faab64 ,

Guess which one gets unconditional support from western nations?


lukevanin ,
@lukevanin@noc.social avatar

@faab64 “Land you have to kill for isn’t yours.” Didn’t Palestinians kill Israelis? On Oct 7 and before then? Qassam Rockets? Suicide bombs? So that makes it not their land, right?

“Land you have to die for is.” Haven’t Israelis died for Israel? That makes it their land, right?

I mean great example of the hypocrisy inherent in the Palestinian cause, if that’s what you wanted.


faab64 OP ,

Imagine living in the bubble of such delusion to think that the 75 years of conflict started on October 7 and nothing else matters.

PS. As time goes by, it is becoming more obvious that IDF killed more Israeli civilians than Palestinians on October 7, but it will not have any value for people who do not want to see the evil in this conflict for what it is.

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@faab64 @lukevanin @palestine

faab64 OP ,

I also love it how you completely ignoring the image on the left.

Typical western hypocrisy who have a filter for not seeing ugly truth about Israel and it's supporters.

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@lukevanin @faab64 @palestine ignore the genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity that israel is doing for 75 years, and become an accomplice in all those crimes! You are a nazi asshole!

lukevanin ,
@lukevanin@noc.social avatar

@ruikubla “ ignore the genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity that ISIS is doing for 75 years, and become an accomplice in all those crimes! You are a nazi asshole!”

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Harmless resistance, ok.

“From the river to the sea, Israel will be free.” Oh now its genocidal.

@faab64 @palestine

faab64 OP ,

ISIS has been around in 75 years?

I have seen ridiculous comments, but this is truly get a prize for the most ridiculous one.

@ruikubla @palestine

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@faab64 @lukevanin @palestine he is a stupid mf. Block, no time for fascist ignorant assholes.

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@lukevanin @faab64 @palestine the legal owners of the land are the Palestinian people who live there for hundreds of years, not people from all around the world who suddenly decided they have the right to the land because they're "god people"!!!
ISIS??? Comparing to terrorist zionist fanatic religious they're beginners.

argumento ,
@argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

@lukevanin @ruikubla @faab64 @palestine Its rather transparent that your comment is fueled by racism and ignorance. Not only ISIS didn't exist 75 years ago, you refuse to acknowledge the Nakba. Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, has written a very well researched book on the topic, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. He also has a number of interviews in yt if you don't have the time to read.

I'd also like to recommend to you Orientalism by Edward Said. It's never late to educate yourself.

lukevanin ,
@lukevanin@noc.social avatar

@argumento “Professional Hamas propagandist has entered the chat.” Do you get paid for this, or is this pro bono?

How long has Islamic Jihad existed? Tell me, why is Palestine obsessed with Jerusalem? It just so happens Palestine’s cause aligns with ISIS? Pure coincidence! I must be a real dummy.

@ruikubla @faab64 @palestine

argumento ,
@argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

@lukevanin @ruikubla @faab64 @palestine I recommended you two books by reknown authors, one of them Israeli, the other Palestinian. It saddens me how you clinch to your ignorance.

You don't know what "Jihad" means in Arabic, nor in Islam, and it's silly how westerners make it into a bad word.

Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine and one of the the holiest sites in Islam, as its the place where profet Muhammed ascended to heaven. It's also holy to Christians and Jews, anyone knows that.

faab64 OP ,

Don't waste your time, wilfully ignorant people don't want to read anything that blows up their bubble of hate they live in.
@ruikubla @lukevanin @palestine

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@lukevanin @argumento @faab64 @palestine you're a ignorant, a fascist dangerous ignorant.
Over and out!

faab64 OP ,

You are not just ignorant. You are really stupid too.

Do you even know what you are talking about?

And what is this BS comments about ISIS? Because in the past 5 years Israel has been acting as the airforce of ISIS and in return they have been the only country in the region who hasn't been targeted by ISIS.

And the only group acting like they m are IDF and Jewish extremists in occupied West Bank.
@argumento @ruikubla @palestine

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@faab64 @argumento @lukevanin @palestine there is a Roger Waters song for cowards who feel strong with the assassination of women and children, like this mf, "the bravery of beeing out of range"!!! They will learn what suffering and injustice feels like.

rad ,
@rad@todon.eu avatar


Reclaiming Palestine is not jihad, you moron. Jesus Christ.

@argumento @ruikubla @faab64 @palestine

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@rad @lukevanin @argumento @faab64 @palestine this guy allready have the Elon Musk chip implanted in the brain, so away from reality, can't find other explanation 😂😂😂

MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar
faab64 OP ,

He is an ignorant racist who doesn't even know what Jihad means and I bet he doesn't know the difference between ISIS, Hamas, PIJ and Hezbollah.
@argumento @ruikubla @lukevanin @palestine

rad ,
@rad@todon.eu avatar


Also, if objecting to the indiscriminate systemic murder of civilians is somehow "supporting Hamas" count me in, asshat.

@argumento @ruikubla @faab64 @palestine

rad ,
@rad@todon.eu avatar


You do realise "From the Jordan to the Sea there'll be Israeli sovereignty" is literally in the Likud party programme, right?

But then, you know. It's not the same as the river sea slogan. The one I mentioned talks about sovereignty and exclusive monopol on violence. The one you brought just mentioned freeing Palestine. One is aggressive, the latter is not.

Fuck off.

@ruikubla @faab64 @palestine

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar
MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@lukevanin What the hek !!!
Have you ever opened a history book ?
I don't mean an Instagram or TruthSocial link, I mean a real book, with pages and real words, with real arguments ?

