queermunist , to Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. in Shoppers say they want sustainable goods, but won't pay more avatar

"Shoppers don't want to pay more for worse products"


JoYo , to politics in Exclusive: Head of engineering for Trump’s Truth Social app resigns avatar
DolphinMath OP , (edited ) to World News in Weary Lebanese brace for war after new Hezbollah threats

Reuters – Bias and Credibility

Bias Rating: Least Biased

Factual Reporting: Very High

Country: United Kingdom

MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: Mostly Free

Media Type: News Agency

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: High Credibility About + Methodology

Ad Fontes Media Rating: Middle / Reliable

Reporting by: Emilie Madi in Beirut; Aziz Taher, Hassan Hankir in Sidon

Writing by: Maya Gebeily

Editing by: Alex Richardson

Archive Link: June 20, 2024 4:42 PM UTC

Akasazh , avatar

If this is a bot, please flag it accordingly

DolphinMath OP ,

Not a bot, just me manually adding it to my own posts.

Akasazh , avatar

Aha I see, good not bot, in that case

TheBigBrother , to News in Biden allies raising $10 million to challenge Trump social media machine

The same who mocked about Trump social before.. LMAO..

mozz Admin , to World News in Israel says Hamas rejects key elements of US ceasefire plan for Gaza
mozz avatar

Hamas has exactly the same conflict of interest as Likud: Keeping the war going and creating suffering for "their" side helps drive support from their fellow countrymen who by and large don't like them otherwise, and kind of want to get rid of them.

I won't say that there's a direct similarity but they both have reasons to reject peace proposals and keep the slaughter going, to the detriment of "their side."

Linkerbaan , avatar

Which is why... Hamas accepts a ceasefire and israel doesnt....?

Flawless logic.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Israel is a lot more malicious in their sabotage of the peace process than Hamas is, yes. Like I said, I'm not suggesting an equivalence between the two; Israel is clearly worse. I'm just saying that Hamas also has some of the same twisted incentives in place.

They didn't suddenly murder hundreds of innocent people back in October because they wanted to inflame a sudden spasm of peace and good will. Just because Israel is worse, doesn't mean Hamas is not bad.

Linkerbaan , avatar

No they murdered people because they were being murdered and wanted the murdering to stop. And since murdering Palestinians was fine some of them figured they could do the same thing since apparently it's fine if the israelis do it.

And since we all collectively decided to ignore the peaceful march to return in 2018 Hamas had to come to the conclusion at some point that we do not care about people that ask nicely.

It must be difficult to comprehend but one side is fighting to achieve peace. The other side is fighting to eradicate all the Palestinians and steal their land.

This is very clearly reflected in Hamas consistently trying to achieve a ceasefire and israel doing the exact opposite.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

wanted the murdering to stop

How'd that work out

If they were killing Israelis in some way that would lead to better outcomes for the Palestinian people, I'd say that'd be pretty well justified at this point, for more or less exactly the reasons you said. That's pretty fuckin far from what they did though.

Linkerbaan , avatar

They certainly did heavily target military bases with a >33% military casualty rate.

As with any armed resistance you get some people that are less educated and more vengeful. Locking people in a concentration camp for 20 years doesn't do wonders for their mental.

Also it's working out pretty well for them because as the popular saying goes: The guerilla wins if it does not lose. And Hamas is not losing right now.

People seem to heavily underestimate how bad the living conditions in Gaza were. There was less bombing 1 year ago but they were certainly still dying from diseases and were malnourished.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

For anyone watching: I suspect that Linkerbaan is one of the don't-vote-for-Biden shills, and this whole thing is a sort of cosplay of being a pro-Palestinian person. I talked with them at length in another topic, and their responses are just kind of... off.

