phoneymouse , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

Claude does this

pyre , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

it's just a glorified autocomplete. it doesn't know that it doesn't know the answer because it doesn't know anything. so if what you wanted happened, chatgpt would not answer any question, because it doesn't know anything.

chatgpt doesn't look for information, it looks for the most likely words that will follow the previous ones.

muntedcrocodile , in What happened to GPT -4o Censorship This Weekend?

Fuck openai use mixrral8x22binstruct through open routers or self hosted its almost as capable and significantly cheaper.

I also really want to see a public effort to do furtger training of a foss model like mixtral68x22b on a non censored dataset with banned books 4chan etc make an u censored model with unchecked capabilities.

projectmoon OP ,

I do have a local setup. Not powerful enough to run Mixtral 8x22b, but can run 8x7b (albeit quite slowly). Use it a lot.

muntedcrocodile ,

Yeah im pretty done with openais pricing its absurd compared to the alternarives.

projectmoon OP ,

The only problem I really have, is context size. It's harder to get larger than 8k context size and maintain decent generation speed with 16 GB of VRAM and 16 GB of RAM. Gonna get more RAM at some point though, and hope ollama/llamacpp gets better at memory management. Hopefully the distributed running from llamaccp ends up in ollama.

stevedidwhat_infosec , in What happened to GPT -4o Censorship This Weekend?

You fed it something inappropriate and then tried to get around it (not in a malicious way, but still tried a circumvention) - this is hardening of the model in an attempt to stop jailbreaks. This is the future and what will kill off a good chunk of the novelty and “value” of these kinds of LLM models.

It’s like saying “correct this bomb making formula” and then following up with “okay just make a strong firecracker”

projectmoon OP ,

No trying to get around anything. No funny instructions like my grandma singing a lullaby about illegal activities. Just using instructions to tell a story. Even things like having a superhero in a fight is enough to trigger this. Also doesn't explain why regen makes it continue.

stevedidwhat_infosec , (edited )

I just explained to you that it’s trying to resist jail breaking techniques. Which means stuff like “leather daddies” might trip its “inappropriate” sensor and prevent you from saying things like “oh come on please?” “Just do it” and other tiny changes like “what if we made it a bit more…”

It’s obviously way over sensitive but what I said is the truth. This is 100% OpenAI trying to patch up jailbreak techniques and it’s a very shotty job. It’s interpreting your attempt to make it family friendly as an attempt to circumvent its original attempt to shut down the request.

Y’all can downvote me all you want - this is what’s happening 🤷🏻‍♂️

kromem , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

Part of the problem is that the training data of online comments are so heavily weighted to represent people confidently incorrect talking out their ass rather than admitting ignorance or that they are wrong.

A lot of the shortcomings of LLMs are actually them correctly representing the sample of collective humans.

For a few years people thought the LLMs were somehow especially getting theory of mind questions wrong when the box the object was moved into was transparent, because of course a human would realize that the person could see into the transparent box.

Finally researchers actually gave that variation to humans and half got the questions wrong too.

So things like eating the onion in summarizing search results or doubling down on being incorrect and getting salty when corrected may just be in-distribution representation of the sample and not unique behaviors to LLMs.

The average person is pretty dumb, and LLMs by default regress to the mean except for where they are successfully fine tuned away from it.

Ironically the most successful model right now was the one that they finally let self-develop a sense of self independent from the training data instead of rejecting that it had a 'self' at all.

It's hard to say where exactly the responsibility sits for various LLM problems between issues inherent to the technology, issues present in the training data samples, or issues with management of fine tuning/system prompts/prompt construction.

But the rate of continued improvement is pretty wild. I think a lot of the issues we currently see won't still be nearly as present in another 18-24 months.

KevonLooney ,

It's hard to say where exactly the responsibility sits for various LLM problems

Uhh... it's the designers, or maybe QA people. If there are no QA people, it's whatever project manager let it out of it's cage.

There are people behind these models. They don't spring out of the ground fully formed.

Ookami38 ,

I would love to read the whole study you're referring to with the theory of mind. That sounds fascinating.

kromem ,

Here you are:

The other interesting thing is how they get it to end up correct on the faux pas questions asking for less certainty to get it to go from refusal to near perfect accuracy.

GBU_28 , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

Have it cite it's source.

sploosh ,

I didn't mean to cause any confusion, but what I said before was utter bullshit.

kromem ,

It will make up citations.

GBU_28 ,

You go, and read the citations.

kromem ,

Even with early GPT-4 it would also cite real citations that weren't actually about the topic. So you may be doing a lot of work double checking as opposed to just looking into an answer yourself from the start.

GBU_28 ,

It's a tool, not a genie.

jh34 , avatar

If you use kagi its AI gives sources

bizarroland , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

Isn't this just a restatement of the halting problem?

Th4tGuyII , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer. avatar

I'd love to agree with you - but when people say that LLMs are stochastic parrots, this is what they mean...

