gmtom , avatar

Lemmy has a different ides of what counts as food porn.

sturmblast ,

I feel like a lot of you never had a good hamburger in your life

EnderWi99in ,

One of these two costs about 150% more than the other and it's not the hamburger.

andthenthreemore , avatar

One of these probably contains about 3 ingredients, the other, has 20 (and beyondmeat is one of the less bad meat alternatives with regards to this).

dx1 ,

Water, pea protein*, expeller-pressed canola oil, refined coconut oil, rice protein, natural flavors, dried yeast, cocoa butter, methylcellulose, and less than 1% of potato starch, salt, potassium chloride, beet juice color, apple extract, pomegranate concentrate, sunflower lecithin, vinegar, lemon juice concentrate, vitamins and minerals (zinc sulfate, niacinamide [vitamin B3], pyridoxine hydrochloride [vitamin B6], cyanocobalamin [vitamin B12], calcium pantothenate).

Really tame list of ingredients tbph. All the scary sounding ones are vitamins. Burgers on the other hand loaded with cholesterol and saturated fat, and might have all kinds of shit like antibiotics to boot. Just because "beef" is "one ingredient" doesn't mean it's not full of toxic chemicals.

Aux ,

That's ultra processed shit. You shouldn't eat that.

Vegoon ,
Aux ,

All food in the US is shit.

quixotic120 ,

Imo impossible meat is superior to beyond although nutritionally it’s a mixed bag. It introduces a decent amount of carbs (9g per 4oz) and has over 5x the sodium of beef. But it also has a bit of fiber and a either comparable or more vitamin/mineral content than beef. Protein is comparable to 80% ground with 20% less caloric content

Beyond is similar.

They’re both basically vegetable proteins with binders and fats and some flavorings. The big game changer flavoring is leghemoglobin which both use. It’s a protein isolated from soy that is very similar to certain enzymes from bovine muscle. Impossible got the fda to approve it in 2019 and it was challenged; there are some concerns on whether it is safe to eat. I’m not super well read on the issue but from what I’ve perused the issue is one of a lack of long term testing and not of any direct concern.

The textural difference between the two is because beyond uses isolated pea protein, which gives it a texture that’s a bit chunkier and imo more sausage like, and impossible uses soy protein, which imo is more like a cheap burger patty you’d get at McDonald’s.

The fats are typical fats like coconut oil or sunflower oil to recreate the fatty part of beef and this is the current weakness of the products imo. Coconut oil is used because it tends to stay solidified at room temp so when you’re making patties it feels like there are chunks of beef fat. In practice this is weird because they are far too hard and aren’t dispersed enough throughout the product; I believe this is why these fake meats tend to stick to the pan much easier than actual burgers cooked in a skillet.

The binders are big scary words like methylcellulose which is also a source of fiber and can be used as a laxative so people latch onto that and freak out. But it’s only used as a binder to help it hold everything together here so it’s like a tiny amount that just provides a bit of fiber that you probably desperately need if you’re having burgers for dinner. Fun fact: Certain preparations of methylcellulose (a4c) turn into gels when heated so you can use them to make hot ice cream! It’s pretty weird to eat, like a normal ice cream base that solidifies when you put it into boiling water

The other ingredients are stuff like beet juice for coloring

Final fun fact: technically impossible meat is not vegan because animal testing was done during its development.

Thanks for reading my unprompted essay on the composition of modern vegan meat substitutes. This was brought to you by my failed interest in becoming a food scientist. Also you may note I don’t really discuss how they compare to meat and that’s because I don’t eat meat which by law I am required to mention in all posts about food

HelixDab2 ,

I do eat meat, quite frequently.

Impossible is the only meat substitute I've had that I couldn't immediately tell the difference with, in either flavor or texture. If the price is ever on-par with hamburger (ideally cheaper), I will switch without hesitation. I will highly recommend it to anyone that's vegan (yes, yes, I know) or vegetarian.

I've also had some soy wings that are very, very good, better than real wings. Then again, I don't actually like real chicken wings that much.

Aux ,

You can see the difference even visually. WTF are you talking about?

HelixDab2 ,

Since I don't usually eat steak tartare, the raw appearance isn't relevant to me. The cooked appearance is close enough to not be noted.

(I like tartare, but finding a butcher that is fully trustworthy is difficult where I live.)

Aux ,

The photo in the post shows a huge difference in appearance.

Aux ,

That's pretty disgusting ultra processed shit.

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,

Yeah, unlike the totally non-disgusting way meat is processed

Aux ,

It's not processed.

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,
Aux ,

What? You dumb?

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,

Absolutely, I am a complete idiot. I pointed out to you that a simple & obvious search results in multiple definitions & examples of how meat is processed. I thought that would result in you understanding that meat is, in fact, processed. In hindsight, that was extremely stupid of me and I feel very dumb.

Aux ,

Wut? Do you even read, bro?

Vegoon ,
Aux ,

That's US. Everything is shit there.

harpuajim ,

Except the vegan option is equally or more unhealthy depending on what kind of ground beef you choose.

SeaJ ,

They are not marketed as a healthy alternative. They are significantly better for the environment.

Aux ,

They're not.

daellat ,

I really enjoy BM's burger personally. Taste is good but the real kicker is the texture and how it really has some body to it. What's the consensus on them?

cybermass ,

I personally think the flavour is off but the texture is good, I personally prefer impossible burger

IntentionallyAnon ,

Impossible taste is nearly a replica of beef. And when you surround it in burger toppings, it could trick me

Aux ,

It's not a replica. Have you people ever tried proper burgers at all?

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