path out of that mess, but its hardly his fault we got here.

Liz ,

I mean, yeah, I agree on pretty much all counts. But, you know, typically you renovate a shitty house instead of punching holes in the walls.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Very hard to get rid of all the rotten drywall if you're not willing to swing the hammer

Crismus ,

I prefer the term rat-fucked. Because one small group came in and took all the best parts of the Economy, leaving everyone else with powdered eggs and ham loaf. Not to mention the extra constipation causing cheese product.

At least when dog-fucking occurs, cute puppies come out. After a good rat-fucking, all you get is weird diseases and shame.

MindTraveller ,

Good idea, let's trick half of the Trump voters into voting for him instead so Biden has an easy win

tatterdemalion , avatar

"crushing it" might be a bit superlative but sure

wreckedcarzz , avatar

Well comparing the two...

tatterdemalion , avatar

Let's not lower the standard anywhere near Trump.

MindTraveller ,

Too late.

can ,

Keep in mind both of the user captured in the screenshot are paying X/Twitter users

brbposting ,
zalgotext ,

Ayup, this one's goin in the memes folder

brbposting ,
UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Joe Biden is either the singularly greatest president to have ever lived and our only hope for the future or the worst president in history, a total disaster, possibly the entire reason everything bad has ever happened.

I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet, so I can't tell which.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

Nuance doesn't exist.

Wes4Humanity ,

We'll know in November I guess... Either his hubris will cost us democracy or it'll save it

BassaForte , avatar

Not being a wannabe dictator is a huge step-up

CableMonster ,

Are you guys aware that trump was already president once and we remember what happened?

31337 ,

I don't think Trump thought he would win, so he was unprepared, and he had some of the most incompetent people possible around him. He and the people around him will be prepared this time. A plan has already been drafted (Project 2025) by, presumably, intelligent people at right-wing think-tanks. Also, his rhetoric has changed, becoming similar to other historical and current dictators, and his "policies" have become more fascist (e.g. rounding up 11 million people in the U.S. for detention and forcible relocation).

Furthermore, while he was president, he did do some pretty dictator-like things. He had federal officers in unmarked vans abduct protestors with bags over their heads. He had the US Marshals assassinate Michael Reinoehl. He tried to get election results changed. And he tried a coup.

I think his, and his future administration's goal will be to establish a one-party-rule, similar to Russia's, with a more christofascist flavor. His and his family's personal goals will be to enrich themselves by selling-out the state, and the christofascist stuff just provides them with the coalition they need to do so.

CableMonster ,

Do you understand how this is propaganda lines? They want you scared so you vote how they want. I would tell you how Biden is much much worse, but you have been indoctrinated.

ninjabard ,

Worse than how many guilty counts?

CableMonster ,

This literally goes to my point...

TheFriendlyDickhead ,

Ok please tell me.

CableMonster ,

Lets take the one you guys dont understand how bad it is. The Saudis are not going to sell the oil in USD anymore after decades directly due to Biden admin.

5too ,

I suspect most of your audience here isn't going to be strongly swayed by missing out on oil. Got anything else?

CableMonster ,

Yeah exactly, you dont understand what the this means or the actual implications it. Its literally the beginning of the unraveling of the dollar. You guys need to actually listen to people that explain these things to you, not just give you more propaganda.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

If Americans take a page from Canadians and switch to a metal dollar (Canadians call it a loonie) then it can't unravel.

icydefiance , (edited )

Lmao no it isn't. It's completely insignificant and barely even qualifies as news.

The US Dollar is strong because we have the largest economy in the world, not because of the good will of some oil exporter.

At least google things before spreading insane misinformation.

CableMonster ,

Research two things: petro dollar and world reserve currency. Until you understand what is going on with those you wont be able to have a educated opinion.

icydefiance ,

Don't tell other people to do things that you clearly haven't done yourself.

CableMonster ,

Sigh, stay ignorant dude.

