adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Analysis | The Only Ones Still Buying the Israeli Army's Version of the Rafah Strike (Haaretz, 2024-05-28)

“According to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit, this strike had two targets: Yassin Abu Rabia and Khaled Al-Najjar. ... Both men were said to have carried out attacks in the early 2000s and transferred funds for terrorism.”

“The announcement did not disclose that the two men were released in deal … in 2011 and that both were West Bank residents … who had been deported to Gaza. ”

“… We don't know whether they were targeted because … they were still operating in the Hamas military arm, … or if they were targeted in for their attacks in the early 2000s. We don't know what these men would have chosen to do had they been released to their homes in the West Bank. …”


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Palestinians with disabilities subject to unbearable consequences of the ongoing hostilities and violence in the OPT (Statement | OHCHR, 2024-05-27)

adachika192 , to palestine group avatar


Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza (Press Release | Geneva International Peace Research Institute, 2024-05-27)

“On May 22, 2024, the Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI), the Collectif de Juristes pour le Respect des Engagements Internationaux de la France (CJRF) and a group of international concerned citizens, submitted a legal brief to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court () Karim Khan requesting the opening of an investigation against Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including the Gaza Strip.”


sabinehiller , to palestine group avatar
adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

foreign ministers discuss sanctions against Israel: “For the first time at an EU meeting, in a real way, I’ve seen significant discussion on sanctions and ‘what if,'” Ireland’s foreign minister said. (Politico, 2024-05-27)

“‘There was a very clear consensus about the need to uphold the international humanitarian legal institutions,’ Martin told reporters following the Foreign Affairs Council.”


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar


“A stand in solidarity with and to demand an end to the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza, in front of the in .”

Check the original toot for a short video.

adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Israeli anti-war activists speak with the WSWS (World Socialist Web Site, 2024-05-27)

“… an anti-war group of Israeli mothers… which has hundreds of supporters, was founded last November by mothers of young people required to serve in the armed forces, not only to prosecute the war against the people of Gaza but to maintain the ongoing occupation of the West Bank.”

“Today’s anti-war protesters confront what [an activist] described as a ‘very militarised’ society. ‘We live with the military, our children grow up knowing they will be in the army when they are 18 or 19, everything is kind of based on that. In our group we want to change this.’”

“‘In my surroundings, the people I meet are for peace, they are all against the war. There is opposition in the universities and many other places.’ The mothers’ group was calling for a complete end to the war and for ‘everyone to go home, the hostages and the soldiers.’”


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Israeli anti-war activists speak with the WSWS (World Socialist Web Site, 2024-05-27)

“… an anti-war group of Israeli mothers… which has hundreds of supporters, was founded last November by mothers of young people required to serve in the armed forces, not only to prosecute the war against the people of Gaza but to maintain the ongoing occupation of the West Bank.”

“Today’s anti-war protesters confront what [an activist ] described as a ‘very militarised’ society. ‘We live with the military, our children grow up knowing they will be in the army when they are 18 or 19, everything is kind of based on that. In our group we want to change this.’”

“‘In my surroundings, the people I meet are for peace, they are all against the war. There is opposition in the universities and many other places.’ The mothers’ group was calling for a complete end to the war and for ‘everyone to go home, the hostages and the soldiers.’”


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Polizei räumt Humboldt-Universität (Tagesschau, 2024-05-23)

The students’ occupation as a protest action for Gaza at the Humboldt University () was cleared by police forces on its second day. 🔥

Officially it was ordered by University administration, but the instruction from higher level (= Mayor Kai Wegner) was surely given.


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Polizei räumt Humboldt-Universität (Tagesschau, 2024-05-23)

The students’ occupation as a protest action for Gaza at the Humboldt University () was cleared by police forces on its second day.

Officially it was ordered by University administration, but the instructions from higher level (= Mayor Kai Wegner) was surely given.


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar!6009132/

Pro-Palästina-Schülerstreik in Neukölln
: Jung-Kommunisten in der Sonnenallee | Ein Kommunistischer Jugendbund und die Migrantifa demonstrieren für Palästina. An der Humboldt-Universität kommt es erneut zu Besetzungen.(taz, 2024-05-22)

Though in a small number, the students of Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium in Neukölln () dared to take action “School strike for Palestine”, with Kuffiye & music & marching through .

… Also a renewed occupation in Uni Humboldt is reported.


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

From X post of Black-Jewish Alliance, call for rally in on June 7th, in front of German Embassy.

Theme: Why does love Genocide?


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Itamar Ben-Gvir rages at Israel's police chief for protecting Gaza aid convoys (Haaretz, 2024-05-20)

“Sources say that Israel's national security minister was surprised by the large number of police officers at a West Bank checkpoint, and raged at the police commissioner two days later because special units were assigned to safeguard Gaza aid convoys”

… No matter how “large” the numbers really are, I sincerely wish those police officers all the best. 🖖


mondoweiss , to israel group avatar

Israeli soldiers rounded up Ahmad Safi and his male family members in Khan Younis and made them stand atop a sand dune for 12 hours as the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters. This is their story.

