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hex_m_hell , in How alcoholics view cannabis users avatar
Farvana , in How alcoholics view cannabis users

Both alcohol and weed are the only pain management some people have access to.

5in1k , in How alcoholics view cannabis users

Idk. I work with a both bunch of sad old drunks and several stoners. The old drunks are in way way worse shape than the old stoners. They can look down like that all the want but their sad old ladies are behind them crying for sure.

huf , in How alcoholics view cannabis users

this goes both ways...

PaulSmackage , avatar
frauddogg , in How alcoholics view cannabis users avatar

At least my liver's not going to resemble a tryptophobia trigger image by the time I'm 40. 'Sides, actively growing my own instead of just buying it gives me a reason to get out in the dirt and sun, and actually give a damn what kind of soil goes into my garden box.

FiskFisk33 ,

At least not being an alcoholic is not a very high bar

AdlachGyfiawn , avatar

Yeah, just your lungs, lol

frauddogg , avatar

My lungs were already going to be a wash, I live in the emissions pit called Amerika

420blazeit69 ,

Easily circumvented with edibles

AdlachGyfiawn , avatar

True! Edibles are much more health-conscious.

Letstakealook , in How alcoholics view cannabis users

As a consumer of both, I believe the people that think pot is a personality and vomit pseudoscience really do a disservice to all the other regular folks who also use cannabis. Not that alchohol doesn't have comparable types ("I can't drink so much without feeling it!"), it has just been socially acceptable for a longer period of time.

Pistcow ,

I fucking hate that type and when they stink up a whole fucking grocery store from the other side of the building. Theyre just as bad as alcoholics.

0ops , in Man avoids LGBT

Quick somebody Photoshop away the railing so it looks like he's soaring away by the powers of gay

STOMPYI , in Man avoids LGBT

What bullshit. A stable man isn't effected by another mans sexual preference. Allowing that which you disagree with to control your mental state is the definition of powerlessness. If you looked at this and thought it was humor you are being molded into an asshat... Oh, i see I am on the weak ass men sub here, the echo chamber to pound your gorrila chests...

Erika3sis , in Man avoids LGBT avatar

I don't know if I was foolish for reading the comments but shyeesh that crap feels like it needs a content warning

VolcanoWonderpants OP , avatar

I read the first few comments thinking they were being sarcastic, but reading further they genuinely seem to view...whatever the heck this guy is some kind of heroic stand against wokeness or something. What.
Edit: Also, if I were to include a content warning about reading the comments, what do you think would be a good thing to warn for specifically? Cause they seem to be hating on pretty much everything LGBT related.

Erika3sis , avatar

Cause they seem to be hating on pretty much everything LGBT related.

In which case I might phrase it as "bizarrely, vitriolically anti-LGBT comments" or something

j_roby , in Punk Cat avatar

Cats in battle vests is a thing I am 100% here for. More of this please!

Skedule , in Germans be like

All the comments about the nuclear reactor disasters remind me of a Vsauce video called Risk. . Michael talks about a hypothetical world where "one cigarette pack out of every eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty contains a single cigarette laced with dynamite that, when lit, violently explodes, blowing the user's head off. People would be loudly and messily losing their heads every day all over the world but in that imaginary universe the same number of people would die every day because of smoking that already do".
Nuclear disasters are messy, but affect less people than coal plants operating normally.

Gloomy , in Germans be like avatar

Yes, let's reverse that and and make ourself dependent from Russia again...

Also, coal production has been doing nothing than falling since we made the switch. Renewables have been the major energy source 2023, for the first time, and are only prosepected to grow, while Germany is transitioning away from coal. One of the main reasons for the increase in coal in 2022 were the outages of frech nuclear plants...

After coal-fired power plants in Germany ramped up their production in 2022 due to outages of French nuclear power plants and distortions in the electricity market caused by the war in Ukraine, their share in electricity production fell significantly in 2023. Due to the drop in exports of coal-fired power and this years favorable wind conditions, electricity generation from coal-fired power plants in November 2023 was 27% below the generation in November 2022.

You can look at the graphs here to see how coal is already back to where it was pre-shutdown.