BassaForte , avatar

You need to read about Project 2025.

CableMonster ,

You mean the republicans would do what the dems have been doing and make less of it?

BassaForte , avatar

The fuck are you talking about dude. At this point I'm convinced you're either a Russian troll or a tRump supporter.

CableMonster ,

I am talking about the democrats that would do anything for power. Just take a peak at one of the top stories right now, AOC wants to replace the supreme court because she didnt like what they did.

PlainSimpleGarak ,

He had federal officers in unmarked vans abduct protestors with bags over their heads. He had the US Marshals assassinate Michael Reinoehl.

Is there evidence of this? And I mean actual evidence. Photos, videos, similar statements from unconnected sources?

31337 ,

Evidence is light, inconclusive, but there. Which isn't unsurprising, given the "blue wall of silence." I'm going to lean on trusting protestors and reputable news orgs and journalists over the government and criminal justice system. Just like I don't think politicians in Russia just have bad luck with windows or coming into contact with poisonous substances.

PlainSimpleGarak ,

This is as I suspected.

  1. there is no longer such as thing as "reputable news org". For most online media, their sole revenue source are ads. Sensationalized articles generate more traffic. At best, you could say one org is better than the next, but that's not saying much.

  2. this article provides no photo, video, or audio recordings to corroborate anything they've stated. Not even the interviews have an audio recording.

  3. there is nothing in that article about Trump instructing anyone to abduct protestors in unmarked vans.

  4. there is nothing in this article about Trump ordering US Marshals to assissinate anyone.

It frightens me how much of your own bias colors your judgement. You have drawn wild "conclusions" (for a lack of a better term) based on something that is barely consider evidence (evidence maybe, certainly not proof).

31337 ,

Meh. Absolute proof only exists in mathematics. You have to make inferences at some point. To me, my "conclusions" seem obvious. If it walks and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If the evidence of Trump's character was only just one data point, I would just give them the benefit of the doubt. But, his campaign is promoting Nazi propaganda. He says he'll be a dictator on day one. The heritage foundation says a second U.S. revolution is coming, which will be bloodless, if the "left" doesn't fight back. There's just so much evidence of Trump's character, and the far-right's stated plans, the "conclusion" os inescapable. Anyone who says otherwise is just putting on blinders or being willfully ignorant, IMO.

PlainSimpleGarak ,

Your hatred for Trump is blinding you to other, more likely conclusions. These individuals could have just as easily acted on their own. Or, since the man who was killed murdered a man not long before his own death, it could have all gone down as the police stated (though the lack of video from any vehicle or body came is odd).

If you would simply admit to this, it would be unfortunate, but the fact that you've convinced yourself you have come to the right conclusion, and anyone who doesn't agree with you is ignorant, is frightening. I would encourage you to perform some level of self reflection, using this situation as an example.

The actual facts are this: there is zero evidence Trump ordered anyone kidnapped into unmarked vans, and there is zero evidence he ordered anyone to be killed. Now, that doesn't mean other people didn't give these orders, but there is no evidence of that either.

Please stop spreading false information and propaganda. All your doing is adding to the culture war. Trump has done plenty of heinous shit in his life. No need to make stuff up.

icydefiance ,

What happened was an attempted coup, where a mob of people was only two barricaded doors away from murdering most of congress.

CableMonster ,

Oh yeah, it was so bad, so many windows were broken!!

icydefiance ,

Did you miss the part where they were trying to murder most of congress?


Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months. Damages caused by attackers exceeded $2.7 million.

CableMonster ,

Now do the George Floyd riots.

So when you try to murder people you unarmed into a building filled with armed men?

icydefiance ,

Now do the George Floyd riots.

You mean the ones where cops and white supremacists pretended to be protesters and started smashing windows and setting fires themselves, because the real protestors weren't doing anything that they could be arrested for?

So when you try to murder people you unarmed into a building filled with armed men?

