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Feddyteddy ,

Don't bother with this whoreticulture account, they are just on here to pretend to be trans and then they behave like an ass to try to get people to dislike trans people or something. I know it's stupid, but you can take a look at their account history to see what they are doing. It's no wonder it's a new account, I imagine they are doing this a lot. I'm working on a little script that just auto-warns people about them.

Feddyteddy ,

I'm not mad. I haven't called you any childish names, or did anything else that would indicate anger. That would be you and you alone, and unless you go and start editing your posts anyone can clearly see that.

Feddyteddy ,

No, it is a description of the beliefs that you seem to think every cis person has to have. This is because you seem to want to lump all cis people(which you repeatedly call for the demise of - to the point of mods needing to repeatedly removing your bigotted comments) into this category. Or at least the BS persona you are pretending to be "believes".

Feddyteddy ,

I literally never heard of this term until you started blasting it over and over. I had no idea. I looked them up because you kept calling me them so much. If you are not intentionally trying to get them exposure, then you are sorely missing your mark. Thanks to YOU, I am aware of them. 100% die to you. That's the effect you are having. It is absurd to act like I'm one of them.

If you are not extremely anti-trans then you have gotten so twisted up in a truly remarkable way. I highly highly doubt that.

Feddyteddy ,

This sums it up exactly. Anyone who asks questions and tries to learn is your direct enemy. That is what you stand for. You try to stop education and awareness. Whether you know it or not, I can't tell, but it is what it is. You attack inquisitive minds by trying to make them feel like questions mean bigotry. This is horrendous behavior.

Feddyteddy ,

Most likely one of your other accounts.

However, in the off chance that you are genuine and just misguided, here is the explanation of the whole genetic male/female thing that you may be misunderstanding. Genetic sex is real, but it is not the same thing as gender. Someone can be a genetic "male" but have the gender "woman". This is an example of a "transgender" person. I know I'm probably just falling into your trap again, but in the off chance that you are genuinely interested and just a bit confused, this is what the situation is. I hope it helps.

Feddyteddy ,

Alright, I can see you are just continuing on. I tried. You need to look deep inside yourself and decide if you really want to keep up this strange charade.

Feddyteddy ,

Everything you know about the trans community you have learned through a lens of hate and bigotry against them. Maybe if you want to role-play a trans person badly, then there might be something there that you are not admitting to yourself. If you change one thing about yourself and choose love above all else, then you will be much better off.

There is nothing "wrong" with trans people. There is no reason for you to put so much effort into your hateful mindset. They are people just like anyone else. Just because they are different from you doesn't mean you need to spend your time trying to destroy them. Quite frankly, you will fail. You are one person on a hateful rampage. You are too weak to destroy a whole group of people. I don't know what religion or what is behind your blind hate, but I assure you that it is not real.

Feddyteddy ,

I have nothing against trans people, I've said nothing against trans people. I didn't know of this term "bioessentialism," but thanks to you, I've just looked it up. It does not describe my views. I am 100% aware of the concept of people being genetically one way while having a different gender. There is nothing wrong with this at all. I have never said anything remotely like that.

This other commenter is not serious. They are pretending to be trans in order to make them look bad. I don't know why they are so hateful, but at this point, there really is no other explanation. There is no reason they would be so awful to someone trying to learn.

Feddyteddy ,

You've had plenty of chances to show genuine sincerity. You are choosing hate, you don't have to.

Feddyteddy ,

The article didn't show up. I appreciate you introducing me to a new term. The whole point of me being here is to learn.

Feddyteddy ,

Thanks, I see the article now. It must have been part of the edit, so I missed it before. I appreciate you taking the time to make the link.

Feddyteddy ,

This is what I think happened. Some assholes somehow convinced you that anyone who isn't already super knowledgeable about this stuff has to be evil with deep secret motives. Now, when anyone asks questions or doesn't know certain things, you immediately go into psycho vicious attack mode. This only serves to benefit the asshole. It makes you come across as an absolute asshole who hates anyone who tries to learn. They tricked you. If you want to beat them, then just be kind and quit assuming everyone is out to get you.

Feddyteddy ,

I'm sorry that people have been so very bad to them. I know it sucks. I can't imagine what it is like. I can't relate to what someone must have gone through to make them so angry about questions and common expressions. It must be awful. I feel like it would require an absolute expert to be able to navigate this minefield of potential triggers, and I highly doubt that the average person will be able to do it any time soon, if ever. This isn't just "be kind" and everything will be alright. This is "if you don't have memorized a whole bunch of stuff or if you are new to it, then you will be shouted down and called a bunch of names and told what a bigot you are".

Nobody can be expected to immediately be at that point. This is a perfect recipe for a self-fulfilling prophecy of misunderstandings and ongoing hate. The people who are winning from all this are the people who want there to be needless fights. It's not my place to speak to how traumatized people should behave, so I won't do that. All I can say is that most people I know would much rather avoid conversations that have such a high chance of being so accidentally aggressive and as a result this wall isn't going to come down any time soon.

