[Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation

ruckblack , in Thank you all.

I made an identical post on Reddit as here because the community was larger on Reddit. The reddit post was at -1 in like 20 minutes and got no engagement. Here, it was voted up and I got a bunch of really nice engagement. Reddit's dead. I like the feeling of community here.

elbarto777 ,

Why would you expect a positive reaction from the people who decided to stay?

ruckblack ,

Honestly more a test for myself, wanted to see the difference on top of wanting to make the post lol. For the record I don't mean an identical post to this post, I mean I just posted my own post on equivalent reddit and Lemmy communities.

macattack , in Am I the only one who keeps clicking the X on the top right of those twitter links trying to close them?

Definitely a dark pattern at work. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a driving factor for a name change tbh

9point6 ,

Given we know the idiot that changed the name, I'd say it's more likely a coincidence than anything that would require some level of intelligence to come up with.

can ,

He's been trying to make x.com a thing since his PayPal days.

bus_factor , in My work intranet said the IT manager’s office is in room 404. I went to find him but it’s some other random persons office.

Probably stopped being funny when the third person looking for IT showed up.

bigboismith , in idk why crypto is so hated

From an IT perspective, blockchain technology is a solution in search of a problem.
From an environmental perspective, crypto is a disaster.
From an economical perspective it's too unstable to be anything but gambling.

Buying drugs over the internet is the only real reason crypto currencies can be useful. Hell even in person it's better to use cash.

emmie OP ,

Maybe that's the only use case but it is fucking good at it. Amazingly good

Besides cash could be removed by govs to 'protect us'

And obviously cash cannot be used over distance

Cryptography gives power to the people. US even wanted cryptography banned at some point but it turned out not feasible so they pretended they changed mind

Lemmy is another thing that gives me hope in the future

Nemo , in i just want to talk about Dungeon Crawler Carl

So, uh, tell me about it, then.

Delphia OP ,

Aliens are going to strip mine earth, but to give the illusion of fairness those who survive the initial collection are given a choice, live on the surface knocked effectively back to the stone age or enter into an 18 floor dungeon that is effectively the galaxies largest game show.

The game is serious, the deaths are real and grusome. In the interest of fairness theres an AI controlling the game and the crawlers can change race, choose classes, level and gather loot and power as the dungeon goes on, but the game is rigged. Nobody has ever survived beyond the 13th floor.

This season with infighting between the alien governments, the AI slowly going a little batshit insane and one particularly determined crawler and his (now sapient) ex girlfriends cat. Who knows?

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

Plot sounds vaguely Battlefield Earth-ish.

Delphia OP ,

Not really.

Think Squid Game meets Diablo made by reality tv producers doing way too much coke.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

Aliens strip mining earth: tick.

Humans on the outside living without tech: tick.

Humans on the inside slaves without hope: tick.

One human going to make a difference: tick.

B grade at best: tick.

Mongostein , in Adults who have lost a spouse or SO, how do you cope?

Cry. Let it happen man. I’m tearing up thinking about what that would be like. Fuck being manly. Cry.

The only way to get over these feelings is to let them run their course. You’ll never get over it, but you’ll learn to live with it.

Sharpiemarker OP ,

Lol trust me, crying is happening whether I want it to or not.

medgremlin , in Can we talk about how much the American healthcare system sucks?

As a former healthcare support staff professional and current medical student, I want you to know that I hate it just as much as you do. I can't make any explanations for that GI, but my least favorite part of medicine is when there isn't a good answer, or enough time, or the right treatment is just too expensive...I hate it when the capitalist bullshit medical system gets in the way of actually practicing medicine.

qyron , in Can we talk about how much the American healthcare system sucks?

That was morally painful to read.

As someone who lives in a country with a national healthcare system, this kind of situation just disgusts me.

You'd probably be in an hospital bed here, waiting for emergency surgery, considering your condition.

I sincerely hope you can find any other doctor capable of helping you, quickly.

dudinax , in Can we talk about how much the American healthcare system sucks?

My doctor's nurse called me up and said I had a high liver enzyme.
"What does that mean?"
"You can't drink alcohol."
"But what's going on with my liver?"
"I don't have the details, you'll have to talk to the doctor."
The doctor moved away before I could get in to see her.

I called her partner.
"New patients are six months out."
Six month's later: "Sorry the doctor moved away."