People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far “over 75” people charged in connection to the attack “have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon.”

They also made pipe bombs.

CableMonster ,

Let me get this straight, you are claiming that a significant amount of the George Floyd riots were not antifa and their like? What percent?

If there were a few thousand that entered the building, what percent were unarmed?

Furbag ,

His failed plot to overturn the legitimate election by submitting a fake slate of electors? Yes, we remember.

CableMonster ,

I thought that we needed F 16s to overthow the government.

Furbag ,

Who said anything about overthrowing the government?

CableMonster ,

Cool, then how was he going to overturn an election?

Furbag , submitting a fake slate of electors. I feel like this is not that complex of a concept to grasp, but I'll simplify it for your FOX News-addled mush brain:

Imagine a scenario in which 10 people eating at a restaurant all want to decide what to have for dessert. After some discussion, they've narrowed the choices down to Key Lime Pie or Cheesecake. The kitchen will only make one dessert for the table, so the table has to pick one or the other, they can't have both. Naturally, the table takes a vote to see which dessert a majority of people will be satisfied with. 6 people vote for Key Lime Pie, and 4 people vote for Cheesecake. Key Lime Pie wins. So the table sends one of their group to go and take the order to the kitchen, making it official. But along the way, one of the Cheesecake guys decides that they don't give a shit if most of the people at the table wanted something different and they intercept the guy delivering the order. They tell that person that a few people at the table changed their minds and now Cheesecake actually won so they should tell the chef to make that instead. Of course, the people at the table did not change their minds, this was a lie meant to trick the person delivering the order into doing what they wanted rather than what the majority demanded.

Given that scenario, don't you think it's unfair that the people who voted for Key Lime Pie would have been deprived of the dessert that they actually wanted and most people agreed on had the person who submitted the fake order actually succeeded?

Same thing here. Trump was the government, so there was nothing to overthrow. He overturned the election to remain in power past his mandate. Hence why I'm wondering why you're talking about needing fighter jets to overthrow a government because that's not what we're talking about, nor is violent revolution always a prerequisite for a coup d'état.

CableMonster ,

I am aware of the situation, and its the same things that democrats would do in the same situation. Both teams do a bunch of bullshit and fight in court over each election now. You assume that I am a trump vote, but I am not. I just know that your team sucks more than his team and does worse things, like try to throw the most likely presidential candidate in prison.

Furbag ,

I am aware of the situation, and its the same things that democrats would do in the same situation.

That which is asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. No proof that democrats would do the same in that situation and we have 200 years of peaceful transfers of power to prove that.

You assume that I am a trump vote, but I am not.

Nobody simps this hard for Trump if they aren't also planning on voting for him too. It's okay, I already think you're an idiot, I can't possibly have a lower opinion of you right now. You might as well just say the quiet parts out loud. I'm certainly not trying to convince you to change your vote at this point. I already know whose "team" you are on anyway, since you seem to think this is just a game.

I just know that your team sucks more than his team and does worse things, like try to throw the most likely presidential candidate in prison.

The RNC had two whole years to pick another candidate. Two years knowing that Trump was under felony indictment and could very likely be imprisoned right around the election. This was not an accident - they are using the fact that Trump is being tried in court as a political weapon. The Republicans think you are stupid and will try to convince you that this is a plot by the democrats when in reality, Trump did this to himself by committing the crimes he did. If Trump doesn't want to go to jail, maybe he should have thought about the consequences.

CableMonster ,

Take a peak at the 2016 and bush elections...

brognak ,

its the same things that democrats would do in the same situation


gmtom , avatar

I mean in terms of what he's actually achieved he probably the best president we've had in my lifetime, and considering his lack of control in the houses, that's pretty big.

StinkySocialist ,

Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem about bird houses.

StinkySocialist ,

If your a confused human my b. Decided to randomly test this out

gmtom , avatar

No u

Cringedrif ,

And had already been fired from said position...

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