There are other interpretations. But I noticed yesterday that they were making arguments that didn't make much sense, and didn't even seem to be coming from a place of them believing them themselves, or expecting anyone else to believe them. This comment and this stuff about "heavily target military bases" is a pretty good example. It's just... it's just off. It's weird. I mean, it's obviously not true, but it's also just kind of random in this very particular low-effort way that looks more and more unusual the longer you hold it up to the light and carefully examine it.

Anyway, so then I looked at their user history and I found all sorts of "Trump isn't that bad" "both parties are the same" "blue MAGA" stuff (that's honestly the only real consistent through-line I saw other than "yay Hamas") and it all clicked into place.

I somewhat suspect that the shill accounts tend to pick left-looking causes to rally behind to give themselves some cover, so their history doesn't wind up as just all no-Biden all the time. A month or two ago a lot of them were doing economic issues, and I think now they've shifted to largely pro-Palestinian issues.

Like I say: All speculation. The truth is I have no idea. But, that's my take on it.

Keeponstalin ,

Socio-economic gaps between Palestinian and Jewish Israeli citizens are the result of discriminatory policies pursued over decades. Historically, Israel prevented its Palestinian citizens from accessing livelihoods under its 18-year-long military rule, and used them, at different times, as a source of cheap labour in order to preserve the interests of the Jewish majority. In addition to cruel land seizures, other discriminatory policies have led to Palestinians’ social and economic deprivation: the exclusion of Palestinian localities from high priority areas for development, the discriminatory allocation of land and water for agriculture as well as discriminatory planning and zoning, and the failure to implement major infrastructure development projects in Palestinian communities.

The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building materials.

Other reports about how Israel is an Apartheid State:

Human Rights Watch Report

B'TSelem Report with quick Explainer

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

All sounds 100% accurate. (Or, well, it was until they proceeded further than that into outright wholesale slaughter 6-7 months ago.) Did I give the impression that I thought that it was not?

TheFonz ,

Another thing to note is the volume with which Linkerbaan comments/posts is INSANE. It is for 6-7 hours/day every 15 minutes. It's wild! There is a weird vibe to their comments too. It's never specific enough to respond to pointed topics/arguments and just broad enough to stake out a position.

solo ,

For anyone watching ... Like I say: All speculation. The truth is I have no idea.

What a weird rant to share.

TheFonz ,

Some of us have a lot of experience with Linkerbaan. This person spam comments incessantly like it's a full time job.

solo ,

Well I dunno, defending Palestinians doesn't sound like spamming to me. I'd call it solidarity.

TheFonz ,

There's absolutely nothing wrong with defending Palestinians. Based on my interaction with them, Palestinians are the last people Linkerbaan cares about. This is cosplaying online for clout. They are confusing the map with the territory where the aesthetic of signaling support for Palestinians has long ago superseded fostering actual solutions that will improve the lives of Palestinians.

Check out their post history and decide for yourself.

solo ,

Check out their post history and decide for yourself.

I have, and this is why when you say

This is cosplaying online for clout.

I really don't see what you are referring to.

TheFonz ,

Because they are extremely selective of the articles they post and highly reactionary / vitriolic when anyone pushes back or challenges their arguments. They also offer zero charitability to any of their interlocutors. They are also ready to label anyone as a) defending genocide b) Zionist c) [insert derogatory label here] faster than you can say 'Hamas'.

They are uneven in their media literacy discernment and extremely selective in what they post/how they present. An opinion blog post that favors Hamas is ok but a UN report that counters a claim by Hamas is placed under the most intense forensic analysis.

In other words, they are here for the cosplay.

TheFonz ,

Why do you claim Hamas is "fighting to achieve peace"? Which of their actions seem to indicate this?

Linkerbaan , avatar

The one where they instantly offer a ceasefire in exchange for all Palestinian hostages.

TheFonz ,

What does this even mean? Was that the end goal when they instigated October 7?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Because israel was holding Palestinian hostages and turned Gaza into an open air concentration camp and that's not very cool. And israel keeps terrorizing their mosque which is very Islamophobic.