And as can be seen here, Germany has been able to cover their baseload only with renewables more and more. This is expected to increase, as renewables are growing and battery technology advances.

yogthos OP , avatar

Germany is still entirely dependent on Russian LNG, so not sure what you're talking about there. Also, seems like you conveniently forgot that Germany imports electricity from France where most electricity production is done using nuclear power

Gloomy , avatar

Germany imported Electric from France during summer 2023, due to lower energy costs in neighboring countrys and high Co2 certificate prices.

In total, Germany has been a net Exporter for Energy in 2023.

And while Germany has been an importer from France in general, this switched in 2022 when France nuclear reactors had to be shut down due to a record warm summer, showing how nuclear is not fit to withhold the stresses of the climate crisis upon us.

As too your other statement I'd like to ask for a source. I found nothing pointing towards this.

yogthos OP , avatar
Gloomy , avatar

While up to a dozen EU countries have received Russian LNG since February 2022, the key importers remain Belgium, Spain, and France, which together account for 88 percent of the EU’s Russian LNG imports during the last 10 months.

Not a single link even mentions Germany...

yogthos OP , avatar

It's like you believe Germany exists in a vacuum and can't comprehend that LNG that EU purchases also goes to Germany. 😂

freebee ,

Last summer France imported large amounts of electricity from neighbours. Dry hot summer make rivers run dry which causes reactor shutdowns while demand is high because of airco. More solar in the french mix woild have filled the gap.

There is no 1 single magic bullet in the energy situation. It's an energy mix and always will be a mix. Nuclear is not the one magic fix it all today solution.

yogthos OP , avatar

Nobody is advocating for any silver bullet here. I think there needs to be an energy mix from different sources. Nuclear and renewables complement each other. It's also worth noting that China is already experimenting with thorium reactors that use molten salt for coolant and don't need water.

uis , avatar

Yes, let's reverse that and and make ourself dependent from Russia again...

You mean gas?

Gabu ,

Also, coal production has been doing nothing than falling since we made the switch

Hahahaha... is it really this easy to dupe Germans?

Draedron , in Germans be like

Nuclear plants are uneconomical and produce nuclear trash we dont have the storage for. It was the best decision we could do shutting them down. Lemmy and reddit are so far into nuclear power propaganda they dont even see the actual mistake we made. It was not to shut down nuclear. It was stopping investing in our very successful solar tech.

Gabu ,

produce nuclear trash

If by "trash" you mean "free energy".

we dont have the storage for

Dig hole -> put stuff in hole -> cover hole -> wait a few years -> dig stuff out of hole and use in newer, more efficient reactors

in our very successful solar tech.

You mean the solar tech that requires rare earth minerals and causes untold damages in mining?

DengistDonnieDarko , in Germans be like avatar

Very glad that representatives from Exxon-Mobil could make it here to lemmy to let us know how bad nuclear power is.


Draedron ,

You get polluted water and ground with nuclear waste too. These barrels tend to leak

nickiam2 ,

What barrels ? Nuclear waste is stored in massive concrete and steel cylinders and burried deep underground. It's not the green goo inside barrels everyone seems to imagine

itslilith , in Germans be like avatar

Meanwhile Germany has more than twice the renewables than the US (and still more than their renewables and nuclear combined), and is set to quit coal entirely by 2038. Still too slow, but how about instead of shilling the dangerous¹ technology that is nuclear, you start pointing fingers at those doing next to nothing to change for the better?

¹ not necessarily during regular operations to regular people. But since Germany doesn't have uranium it would introduce foreign dependencies, nuclear power plants are high value targets both for terrorism and state warfare, as seen in Ukraine. There is no safe way to store nuclear waste long-term. Mining of uranium is furthermore massively harmful to workers and the environment.

areyouevenreal ,

The UK hit zero coal in 2020 without even trying. 2038 is actually a piss take. If you used nuclear like France and China you would be able to do it much sooner lol.

itslilith , avatar

Oh, it's bullshit, don't get me wrong. But nuclear is not changing that, the UK has less than 10% as well.

Besides, nuclear power station take a minimum of 20 years to construct, so even if we reversed course, we wouldn't have them running until the 40s. Contrast that with less than 5 for most renewables. Nuclear is also really expensive, so we could instead invest the money into a better and more flexible grid.

Nuclear is not the answer to climate change. Let existing plants run until coal is gone, then shut them off in favor of renewables.

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