@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml cover
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar



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ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I don't think they ever will be completely obsolete, the paradigm will probably just shift away from big formations of big boats with big guns to smaller more maneuverable boats in smaller groups more specialized on long distance strike capabilities using drones and missiles.

Question about collective ownership

Suppose I have studied for years to become a pastry chef. I set up my own bakery, investing my time, energy, and labour into procuring equipment and building up a reputation as a delicious place to eat. I run the entire operation myself as the sole worker. Eventually, after years of turmoil, word of my exceptional pastries...

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

As long as you're not an awful boss, you don't have to worry about being booted out.

While the peoples who work with you can fire you, they can't do it just because they feel like it. Under socialism, businesses don't have the right to fire their workers at will like they do under capitalism, they need to have a good reason to fire you.

Under socialism there will be governmental bodies who's task will be to monitor worker's right, including making sure that layoffs are lawful. If you do get booted out by your coworkers, these governmental bodies will have to be notified by the business and review the justification for letting you go, and if they find that the reasons are not good enough, they have the power to force the business to give you back your position and issue penalties for unlawful layoff to the persons responsible. So just don't be the kind of boss we hear about in r/prorevenge and r/maliciouscomplience and you'll be fine.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Their rhetoric has always been to point out things that the republicans would do that the democrats supposedly wouldn't, but now that the democrats have let minority rights get taken away, have become basically as xenophobic and anti migrants as the republicans and are willing complicit of a NAZI style genocide, they ran out of any apparent differences to point to and are reduced to either lie and pretend that the republicans are going to do things that nothing indicate they will, at least not in the next 4 years, like how they keep saying that trump will somehow make himself a dictator for life, or, admit that the democrats are doing everything the republicans are hated for, but insist that the republicans would do them worst somehow.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Unfortunately and scarily, Russia is showing much of the same pattern as Germany in its most dark past, with the ruski mir looking more and more like the german lebensraum.

When you totally know what the lebensraum was.

The Nazis' lebensraum project wasn't just taking over a bunch of land in Europe, it was a settler colonial project inspired by the American policies of systematic forced displacement and extermination of the native populations under the doctrine manifest destiny.

Lebensraum was a pseudo-scientific racist theory formulated by pro-colonialism far right German thinkers, according to the lebensraum theory, a race needs a certain amount of space for themselves in order to attain their full potential and therefore need to take their necessary territory from "lesser" races by force. To summarise rapidly how it was developed, the German colonialists basically went "Look at America, they expanded to the west basically exterminating every native population in the way and replacing they with white settlers and now they're super rich and powerful, so if we exterminate a bunch of native populations, take over their land and put native Germans in their place, we should become super rich and powerful too".

The idea was put into practice in Namibia, then one of the German empire's colonies, resulting in the genocide of the Herero and Nama.

Fast forward a bit, Adolph Hitler was visited in prison by one of the main colonialist thinkers behind lebensraum theory and Hitler was rapidly convinced to adopt it.

And that's how was born the genocidal project of the Nazis in eastern Europe, just as their mentor the United States had rid "their" land of "lesser" north Americans natives to expand westward and make way for the "superior" whites, so would Germany rid eastern Europe of Jews and Slavs to make way for the "Aryans".

Now comes the question: is Russia doing any of that? Does the Russian government believe in and promote a theory that rank races to justify the extermination of "lesser" ones? Is Russia shoving Ukrainians (or anyone else) in concentration camps and "reservation"? Do they steal Ukrainians houses and invite Russian natives to go live in the stolen houses in Ukraine?

The answer to all of those questions is no. If you think it's yes you need to demonstrate it, saying "they look just like Nazis" without drawing any actual parallels between them is no better than saying "anyone I don't like is a Nazi".

The fact that all of russia’s puppet state demanded to join NATO (BTW: you cannot be invited it only works by writing an official demand to join and approval by all member state), is a revealing fact.

If a NATO country can somehow influence the elections and public opinion on NATO in those so called "Russian puppets", which they very much can, they can make sure to have pro-NATO politicians in power who will demand a NATO membership, that way they effectively force the country to join while making it look like it was voluntary.

As we saw in Ukraine, Russia does not need any reason to invade a sovereign nation (their reason for invading looking also stangely like german justification for poland invasion)

"Russia does not need any reason to invade[...] their reason for invading looking also stangely like..."

Look, if you're gonna spew bullshit, can't you at least keep it strait and somewhat coherent?