Feddyteddy ,

If you are being serious right now, then it absolutely is difficult. You taught me terf. I never know about them before I met you. I have no talking points. I'm a random curious person with no affiliations, I've never voted, I've never been a part of any group that has anything to do with trans people.

Feddyteddy ,

Being unable to contradict, or debate, or dig deeper is no way to deal with an equal human. That is awkward, and unnatural, it is walking on egg shells. Can it really be that there is an entire group of people that don't want to be seen as equals and want everyone to always treat them with kid gloves? I highly, highly doubt it. The vast majority of them must want to just be seen as normal, equal peers. The solution can't be to simply right off a whole group of people as the ones that you can't be relaxed and comfortable around and just speak your mind.

Feddyteddy ,

Yes. Absolutely, positively, seriously, you have apparently been tramatized and tricked into thinking that anyone who doesn't know as much about this stuff as you do must be an evil demon sent to terrorize you. That isn't the case. I'm not them. I'm not. I'm absolutely not. I'm a random person with a good heart. A random person with enough care in my heart that abandoned cheese, chicken, non-vegan detergent, and everything else that has a chance of coming from a tortured animal because I can't stand the though of an animal being miserable on my account. I've done this despite holding the belief that I would be healthier if I continued to risk abusing animals. I tell you all this to explain that I care. I am being completely honest when I tell you that you have been somehow masterfully tricked into seeing average good people as if they are out to get you. I genuinely, 100% want you to be happy.

Feddyteddy ,

I refuse to abandon a whole group of people. I want a world where all types of people can live in harmony and peace and can all benefit from our incredible variety as a species.

I know this is exhausting and time-consuming, but I have learned so much from this, and I don't regret a fraction of a second of it. The most I can do is hope that eventually you look back on our discussion someday in a positive light, even if right now it doesn't seem possible.

Feddyteddy ,

I've never heard of her, and I doubt whoever she is that she wants anything to do with me.

Feddyteddy ,

I would never dream of arguing that you don't deserve to exist or have rights.

This discussion largely started because a good friend of mine, a 17 year old girl, was told that she would have to wrestle against someone who was identifying as a girl. This person was born a male, they went through male puberty, they never took any hormone blockers, they were absolutely going to crush her. A year prior to the fight, this person would have beat you up if you called them a girl. They were in a straight relationship with a girl. I'm sorry, but I won't say it is fair for my friend to have to wrestle them. I won't. It is terribly unfair. This is what I mean when I say that it is OK for me to have differing views.

Feddyteddy ,

The hobby you are referring to is actually much broader than you realise. It is simply a desire to learn about the world and the people around me, and despite your efforts, I'm not giving it up.

I know you don't need me. I don't have any idea what you need. With my whole heart, I hope you get it whether I am a part of it or not.

Feddyteddy ,

Wow. She is trans, I did not see that coming!

Feddyteddy ,

It did happen, and it isnt like it is an isolated event.

This is very different from your response the last time I mentioned it(unless I have you mistaken with someone else). I thought before you said that the other wrestler had just as much right to fight as she did and "what about the future of the trans wrestler". My apologies if that wasn't you.

Feddyteddy ,

I was just saying that I was surprised that there was a trans celebrity that you also hated so badly. I can't even come up with how you think this is a rehearsed line or something. I'm once again genuinely lost here.

I am listening to her now to try and get an idea of what her views are and the views of other trans people who disagree with her. I'm seriously blown away that there is so much infighting even amongst trans people. I was wrongfully assuming that the great divide was just between trans and some bigoted anti-trans people. The habit hole continues, I suppose.

Feddyteddy ,

Oh my. I don't know what to say.. you're an anomaly to me, truly a fascinating individual.

Feddyteddy ,

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but why would you link to an article that mentions "biological sex" in the first sentence when trying to prove that there is no such thing as "biological sex"? I'm almost certainly missing something, so please excuse my ignorance.

Feddyteddy ,

So biological sex is real then? I keep being told that I fell for a lie that there is a such thing as "biological sex" and that there is no such thing as male and female humans. Is this not the case? Is "biological sex" a real thing?

Feddyteddy ,

I've always been under the impression that there are males and females. I know that sometimes they feel like they are in the wrong body, but I thought they were still males and females. I am repeatedly told by people in the trans community that this is a lie and that sex is not male and female and that this idea is part of their systemic oppression. I'm just trying to get a solid picture of what is going on exactly.

Feddyteddy ,

I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this. It is refreshing to get answers when I ask about this stuff instead of just slurs and attacks.

Is it definitionally correct to say that male and female are two of the biological sexes, but there are more? Or is it not even the case that male and female are biological sexes at all? If not, then what is the proper term for xx and xy people?

Do you know what the reason is for the down votes I am getting for the question i asked you? Obviously I don't care about the score or whatever, I just want to know what it is about my question that is offensive.

Feddyteddy ,

Wow! I had no idea that the terms male/female were not around until the 14th century. That's fascinating! Thanks so much!

Feddyteddy ,

Awesome, thanks so much!