Did you know that the Stern commando have commited terror crimes, bombed , and actually killed UK soldiers and even Jewish people in King David hotel ?

Do you know that Shamir, Moshe Dayan and other zionist leaders have been judged and condemned to death penalty for "act of terrorism" with the Stern Groups also known as Lehi (even though UK banned death penalty beside terrorism acts) ?

Did you know that UK waited until a few years ago to have a prime minister make an official visit to Israel, they waited till the very last "terrorist zionist leader" died (Itzak Shamir, not to name him), because hundreds of UK soldiers had died in terrorist bombings (like dead soldiers booby trapped so when medics come to evacuate them they would explode too) ?

No, I guess you never did.
And I'm sure you couldn't care less, as long as you can use the word "terrorist" here and there and antisemitic here and there too.

Don't pretend to know about history when the only thing you're interested in is propaganda.

@faab64 @palestine

faab64 OP ,

Only an idiot would say that palestinian are aligned with ISIS.

That is just ridiculous brain fart.
@lukevanin @palestine

MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@faab64 I know : Macron, French president, said it 3 months ago...before radically changing his mind, without even apologizing.

These people don't even know wich "argument" (sob) to use.

Isis, Daesh...soon, they gonna say Palestinian worship goats and eat children alive.

Oh, no, wait : that's what Christians used to say about...yes, about Jewish during the middle-age.
(The legend of Saint Niklaas was that the "saint" brought back to life 3 kids that were killed by a mean Jewish butcher who was ready to put them into salt to eat them later)

These zionist scum really are back 500 years ago.
See how the circle goes, now, the Palestinians are the evildoers.

This is sooooo pathetic.
Worth laughing if 30.000++ people hadn't died.
(Soon they gonna say it was a hoax and nobody died)

@lukevanin @palestine

lukevanin ,
@lukevanin@noc.social avatar

@MMRnmd The only difference between Hamas and ISIS is the size and location of the caliphate that they want.

Beyond that the nuances of why they slaughter people, or their petty grievances with each other, is less relevant than they would have us believe.

The rest of your post is the ravings of a deranged mind, trying to beat yourself into a rabid frenzy.

Somehow you find it ok to say “Zionist scum”, but heaven forbid anyone say the same of Palestinians. Hypocrites.

@faab64 @palestine

MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

Please, stop writing to me with your disgusting words, dont wanna get swearing, youre just not worth it.

I hate blocking people, even dumb m** that hardly have a 10th of a brain and use hate as their fuel.
But next time I will.
@faab64 @palestine

faab64 OP ,

@MMRnmd @lukevanin He is an ignorant racist moron, just block him and move on, don't waste time on people who have 0 understanding of history and politics but keep posting such drivel because of they are convinced that their inhumanity in ignoring the death of over 30000 human beings is justified.

MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

You are right, I should, but some little voice deep inside me always wants to discuss and confront points of view.
Thing is, he has none.
I wrote a long toot, showing him how the terrorists of yesterday complain today about other beeing the terrorists, but the only thing he gets to answer is...nothing.

As we say, it's like playing chess with a pigeon : he's going to shake and drop the pieces, shit on the chesstable and eventually going to fly away.

@lukevanin @palestine

ruikubla ,
@ruikubla@coletivos.org avatar

@lukevanin @MMRnmd @faab64 @palestine what the f*ck??? There's no limits for your stupid ignorance??? People watching a genocide in real time, for the first time in human history, in mainstream media and finding excuses for the assassins can't be human!!! No way!!!

faab64 OP ,

@MMRnmd @lukevanin @ruikubla

I'm starting to think that he is trolling because no one can be aTHAT stupid.


MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

Think so too.
See, he's replying today to a message I've sent him like days ago. He couldn't care less about my arguments, seems like only thing he's interested in is making me loose my temper so he can go and be "you see, you see how THEY are, calling me a zionist scum"...then trying to make it look like I was meaning Jewish.

No, zionist and Jewish are 2 totally different words and concepts.
The first and most radical antizionists were and still are Jewish.
He should go and see this movie "Israelism" to find the difference.

Talking about Palestinians longing to build an Islamic state, when Israel state is led by ultra-ortodoxe fascists, only refering to the Bible, the prophets, the promised land.
Who are the fanatics, please tell me.

They are the ones actually establishing a full religious state were the Torah would be the only constitution.

He blames Palestinians for fighting to impose the Coran when Israel is actually ruled by insane religious devouts killing fellow human beings in the name of Yahve.

As I said : no arguments, no knowledge and no honesty.

@ruikubla @palestine @lukevanin

faab64 OP ,
MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@faab64 This explains a lot, that's exactly how he responds, like he's dealing with 3 years old. 😂 thx for that morning laugh
@palestine @ruikubla @lukevanin

lukevanin ,
@lukevanin@noc.social avatar

@MMRnmd Sorry I’m not here to make anyone upset. Life is too short to be angry with strangers on the internet.

PS: Stay off TikTok, it’s not always the most reliable source of information.

Shalom. 🕊️

@faab64 @palestine @ruikubla

MMRnmd ,
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@lukevanin Thank you for that, I also am sorry I used words you didn't deserve.
We disagree, let's agree on that.

Paix mon frère 🕊️ @faab64 @palestine @ruikubla

oatmeal ,
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

@lukevanin here’s a short introduction to the since it seems your familiarity with history stops at October 7.

Highly recommend watching if you haven’t yet.


@faab64 @palestine


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