anlomedad , to random avatar

Heard of 's Funeral For Nature that they held in Bath today? I just went through their photo album here and was very impressed
Thoughts like "Is this going to become a tradition? A religion maybe? " The robes and the painted faces struck a chord deep in the soul/stem brain.
How we need exactly this - XR have got it right. No matter where we end up, this striking imagery in context of the unfathomable losses has the potential to become a societal glue like going to church used to be.

hembrow , to random avatar

Today's bike ride included a stop at Groningen Airport Eelde to attend today's protest organised by @extinctionrebellionnl

While normal capitalist businesses are expected to turn a profit or they will go out of business, our local airport receives millions of euros in subsidy each year.

Not only do airlines benefit from not paying any tax at all on the huge quantities of fuel that they burn, but each passenger flying from the airport also benefits directly from this subsidy that we all pay. Fliers don't come even close to paying the full cost to society of their flights, let alone for the destruction that they're causing for future generations.

Why do we subsidize destructive behaviours ?

Noodlanding voor het klimaat Emergency landing for the climate
Welcome to extinction - one of many things written on the ground with chalk
On the way home I passed a roundabout which had been blocked by protestors. Well, not actually blocked: Cyclists were not impeded at all, but gas guzzling cars couldn't pass.

GhostOnTheHalfShell , to random avatar

The essence of our predicament.

The party at the switch are billionaires, the large group of people is the world’s population and the individual on the track is billionaire wealth (not a person, unless we substitute a corporation, then SCOTUS treats it like human embryo).

The billionaires have welded the switch to “kill world population”

The Trolley problem is meant to tease out moral instincts in impossible situations

GhostOnTheHalfShell , to AcademicChatter group avatar

-- edit added @academicchatter

Streaming the 25th. Mark your calendars. Book mark and boost, if you might. All of academia needs to know what kind of deadly dross neoclassical economics is legitimatizing.

CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

"The protesters used the pivotal townhall meeting scene in Henrik Ibsen's classic play to inject some action of their own on Thursday night.

Imperioli, still playing small town Mayor Peter Stockmann, ordered the protesters to leave.

After the show, wrote on Instagram, "Tonight was wild ... no hard feelings crew. Michael is on your side but Mayor Stockmann is not. Much love.""

SRTurtleIsland , to random avatar

Insure Our Future's Global Week of Action against insurers is kicking off from 26 Feb—2 March!

Hear Ethan Nuss of the Rainforest Action Network & Rebekah Hinojosa of the South Texas Environmental Justice Network discuss the GWA with Steven Starr on Extinction Rebellion LA's XRNOW! podcast.

Click here to listen to the full show:

More info about the Week of Action here:


breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Strange, isn't it, that the values of real people — the things most of us truly care about — are not reflected at ALL in the values of our hegemonic capitalist consumerist culture...

yianiris , avatar

You know what has always amazed me, people who can afford all this daily, even in their 80s, they will hop on a helicopter in Long Island fly down to lower Manhattan 7am, to be ready for that "killing trade" ... then do it again 5-6 days a week.


Did you say greed or grid?

ScientistRebellion , (edited ) to random avatar

🔥 Tragic news from Chile: forest fires claimed 100+ lives, prompting a state of emergency. Coastal cities engulfed in smoke, central regions evacuated: a dire situation worsened by heatwaves, with Santiago facing temperatures over 33°C.

🔥 Trágicas noticias desde Chile: los incendios forestales se cobran 100+ vidas, provocando el estado de emergencia. Una situación calamitosa empeorada por las olas de calor, con Santiago enfrentando temperaturas de mas de 33°C.


XR_Nuernberg , avatar

El Niño verschärft die Situation dramatisch:
Bisher nie gemessene Ozean-Temperaturen!
Dürre & höhere Temperaturen im Westen von S-Amerika.
😮 In diesem Jahr eskaliert das Risiko von Waldbränden. 🔥 🌳 🔥 🌲 🔥
Klimabedingte Herausforderungen vertiefen wirtschaftliche, ethnische und soziale Ungleichheiten, bedrohen insbesondere Menschen im globalen Süden.

Wir müssen endlich Handeln!
- now! ✊

Space6host , to random

From the Reality Check Desk...

“The politically acceptable is ecologically disastrous while the ecologically necessary is politically impossible.”

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ExtinctionRebellion

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Kevin Anderson is professor of energy and climate change at the Universities of Manchester (UK), Uppsala (Sweden), and Bergen (Norway). Formerly director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, he also is one of the scientists most relied upon by Greta Thunberg in her assessment of where we stand and what we must do now.

In a hard-hitting new article, Professor Anderson delivers some truths we may not want to hear. This is how it begins...

For a flip-of-a-coin chance of staying at or below 1.5°C we have, globally, just five to eight years of current emissions before we blow our carbon budget. For a good chance of 2°C this extends to 15 to 18 years. We are using up the 1.5°C budget at a rate of about 1% each month, and the 2°C budget at around 0.5% each month.

But it’s not being spent evenly. According to new research by Oxfam and the Stockholm Environment Institute, the wealthiest 1% of people on the planet are responsible for double the greenhouse gas emissions of the poorest half.

This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate societal aspirations and the narratives around climate change. These extend from well-funded advertising to pseudo-technical solutions, from the financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.

This dangerous framing is compounded by a generally supine media owned or controlled by the 1%. Many climate experts also reside in the 1% or seek funding from them, with the dangerous repercussion of giving the impression of objective conclusions. Add to this the reflected glory of hobnobbing with the elites and the prestige of honours awarded to those supporting hierarchical norms – and the closure of alternative narratives for addressing climate change is complete.

This may all sound flippant. But I argue that the tendrils of the 1% have twisted society into something deeply self-destructive. Layer upon of layer of lies and delusion have left us ill-equipped to address so many of our problems, of which climate change is only one symptom.

There is much more in the full piece, including an introductory passage that describes how Professor Anderson has been censored in his attempts to get this message out to the public. Must-read!


yianiris , avatar

So what Kevin Anderson is saying is that support for the afluent is no longer economicall feasible, did I understand that correctly?


CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

We really need to stop buying into the argument that are "radical" or "destructive". The opposite is true: the nature of the protests have been peaceful and, on the whole, pretty tame.

The idea that, say, sitting on a road is "radical", "extreme" and "criminal" came from a bunch of aligned think tanks, parroted by the media.
Reject them.

The framing needs to be: Fossil fuel companies are radical, extreme, criminal.

CelloMomOnCars OP , avatar

An acquittal, but:

"The Treasury claimed the cost of the damage was nearly £20,000 and the defendants faced up to ten years in jail each if they had been found guilty."

A bit much for spraying fake blood (washable dye) over the Treasury building.

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