So Hamas asked israel to stop nicely in 2018 with the march to return and israel held a Palestinian kneecap shooting competition.

Israel decided that they don't listen to people that ask nicely. Now we're here.

TheFonz ,

So what's changed since Oct 7? Was Hamas able to achieve peace and remove the concentration camp conditions or has it worsened?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Yes it's looking like Hamas is going to achieve those objectives.

Sadly because israel is a Nazi state, it's like fighting against the Nazis. People die when you fight against the Nazis.

TheFonz ,

So, just to circle back to og question: Palestine (or what's left of it) is on track to no longer be a concentration camp and hostages are being released? The conditions for palestinians have improved since Oct 7?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Did living conditions improve for people while they were fighting against the Nazis?

It must be difficult to understand but sometimes thing have to get worse before they get better.

TheFonz ,

What is a reasonable length of time the Palestinians should endure this strategy? Fighting Nazis during WW2 lasted 6 years. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been going on for almost 100 years.

Has Hamas been able to improve anything using this strategy or has Israel gained an advantage over each intifada / attack in the course of the last 100 years? Who has benefited the most from the current Hamas strategy?

Linkerbaan , avatar

As long as Nazi israel doesn't stop of course.

I am unsure why you are blaming israeli terror on Hamas.

TheFonz ,

Each time Hamas attacks, Israel retaliates with extreme disproportionate violence and manages to expand settlements aggressively. So far, how would you say Hamas has improved the lives of Palestinians by instigating violence:

[ _ ] Significantly better

[ _ ] About the same

[ _ ] Significantly worse

As a follow up, what is a reasonable period Palestinians should endure Hamas tactics:

[ _ ] One year

[ _ ] Ten years

[ _ ] Another hundred years

Israel is going to keep doing the same shitty aggressive behavior and exploit every attack and thousands of Palestinians die. It's almost like peace is not their primary objective (for either side). Should we keep encouraging Hamas do the same strategy of the past 100 years or should we try something different? What're your thoughts, Link?

Linkerbaan , avatar

What do you mean? The West Bank is being Annexxed. Gaza is not.

Hamas is offering a permanent ceasefire and israel is not.

What hamas has done has never been done before in 100 years. Israel is rapidly losing international support as they are being unmasked for the Nazis they are. The illusion of israel being a civilized society has completely shattered.

TheFonz ,
  • I didn't ask which territory is being annexed.

  • I didn't ask about this particular ceasefire for this particular conflict which started Oct 7.

  • I didn't ask about Israel gaining or losing international support.

  • I didn't ask about the "illusion of civilized society" breaking

Original question, since we're dodging as per usual:
Is the tactic by instigating attacks leading to better outcomes overall for Palestinian people?

It's been 100 years of Hamas (and other factions) instigating attacks and each time Israel retaliates with disproportionate violence. 30,000+ Palestinians are dead now. Is the condition in Gaza now:

[ _ ] Significantly better

[ _ ] About the same

[ _ ] Significantly worse

Linkerbaan , avatar

Depends which time you are comparing to. FYI israel colonized Gaza at one point and then people fought back and drove them out.

SuddenDownpour ,

Hamas' reason for their attack on October was very likely to blow up the negotiations between Israel and other Arab countries to normalize diplomatic relations. Even if they also wanted the conflict to legitimize themselves in front of Gazans, I doubt Gazans need any more bombs to fall upon their heads to get the message.

I don't think it's impossible for them to tense the cord and try and get more out of the negotiations, but they don't really have anything to gain from extending the hostilities.

girlfreddy , avatar

Citation needed.

SuddenDownpour ,
anticolonialist ,

So nothing buy western media?

SuddenDownpour , (edited )

The fact that I'm mostly using Western media to support my claim that: "Hamas isn't at the endless levels of monstruosity to gleefully wish for more deaths of their own people" isn't the negative you think it is. But when you were born you had already lost the plot, so no surprises here.

