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@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar



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indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Please call or go online right now.


indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

President Biden has led the charge to ensure we never experience another January 6, and to fight back against those extremists who want to undermine our free and fair elections. The freedom to vote and have your vote counted is fundamental to democracy and we can count on President Biden to protect that.


indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

MAGA Republicans' attacks on reproductive freedom aren't limited to abortion: They're also going after contraception and IVF. President Biden’s administration approved the first-ever birth control pill available over the counter without a prescription. Meanwhile, MAGA Republicans are supporting legislation that could effectively ban IVF treatments used by families everywhere. The disparity between the political parties could not be clearer.


indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Though “infrastructure week” was a running joke during Trump’s time in office, President Biden showed that he can actually deliver. He passed a once-in-a-generation investment in critical infrastructure (roads, bridge, railways, airports, public transit) that will ensure America remains competitive in the global economy.


indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Donald Trump’s vision for America is one of chaos, resentment, retribution, and hate. Instead of obsessing over the past like Trump, President Biden knows that we can only make our country better by looking toward the future.


indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

We applaud the historic actions President Biden has taken to lift the crushing burden of student debt. By approving debt cancellation for nearly 4 million Americans, the Biden Administration has provided $138 billion in total relief and crucial breathing room for families to pay bills, buy homes, and start businesses.


indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

By closing loopholes, making the ultra-rich pay their fair share and creating a new minimum corporate tax rate for the largest companies, President Biden will be able to fund vital investments in America’s future AND strengthen our economy at the same time.


indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

During tonight's State of the Union address, President Biden will tell Americans about the two very different visions for our country that are before us.

Under President Biden's leadership, we've experienced record low unemployment, a rapid rise in wages, drops in crime and inflation, expansions of renewable energy production and consumer protections, and much more. President Biden has gotten more done in the first 3 years of his presidency than most presidents have accomplished over two terms.

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

We can build on all of this progress, re-elect President Biden and win a real Democratic trifecta that will restore reproductive freedom for every American and pass the vital democracy reforms our country has needed for so long.

Or we can go back to Donald Trump and endure his vengeance, autocracy, and unimaginable cruelty to the most vulnerable members of our society.

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Republicans have a 900-page plan to end our democracy as we know it and remake the federal government in Trump's image if the GOP returns to power. Trump has promised to be a dictator "on day one," use the military to stop protests and put his political opponents in jail.

This is a dangerous moment in our history. We look forward to President Biden presenting his vision for how we overcome Trump's threats and keep building on the promise of a multiracial democracy that works for all of us.

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

This isn't good. No Labels (the GOP front group) will put a candidate on the ballot in Florida, Nevada, North Carolina and other battleground states. Their goal is to disrupt the Electoral College and make the House pick the next president, which would ensure a second Trump term. We need to raise awareness about No Labels' dangerous threat to our democracy: https://act.indivisible.org/lte/write-letter-editor-warning-your-community-no-labels-threat-our-democracy?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

“No Labels has stockpiled cash from people it has declined to name, including former Republican donors who have become disenchanted with the party’s direction in the Trump era, and worked to secure ballot access in every state.” https://apnews.com/article/no-labels-candidates-selection-third-party-ea3f28a5e35f0789e873ac42369b0a77

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Which reality will we wake up to 8 months from today?

A second Trump term defined by vengeance and autocracy?

Or a Democratic trifecta that restores reproductive freedoms and repairs our democracy?

The answer will be determined in large part by the work we do from now until Election Day. Commit to defeating Trump by supporting our grassroots organizing to win in November. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/stop-trump-again?refcode=mastodon20240306directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Sinema will go down in history as a feckless, corrupt egomaniac who sabotaged abortion and voting rights and destroyed her own political career in the process. Enjoy your lobbying gig and leave the rest of us alone forever. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/independent-sen-kyrsten-sinema-will-not-run-re-election-arizona-rcna124499

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Fortunately, we can replace this sellout with a proven and battle-tested progressive in November. Please support the organizing work to elect Ruben Gallego and keep this crucial Senate seat out of MAGA hands! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gallego-indivisible-split?refcode=mastodon20240305directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

This is really important: Too many Americans don't know about Trump's blatant authoritarian threats (like his vow to be a dictator "on day one" if he returns to power). We've got some work to do to raise awareness on what a second Trump presidency would mean for our country and communities. Our tools make it easy for you to take action locally: https://act.indivisible.org/lte/majority-over-maga-LTE?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Republicans are panicking and trying to disavow the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that jeopardized IVF access across the state.

