EtherWhack , avatar

Even having under my belt multiple biology classes, (general, human, micro, genetics, a&p) several animal sciences, and a firm understanding of vaccine science; I still couldn't convince a guy that it's not some conspiracy and that the risks (mainly allergic) are negligible compared the dangers and possible life-long complications of unmitigated COVID. There is just no reasoning with these people, their understanding is just borked.

rusticus ,

Even wearing a mask was a controversy. I always get blank stares though when I ask them why a surgeon wears a mask and to be sure to tell their surgeon not to wear one if they have surgery.

turbowafflz ,

I don't understand how antivaxxers manage to be so incredibly stupid, vaccines are like one of the easier medical concepts to grasp. You introduce your immune system to a danger in a safe way so it knows how to react when that danger arises naturally. Are they also anti fire drill because it's basically the same concept?

1984 , avatar

They don't trust that medical companies have their best interests at heart, and are motivated by profits. Making people sick is profit.

It really isn't so strange.

And if you google on vaccine side effects, you will find a lot of them. They are rare, but they happen, and when they do, there is no help to be had.

So why is it stupid to be careful? I think it makes sense.

rustydomino , avatar

It’s stupid because they don’t understand probability and risk assessment. Yeah there are side effects but they are exceedingly rare and even if you get them the outcomes are usually far less severe than the disease you’re trying to prevent. It’s like saying “I refuse to wear a seat belt because it might wrinkle my suit jacket.”

1984 , avatar

I think that's up to each person to decide. Similar to how it's rare to die in a flight crash and most people accept the risk, but not all.

Whats so complicated about probability? They know it's a low probably, but it's higher than zero, always.

Almost all people who didn't vaccinate against covid are still alive and well you know.

People take a risk either way. Taking the vaccine or not taking it.

knatschus ,

Yes people can die in a flight crash, but it's more likely to die in a car crash so choosing the car over a plane is just dumb when it comes to risk manegement.

Yes almost all people who didn't vaccinate against covid are still alive, but the percentage of people who took it is even higher.

When i jump out of a plane with a parachute i might die, it's a risk either way so why should i bother to open it?

1984 , avatar

I think it's about having control over the risk too.

If you take a plane, you are not in control. When driving a car, you are. I think the latter makes a lot of people feel more comfortable.

Anyway, all these analogies are not really fitting. I think when it comes to covid, it's each person's decision what to do. Makes sense to me. :)

AnonTwo ,

A lot of medicines have side effect. And a lot of side effects. But you still take them because The thing you're taking them for fucking sucks

There's being careful and there's forgetting the whole point of it all: to not get a life-debilitating sickness. Which a lot of vaccines eliminate.

1984 , avatar

The point of listing side effects on medicine is so the person can make a decision if it's worth the risk.

I personally got some pain pills once and after reading the side effects list, I didn't take them.

AnonTwo ,

So you've never been truly sick is all that means. Just means you'll die when you have a truly dangerous sickness and don't take any precautions for it.

1984 , avatar

Sure. I haven't been truly sick. I would probably take anything if the decease was painful enough. But that's not what we are talking about here with vaccines, specially vaccines against the flu or something that isnt dangerous to most people to get.

AnonTwo ,

Pretty sure most people think of Covid, the thing a lot of people did die to, or Polio, the returning sickness that we literally had a president who couldn't walk because of.

1984 , avatar

Yeah covid was worth vaccinating against if you were above 50 or had other deceases since before, or were overweight and so on.

There was a lot of interesting info in the statistics over deaths. I went over it a lot during covid.

Basically just followed the numbers and made decisions based on that.

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