Putin didn't just wake up and decide he was feeling like invading something that day, whether you like it or not they had actual reasons to do it and the fact that you or I may or may not think those reasons are not legitimate does not matter since neither you nor I have a say in the Kremlin.

Also, once again you say "they look like Nazis" without showing why you think they look like Nazis. How are their reasons similar? Russia's stated reasons for invading are to prevent all of their western frontier neighbors to become part of a military alliance they deem aggressive to them and to stop the killing of ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Luhansk regions and overthrow the current far right government of Ukraine, how is that similar to the Nazi's excuses to invade Poland?

The countless horrors of torture, rape, murder and brainwashing by the russian state, seems to prove their reasoning right.

[citation needed]

That wouldn't be the first time the west has falsely accused an enemy of those things so I'm really gonna need a source for that.

I do not claim that the west is perfect, with the actions of the united states and other in recent times, but claiming that russia or china have clean hands would be outright hypocritical.

You claim that the west is systematically better than Russia, China and other countries that the west considers rivals or enemy (funny coincidence that those are all countries the west don't like isn't it) and when we demonstrate to you that this is bullshit since the west has literally done almost every single thing you accuse China, Russia, etc of, often in worst and more than once, you go "Ha but I think the west is bad too" so that you can continue pretending to be objective even after we expose you massive pro-west bias.

Thanks to the free press, the western world made their population aware of this wrong actions and helped steer them in the right direction.

The press in the west is not free, it's the private property of a handful of billionaires who, since they are their private properties, have complete control over what is or is not published in their outlets. I'd even say that given that the capitalists are the ruling class in the west, privately owned medias are really state owned medias with extra steps.

Not to mention the fact that western outlet are often in contact with organs of western governments, most notoriously with the CIA, who often dictate what the outlets should publish.

Just look at how they report on the genocide of Palestinians, does that look like fair and unbiased reporting to you? Those that look free pro Israel bias?

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

That makes sense

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

You do realize that kind of sanctions affect the poor civilians far more than the elite, if it even affect the elite at all, right?

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

lol good luck with that

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Or you know... Maybe peoples saw your posts on their feed and downvoted because your posts were stupid or bad 🤷 .

And Hexbear don't have downvotes so this person is either lying or don't know what they are talking about anyways.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Separating Lenin from Marx is stupid but still make some kind of sense at least since Marxist theory was already a functional framework long before Lenin came along, just incomplete. But Marx and Engles' theories are practically one and the same, separating them don't make any sort of sense so yeah, this guy is a bozo xi pointing at the screen . I seriously doubt he has read anything beyond the manifesto and maybe principles of communism, and even that is still generous.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar
ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

France become the first country to explicitly include the right to terminate a pregnancy in its constitution.

No, Yugoslavia did it in the 70s.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This take is both idealistic and ignorant of the situation on the ground.

It's clear to anyone paying attention that Ukraine has lost any shot they had at driving Russia out in 2023, assuming they even had any shot at it in the first place. As shown by the evolution of the front line in 2023, Russia is now deeply entrenched in it's current position and Ukraine, even back when Western military support was at it's maximum, is unable to make them move from them in any significant way. Meanwhile Russia has had the time to adapt to western sanctions and the economy not only stabilized but is even growing quite a lot, especially the arms industry.

You need to come to terms with the fact that Ukraine won't be getting back the occupied territory. With Russia now largely outproducing the west on military equipment and the west having pretty much depleted their stockpile, Ukraine, who is largely dependent to western military aid as their own military industrial base is far from solid, will unravel sooner rather than later. The ONLY thing sending them weapons is doing right now is prolonging the war and getting more Ukrainian killed for literally nothing.

Getting more thousands of Ukrainian killed because of the delusion that they can somehow still drive Russia out at this point is not worth whatever territory they want to get back.

Continuing to send billions of dollars of weapons to them won't do any good to the Ukrainian peoples, and you aren't the saviour of Ukraine you think you are by cheering for this.

What would do good for the Ukrainian people is suing for peace and starting to rebuild whatever territory they have left.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Well if you think like that it sure will never come.

While the worsening of living condition under capitalism do push toward revolution that doesn't mean that it's automatic, revolution is an active process, you have to make it happen. Your role, as someone who see the fundamental problems with capitalist society and want to change it, is to lay the ground work to make sure that revolution do happen when the time is right.

