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PopOfAfrica ,

He is an independent candidate. There is, by definition no independent party.

The lumping together of all independants is disingenuous.

PopOfAfrica ,

I had to join a defederated server after the mods sent hexbear users my way to harass he after a I reported users for harassment....

As someone no longer part of their drama, yall should defederate.

PopOfAfrica ,

It definitly wasnt at the time

PopOfAfrica ,

Democrats have refused to stop Trump at every juncture. Id really should be appalling to us that we allowed democracy to be on the ballot when we had four years to patch every exploit in the system.

This is not what success looks like. Im just very tired knowing that Democrats never seems to push anything beyond half measures that fail.

The stakes were simply too high, and we've let the cancer metastisize too long.

Lets hope we can shove it into remission, but we really should have done it earlier.

PopOfAfrica ,

Ironically, from the progressive prospective, it looks like moderates are willing to allow facscists to win instead of moving further left.

We really need the wings to come to an understanding fast, but that would take some good faith from the moderates IMO.

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

In this anology, all I want is for the lazy asshole to stop beingbeing a lazy asshole.

We never seem to put up a less lazy asshole. Ever.

And then we wonder why we have a dragon problem.

Im already being downvoted for simply asking for a dragon slayer in that can slay the dragon.

PopOfAfrica ,

I think Biden could be a dragon slayer. He just has to have the gumption to do it. To a lot of progressives like myself, it feels like we are just giving up on the prospect of Biden doing better, as if that is not even an option anymore, and the people that are most prominently supporting that notion are the moderates right now.

The fact of the matter is we have a dragon problem, and it doesn't seem like anyone is willing to fix it. We can't just get eaten by the dragon.

I don't know, it just doesn't seem like people are frustrated enough that we have no dragon slayers. Perhaps we would have gotten one if people were this upset earlier.

PopOfAfrica ,

I'm not even asking for a new candidate at this point, I'm just asking for Biden to do better. I totally think he is capable of doing more and doing better, but it seems like he just doesn't want to. And it seems like the moderates don't expect him to, as if they also are frustrated with him. A lot of the progressive frustration comes from the fact that we had warned about this years prior And we're just told to shut up about it.

If we need a dragon slayer to meet the moment and Joe Biden is all we have, then we better start training him to be a dragon slayer. We really should have been doing that four years ago.

Instead, the election is coming up and we have someone who might not be able to slay the dragon... versus a dragon. We can help all we can, but it's really up to him to slay the dragon in the end. I just don't think we put ourselves in the best situation if the goal is to kill the dragon.

PopOfAfrica ,

For starters, Biden should have picked a better AG, that would have gone a long way. Secondly, Democrats should have impeached Trump THE DAY OF THE INSURRECTION, while Republican support was wavering in the uncertainty. Instead they waited months.

We could have removed the filibuster to ease legislation.

Mind you, all of this was stuff progressives were screaming at the time but moderates ignored.

PopOfAfrica ,

But I, alongside many other progressives, explicitly said Garland was going to be exactly like this.

As is sadly often the case, progressives are right in the moment, and then history has to look back on them as being correct in the moment. It wasn't hindsight that told us this.

I mean you look at history and almost always whether it be the civil rights movement or the gay rights movement or workers rights progressives are always 100% of the time on the right side of history, but they are never given the credit.

PopOfAfrica ,

Capitalism is strangling us. Any candidate who doesn't admit that is unacceptable.

PopOfAfrica ,

The problem is where things are getting the most expensive, that being food and housing, the markets are captured. You can't just say no to having food and housing.

This is where regulation is supposed to step in.

PopOfAfrica ,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, nobody said anything about Donald Trump.

It is absolutely possible that Biden can start to do better. For some reason a lot of people on the internet want him to not even have to try to do better. I just don't understand why our expectations are lower because the other guy sucks. He can and should have high expectations, meet them, and be better than the other candidate.

PopOfAfrica ,

My ideal solution really doesnt matter. When you are being strangled, to extend the analogy, you dont really care who gets the guy off you.

If capitalism wants to protect itself, it better stop the strangling.

PopOfAfrica ,

This is already the case if you're poor under capitalism.

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

I'm from the middle of nowhere West Virginia where a lot of the times you can't get the county to fill in potholes. Lots of people manually fill them in themselves with gravel. If the tools were readily available to borrow, then there would absolutely be somebody that would fix their own road.

We act like there was no infrastructure before capitalism, and that's just not the case. If a village needed a bridge, they built a bridge together.

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

Its not really a win until life is sustainable.

PopOfAfrica ,

What is astounding to me are the people that act like Biden is physically incapable of changing his position on Israel? The stakes are really high in this election, which is why it is irresponsible for Biden to be supporting Israel right now.

Why is he not taking this seriously?

PopOfAfrica ,

Why is it so hard to ask for an option that isn't genocide?

