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We're a loose coalition of students/staff/faculty working to dismantle ableism at the University of California.

Access & inclusion for disabled students, staff, faculty of the University of California! (For alumni, visitors, customers..everyone!) 33 years is long enough to have met ADA. Let's exceed it!

Image description: Banner photo is of two UC Access Now logo buttons. Profile photo is the UC Access Now logo, a parody of the UC seal. "Let there be Access > ADA"

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
@ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

Such BS...how can you do research that doesn't question whether the way accessibility is currently being offered is the problem?

This reads more like "Given that we don't want to follow legal bare minimums, how can we put the onus on disabled people & blame them when they 'fall short' as intended?"




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  • ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    A mistake many people make is thinking that ADA can only be met through offices of rationing & policing. No. That is how the ableists running UC choose to deny accessibility as the default and make ppl have to beg & eventually sue for accessibility.

    Pushing for more funding for these offices is still granting their premise that doing things this way is being accessible to the public that funds UC. It isn't. #Ableism #Disability #UCAccessNow @academicchatter


    ucaccessnow , to Disability group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    🧵 What is this? After pushing UC for 4 years now to quit designing buildings where inaccessibility is the default, a main entrance to a building is wheelchair accessible?

    What finally convinced UC Davis, one wonders? #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd @disability @academicchatter

    ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    What finally convinced UC Davis to make the main entrance accessible instead of putting a narrow ramp out on the side by a trash can?


    @disability @academicchatter What finally convinced UC Davis, one wonders? #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd

    ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Ah, there's the UC Davis we know. Unnecessary steps because you weren't specifically PAID to do your duty under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act nor to actually make a public university accessible to the public.

    @disability @academicchatter #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    UC's attitude towards disabled people is clear in things like this.

    This July will mark 34 years since ADA became law. UC doesn't do bare minimum compliance (not full accessibility & inclusion, just legal compliance) until they decide they need to do seismic upgrades. Then "ADA compliance" is piggybacked on that.

    It's the very last thing listed. Whoop-de-doo, ADA "compliant" restrooms.

    #UCAccessNow #Ableism #UCDavis @disability @academicchatter

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  • ucaccessnow , to random
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    The right wing is currently manufacturing opprobrium over the fact that UCLA Med School finally has a course about Structural Racism & Health Equity.

    Note that they're not upset about structural racism, they're not upset that there's inequity baked into our health systems...

    They're upset that anyone should become consciously aware of this and do anything to dismantle it.

    Be as vocal in support of social justice as the plutocrats are in complaining about it! (Write to UCLA in support, write op-eds on the subject).

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  • ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    At least 3 things missing from UC's Global Accessibility Awareness Day event:

    1. The idea that there's any accessibility issues beyond the type digital technology tools could potentially help with


    1. Actual diversely disabled UC community leading the event.

    2. Statement up front as to what accessible options are available for this event.

    Keeping the emphasis on digital tools allows abled people to continue their hegemony by simply training to be "experts" on accessibility, keeping jobs & control in abled hands. It allows UC to keep refusing to hire human captioners, human notetakers, as well as keep NOT addressing making things as accessible as possible as the default at UC.


    @disability @academicchatter

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  • ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Yet another project we cannot prioritize highly enough with our limited spoons:

    Track the % of times newspapers cover University and HS sports vs the % of times they cover actual important education issues at the same institutions and with the same level of long-term interest and detail.


    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Every time there's a new UC Davis event or initiative rushing to shove AI into everything, we remember that this July will mark 34 years since ADA became law and UC Davis still doesn't meet it.

    The contrast in how quickly they adopt AI vs how quickly they adopt accessibility & inclusion is instructive.

    Note the event is in person only in a maskless crowd during an ongoing pandemic, advertised without any listing of accessibility available even for the in-person bits.


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  • ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    UC Access Now brought UC's lack of accessible emergency planning & inaccessible evacuation routes to the attention of the Regents in July 2020. https://archive.org/details/disability-equity-and-justice-demands

    We let @CalMatters know at that time, along with other media. They did not deem it worthy of coverage because they want to treat things as a human interest story rather than as systemic oppression & systemic failure.