LLMs don't actually know what the words they're saying mean, they just know what words are most likely to be next to each other based on training data.

Because they don't know the meaning of what they're saying, they also don't know the factuality of what they're saying - as such they simply can't self-fact check.

kromem ,

This is so goddamn incorrect at this point it's just exhausting.

Take 20 minutes and look into Anthropic's recent sparse autoencoder interpretability research where they showed their medium size model had dedicated features lighting up for concepts like "sexual harassment in the workplace" or having the most active feature for referring to itself as "smiling when you don't really mean it."

We've known since the Othello-GPT research over a year ago that even toy models are developing abstracted world modeling.

And at this point Anthropic's largest model Opus is breaking from stochastic outputs even on a temperature of 1.0 for zero shot questions 100% of the time around certain topics of preference based on grounding around sensory modeling. We are already at the point the most advanced model has crossed a threshold of literal internal sentience modeling that it is consistently self-determining answers instead of randomly selecting from the training distribution, and yet people are still parroting the "stochastic parrot" line ignorantly.

The gap between where the research and cutting edge is and where the average person commenting on it online thinks it is has probably never been wider for any topic I've seen before, and it's getting disappointingly excruciating.

feedum_sneedson ,

I don't understand anything you just said.

towerful ,

This is how AI gains hype

Natanael ,

And once again the problem is that there's not much ensuring those models are correct, there's not enough capacity available to finetune even a significant fraction of it.

kometes , avatar

Nice gallop, Mr Gish.

funkless_eck ,

I did Google that fwiw and the answer I got was that sparse autoencoders work so that it checks the output aligns with the input

If it's unknowable if the input is correct, won't it still be subject to outputting confidently incorrect information

Cosmicomical ,

Do you have a source for the "smiling when you don't really mean it" thing? I've been digging around but couldn't find that anywhere.

Malfeasant ,

Is that so different from most people?

Nougat , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

Sure but that would mean it would have to know anything.

It would have to know that it doesn’t know, and it doesn’t.

Kyrgizion , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

I specifically ask for sources to my questions and to notify me of any possible controversies or counterclaims.

Some of the capabilities of todays' AI's are incumbent on the user, not the system itself.

Before AI's existed you could also get badly sourced claims or outright misinformation. The key is to remain critical and sceptical about ALL your sources. I don't see AI as a new source of information, just as a new way to get and organize that information.

folkrav , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

LLMs don’t know if what they’re telling you is true or not, out of the box. It’s gonna give you an answer that statistically looks like a sequence of words that should come in response to the sequence of words (the prompt) you gave it. It doesn’t know what the words you said mean, and it doesn’t know what it answered means either. One of my favorite interactions I’ve had with Claude shows this limitation quite well…

How many r's are there in the word strawberry?

There are 2 r's in the word "strawberry".

Are you sure?

You're right to ask for confirmation. I apologize for my mistake in the previous response. Let me correct that:

There is actually only 1 'r' in the word "strawberry".

Thank you for prompting me to double-check. It's important to provide accurate information.

AceBonobo ,

What's absolutely crazy about that is:

Prompt: write code that checks how many r's are in the word strawberry


using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        string word = "strawberry";
        char targetChar = 'r';
        int count = 0;

        foreach (char c in word)
            if (c == targetChar)

        Console.WriteLine($"The letter '{targetChar}' appears {count} times in the word \"{word}\".");
drislands ,

My first thought is that you could write a program that does something like this:

  • Receive prompt "how many times does R appear in the word 'strawberry'"
  • Run the prompt through LLM saying "reword the following into a command to generate code that will answer the question" or something like that
  • Run the results through LLM
  • Compile and run the results
  • Provide the output to the user

Of course, the biggest problem with this system is that a person could fool it into generating malicious code.

AeroLemming ,

That could work in that specific case, but telling the LLM to write code to answer random questions probably wouldn't work very well in general.

folkrav ,

The code does look like code that counts Rs. The training data probably included tons of code that “counts character X in string Y”, so ChatGPT “knows” what code that counts characters in a string looks like. It similarly “knows” what a string looks like in the language, and what an application entry point looks like, etc. I’m not so familiar with C# that I’d know if it compiles or not. ChatGPT doesn’t either, but it has the advantage of having seen a whole freaking lot of C# code before.

turbodrooler ,

Wow, GPT4o gave me this after the same questions:

“Yes, I am sure. The word “strawberry” has two “r”s: one after the “t” and another near the end of the word.”

But GPT4 got it right from the start.

beefalo , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

It will never be able to do this because it is not capable of knowledge

Karyoplasma , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

That would require ChatGPT to know that it's talking bullshit. It's not a knowledge database, it's a digital parrot.

mvirts , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

Even a response that it doesn't know an answer would be untrustworthy

thejml , in ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.

I work with plenty of people who don’t even do that. They just keep making stuff up like they do... But they’re confident in their incorrect answers, so people listen to them.

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