its_me_xiphos ,

I was on two Boeing 787 flights and made it back to type about it. No problems. However, I have to admit I was irrationally nervous since all the whistleblower reports on the 787 came out as I was checking in for the second, a 10 hour direct journey.

So I got that going for me, which is nice.

atlas ,

Had to drop a lot of money to get my car fixed this week. RIP my bank account, RIP my soul.

cavemeat ,

This week has been busy, but getting to listen to music high is my favorite pass time and rn I'm vibing

papegaai , avatar

We have had to make the decision to euthanise our old boy dog, which will happen tomorrow. He is such a gentle and loveable thing and making this decision has been so hard, especially as mentally he is fine. He has been struggling with his hips for a while and the walks have been getting shorter and shorter. Even with pain killers he is struggling. He’s too old for prosthetics or an operation the vet advised that the deterioration is happening faster, so rather act now before his life is too painful and uncomfortable.

So this is making the week a bit stressful. But other than this, the weeks is going fine. Have to focus on the good.

cavemeat ,

My condolences :(

Dymonika ,

Still hemming and hawing over attempting a career change into being a Digital Court Reporter or something else, but my current workplace is gonna have a probably good leader soon who can maybe turn things around... so maybe I'll kick the career can down the road further...

comicallycluttered ,

Hrm. Haven't been pacing well lately. Need to sort that out. Fucking exhausted.

In good news, I had my first appointment with the new psychiatrist yesterday. A pleasant experience, which hopefully bodes well.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

This past week was a bit of a doozy. Lost power and a way out of our dead end street on Thursday morning when a tree fell across our road and took a power pole with it. A neighbor who's an electrician and I cut the way out for the street and cleared one travel lane despite the fire department's protests, while two other neighbors with plows cleared what they could. Power was restored Sunday night, but none of the crews cleared the road obstruction, so another neighbor with a bigger tractor than the rest of us rolled up and cleared it.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to carry on phone conversations while I'm doing the tasks for our nursery, so I started calling the town manager and the chiefs of the fire and EMS crews to start a conversation about having a real plan for the next time it happens. And it will, because Maine passed a law several years ago that incentivized the power utility to do as little as possible maintaining the trees near the lines. I started a text chain with the neighborhood to keep them updated on what's being discussed and to solicit feedback and suggestions for the solutions we'd like to present to the town, and that text chain has gotten the neighbors offering further assistance to each other to help recover from the storm (does my little socialist heart proud!). Folks have been dropping off cookies and stopping by to thank me, even though I keep telling them it's just my way of repaying them for being wonderful neighbors.

In other news, all the plants I stupidly potted before the storm survived!

Alice ,

I feel like I should feel amazing. I finally got to see Niagara Falls and it was even more breathtaking than I imagined. While I was there, I was so happy I almost cried.

But it was surrounded by long, depressing days stuck in a small hotel room with people I have baggage with, watching them sleep. Now I'm home and my friend group is still broken and my job still sucks. No one cares about my art or my writing anymore, and I have no one to share my experience with.

I liked the few minutes I didn't feel tethered to my mean, dysfunctional family, I guess. Now that I'm home I'm remembering I'm stuck with them, everyone else is gone and everything else sucks.

rozwud ,

I'd love to hear more about your experience! And I bet there are plenty of people here who would enjoy your art and writing as well.

comicallycluttered ,

And I bet there are plenty of people here who would enjoy your art and writing as well.

Yes please! I'd personally love to see/read it.

Alice ,

Aw thank you, that's very kind 🥺 to be honest my fiction is super self indulgent and I mostly only draw my own characters, so I don't really expect strangers to be into it. It was something I mostly did for friends and now that my social circle has disappeared, it just makes me sad.

comicallycluttered ,

What kind of art and writing do you do? Are they always separate, or do you sometimes write and illustrate a single story (i.e. comics or scene illustrations between paragraphs/pages, etc.)?

While I can go with the cliché "just do it for yourself" line (I do think that's an important approach, though), I'm sure people here would be more than happy to see what creativity you've cooked up.

Legendsofanus , avatar

First day of Eid here and I happened to twist my foot while getting out of the shower. Hurts. Tried to play Command & Conquet but man....i have never really gotten into RTS games and strategy making.

MangoKangaroo , avatar

I talked about this later on in the other thread, but I came out to my sister (probably the one member of my family who isn't completely deranged), and she was super accepting! We met up again the day after for Easter at my mom's, and she gave me a bag with a bunch of her old clothes and some extra makeup stuff. 🥹

Alice ,

That's wonderful!

Ormulum , avatar

That's so lovely! It's such a great feeling when you know someone's in your corner, huge bonus if they give you cute hand-me-downs too!

douglasg14b , avatar

A bit miserable this week. Got sick, and haven't been able to sleep more than a few hours a night as a result, which is making it worse.

A misery snowball effect.

Hoping I can get a full night's sleep soon 🤞

xilliah , avatar

I'm so proud of myself because on my new meds I finally managed to get my bum into first gear and close a whole bunch of tasks, including for my work. I'm simply giddy to try out a lot of fun stuff too like go into nature, the city, visit the cinema and play some games :)))

I've got a stack of mail that has actual weight, and that actually has lower prio than a whole bunch of other things. So go figure!

I'm considering to make a gofundme to deal with all the financial issues and related anxiety.

douglasg14b , avatar

Depression or ADHD?

xilliah , avatar


MangoKangaroo , avatar

Congrats on finally getting on meds. I'm glad they're already getting you going. :D

xilliah , avatar

Thanks, I'm especially happy that I finally managed to finish my move. There wasn't a corner without a chore and now it keeps surprising me how much space there is!

MangoKangaroo , avatar

And here I am with half of my stuff still in totes after half a year of living in my current place 😅 In my defense proper furniture costs money and I'm stuck paying for electrolysis until August

xilliah , avatar

Don't you have any second hand stores where you are? If you're poor they sometimes even give discounts.

And on a lot of websites you can get stuff for free as long as you go and pick it up. And you can always shoot them a message to ask for it for free.

MangoKangaroo , (edited ) avatar

Trouble is I live in the middle of nowhere so it's rare for me to find local listings for stuff. I do have a thrift store conveniently located right next to me, but they seldom have furniture. :(

Granted, they do still have furniture on occasion, I just need to do a better job of looking for it!

xilliah , avatar

You can actually tell them about your situation and they can keep an eye out for you, and maybe even reserve something and call you. These places are there to support people and are happy to help.

MangoKangaroo , avatar

That... might actually be smart. I really can also just do a better job of checking, since I only have to walk like 30 second to see inside the garage area where people drop stuff off.

BuxtonWater , avatar

Going great, having some issue with my new 3D printer but nothing that won't be solved with a replacement part or three (fucking prusa MK4 expansion joints, impossible to source anywhere but from the prusa site and they strip easier than a desperate sex worker), but regardless of that my relationship with meghan is progressing very well, we moved onto the 'i love you' stage after she accidentally blurted it out after I gave her a gift and we both kinda just rolled with it.

She also left this very cute note after our last date for me to find when I got back from dropping her home. So life is great right now, I start my job this coming Monday too.

Dippy , avatar

Trying to recover from ending a couple bad friendships and the fallout that cokes with it

rozwud ,

Congrats on ending them though, that can be a super tough thing to do!

toothpicks ,

Still waiting around for that post-winter mental health rebound to show up...

Dymonika ,

Are you taking enough vitamin D and zinc? Zinc gave me an unprecedented mood boost!

toothpicks ,

Yeah I'm taking all the things 😂

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