But many of these same Republicans have supported legislation that would ban abortion and IVF services nationwide. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/repro-rights-billboards?refcode=mastodon20240304directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

We can't let the GOP rewrite history. Help us put up digital billboards in vulnerable Republicans' districts so voters know the truth about their extreme and deeply unpopular anti-IVF policies. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/repro-rights-billboards?refcode=mastodon20240304directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Uh oh! MAGA extremist Kari Lake is admitting what we've known all along: Her dangerous anti-abortion views are deeply unpopular. Unfortunately for Kari, most Arizonans know that nothing she says should be believed! If you're able, pitch in to support our work to elect Ruben Gallego and keep this key Senate seat out of MAGA hands: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gallego-indivisible-split?refcode=mastodon20240303directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

“Kari Lake will say anything to get elected, but her actions are clear. Arizonans won’t be fooled by her attempts to erase her record.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/kari-lake-switches-up-abortion-stance-ahead-of-arizona-senate-contest

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Trump would 100% sign a national abortion ban. This is the same guy who stacked the courts with anti-abortion judges, bragged about getting rid of Roe and said women who need abortions should be punished. Let’s make it clear: A second Trump presidency would be a Christian Nationalist government that decides if, when and how you start a family. https://indivisible.org/resource/write-letter-editor-trumps-dangerous-positions-abortion?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Last night, the leader of the GOP confirmed his support for a national abortion ban and claimed Republicans are “on the side of women.” Join the organizing to stop Trump and protect our reproductive freedom: https://act.indivisible.org/survey/majority_over_maga_signup?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

It’s easy to focus on the political reality of Republicans’ inhumane abortion laws and forget the real impact. Whether it's Kate Cox having to fly out of state to receive life-saving care, Brittany Watts facing criminal charges for experiencing a miscarriage or families across Alabama being unsure about the future of IVF, these draconian bans impact real lives.

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar
indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

After mobilizing a grassroots movement to build the Blue Wave in 2018, defeat Trump in 2020 and stop the supposedly inevitable red wave in 2022, we’re ready to win a real Democratic trifecta in 2024! If you’re able, pitch in to support our organizing work to codify abortion rights and pass vital democracy reforms. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/majority-over-maga?refcode=mastodon20240226directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

MAGA extremist Kari Lake (the self-proclaimed “most dangerous politician in the world”) keeps lying about Ruben Gallego and our movement because she’s desperate to distract from her unpopular policies. If you can, support our work to win back Arizona’s Senate seat: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gallego-indivisible-split?refcode=mastodon20240225directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Remember this when you see Republicans trying to distance themselves from the cruel Alabama Supreme Court ruling against IVF:

125 House Republicans (including Speaker Mike Johnson) supported the “Life At Conception Act,” a bill with no exceptions for IVF: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/431/all-info


indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

We need every American to understand these never-ending attacks on our reproductive freedom are due to Republicans’ anti-abortion laws and the MAGA Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. https://act.indivisible.org/lte/write-letter-editor-about-katie-cox-brittany-watts-and-harsh-reality-republicans-abortion-laws?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

The fight for abortion rights is personal for so many of us. This is why we’re organizing to defend reproductive freedom in Arizona and across the country.


indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

You aren't experiencing déjà vu: Republicans are threatening a government shutdown unless their outrageous demands are met.

If your representative is a Democrat, call the House TODAY and tell them to fight back against the GOP's attacks on reproductive freedom, the LGBTQ+ community, and vulnerable asylum seekers and immigrants. https://indivisible.org/resource/encourage-your-democratic-representative-oppose-all-extreme-maga-policy-riders?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam OP ,
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

And tell your Democratic senators not to support any bills that include these extreme GOP demands. https://indivisible.org/resource/encourage-your-democratic-senators-oppose-all-extreme-maga-policy-riders?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar
indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

By winning the New York special election, we sent a clear message to the remaining 17 House Republicans in Biden-won districts: There will be consequences for enabling the most extreme members of your party. Please help us keep the momentum going by supporting our groups' work to win back these crucial districts! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/unrepresentatives?refcode=mastodon20240221directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

Uh, this is news to us!