Pick a random doctor in the phone book.
"New patients are six months out."
Six months pass. I miss the appointment.
"I want to reschedule."
"Sorry, the doctor won't see patients who miss their first appointment."
I'm trying to get in to the next doctor. So far I have no idea what's wrong with my liver.

Among other problems, it turns out our local health care group was bought out by venture capitalists. Their mismanagement is part of why so many doctors are leaving.

gaydarless , in I've been blocking ads for so long that actually seeing them feels perverse

Does anyone have recommendations on how to block ads on Android without rooting? I've tried AdAway but it doesn't seem to be terribly effective. I'm pretty tied into Chrome and would prefer not to change browsers but I understand I might have to.

Lord_Rhaziel ,

Try adguard. Its a system wide blocker(blocks ads in most apps too) and needs no root. Its paid. For free you can use blockada version 5. Get it on fdroid.
Or just use adguard dns.

Brahm1nmam ,

Change your dsn to dns.adguard.com

Edit: Firefox on Android has unlocked origin as well nowadays

LukeMedia ,

Firefox with uBlock origin, setting your DNS to "DNS.adguard.com", and using ReVanced with MicroG for YouTube has worked best for me on a non-rooted phone.

hamster , in Facebook is a hot pile of garbage that should be fired into the sun.

Just delete your account, stop using it.

Coreidan , in Why do people act like coffee in the morning is such a sacred routine but soda in the morning [basically the same drink] is lowbrow and unhealthy?

Because people aren’t pouring 30-40 grams of sugar into their coffee. Also artificial sweeteners taste like shit and haven’t been proven to not cause other health issues.

Drink water.

Mindlight ,

Your reasoning is on level with religious people claiming that atheists have to prove that god doesn't exist.

How do you prove that you are not a murderer?

mysoulishome , in Why do people act like coffee in the morning is such a sacred routine but soda in the morning [basically the same drink] is lowbrow and unhealthy?
@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

Corn syrup and chemicals but I’m not sure why people are downvoting your reasonable question

everett ,

I downvoted because this doesn't feel like a casual conversation, more like trying to start an argument.

isVeryLoud ,
@isVeryLoud@lemmy.ca avatar

Pineapple belongs on pizza

everett ,

Right there with jalapeño.

cubedsteaks ,

Thank you. I thought I lost my craving for pizza but I just got it back!

everett ,

People will try to tell you to add meat too, but nah, not on this one. Enjoy!

cubedsteaks ,

I was going to add meat but I just love meat.

everett ,

Username, as they say, checks out!

ChunkMcHorkle , in I've been blocking ads for so long that actually seeing them feels perverse
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

It IS perverse. You're having your eyes groped by strangers, all trying to get you to do what you have no desire to do. You just want to get what you came for and leave, but no, everywhere you look something is trying to block your path and distract you from your goal. And it's not even honest: you already know that none of these extraneous, unwanted come-ons you're seeing is anything close to true. In some cases, it's a full-on mental assault.

It's vile. I used to leave some on, but now there's not even such a thing as "acceptable ads" anymore just because of the sheer numbers involved. So now I don't just block: I go full extermination mode. I'm usually on desktop so if it's a one time thing, like a single ad on YouTube that managed to sneak by all of my walls and filters and I can't just pass it by because it's stuck in my field of vision, I'll actually do an "inspect element" and delete it on the spot. But otherwise, if I can't block 100% or very close to it, I find a different site or source, or shut down altogether.

I genuinely don't think our minds were made for this level of constant information onslaught and never-ending manipulation campaigns, and I don't think it's healthy or life-affirming to subject oneself to it without limit. So I don't. People get angry about it, but hey, more for them to enjoy if that's how they wanna roll.

DogMuffins , in I've been blocking ads for so long that actually seeing them feels perverse

Yeah I agree.

It's made me very intolerant of ads. It's kind of surprising how much effort I will invest to avoid ads, and avoid supporting people who make a living from advertising revenue.

sebinspace ,

people who make a living from advertising revenue

That’s a lot of people, lad..

Sterile_Technique ,
@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

...just imagine if they were all doing something productive instead.

Props to @DogMuffins for helping to discourage their parasitic behavior and ushering them toward career paths that might actually utilize their potential in a positive way!

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