PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

of a slightly busy Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Tuesday, June 18th 2024).

TL;DR kinda usual start of the day. But instead of walking with our friends, we went to Nijmegen to take mum to the hospital. Had a good day, which was nice.

Woke twice during the night for the loo and then when my alarm woke me. I got to the scales and they were a wee bit nicer to me, which was good to see. It was 12°C and dry at the moment, so that was good. My sleep score was 95, so not bad at all. I got dressed, took my meds, prepped Arwen's food and we went out for walkies. She did her things and then we got back. I made her food, put the snacks in the right places and then grabbed my bag. On my way to the gym I went.
I chatted with a very sweet friend and caught up with Masto, while I enjoyed my protein drink. Then I got to the treadmill, followed by the bike. I felt too tired to do more than the usual, but seeing I would have a busy day, I didn't mind too much. I got my ten minutes massage and then switched shoes before heading home.
A quick wash up and change of clothes. The weather apps said it should be dry for now, so so after the brekky, Arwen and I headed for the SniffBook walkies. I let Arwen a bit more off leash, which we both enjoyed. She had more to sniff (only where it was safe for her, mind you) and my hands were less being pulled this way and that (so I could use my phone more haha 😇 gotta entertain myself when my queen gets her sniffs in).
When we got back, I got to the PC. Finished the journal blog post that would go live later that day. I uploaded a few pics from the HD to Pixelfed. When I went to the loo, Arwen was telling me she was ready for the splash 💦 walkies. So I checked the weather apps again, as rain would be coming, and then we headed off.
She had loads of good splashes. I decided on the 3km route as she had played so much, I was afraid she'd be too tired for a longer walk. And I feel like I did right, as she got a bit slower as we got closer to home. Then, when we were almost at our street, the spitter spatter started... The rain had come... And boy, it was here to stay! Damn...
I had a bite to eat and then I got my umbrella and bag and headed to the town to pick up the parcel. The shop opened at 8, so I wanted to be there when it did. Of course it rained all the way... And I was too early, but there was a dry spot where I could wait. I got the little box, and walked back home again.
I got my things ready and we quickly headed to Skoosh. We usually drive to Nijmegen around 7. Now it was 8:40 and it was waaaaay more busy on the roads! Wow...
I helped mum with their HBO apps. They were terribly excited about the new House of the Dragon series and then they didn't know they had to update the app, so they could not watch... Ow the horror! So I updated the TV app and the Chromecast app as well, got them logged in so this evening, they could finally start, hihi... Then I took mum to the hospital. We were a bit early, as it was an easy drive and... Free parking! That was nice. We were guided by a very friendly lady and found the department and waiting area without any issues. While we waited, I discussed the fiber with mum. She said if it was a good deal, to go for it. She'd help if needed. Which was very sweet, so while we sat there, I arranged my fiber connection for the new place. Another thing off the big list! 😁
Mum had her appointment and it all went well. It wasn't as bad as she might have thought, although she didn't say, I did see some relief. Also some annoyance, as there was no "simple" solution to her issue... Which is also understandable... We got back to Skoosh and drove back to Nijmegen.
The dogs really wanted to go out, so we braved the rain and mud and went to the small woods with them. Arwen loved it all the way, Bas was it impressed with the rain... He prefers it to be dry 😂. Don't we all Bas, don't we all...? 😂
When we got back, dad asked about HBO and he was very happy that I had already fixed it. 😊 I took Arwen back home and then we ran inside (well, Arwen took her time as she was already wet...). I fixed some food for Arwen anf then for myself. I had been very good with the snacks so I was rather happy with that. After food, I rode the bike a bit while watching Lord of the Rings. Just the normal version on stream, as my extended ones are in a box somewhere 😂.
I got things ready for the next day. Took meds, brushed teeth, braved the rain again... Dried Arwen best I could and then got my eReader and tried to sleep. My muscles were a bit sore, my right leg had bothered me throughout the morning, and it took a while to fall asleep.
I woke twice for the loo and I heard the rain falling and falling. When my alarm woke me, I still heard it. I got to the scales, which were a bit kinder this morning. I got dressed, did all the usual bits and we went out for short walkies. And it was dry! Trees were dripping, but it was dry for now. Yay for that...

On to the gym, starting the humpday well! Have a great day 🌸 everyone!

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


📸 June 18th 2024

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