One of the most important things that you must do is education, of yourself and of others. Study economic and political theory to understand how and why capitalism necessarily causes all of the issues we are constantly seeing and inform others of what you learned. Refute liberal, social democrats and other radlibs' narrative and show that the things they propose are nuttered band aid "solutions" that will result at best in temporary concessions that can and will be stripped away once popular turmoil calm down and the capitalists feel their power secure again. Promote socialism as an alternative to capitalism to limit the number of peoples who will tend toward fascism once they see the cracks in liberal rhetoric and start looking for an alternative.

An other important thing you can do is crating or joining an organization able to stand up to corporations and to the armed forces of the bourgeois state. Popular movements, whether they are a simple protest or an all out revolution need leadership otherwise the well organized, generally better equipped capitalist state's armed forces will wake quick game of them; that's what a vanguard communist party is for. Of course, the organization should help peoples on the ground, help those oppressed by the capitalist system however you can, monitor the police to document and disincentivize police brutality and discrimination, help the homeless by giving them food and homes if you are able to, help the workers unionize and support them when they strike, etc... There are a lot of thing you can do and lots of ways you can help with whatever skills you have, the important thing is that you do something, don't be a liberal who enter political hibernation and wake up every 5 years to vote for lesser evils and maybe go to 2~3 protests in their lives.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

rolling blackouts

[citation needed]

has lost tens of thousands of their citizens

[citation needed] + even if that's true Russia's population is about 144,444,000 peoples.

10 000/144 444 000 = 6.923098224917615 x 10^-5^ ~ 0.000692 = 0.0692% so half of a tenth of a purcent. Not a big issue really.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

They can't import much anyway because of the sanctions, nor do they really need to anymore now that russian companies have taken over the shares of russian market of foreign companies who left, so even if you were correct about this it wouldn't be a big issue for them.

ExotiqueMatter , (edited )
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

How do they keep not respecting ICJ rullings against them and their allies then?
Like, bruh. This shit is not magic. Without a structure that would be able to physicaly force the US if and all of it's intricate global military alliance to respect the rulling if nessessary, which there are none of currently, the rullings are just empty words which they can and will ignore.
It's like expecting that convicted criminals will walk from the courtroom to the prison on their own without any escort being needed to make sure they respect their sentence.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

A lot of these countries are at least ally of the US if not pupets, don't count on those to do anyting about it if the US decide that they don't care what the ICJ says.

As for the coutries that aren't, what they can do is very limited, they can place embargos and apply sanctions but that's about it, they certainly won't perform any military actions against the US even if they are in theory able to because they aren't stupid and understand that a war with the US won't end well for them even if they win.

Even without going that far, the actions that can be taken against the US are limited because since in the real world coutries aren't closed off pocket universes and are rather part of the same world and all connected by economy, politics, history and geography in some ways, any actions taken by one country against an other will have consequances for the PERPETRATOR of those actions as well.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Anyway, here’s to hoping other nations will do the right thing when the ICJ ruling is passed and hold all the financial supporters of genocide against Palestinians to account.

  1. They wont.

  2. The fundamental rule of economic sanctions is: never assume you wont be sanctioned back. Nations who attempt to sanctions Israel's economic backers will be sanctioned back by those very economic backers, among which is the US, a country who hold a massive deals of control over the global economy through the US dollar, the curency which is used for the majority of international trade and which every countries hold assets and reserves in. Not to mention the fact that despite the massive ongoing deindustrialization the US is still the world's second major exporter and importer. Almost any economy cut from them would imediatly enter a massive economic ressetion. You can't just sanction coutries and expect everythong to be hunky-dory ICJ rulling or not.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

That wont change anything even if they are. Their geopolitical iterest in the middle east are at bay, they just won't care and will continue to support Izrael anyway. That's what they always do.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

If today the ICJ rules that Palestinians have been victims of genocide, that war is ending in the next few days/weeks.

This is naive. Like we keep teling you, the US has made it a habit to go against decisions from intrenational institutions like the UN, the ICJ etc. Nothing has ever happened to them as a consequance of that behavior. If they decide to keep backing Israel's genicide anyway, which they without a doubt will, there will be very little consequances for them at best.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Unless Israel forces itself to become a recognized colony of the US, you don’t have a case here.

How so? Israel doesn't have to be a "recognized colony" or whatever for this to be about US interest in the region. There is a reason why the US is Israel’s largest foreign arms supplier and Israel is one of the coutries who buy the most american weapons in the world.