    This could have been dealt with years earlier if media had listened to us when we said this was a systemic problem, not just a problem for one or two disabled students. It shouldn't take a disabled student being in student government to get coverage of these issues. @academicchatter @disability

    https://calmatters.org/education/higher-education/college-beat/2024/03/emergency-exits-university-campuses-california/ #UCAccessNow #Ableism #UniversityOfCalifornia #Newstodon

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    What would your university look like if they were good at accessible communication? If you weren't viewed entirely through the cost/benefit ratio of profit-seeking souls?

    @academicchatter #UCAccessNow #AcademicChatter

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Documents from UCOP Jan 2024:
    Final report of the UC Systemwide Workgroup on Students with Disabilities https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/regmeet/jan24/a2.pdf

    "Transforming Culture and Practice: serving students with disabilities at the University of California"


    Some campus Academic Senates are supposed to review and reply by April. Overall Academic Senate by May 14. https://senate.universityofcalifornia.edu/under-review/index.html

    Despite UC Access Now's work alerting UCOP to systemic ableism in July 2020, we were not approached to participate or consult. So expect the progress to be very grudging.

    If you're disabled Senate Faculty, read & comment before the deadline. @academicchatter

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    UC President Drake just announced they've appointed Catherine Spear to head UC's new Systemwide Office of Civil Rights (which will include a Systemwide Office of Disability Rights under it).

    The announcement does not go into what their lived experience qualifications might be.

    https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/2024/03/catherine-spear-appointed-to-lead-ucs-systemwide-office-of-civil-rights-socr.html @disability @academicchatter #Ableism #Disability #UCAccessNow

    ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    @disability @academicchatter " Hiring Catherine is one of a series of steps we are taking to provide centralized oversight for these campus functions and a more consistent approach to how the University responds to allegations of discrimination and harassment." ⬅️ These framings continue to give the game away. For them it is not about NOT discriminating. Not about NOT being inaccessible and toxic places for marginalized parts of the public that funds them to be. It's simply about responding to allegations and trying to keep from getting sued too hard. #Racism #Sexism #Ableism #Disability #UCAccessNow

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    UC trains pre-med and med students, medical researchers, and runs medical centers. It is crucial that University of California dismantle its ableism. We gave them a template to use in our Demandifesto.

    Does anyone know how many of this brief's authors are disabled?

    "Anti-Ableist Medical Education: Meeting the Challenges"

    https://www.thehastingscenter.org/anti-ableist-medical-education-meeting-the-challenges/ @disability @academicchatter #Ableism #UCAccessNow

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    This ought to be good. Is this the same Pablo Reguerín who was sitting alongside Chancellor May at an interview with The California Aggie's editorial where May lobbied for the student fee supporting NCAA athlete perqs by likening NCAA athletes to disabled students by saying they too needed "special" supports? And didn't say anything about that? That Reguerín?

    Do you know who was among the chancellors who never replied to hundreds of emails regarding UC's ableism? Chancellor May of UC Davis!! @disability @academicchatter

    #UCAccessNow #Ableism #UCDavis #DavisCA

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  • ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    The ableist analogy Chancellor May made.

    Disabled students don't only PAY to be on campus - no free ride disability scholarship - UC has a legal obligation it continues flouting to be fully accessible to the public funding it. Arguing that the student body should pay fees to support a small % of students who are given special tutors, a special health building, and other perqs already is not only patently ridiculous, but by likening it in this way to how UC chooses to segregate disabled students instead of being highest common denominator of accessible by default is bound to further encourage resentment of disabled students as a "cost"!

    https://theaggie.org/2021/12/02/editorial-board-meets-with-chancellor-may-uc-davis-administrators-4/ @disability @academicchatter #Ableism #CivilRights #UCDavis

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  • ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    @disability @academicchatter If you want to know how UC Davis is treating disabled students, ask us.

