
admiralteal , in Kansas' AG is telling schools they must out trans kids to parents

"Parental rights" politics only ever vector towards conservative values.

It's never about a parents rights to not have their child pressured to participate in religious ceremonies, for example.

It's not about a parents rights to have their child identified with chosen pronouns -- no, if that happens the school can step in and veto the parents' rights in favor of a conservative teacher's "sincerely held religious beliefs" that are neither sincere nor religious.

It's never about a parents rights to have their children taught only state-of-the-art science rather than backwards nonsense.

It's not about parents rights to not have their children exposed to industry propeganda in public schools.

It's only ever about the right to slowly convert public schools into state-funded Christian Madrasas. That's the end goal.

corroded , in Finnish carrier Finnair is asking passengers to weigh themselves before flights

Instead of standard weight figures, I really don't understand why airlines don't just weigh passengers themselves. Have a scale right where the attendant scans your boarding pass. You'd get an exact value for the weight of the passengers and their carry-on luggage.

HeartyBeast ,

… and then what? People have already bought tickets

corroded ,

Then, if the overall weight of the aircraft is too high, offload some luggage and cargo.

HeartyBeast ,

So 20% of your passengers get to their destination without their suitcases, which will arrive … when the next under-loaded plane is available. Would you fly with them?

Candelestine , in Special counsel blows open debate over Biden age and memory: ANALYSIS

It's a pretty simple question: Were the documents requested back? Trump's keeping of his would have all gone away if he hadn't ignored the request of the archives to give them back.

An error is one thing. Willfully retaining them is another.

snooggums ,

How they responded definitely shows that one of them (and their staff) made an oopsie and returned them immediately while the other (and their staff) were hoarding documents they shouldn't have and kept them even after being caught.

It is ridiculous how they are often presented as the same thing. It is like comparing someone who is in accident and exchanges insurance to someone who does a hit and run.

snekerpimp , in Special counsel blows open debate over Biden age and memory: ANALYSIS

Where they next to the toilet in the hotel he lives in?

HootinNHollerin , in Kansas' AG is telling schools they must out trans kids to parents

Party of small government

TowardsTheFuture , in Kansas' AG is telling schools they must out trans kids to parents

Florida already does this with the whole don’t say gay law, not that big a surprise other pieces of shit will follow.

Municipal0379 , in Kansas' AG is telling schools they must out trans kids to parents

The next republican nominee for governor everybody.

Granite , avatar

This asshat lost to a Democrat last time he tried.

Municipal0379 ,

Yeah, but other than this he’s been laying low. Lots of people will think “it wasn’t really that bad when he was previously AG”.

Narrators voice: it was that bad

snooggums ,

Yeah, but the state voted for Trump so who the fuck knows what they are going to do next time.

memfree , in President Biden reacts to special counsel's comments about his memory

But even as President Biden tried to downplay concerns about his mental acuity, he had yet another misstep: Referring to the President of Egypt as the President of Mexico.

"I think that, as you know, initially, the President of Mexico, el-Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in," he said, referring to the border between Egypt and Gaza.

I cringed when I heard him say that, but it is exactly the sort of slip of the tongue I make all the time: I know exactly what I mean, but the wrong word comes out of my mouth. This week, I was talking about oxygen and alveoli but said areolae. No, no, stupid brain. Lungs, not breasts.

Anyway, from context, he obviously meant Egypt when he said Mexico because he was referencing the Hamas/Israeli war and was referring to the border with Israel and opening it up. It isn't in the linked article, but Biden continued as follows:

I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate. I talked to Bibi to open the gate on the Israeli side. I’ve been pushing really hard, really hard, to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza. There are a lot of innocent people who are starving. There are a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying. And it’s got to stop.

So I don't doubt that Biden meant Egypt, but it was unfortunate timing that he'd say the wrong country in a conference questioning his memory.

Oofnik OP ,

I certainly agree that, in a vacuum, a slip up like this is no big deal. But given the rest of the special counsel report, it is really just one data point in a huge cluster of red flags. I really wish he would step down. Trump has to be defeated, and between this and Gaza, he is really looking like far from the best candidate to do that.

Johnvanjim ,

Beware the Ruth Bader Ginsburg effect., that’s one of the ways the Supreme Court was lost.

iamericandre , in Kansas' AG is telling schools they must out trans kids to parents

Shithole state

HubertManne , in Mexico overtakes China as the leading source of goods imported to US avatar

which is the way it should be. All trade should be as local as possible, everything else being even. Its funny that the one good thing people might mention from nixon turns out to be a real bad mistake.

HubertManne , in In stunning defeat, House Republicans fail to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas over border avatar

they don't care. its about watering down the significance fo impeachment by misusing it when they are in power so they can claim appropriate use when they are not is a misuse like they do.

wesker , in The first-ever sighting of a newborn Great White recently took place avatar

There's a catchy song about this, somewhere on YouTube.

corus_kt ,


doingless , in 17-year-old shot and killed by officer conducting welfare check

There's no bad situation you can't make worse by calling the police.

Syringe , in 17-year-old shot and killed by officer conducting welfare check

"we have successfully confirmed that the state of this person's welfare is no longer a need for concern"

NoIWontPickaName , in Mexico overtakes China as the leading source of goods imported to US

People aren’t goods!!!!!!!!

magnetosphere , avatar

This made me groan, but also laugh. Smartass.

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