We launched our 2024 electoral program much earlier than expected because our movement was already demanding to get to work. And we got over three times as many volunteers for the New York special election as we had planned for.

If you’re able, pitch in to support our organizing work that keeps proving the pundits wrong: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/stop-trump-again?refcode=mastodon20240220directpost&source=mastodon

indivisibleteam , to random
@indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

We have to shape the narrative of this election from the ground up and reach these voters in ways traditional campaigns typically can’t. Join our organizing work to defeat Trump, retake control of Congress and mobilize millions of voters against the anti-democracy, anti-abortion politics of MAGA: https://act.indivisible.org/survey/majority_over_maga_signup?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

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  • indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    After we win a real Democratic trifecta, we’re going to pass federal legislation that protects abortion rights and reproductive freedom for all Americans. Every Democrat should support the bills in our Reproductive Freedom Agenda: https://indivisible.org/campaign/abortion-reproductive-freedom

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    There’s no more important state this cycle than Arizona! With a crucial Senate seat, two target House races and 11 electoral college votes, the path to national victory runs through Arizona. We know we can boost voter turnout by getting abortion rights on the ballot in November. Support our groups’ organizing work to make it happen: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/indivisible-arizona?refcode=mastodon20240217directpost&source=mastodon


    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    Another GOP conspiracy theory from their empty impeachment inquiry has completely fallen apart. If you're represented by a Republican, make sure your neighbors know that your Member of Congress is responsible for spreading these lies: https://act.indivisible.org/lte/write-letter-editor-about-your-republican-representatives-ridiculous-biden-revenge-impeachment-inquiry?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar
    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    The leader of the GOP just made history again! For the first time ever, a court date has been set for the criminal trial of a former president. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/15/trump-in-new-york-courr-for-stormy-daniels-hush-money-case-hearing-.html

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    Project 2024 launched today but we're taking things to another level tomorrow. Join us (and special guest Andy Kim!) to talk about how we will work to win a real Democratic trifecta between now and November: https://indivisible.zoom.us/webinar/register/5317073390858/WN_YLucpPN2Riazk5TvnmADBA

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    “No one should panic” always has the intended effect of preventing panic.

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    The leader of the GOP encouraging Russia to attack our NATO allies seems like the comment from a presidential candidate that everyone should be talking about this weekend.

    Let’s end Trump’s political career in November: https://act.indivisible.org/survey/defeat_trump_2024_survey?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    We keep hearing about an "enthusiasm gap." But we've had three times as many volunteers signup to GOTV for the New York special election as we expected. Please help us provide our volunteers with everything they need to flip this crucial district next week! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/unrepresentatives?refcode=mastodon20240208directpost&source=mastodon

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    8️⃣ days left to flip our first red district of 2024! Help us get out the vote to replace George Santos and make MAGA Mike Johnson's tiny majority even smaller (there were more Democrats in the House than Republicans for a vote last week). GOTV is crucial in special elections. This is your chance to make a big impact! https://mobilize.us/s/8NJxu2?source=digi

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    No Labels wants to help Trump get re-elected by causing chaos in key states. This GOP front group has already secured a place on the ballot in Colorado, Florida, Nevada and North Carolina as part of their plan to disrupt the Electoral College in November. Help us raise awareness about No Labels' threat to our democracy! https://act.indivisible.org/lte/write-letter-editor-warning-your-community-no-labels-threat-our-democracy?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    Every Democrat should be a champion for abortion rights! We put together a legislative agenda that protects reproductive freedom for all Americans. Let's build support now so we can pass these bills when we win back the House: https://indivisible.org/campaign/abortion-reproductive-freedom

    indivisibleteam , to random
    @indivisibleteam@mastodon.social avatar

    The disconnect between media coverage and Trump's actual positions on abortion demands attention. Tell your community that the leader of the GOP has advocated for punishment for women who undergo abortions, and Trump is no "moderate" on reproductive freedom. https://act.indivisible.org/lte/write-letter-editor-trumps-dangerous-positions-abortion?source=mastodon&medium=directpost

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