    But a clue is in the fact that this is an in-person only talk. And that the advertisement of the talk contained no accessibility info even for the in-person part! #UCAccessNow #Ableism #Disability #UCDavis

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
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  • ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Not only does UC Davis continue doing the "it's UC Davis, but it's not UC Davis" when it comes to student housing (nest of private-public "partnerships"),

    not only did they install cycle racks we pointed out to them 4 years ago are inaccessible,

    not only are the accessible EV chargers not under shade like the inaccessible ones, but

    you pay market rate for NO HOT WATER

    This is grad student housing at UC Davis.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AJZ0MjjRAU #UCAccessNow #NeoliberalHellhole #Housing @academicchatter

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    It seems like to be another compliance-focused approach rather than proactively trying to be an accessible, equitable university for all of us.

    Despite UC claiming it did this "proactively", it actually did it in response not just to our activism and other grassroots activism, but likely because of rising pressure from Dept of Education Office of Civil Rights due to complaints.

    "“The scope of the work for the SOCR will be focused on policies that pertain to protected categories, as defined by state and federal law,” said Rachel Zaentz, senior media relations officer from the UC Office of the President, in an email.

    The SOCR will house three subunits: the existing Systemwide Title IX Office — which prohibits gender discrimination in any federally funded education program or activity — a new Systemwide Anti-Discrimination Office and a new Systemwide Disability Rights Office."


    @academicchatter #UCAccessNow #Accessibility #Ableism #CivilRights

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)'s Fall Internship Program is open for applications now.

    "The AAPD Fall Internship Program is a professional and career development opportunity for disabled students and recent graduates. Interns explore career opportunities, gain leadership skills, and connect to the broader disability community.
    will be completely virtual. Ten interns will be placed in remote internships at placement sites in either Congressional offices, federal agencies, non-profit, or for-profit organizations. Interns will work part-time for 15 hours a week. The program will be 14 weeks long. It will run from September 3 to December 6, 2024."

    https://www.aapd.com/fall-internship-program/ @academicchatter @disability #Disability

    ucaccessnow , to blackmastodon group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar
    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    It's ridiculous how much attention is given to those complaining about restrictions that haven't existed for over 2 years.

    Meanwhile, complete silence about excluding disabled and higher risk people from most of society indefinitely due to the current lack of COVID protections.

    ucaccessnow ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    @luckytran It's courses and conferences not being accessible.

    It's your fellow students constantly leaving you out of student association events and governance.

    In a world that isn't a meritocracy, that is still "who you know", you don't get to know people because you're literally segregated. #AcademicChatter #UCAccessNow

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Temporarily disabled UC Davis students & staff will often use email lists or Freecycle to get a free mobility device. Because mobility devices are expensive and often aren't covered by insurance.

    One of our examples in the Demandifesto proposed a wheelchair/mobilty aid repair center for each campus, with ability to rent/loan equipment. https://archive.org/details/disability-equity-and-justice-demands/page/n17/mode/2up?q=wheelchair

    They do not think of themselves as (temporarily) disabled.

    Some notice how suddenly inaccessible the campus is to them.

    But they forget as soon as they heal.

    Don't forget. Join us in pushing for an accessible University of California. #UCAccessNow #Ableism @disability @academicchatter

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Good news: UC Access Now's work continue to prod a teeny bit of progress from UC, Associated Students, and others.

    Bad news: Most of the time we point out injustice & present evidence, we are not invited to the table when it comes to decisionmaking.

    Some of the things mentioned here are things the UC Access Now Demandifesto laid out in July of 2020.

    Don't let UC or anyone else erase the work UC Access Now has done.They erase the hard work we've done, which encourages burnout. If they're successful erasing grassroots movements, they extinguish desire to organize for positive change that's an equal seat that the table rather than rationed scraps. @disability @academicchatter

    https://dailynexus.com/2024-02-01/highlights-of-regents-january-2024-meeting/ #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd #UniversityofCalifornia

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  • ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    @disability @academicchatter The UC Access Demandifesto is up on Internet Archive for all to read. It's easy to see what we were pointing out through the Demandifesto (and subsequent publications via our social media outlets) and what has filtered down into the language of the UC Systemwide Advisory Workgroup on Students with Disabilities to which we were not invited to contribute.