PopOfAfrica ,

If Democrats had actually done anything to make sure this man was jailed or otherwise barred from running for office, then we wouldn't even be in this position. I sadly think they prefer that Trump is the candidate that they run against because they think he's easier to beat.

This upcoming election should have been our last line of defense, not our first.

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

Right, and had Biden appointed a better attorney general, which is totally on his hands, then maybe this would be different.

Progressives screamed at him to pick somebody else for fear of this exact outcome, but he didn't listen.

PopOfAfrica ,

The preisdent literally picks the AG, yes. Dont be a moron here.

PopOfAfrica ,

The problem is that from an anti-capitalist perspective, any pro-capital candidate is completely unacceptable. We have never really been given the option for anything else.

Obviously there are degrees of wrong, but man, it really isn't a good situation to be in to have to vote for one degree of wrong over the other. Even if it is multitudes of shades worse than the other.

I don't find it productive to blame the voter for our situation. All you are doing is alienating would-be allies on the left.

PopOfAfrica ,

Democrats have been wholly inactive on facsism. Weve held power for four years and should have done literally anything about the looming fascist threat instead of sitting on our hands. The fact that Trump is even on the ballot, and not behind bars, is a damning indictment of Democrats' spinelessness in the face of problems.

It should be horrifying that we've let democracy be on the ballot.

PopOfAfrica ,

Yall said we could push Biden further left. The election cycle is such that there is always the next election, and we arent allowed to complain about the candidate, for fear of hurting their chances.

Its rigged against progressives

PopOfAfrica ,

Right, but when your beliefs involve the dissolution of capitalism, these are more like perpetuating the system.

PopOfAfrica ,

Its that shitty Ben shapiro meme. "You hate the system yet you participate in it, curious?"

Yeah not really many options when you've gotta put food on the table. The change comes from the top down

PopOfAfrica ,

Too bar at this rate, the planet will be burnt to a crisp before we get anywhere close to good enough.

No time for baby steps. Perhaps is selfish, but Id like these changes in my lifetime, please.

PopOfAfrica ,

I know Lemmy doesn't like it, but Kagi is really great

PopOfAfrica ,

Im a massive proponent of FOSS, But I have not heard a single sustainable FOSS model for maintaining free search engines. It just takes so much capital to operate.

I think a paid model is much better than a privacy disrespecting / ad driven one.

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

I don't know why you're getting downvoted. This is accurate. They did not want your vote.

PopOfAfrica ,

I don't know the inverse to that is also true. Joe Biden could throw progressive some more bones if it meant saving women's lives.

It's bizarre to me that the onus is on us and not the candidate running for office to convince us.

PopOfAfrica ,

If it is online only, it's not an alternative.

PopOfAfrica ,

Shit, Id argue DVD with a good scaler is better than streaming

PopOfAfrica ,

The only thing that inkscape could be better at is image tracing. Other than that its my favorite vector software.

PopOfAfrica ,

Affinity refused to make Linux ports. That alone killed them for me.

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

For me, a graphic designer, gimp is quite possibly the worst software Ive ever used. I wish someone would fork Krita to have more image editing related features.

Inkscape, however, is fantastic.

PopOfAfrica ,

Namely the horrific UI. Everything is burried within menus and popup windows.

PopOfAfrica ,

Im more interested in Graphite personally https://graphite.rs/

PopOfAfrica ,

I quite like the Falkon Browser by KDE. Definately need to use Greesemonkey scripts to replace some simple extensions tho.

PopOfAfrica ,

While I like what framework is doing, given that Linus Sebastian is a investor of the company, I don't think I can support them.

At least not until the sexual harassment investigation that he promised would be released is finally released and shows no wrongdoing. Although I suspect it was a line it's never going to get released.

PopOfAfrica ,

Im actually quite upset that lawmakers havent used this to pass generalized privacy protection.

They have an opportunity to end mass survailance, but thats OK if its US survailance

PopOfAfrica , (edited )

When do we throw the hole driller overboard? Anyone not willing to do that does not have my support.

I dont want to reach across the aisle and only drill small holes.

PopOfAfrica ,

I wanted to use his mlencryoted messenger :(

PopOfAfrica ,

I think the volume of people ia what killed Mastodon. That place is toxic.

PopOfAfrica ,

Literally nobody brought up Trump but you.

Its wild that critiques of Biden/Harris somehow always get whataboutismed.

Yes, Trump sucks major ass. Worst POS on the planet. But why does that need said here?

PopOfAfrica ,

What I don't understand is why developers ever put their names to projects like this. Create the project and distribute it via peer to peer

Lemmy.world Should Defederate with Threads

I think it's pretty safe to say that the majority of us are here to avoid another corporate takeover of our preferred platforms. It would seem to me to be a tad irresponsible to allow Facebook into our space with open arms, allowing them to hoover up our data. I would love to keep using Lemmy.world, but will happily change...

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