Israel is the only coutry in the middle east who is willing to do the US's bidding there without questions, if it disapear, all the US will have left will be a shaky alliance with Saudi Arabia and a fragile ocupation in Iraq, and with Iran just next door, without Israel those too will be gone sooner rather than later as the middle eastern country realize that now that the US can't do shit to them anymore they can freely make an allience that makes much more sense for their geopolitical interests with Iran.

And without any influance there the US has no way of stealing middle eastern oil or to at least presure middle eastern countries to sell their oil in dollar and severe concurence to american oil company will soon apear which the US doesn't want.

IDK why you guys insist on arguing with me about some of the most basic shit. It’s almost like you support genocide but are too afraid to come out and say it.

Saying that an ICJ rulling wont stop the US from doing whatever they want isn't supporting genocide, it's being realistic and realizing that the US wont stop pursuing their interests just because an organization with "international" in it's name scolded them.

OF COURSE it would be good if that made the US stop, but we are analysing a real life geopolitical situation, not power-of-friendship shonen where the good guy convince the bad guy that it's not very nice to not be nice with a speach.

How would the ICJ rulling stop the US?

The ICJ DO NOT have the power to enforce it's rullings, especialy not on the US.

Not to mention, like everyone here keep showing you, all of the instences where did not respect an ICJ rulling in the past.

They already did it and nothing happened, there is no reasons to think it would be any different this time.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And there are many ways for member states to enforce the ICJ’s decision on ISRAEL (IDK why I have to keep repeating myself on this single point) and the US if they get mentioned as well, economic sanctions are just one of them.

What ways then?

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I mean, it's good to have hope. It would be awsome if the ICJ will stopped the genocide.

But I'm telling you, you'll be disapointed in the end.

Either way, well see what happen when it does.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

South Yemen's blockade is certainly hurting Israel and making it way harder for the US to supply Israel while Hesbolla's strikes are successfuly spliting Israel on 2 fronts, all of that is very good, and yes it is effective, but they're not gods, they can only do so much, Ansar Allah can only blockade the red sea, they can't do anything about the supplies comming from the Mediteraneean, and Hesbolla, while very competent, must keep in mind that the IDF despite all the paper-tiger behavior they showed are still a well equiped modern military supplied by the world's first military power, they can't act recklessly and they know that, which is why they are not going all out against Israel (yet).

However, you are correct in saying that they are reliable support that Hammas can count on.

Give them some time, and with the current unraveling on US influence, they will win against Israel eventually.

As soon an the US can't support them anymore, Israel will be done for, they will fall like Saigon when the US finally left Vietnam.

ExotiqueMatter , (edited )
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I see your point.

This is correct, these mesures would indeed be tremendously effectives, the problem is that it's easyer said than done, and it's already happening even without ICJ rulling anyway.

The BRICS block is working to move away from using US dollar as we speak, they have started to progressively replace the US dollar by local currencies in trades between themselves and are trying to create an international currency for international trade.

But compleating those projects will take a few years at least, you don't move half the world's economy in one day.

Until then, a lot of countries will have no choice but to continue using the dollar for international trade, at least partially, not to mention Europe, Japan, South Korea and the others former British colonies who will undoubtedly continue to use US dollar to support the US.

But even once the dollar stop being the international unit of acount, I doubt the US will stop supporting Israel (if Israel is still there by then, let's hope it's not), as I said Israel perfoms the US's budding in the Middle East, this is why they support Israel so much, the US has demonstrated during it's recent history that its typical reaction to a competitor appearing was to push it lower than they have sunk rather than pull themself higher and Israel is a tool to do this to Arab countries, ensuring that the huge oil reserves of the region keep flowing to US company and don't feed potential Arab competitors, among other things.

In fact, I wonder if that wouldn't make their support of Israel more direct and agressive, it would be very US-like to, as the empire start unraveling, keep clawing on every bit of international influence and every way they extract wealth from the 3rd world to slow down ever so slightly they collapse.

My point is, wait for the US egemony to unravel some more and trust Hammas, Hesbolla and Ansar Allah to deal with Israel, the end of the genocide will come from that, not from the ICJ rulling.

ExotiqueMatter ,
@ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I'm split between not wanting the US to cause more wars and kill more inocent civilians and the hope of what could come from them being more overstreched than ever on all the fronts they are fighting and getting rekt on all of them.

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