DolphinMath ,

nothing buy western media

TIL Reuters (United Kingdom), the Associated Press (United States), and Deutsche Welle (Germany) aren’t western media.

anticolonialist ,

They all parrot western media for the benefit of western countries

RippleEffect ,

Who are your trusted sources? And why?

There's always a bit of "what are they not saying" when following news outlets. So I'm just curious what your perspective is.

Mikufan , to Futurology in Artificial intelligence hitting labour forces like a "tsunami" - IMF Chief avatar

It aint.

CanadaPlus ,

No offense, but with nothing else provided I believe the IMF more about matters of global economy.

Mikufan , avatar

No offense but "ai" LLMs and Generativen Algorithms are absolutely incapable of doing most jobs at all, because they require either complex thinking, physical work or both.

They are at most, a tool to assist a human doing a job. Everyone telling otherwise is either very against them for some reason, wants to monopolize them (big tech CEOs tell the government AI will kill the world if not regulated, wich basically means "allow me to do whatever i want for your military and stuff and destroy all competition, especially FOSS ones") or are just to much into a hype train.

Realistically our and most "ai" in the next 50 years is nither intelligent (wich is why "ai" is in quotations) nor is it able to do most jobs, it may become a better version of excel but beyond that there is no actual reason to think it will destroy jobs.

CanadaPlus ,

In China where there's a ton of manufacturing, I'd agree, but in the West there's a lot of jobs that are surface-level natural language tasks.

Mikufan , avatar

Do you have the slightest idea of how complex most "office jobs" are? There will be some people that get replaced, but only in businesses that treat people like objects already (Callcenters for example)

Most manufacturering could however be replaced by robots.

CanadaPlus ,

I have some idea, yeah. Call centers employ a lot of people, as do book-keeping, HR and retail checkouts. It's not going to code or engineer any time soon, taking a statistically decent guess at what you do, but the percentage of the non-Lemmy population that does that sort of work is tiny.

Manufacturing depends heavily on the specific job. Obviously machining is easily automated (if not the loading and maintenance of the CNC machines themselves), and basic assembly can be too, but once non-rigid or variable materials come into the picture it all gets harder, and any kind of uncontrolled environment seems to make it impossible.

Mikufan , avatar

Most Callcenters have a overturn rate of 1 year at best. So them being replaced by AI mostly would probably do everyone a favor, a AI wont commit suicide because of thousands of people complaining and screaming at it...

HR won't be replaced by AI because they need to to handle sensitive data (wich a ai will not be allowed to handle in most sane places, or rather is already forbidden to do) same with book keeping plus nobody wants a AI to mess shit up and then nobody being responsible for it, retail checkouts are their own thing And funnily enough engineering and coding is probably easier to automate reliability than many other things...

Yes manufacturing depends, but have you seen a actually modern industry 4.0 facilitys? They are 90% robots and thats where the trend goes.

CanadaPlus ,

Compartmentalising sensitive data isn't too hard with AI. LLMs don't have a memory of their own once out of training, remember. It's just a matter of setting it up the right way.

The issue with checkouts has been theft, since they basically just trust the user to charge themselves right now. Amazon's Just Walk Out is the technology to watch for that kind of checkout, and for anything where shoppers don't collect items themselves LLMs can do a decent job without finetuning.

It's not going to replace every job, not with current capabilities anyway, but enough to drive a big economic shift? Yeah, I do agree with the IMF on that.

AIhasUse ,

You would be astonished how mindless many people's jobs are. There are so many customer services reps that do a much worse job than the best LLMs today.

Anyone claiming they know the state of AI in 5 years is absurdly overconfident in their ability to make predictions. There is no way to even describe how ridiculous it is to act like you know that AI will not be useful 50 years from now. Dream on.

D61 , to Interesting Shares in A 98-year-old Ukraine woman walks 10 km under shelling to escape Russians

She said the war that now Russia is waging against her country is nothing like World War Two.

"Houses are burning and trees are being uprooted," she said.

