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AWistfulNihilist ,

Autobiographically! I love the scene so much because of how nearly orgasmic Dick's reaction is to it.

Dick: "That seems...."
Rob: "Comforting?"
Dick: "Yeah..."
Rob: "It is."

AWistfulNihilist ,

Have you ever sat down with a mental health professional and talked through your frustrations? Not that it's a cure-all, plenty of people have mental health services and all struggle.

I have severe ADHD undiagnosed into my mid 30's. I completely failed out of every school I had ever been to, but was extremely good at retaining the information and testing. While having an effective GPA of close to 0, I scored in the top 5% of standardized testing, including receiving scores on an optional set of exams that my state put on (Golden State exams) which put me in the top 5% of takers in my school and would have earned me a special seal on the diploma I didn't earn.

The world outside of school was much kinder and I am fairly successful despite having these issues which are only now getting addressed in my 40s.

You seem to have both these issues with expectation not being met, and a lot of people are engaging with you and having a hard time identifying with your very real set of circumstances.

That doesn't mean your issues aren't valid, they clearly are and are clearly a burden on your life, but is the problem you are having more how you relate to the world, not how the world is relating to you.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, you appear to be intelligent and effective at what you do, but a lot of these systems weren't designed for people who are neurodivergent, period.

AWistfulNihilist ,

The type of people who failed you back then, they failed me too. I'm talking about now, finding someone you can try to trust and talk to. You don't really have to worry about getting electro shock therapy now a days. You might find that your early, traumatic experiences with school and the system have given you scars you aren't entirely dealing with, and are being made worse by your current experiences.

If might even be easier to navigate how archaic and un-intuitive the system is once you've had more of a chance to deal with them.

You definitely aren't alone having had a bad experience with school, I'm sorry you are continuing to have problems when all you seem to want to do is learn.

AWistfulNihilist ,

It's arguable he crossed the Rubicon with his armies against Rome specifically to avoid the legal consequences of losing power. Cato was living his life to ensure Ceaser would eventually face the courts. Cato would kill himself after that was made unattainable by Caesar's own coup.

“Caesar was reported to be marching against the city with an army, then all eyes were turned upon Cato, both those of the common people and those of Pompey as well; they realised that he alone had from the outset foreseen, and first openly foretold, the designs of Caesar. 2 Cato therefore said: ‘Nay, men, if any of you had heeded what I was ever foretelling and advising, ye would now neither be fearing a single man nor putting your hopes in a single man.’”-Plutarch (Life of Cato)

AWistfulNihilist ,

People who eat those things call them rib eye of the sky.

AWistfulNihilist ,

We're surrounded by fucking tankies and the liberals they hate, you find a lot of nuance in discussions, it just gets downvoted based in which angry mob is currently viewing the thread.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Man I saw that back and forth with the piece of angry man-trash in the last thread. Sorry dude, I've been reading the updates from the beginning, wishing you answers, leads, anything.

Just wanted to put a post down and say you are a good dude!

AWistfulNihilist ,

Oh wow, I totally see why @FlyingSquid would stop posting updates. This is truly shitty person behavior, it would have cost you nothing to not comment on this thread.

Instead you wasted your fucking time just being a pedantic asshole to a person who doesn't deserve it. This is some unhinged type shit!

JFC, what a jerk.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Yeah... It's not exactly an auspicious group of people with an excellent humanitarian record. Who's next? Erdogan, Lukashenko, the Kim's... the zombie of Mussolini?

AWistfulNihilist ,

Oooh, y'all are those tankies everyone keeps complaining about, that shit is hilarious! I stumbled into the non capital version of near fascism worship.

Russian nexus revealed during 60 Minutes Havana Syndrome investigation into potential attacks on U.S. officials ( )

A lead U.S. military investigator examining reports of what has become known as Havana Syndrome told 60 Minutes he believes U.S. officials are being attacked by Russia and that the official threshold to prove it was set impossibly high....

AWistfulNihilist ,

Yeah, it's honestly silly. They've been throwing darts at the wall on this forever. Whatever BS propoganda shit has been blamed going back to the actual office in Havana. Russians, Chinese, UFOs, whatever is currently popular.

Then when they actually put an actual considerable amount of time and money into it, it's just nothing. It was always nothing, it's a stupid distraction.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Naw dude, you legit just onboarded every bit trash that's been fed to you. You are getting suckered into taking less pay for more work. It doesn't matter if the work changes, the venn diagram of your responsibility increases.

I would never and have never offered or have taken a promotion without an increase in pay. I have had responsibilities added to my position without an increase, but when I figure that out, I ask to be paid what I'm fucking owed.

Someone owes you, and has been taking from you, you have lost time not being paid for the work you're doing by accepting experience in lieu of compensation. Or maybe you are the boss taking from someone else because that's what someone did to you. That's a fucking cycle of abuse imo.

As another user noted, you are kind of a sucker.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Workers working together would demand fair pay for work, like the UAW.

By not demanding that, you are licking a boot, you are being exploited.

If you are on a group of people also getting exploited, and not demanding fair pay, that's a gaggle of suckers! Just cause you're the lead goose in that gaggle, still makes you a fucking sucker.

AWistfulNihilist ,

No, I've read most of your replies, I'm starting to think you don't even believe your own rhetoric, you sound ridiculous. You're even purity testing people who've obviously had similar experiences.

You are making terrible arguments en masse.