    The appropriation and erasure contributed to the burnout (i.e. actual worsening of health) by core working members of UC Access Now. Don't let them erase our work.

    We'd write the Demandifesto a bit differently now. Within months after publishing it, we called for the dismantling of the offices of rationing accessibility that UC runs.

    https://archive.org/details/disability-equity-and-justice-demands #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd #UniversityofCalifornia

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    UC Riverside is looking for a "Student Disability Specialist". You can read the job requirements and ask yourself - is the job to make the public's university accessible to the public by default as much as possible, or is the job about policing disabled people and continuing to resist the public and do only the bare minimum of disability law that is enforced on the university? @academicchatter @disability


    #UCAccessNow #Ableism #DisabilityLaw

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Seeking campus housing at UCSC? Good news for disabled students, especially if you have a disability that affects your ability to fill out forms, you get to fill out an EXTRA one!!

    Yay! /sarcasm


    @academicchatter @disability #UCAccessNow #Ableism #Housing

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    "UC Santa Barbara Associated Students’ Commission on Disability Equity announced plans to open a Disability Cultural Center on the third floor of the University Center...

    The post followed a Senate bill unanimously passed during a Jan. 17 Associated Students (A.S.) Senate meeting that incorporated the DCC into the organization. The Senate bill was co-authored by second-year history of public policy and law major Amelia Rowe and second-year political science major MingJun Zha.

    “I was inspired by [C.O.D.E. External Affairs Coordinator Yao Yao] Xiao’s drive and initiative in addressing the unique struggles disabled students face on campus,” Rowe said in an email statement to the Nexus.

    The DCC has been in development for seven years and was finally presented to Senate this quarter following ongoing conversations on the importance of having this space open for students with disabilities, according to Xiao." https://dailynexus.com/2024-01-26/ucsb-a-s-c-o-d-e-reveals-new-disability-cultural-center/ @disability @academicchatter

    ucaccessnow , to AcademicChatter group
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    Gov. Newsom proclaimed today Ed Roberts Day, recognizing late UC Berkeley alum and disability activist Ed Roberts.

    Good time to email or call the Governor asking why he hasn't responded to the hundreds of emails sent in 2020 on asking him to read and enact the Demandifesto Action Steps. University of California needs to dismantle its systemic ableism!


    Governor Gavin Newsom
    1021 O Street, Suite 9000
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: (916) 445-2841

    @academicchatter @disability
    https://www.gov.ca.gov/2024/01/23/governor-newsom-proclaims-ed-roberts-day-2024/ #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd

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  • ucaccessnow OP ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    @academicchatter @disability

    Although UC and the State of California love to pay tribute to Ed Roberts now that he's no longer alive to keep needling them, our state is still ableist as hell and disabled people are being prevented from going to UC and driven out if they manage to get in.

    The UC Access Now Demandifesto was sent to the Governor, the Regents, and the chancellor of every UC campus in July of 2020. Few have responded and none have moved on the Demandifesto Action Steps.

    If you're not serious about dismantling ableism, you shouldn't be trying to cover it up with Ed Roberts' name and achievements.

    #UCAccessNow #Ableism #HigherEd


    pluralistic , to random
    @pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

    "When you want to take their books away, they're children. When you want them to work, they're adults." -/u/xFurorCelticax/ on /r/LateStageCapitalism


    #censorship #childlabor

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  • ucaccessnow ,
    @ucaccessnow@sfba.social avatar

    @pluralistic It's also the classic shell game of systemic oppressions - when you apply to go on disability, you're "not disabled enough", but when you then try to go to the workplaces that have been violating ADA for nearly 34 years so far, you're "too disabled" to hire.

    How hegemons define you is always a shell game.

    #UCAccessNow #Capitalism #Ableism

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