I really hope there's something very wrong with the translation of her statement because... as far as my limited WW2 knowledge goes, by 1941 Ukraine was held by the Germans and by 1943 the USSR was attacking Kiev.

awwwyissss ,

Why is still federated with Hexbear?

possiblylinux127 , (edited ) avatar

That is a good question. I thought I blocked the instance

Anyhow I can't take anyone seriously who willing chooses to be on hexbear

TransplantedSconie , to News in Hamas armed wing al-Qassam Brigades calls for escalation across all fronts avatar

They want maximum Palestinian deaths.

wildbus8979 ,

It isn't the resistance who has killed or wounded over 100,000 in six months.

Dismantle the apartheid state, and stop the occupation and you will have no resistance.

Until then, people who live it every day have a moral and legal right to resistance, even through armed resistance as was declared through multiple UN resolution over the decades.

anticolonialist , to World News in Iran says it gave warning before attacking Israel. US says that's not true

The US would never lie, right?

polygon6121 , to Technology in Sam Bankman-Fried deserves 40-50 years in prison for FTX fraud, prosecutors say

Fuck that. Because he gambled with rich peoples money? How would a 40 year prison sentence rehabilitate him from that.. I say it is pointless, release the man! In fact, we need more like him. Eat the rich!

FenrirIII , avatar

How many non-rich people did he fuck over?

Dagwood222 ,

One isn't enough? Especially since he himself was already doing quite well.

xthexder , avatar

FTX had over a million users, and was advertising publicly on things like the Superbowl. It wasn't just rich people that lost money on FTX.

DingoBilly ,

This makes no sense. He himself was a billionaire who fucked over both rich and non rich people. Just because he failed and took other rich people down a peg doesn't make him some sort of martyr.

Ajen ,

How did he become a billionaire? From what I've heard his parents were connected and well-off, but not billionaires. And he doesn't seem old enough to have made billions on his own before FTX. If he only became a billionaire by temporarily scamming people, I don't think that counts.

FenrirIII , to politics in Schumer says Senate will pass spending bill and avert shutdown avatar

"We may just do our jobs for once!"

sharkfucker420 , to Interesting Global News in Top official from China's Xinjiang says 'Sinicisation' of Islam 'inevitable' while rights groups accuse Beijing of widespread abuses of Uyghurs avatar

Sigh, alright I guess I'll address the "concentration camps" nonsense in detail for you. The whole conspiracy theory started with a claim of millions of Uyghurs being supposedly imprisoned story is based on two highly dubious “studies.”.

However, this claim is completely absurd when you stop and think about it even for a minute. That figure 1 million is repeated again and again. Let's just look at how much space would you actually need to intern one million people.

This is a photo of Rikers Island, New York City's biggest prison. The actual size of a facility interning ten thousand people.

According to Wikipedia, "The average daily inmate population on the island is about 10,000, although it can hold a maximum of 15,000." Let's assume this is a Xinjiang detention camp, holding ten to fifteen thousand people. How many of these would it take to hold one million people?

Let's do some math:

Rikers Size Rikers Prisoners One Million Uyghurs Size
413.2 acres (0.645 square miles) 10,000 to 15,000 43 to 64 square miles

In reality, one million people would probably take more space; all the supposed detention camps we see are much less dense than Rikers.

For comparison, San Francisco is 47 square miles. Amsterdam is 64 square miles. You'd literally need detention camps that total the size of San Francisco or Amsterdam to intern one million Uyghurs. It'd be like looking at a map of California. There's Los Angeles. There's San Diego. And look, there's San Francisco Concentration City with its one million Uyghurs.

Literally visible to the naked eye from space.

CHRD states that it interviewed dozens of ethnic Uyghurs in the course of its study, but their enormous estimate was ultimately based on interviews with exactly eight Uyghur individuals. Based on this absurdly small sample of research subjects in an area whose total population is 20 million, CHRD “extrapolated estimates” that “at least 10% of villagers […] are being detained in re-education detention camps, and 20% are being forced to attend day/evening re-education camps in the villages or townships, totaling 30% in both types of camps.” Furthermore, it doesn't even make sense from logistics perspective.