@palestine @israel

Chicagosib , avatar
adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Israel’s Priority Is Killing Gazans, Not Freeing Hostages (Stephen Semler | Jacobin, 2024-05-18)

“After Netanyahu’s rejection of the latest proposal, it’s clearer than ever that Israel’s war isn’t and never was about the . Biden’s continued support for Israel demonstrates that the hostages aren’t a priority for the United States, either.”

“… Hamas has repeatedly offered to release the hostages in exchange for a cease-fire and Palestinian prisoners, including as early as October 7 and October 9. Family members of the Israeli hostages have repeatedly urged their government to accept those offers, but Israeli leaders always rebuffed them…”


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

From X post of anndoe༅ 安藤健史:

Vigil for Gaza
at A-Bomb Dome
18:00〜19:30 [everyday]


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Despite ban on Palestinian flags, dozens join Nakba rally at Tel Aviv University (Haaretz, 2024-05-15)

rally. In Tel Aviv.
They are valiant.


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

THE HAGUE – The International Court of Justice () holds public hearings in the case South Africa v. Israel - Oral argument of South Africa (2024-05-16)

Do. - oral argument of Israel (2024-05-17, CEST 10:00-)

Video & Live streaming


DropBear , (edited ) to random avatar
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  • adachika192 , to palestine group avatar



    11 human rights organizations put the full page advert against Rafah offensive and for Ceasefire are:

    ・Physicians for Human Rights Israel
    ・Breaking the Silence
    ・Ir Amim
    ・Association for Civil Rights in Israel
    ・Yesh Din
    ・Combatants for Peace
    ・Parents against Child Detention

    Some are not so well known as the others, I suppose.

    Respect for all of them ✊

    skykiss , to random avatar

    Eighty years ago, millions of Ukrainians fought for Nazism to lose forever. But today, Ukrainians are again opposing the evil that has been reborn, has come again, and wants to destroy us again. An army of monsters who kill, torture, and wipe out peaceful cities and villages from the face of the earth. Evil, the name of which is Russian fascism. Abbreviated as the Russian Federation.

    On the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism, remembering millions of Ukrainians who, together with other peoples, fought and won, we believe and bring a new day of a new victory closer, when the expulsion of the Nazis from Ukraine.

    It's impossible to deny that Russia has its own versions of Nazi ideology. The way to stop Nazism remains the same. Only joint efforts can be effective.

    Russia puts every country that doesn’t submit to its terror on its "list."

    As long as Russia exists in its current form, no country is safe unless it is a pawn or accomplice of a terrorist state. Part 1.

    🧵 1/

    President Zelenskyy from the site of Russian torture chamber where terrorists Russian army killed many Ukrainians. He explains Russians are nazis-2.0. We must defeat the war criminal Russians army.

    skykiss OP , avatar

    Presidential Zelenskyy from the site of the torture chamber where war criminal Russians killed over 300 civilians in one town in Ukraine.

    Together we must stop the Russian war of aggression. Never again is now.
    🧵 2/



    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    ‘The scenes of the Nakba are repeating’: Rafah in panic as Israeli invasion begins (+972 Magazine, 2024-05-08)

    “ With Israeli forces entering Gaza’s southernmost city, Palestinians describe their hardships and fears in the Strip’s last vanishing refuge.”


    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    Protests in Malaysia over presence at defense show of Western firms supplying weapons to Israel (AP News, 2024-05-07)

    with video.
    “People gathered in Malaysia’s capital Tuesday urge the government to expel «murderous arms dealers» that supply weapons to Israel from a defense exhibition this week…”

    see also:

    Malaysian government defends presence of companies that supply weapons to Israel at defense show


    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    Did Israel coordinate with Egypt before reoccupying the Rafah crossing? - Israel's control of the Philadelphi Corridor raises questions on whether key peace agreements with Cairo are at stake (Middle East Eye, 2024-05-07)

    “Israel's control of the Rafah crossing may present a threat to a September 2005 agreement with , known as the Philadelphi Accord.”

    “‘Israel occupying Rafah means occupying the Gaza side of the Philadelphi Corridor, which would be a violation of the 2005 addendum to the 1979 peace treaty,’ International Crisis Group analyst Joost Hiltermann told Middle East Eye.

    "’It is doubtful that the Egyptians would have greenlighted this.’

    “An Egyptian military source claimed that Egypt has not authorised the Rafah crossing operation…”


    see also

    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    Did Israel coordinate with Egypt before reoccupying the Rafah crossing? - Israel's control of the Philadelphi Corridor raises questions on whether key peace agreements with Cairo are at stake (Middle East Eye, 2024-05-07)

    “Israel's control of the Rafah crossing may present a threat to a September 2005 agreement with , known as the Philadelphi Accord.”

    “‘Israel occupying Rafah means occupying the Gaza side of the Philadelphi Corridor, which would be a violation of the 2005 addendum to the 1979 peace treaty,’ International Crisis Group analyst Joost Hiltermann told Middle East Eye.

    "’It is doubtful that the Egyptians would have greenlighted this.’

    “An Egyptian military source claimed that Egypt has not authorised the Rafah crossing operation…”


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