AWistfulNihilist ,

How are you ever going to get fairly compensated compared to a person working in an air conditioned work if you don't think you should fight for fair compensation for your work?

A promotion from a field tech to an office job is a promotion, a promotion from field tech to a supervisory, more technical, field managerial role is also a promotion and should come with fair compensation.

It's like your arguing against yourself to create this weird dichotomy. What you are trying to this person you're talking to is gross btw. You are trying to undermine their credibility because their argument is better than yours, goose.

AWistfulNihilist ,

You don't LMFAO! Fair compensation for fair work, if your wage has been slowly chipped away because you are willing to accept less, you are polishing the tools of your own subjugation with your spit. Good job!

AWistfulNihilist ,

I don't know what you think You've been arguing in this thread, but it's not what you think You've been arguing with you words.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Bruh, that's legit hilarious, this is the saddest attempt at an ad hominem I've ever seen.

AWistfulNihilist ,

You see like the mad one dude, been getting pass around this thread like a used tissue, starting to get to you

AWistfulNihilist ,

The only people who still mention Reddit on here are sad, this is a different community, judging by your debate style, that's where you cut your teeth any way, you feeling a little insecure, goose?

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( )

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

AWistfulNihilist ,

The DNC loves running against Trump. He's the most effective propoganda tool since communism. The fact that I've seen this stupid fucking meme on every possibly meme channel in like 4 to 8 hour increments is legit demented.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Ha, I think at least 70% of Internet arguments are caused by hangryness!

AWistfulNihilist ,

Who is y'all and where is this meme saying Biden sucks? Is this like a copy pasta? Sounds like you agree with the meme.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Are you mad cause people won't get into arguments with you about why they don't like Biden?

AWistfulNihilist ,

What's a /walkaway user? I keep finding some financial thing.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Honestly you seem a little angry and intimidating, I wouldn't engage with you much either.

AWistfulNihilist ,

That's legit hilarious and relatable and makes me feel better about you!

AWistfulNihilist ,

They actually did a great job of going over their points in their answer, I didn't have anything to add! I wasn't here to angrily argue in a meme channel.

AWistfulNihilist ,

I saw this

I was wondering why they were coming in so hot on a meme the agree with, apparently it's a multi thread fight.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Man, you're so angry about me not wanting to argue about Biden you tagged me twice, sorry I guess?

AWistfulNihilist ,

LMAO, dude normal people don't spend all their days on political comment threads writing paragraph long diatribes with cited sources.

Look at what you are doing here, tagging me in an unrelated conversation, like don't you see how that's looks angry and intimidating? You actually seem unhinged to me now looking back.

You know who spends all day arguing in political meme threads with a cited source for every argument they have? People who get paid with access to Lexi nexus.

Like I see you as was more likely to be a paid employee of someone than the dude posting this meme.

AWistfulNihilist ,

I think it's possible the amount of time and effort you spend on this is affecting your perspective on the minority vs the majority.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Super interesting having this additional conversation with you! You are making books worth of pro Biden, anti shill posts on a largely leftist space. I would say most people who do that would get plenty of upvotes, like if a user on gab or truth made pro Trump, anti npc posts, they would collect a load of upvotes too.

Are you drop net fishing for upvotes?

AWistfulNihilist ,

Yeah, my fear of this person going through my post history and following me from thread to thread (usual thing I find when people have this kind of energy, plus they seem to be stalking a different user and I just don't think they have the time) went down and now I'm super duper curious!

AWistfulNihilist ,

Oh, are you mozz and just accidentally posted this?

AWistfulNihilist ,

Man you are so angry you got angry about me asking you a question then got angry about a conversation I was having with another person! Unless this is you second account, then I'm sorry!

I'm just pointing out it's way more likely for a person spending day after day writing incredible amounts of cited and sourced arguments to randoms online to be paid for it than the dude posting memes who's tired of engaging I guess.

I mean they both seem weird to me, but this is more weird.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Which position is that which you despise? Which position have i stated? You're so angry to can't even engage LMAO

AWistfulNihilist ,

So... Much... Time.... Probably billable, I'm really starting to wonder who you're a staffer for in DC, or which think tank you work for. Maybe military contractor?

AWistfulNihilist ,

Is that what it says to say on the time card, or is it all digital. If you aren't getting paid for this, you are wasting your talents my friend.

There are campaigns that would love you and enjoy this. But I think you're already working for one, frankly.

AWistfulNihilist ,

You should, you are amazing. Your arguments are excellent and long form. They are well cited, you clearly read and understand the citations, some of which have been political technical documents.

On top of all that you are maintaining that effort across multiple threads with multiple people. You are putting in pro level effort and pro level time! If you aren't doing that in a targeted way for something like the Biden campaign, that's a waste imo.

AWistfulNihilist ,

That explanation stands to reason and you are so reasonable giving it!

AWistfulNihilist ,

Naw, you just look like an asshole and it damages your overall argument to other people who aren't assholes.

You can be a gadfly without being a piece of shit or a pedant, or a triple downing douchebag. Again this is all a reflection on you, not on the people your bad insults aren't landing on.

AWistfulNihilist ,

No, I won't be a wuss an go outside. You see how silly that sounds?

AWistfulNihilist ,

Oh sorry, I missed the team America video. The one where you think you're Gary Johnston but you're actually Matt Damon.

AWistfulNihilist ,

Naw, they already removed your shitty and stupid ableist comment and the world is better for it, no one can see any of this and good!

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