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation ( www.lgbtqnation.com )

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...

Feddyteddy ,

That's so nice of you to say! I'm quite proud of it. It just came to me out of nowhere for this comment. By all means, use it as if it were your own.

Feddyteddy ,

Look who it is! It's my adorable little angry puppy that follows me around to various threads. Half the credit for this line goes to you and your tight little brown starfish.

pats them on their little red head

Feddyteddy ,

Yeah, you caught me, I've been learning about trans issues lately. From what I've gathered, you and Tucker Carlson are both trying very hard to stop trans education. Although it seems he is a bit more skilled at it than you.

Feddyteddy ,


Feddyteddy ,

Oh my. I must be an idiot. I just realized that you almost certainly are an anti-trans troll. There is no way that anyone who was pro-trans would be trying so hard to make them look so comicly awful. If you would like to have a conversation while representing your actual position, I would be open to it. For real, I know that it may be a bit intimidating, but if you spend some time trying to get to know some real live trans people, it may really change your mind.

Sorry it took me so long. I feel like I've never been on the internet vefore or something. You really got me good. Well done, internet stranger, well done. I gotta hand it to you. You really had me believing you for a while. You win this round, you cheeky bastard.

Feddyteddy ,

Now that I know what you are doing, I realise that this is probably the most genuine thing you've said in our entire conversation. I feel so played.

Feddyteddy ,

Well, at least now I'm a little bit better at determining when I'm talking to a bigot attempting to drum up hate against trans people by mascarading as one of the worst of them. So it's not a total waste of time, I suppose. I guess it adds to the sweetness knowing that I've wasted your time as well, considering your sneaky little plan ended up not working after all.

Also, now I'm able to warn anyone else that you try your little trick on. All in all, I'd say it's worth it. Although, considering how new your account is, I guess this is the part of the game where you just make a new account and try again. In hindsight, I guess I should have just let you go on thinking it was working.

It has also helped me to improve my English. On top of that, I've learned a bit about "stylometry" because I had chatgpt talk me through making a python script that uses the lemmy API(turns out its a thing) that scans lemmy comments looking for your writing style so I can hopefully determine whatever your other(and future) accounts are. Hopefully, I can squash you out before you have a chance to trick anyone else. Trans people are too special, and if you are going to try so hard to hurt them, then I will be damned if I don't fight back to help them.

You adorable little Tucker Carlson wannabe, you. You had a good run.

Feddyteddy ,

Don't bother feeding into this whoreticulture account, they are pretending to be trans and then acting awful to try to get people to wrongfully think badly of trans people. I'm working on making a script that automatically warns people about their account.

Feddyteddy ,

It's fine if you don't read them. They are more for the sake of anyone else you try to do this to than they are for you anyway.

Thanks for the tip, I'm curious if they are actually pro-trans or just another one like you, just mascarading to try to bring down the image of the trans community.

Feddyteddy ,

It just seems so unlikely that you would be acting like this if you weren't trying to give trans a bad name. If you were genuinely interested in helping the trans movement, then you would have answered my questions or ignored them if they were beyond your understanding. You wouldn't have immediately just gone right into calling me names and wishing for my demise as soon as you heard I was cis.

Feddyteddy ,

As soon as you told me that I went and asked other trans people what the proper way to refer to xx and xy people if not biological female and biological male, and they ALL emphatically agreed that it is absolutely, undeniably, the proper way to refer to them, and is in no way offensive. They even asked me where I thought babies come from if there are no females/males. Then, I sent you the link to the conversation. Guess what your response was: "TERF!!!!!"

I have, and had absolutely no intention to insult anybody or call anyone by improper names or insults(you are still the only person involved that is doing this). I was simply trying to learn what the proper terminology was.

Feddyteddy ,

Literally from the thread I gave you before. Here is a link from a trans person to a nature article that literally refers to biological sex.


At this point, I don't know if you are oblivious to your own community or if you are intentionally trying to make trans look bad.

Feddyteddy ,

It refers to biological sex which you have been pretending is offensive. It's not. You know it's not. There simply is no way you are truly this oblivious.

Feddyteddy ,

Alright, it is clear that you are not genuine. There is obviously no way anyone expects anyone else to write out that whole phrase instead of saying "genetic male". The scientific literature disagrees with you, common English language usage disagrees with you, and the trans community disagrees with you. You are by yourself. It can't be that you actually think this way.

Feddyteddy ,

In the long run, you lose. You are a dinosaur. There is no place for your anti-trans games in a progressive future. There will always be people different from you. You can't stop that, you will be better off if you just get used to it.

Feddyteddy ,

At this point you sound like a broken chat bot. I honestly have no idea what you are on about. I dont know what a razzy is. I never watched that Big Brother show. All I know is it is people living in a house with a bunch of cameras or something. I don't have the faintest idea how it is relevant.

Feddyteddy ,

I absolutely am irrelevant to humanity, just like nearly everyone. If you think this is an insult, then you are in for a rude awakening when/if you eventually grow up.

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