Voting for Biden should be a tragic act

Y'all should dread voting for Biden. You should be weeping as you cast your vote. Don't you see the tragedy in all of this? You have no choice but to vote for genocide, for some of you, it's your own genocide you're voting for.

In fiction, when no choice is given but the tragic choice, heroes choose the tragic choice and face all the grief and regret that comes with it. Reality is stranger than fiction. When y'all are faced with no choice but tragedy, you beat your drums in happy anticipation of your own belated doom. This is what sickens me about you sick Yanks. You have no sense of the tragedy you face before you. It is said a vote is not a wedding vow; they are correct: it is worse, for it means inevitable murder down the line. Biden will kill Palestinians, Filipinos, Black folk, immigrants, and Congolese, and you cheer on their genocide.

Vote, for sure, go ahead, vote the lesser evil. But you have to be cognizant of the tragedy of it all. You must feel our grief.

But you won't. You'll probably cheer my death as well.

activistPnk ,

Y’all should dread voting for Biden.

It’s not Trump vs. Biden. It’s Trump vs. the Biden administration.

Not many people are voting for Biden as they vote for a better administration than the Trump regime.

mambabasa OP , avatar

The same administration is fueling a genocide in Gaza and is forcing my country into a war we don't want. Biden was never the problem itself. The problem was always the system itself, imperialism itself, government itself.

MrMakabar , avatar

Little tip: Curb your racisim!

You just call all Americans who vote to have even a chance at protesting, even a chance to change anything in the country as a bunch of people who cheer for genocide. Basically you call pretty much all politically active Americans a bunch of Nazis. No consideration of any nuance, as you then go on to just flat out presume, that they want to see you dead, no matter what they say.

If you try to convince anybody of your point, maybe calling thema bunch of genocide loving idiots, is not the best way to go about it. You usually just get the Americans angry and closed off to your arguments. That is the last thing you want to do. In fact it supports the American system, by closing them off to better alternatives.

If you wanted to actually be productive, you should argue for system change in the US. Change of the election system would be a good one, with proportional representation instead of first past the post. Just an idea.

mambabasa OP , avatar

It's your racist genocidaire country that plunders mine. I'm not even white, stop with this reverse racism bullshit. Racism is an entire system of privilege, not a call out. Literally, no matter who wins, Wall Street will continue to plunder my country. All I ask is that you recognize the tragedy in that, but all you entitled freaks do is call for us exploited to speak politely. Excuse me, politeness is the least of my concerns. Your country is promoting genocide and plunder across the world. I could care less if I'm polite.

This is the absurdity facing politics today: to recognize inhumanity, you get called out for being a racist.

MrMakabar , avatar

First of all, you do not need to be white to be racist. That is as dumb as pretending Jews can not be racist.

Also you do not want any sympathy. You just flat out refuse any Americans ability to be able to think for themself and see the truth. As you do in the last paragraph of the OP.

mambabasa OP , avatar

First of all, racism comes from a system of privilege. Jews can only be racist insofar as they have assimilated themselves into a system of privilege, whether whiteness or Zionism. What privilege do I have? The privilege of being bombed by your great leader? Idiotic.

Second, y'all refuse to condemn Biden. He's sending weapons for commiting a genocide and all you can say is that “he's not doing enough” or “Trump is worse.” THAT'S THE POINT. You have no choice but to choose genocide but you beat drums for genocide anyway as if you all want it. There's no “oh shit I don't want to vote for genocide.” No, it's all imperialism. No sense of tragedy at all.

dogsnest , avatar

All the folks replying and downvoting the thread AREN'T the problem.

Y'all voting for a turd sandwich over Trump.

The problem is all those folks who've been sipping the koolaid and have suddenly picked the bottle up by the neck and are now chugging it by the yard.

And screaming for more.

Like the couple from MI (swing state!) I quaffed a few pints with yesterday who won't 100% admit they're MAGA, but they sure as fuck ARE NOW!

America is doomed because of that debate. Ignorance and blind illiteracy is soaring.

CaptainKickass ,

It's babby's first election!

themeatbridge ,

I'm really tired of the "voting for genocide" rhetoric. It's Biden or Trump, and Netanyahu wants Trump. I want Biden to do better with Israel, but Trump would do worse. If you don't support Biden, you're supporting Trump. Trump will kill all the people you listed and more, and will use his power to enrich himself and his friends while tearing apart our nation again.

mambabasa OP , avatar

You're part of the problem. I said recognize the tragedy of your vote and you say you don't care about Biden supporting genocide. You prefer to live in fantasy land. People are dying as a result of Biden and will die as a result of your vote.

themeatbridge ,

The only tragedy here is that you think anyone is fooled about your agenda.

mambabasa OP , avatar

You're a disgusting human being and an imperialist scum. You don't care about what your awful government does across the world at all.

themeatbridge ,

Hey, I'm just trying to stop people like you getting Trump elected. If you don't think he'd be worse for you, you're probably part of the oligarchy. Or you're a moron. Either way.

mambabasa OP , avatar

There is no difference to me if Trump or Biden gets elected. No matter who wins, you genocidaires will continue to plunder my country. You refuse to recognize the tragedy in that.

Who do you think will speak out for you when fascism will come for you if you refuse to speak out or hold any minimum accountability for those in power? There will be none left to speak for you.

themeatbridge ,

There is no difference to me if Trump or Biden gets elected

Either that's true, and you're an idiot, or you're lying and you're a fascist enabler.

mambabasa OP , avatar

You're the fascist enabler for enabling genocide you genocidaire imperialist idiot. Trump or Biden, the US will march its lapdogs in my country's government into a war we don't want. Our people will die regardless. At least under Biden YOU won't be the immediate target of genocide. And that's all you fucking idiots care about isn't it. You don't see how Biden's genocide elsewhere in the world is marching genocide to your own homes in the future.

themeatbridge ,

You can call me what you like, but you've revealed your agenda. You are trying to help Trump win by creating a false equivalence and discouraging reasonable people from voting.

mambabasa OP , avatar

Why would I want to win, dumbass??? What benefit would it be to me? I'm not discouraging you to vote. I clearly said recognize the tragedy of your vote. Reading comprehension of Americans these days, tells me a lot of the Obama era policies on education.

themeatbridge ,

Your motives don't interest me, but your goals are revealed by your actions. You suck at hiding your intentions. Pretending Biden and Trump are the same is not fooling anyone.

Geek_King ,

Cutting off your nose to spite your face? I abhor what's going on in Gaza, but I won't welcome in fascism by either voting for trump, or just not voting. Especially after the ruling the supreme court handed down, which would let trump do what ever he wants with no worries of legal ramifications. A second trump term will be much much worse than his first term.

mambabasa OP , avatar

Did I say not to vote? I said recognize the tragedy in your choice. You still won't. You'll cheer on as Biden authorizes more murder. You sicken me.

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