Dkarma ,

But actually what's your other choice?

Eldritch , avatar

Enabling genocide is bad. Calling enabling, genocide, is also bad. Be better.

The situation in Palestine has been fucked for decades. It's great to see people finally starting to care. But it's also extremely on brand to see people letting perfect be the enemy of the best we have. In an effort to get the worst possible elected. If you spent half this amount of time railing against the actual fascist people might accidentally think you were American or Genuine. Be better.

PlasticLove ,

America (and Biden) are entirely culpable for the genocide in Palestine.

They knew (we all did) what Israel was doing and would do with the arms, money, and protection provided to them.

Eldritch , avatar

I agree. You aren't rebutting anything I said.

Israel has needed a reckoning since basically day one. America has danced around the fact and played defensive older brother for three quarters of a century. All for a "foothold" in the region.

And as a long term senator, vice president, and president. Biden is more culpable than many in Congress. But it still is a Congress problem. The executive branch oversees diplomacy, defense, and execution of law under federal authority. Congress writes the laws, approves aid, and cuts the check. Biden can speed it up, and slow it down. He's done both and is crucified regularly from both ends for doing so. All in an effort I'd call overly diplomatic and undeserved on netanyahu's part.

I got no problem with people expressing disappointment and worse with Biden. I'm not a Democrat. I have no love of the party. I'm not a liberal either. I'm too fringy for most progressives. Fuck the Democrats. But I know, for a fact. January 20th 2025 there's still gonna be a Republican or a Democrat in the whitehouse. And god help us if its a Republican. And by us I mean the world not just Americans. Because things WILL be worse.

I'm all for primarying every single Democrat in upcoming midterm elections etc with Pro Palestinian candidates for the next 20 years. But if we could stop being useful tools for actual fascists. Practicing self harm. Long enough to not hand the actual fascists control of another branch of government. That'd be great. K' thanks bye

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

If you don't support genocide you're not a true American! - Eldritch 2024

@jordanlund Remember that thing about Biden and extreme Nationalism?

Eldritch , avatar

Strawmen all you got Linky? You so basic.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Hard to respond to ad-hominems about true Americans supporting Genocide.

givesomefucks ,

And Biden supporters wonder why he has a 34% approval rating...

Ledivin ,

Because Trump's propaganda machine works, and y'all would rather have a fast and complete genocide than a slow one that might possibly be stopped?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

No Genocide is my requirement for non Fascists.

Biden propaganda doesn't change my mind. Biden doesn't even have a chance anymore. No reason to keep advocating for Genocide.

PugJesus , avatar

No Genocide is my requirement for non Fascists.

Still voting for Jill Stein and Ukrainian genocide?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

There is a difference between a war and a Genocide. Russia wants to annex Ukraine. Not murder everyone to replace it with its own population.

Not sure how not contributing to a war makes one responsible for it.

But hey libs love throwing meat into the meat grinder let's offer up some more Ukrainians before admitting that at some point a truce will need to be reached.

Remind me again about how well Biden stalled Ukrainian weapons at the start of the war and doesn't allow them to bomb oil refineries to make sure they won't win.

PugJesus , avatar

There is a difference between a war and a Genocide. Russia wants to annex Ukraine. Not murder everyone to replace it with its own population.

lmao, hilarious that you engage in the same kind of genocide denial that Israeli simps do. Almost like the only difference between you and them is what side you're on. But tell me more about how massacring civilians, kidnapping children, and deporting populations DEFINITELY isn't genocide. That's definitely not a fascist thing to defend.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

The Russian goal does not appear to be to wipe out the population of Ukraine but conquer their land. Or would you disagree with that?

And more importantly why doesn't Biden allow Ukraine to strike the Russian oil refineries and gas tanks?

PugJesus , avatar

The Russian goal does not appear to be to wipe out the population of Ukraine but conquer their land.

Ah, is that why there are mass deportations, kidnapping of children, and massacres of civilians in the already-occupied parts of Ukraine. They're trying to conquer the bits they already occupy. How wholesome! It's insane what distances you'll go to defend genocide.

And more importantly

"More importantly than whether or not there's a genocide going on"

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

I see you don't have a comeback to how to actually help Ukraine so all you can do is deflect. Something about intent being important for the word Genocide right? I heard that was very important until israeli ministers started screaming they want to Genocide Palestinians from the rooftops

Did you know about the 2022 ceasefire proposal they made Zelensky reject because they were going to "support him to win the war"?

PugJesus , avatar

I see you don’t have a comeback to how to actually help Ukraine so all you can do is deflect.

"Deflection is when you stay on topic, and the more you stay on topic, the more deflection it is"

But tell me more about how assisting Ukrainian genocide will help Ukraine.

Something about intent being important for the word Genocide right?

Oh, so they were just accidentally kidnapping Ukrainian children, murdering Ukrainian civilians, deporting Ukrainians, and moving in Russian colonists. My bad.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

You believe semantics is more important than people dying. I see.

My primary concern about Gaza is not the word Genocide but stopping it. I don't care much Biden and the Genocrats don't want to admit it is happening.

PugJesus , avatar

My primary concern about Gaza is not the word Genocide but stopping it.

Ah, but your primary concern about Ukraine is that it's not a genocide and you want it to continue under indefinite Russian occupation. Cool cool cool. Definitely not a fascist position to take.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

If you can't defend your own position and have to resort to strawmen we're done here. Libs projecting their Genocide politician on others is hilarious.

PugJesus , avatar

If you can’t defend your own position

My position was, if you will remember, that you voting for Ukrainian genocide was some real evil shit. That you tried unsuccessfully to turn the conversation somewhere else is your failing, not mine. :)

Delusional ,

Yeah so you don't like genocide and believe Biden supports it? Okay whatever.

You must also know that trump supports it. And not only in Palestine but he also wants Russia to take over Ukraine which also seems to be a little genocidal and also completely wrong.

So what's better, 1 genocide or 2?

Not to mention the millions that will die when project 2025 begins. If you think Biden is bad, trump is a million times worse.

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