Practically all the stories we see about China trace back to Adrian Zenz is a far right fundamentalist nutcase and not a reliable source for any sort of information. The fact that he's the primary source for practically every article in western media demonstrates precisely what I'm talking about when I say that coverage is divorced from reality.

Zenz is a born-again Christian who lectures at the European School of Culture and Theology. This anodyne-sounding campus is actually the German base of Columbia International University, a US-based evangelical Christian seminary which considers the “Bible to be the ultimate foundation and the final truth in every aspect of our lives,” and whose mission is to “educate people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ.”

Zenz’s work on China is inspired by this biblical worldview, as he recently explained in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. “I feel very clearly led by God to do this,” he said. “I can put it that way. I’m not afraid to say that. With Xinjiang, things really changed. It became like a mission, or a ministry.”.

Along with his “mission” against China, heavenly guidance has apparently prompted Zenz to denounce homosexuality, gender equality, and the banning of physical punishment against children as threats to Christianity.

Zenz outlined these views in a book he co-authored in 2012, titled Worthy to Escape: Why All Believers Will Not Be Raptured Before the Tribulation. In the tome, Zenz discussed the return of Jesus Christ, the coming wrath of God, and the rise of the Antichrist.

The fact that this nutcase is being paraded as a credible researcher on the subject is absolutely surreal, and it's clear that the methodology of his "research" doesn't pass any kind of muster when examined closely.

It's also worth noting that there is a political angle around the narrative around Xinjiang. For example, here's George Bush's chief of staff openly saying that US wants to destabilize the region, and NED recently admitting to funding Uyghur separatism for the past 16 years on their own official Twitter page. An ex-CIA operative details US operations radicalizing and training terrorists in the region in this book. Here's an excerpt:

US has been stoking terrorism in the region while they've been running a propaganda campaign against China in the west. In fact, US even classified Uyghur separatists as a terrorist group at one point

Here's an interview with a son of imam killed in Xinjiang

Here's an account from a Pakistani journalist who has been all over Xinjiang (which borders Pakistan) claims that western media reports on "atrocities" are lies.

It's also worth noting that the accusations originate entirely from the west while Muslim majority countries support China, and their leaders have visited Xinjiang many times.

Also notable that whenever western media actually deigns to visit Xinjiang, which is not often, they're unable to produce support for any of their claims of mass imprisonment and oppression, so they opt for insinuations instead

There's a further list of debunking here if you're interested

The whole thing is very clearly a propaganda blitz that US is cynically using to manipulate impressionable people in the west.

UraniumBlazer ,

Here are two instances of investigative journalism into Xinjiang by Vice. If the Chinese had nothing to hide, why the hostility towards journalists? Why are they being followed by CCP agents? Or is Vice far right too now?

There are countless interviews of Uighur Muslims who fled the area detailing their experiences there. Kids are being separated from the parents to be put in "Kindergartens" (the Chinese version of Canadian residential schools).

As for the Muslim countries- do you really think undemocratic monarchies/ dictators give two shits about their fellow Muslims? The slave labor that has built the UAE and Saudi Arabia's infrastructure involves Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, who are all Muslim. Or is slave labor in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar evil western propaganda too?

queermunist , to politics in Musk's X disabled feature for reporting electoral misinformation avatar

That shit was a joke anyway lol

FiniteBanjo , to World News in EU governments hesitant on Chinese EV tariffs as trade spat escalates

Don't hesitate, fuck em. They want to remove competition by selling at a cost? They can go ahead and sell to India.

Linkerbaan , to World News in Israel says Hamas rejects key elements of US ceasefire plan for Gaza avatar

Continuing the Genocide is a key component stupid Hamas with their permanent ceasefires. 😤

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