You choose what instance you are on. Quit the pseudointellectual whining.

  • No server operator needs to federate with you.
  • No server operator needs to tolerate things they don't want on their instance.
  • No user of an instance needs to personally curate their own extensive never ending blocklist of users and channels they don't want to see.

Quit your pseudo-intellectual whining and choose what instance(s) work for you. If you think regularly interacting with shit content somehow helps you stay out of an echo chamber then go ahead and make a second account on those garbage instances full of hateful people. Then you can read both the decent servers and the trash ones and be the fedora wearing ackshually right fair and balanced uber nerd you always wanted to be.

Edit: The huge number of upvotes on this post compared to the low numbers on the whiney imposers' posts is proof of exactly where this community places its priorities.

Someology , avatar

I knew nothing about inter-Lemmy-instance-politics when I made my account. I simply made it on a server that was actually not SO overwhelmed that it couldn't make new accounts. I would imagine the same is true of many new users of late.

My Lemmy exerience: We're (heavily) advertised to on Reddit during the pre-blackout mess that we should try Lemmy. I go to try Lemmy. Server is broken. Server is broken. Server is not allowing new users. Server is not allowing new users. Ah! This one actually functions, so I can try Lemmy! Start following and posting, and finding nice communities. Then start finding out that some of these only federate in one direction, so I'm posting to people on another instance who can't see it, because of Lemmy admin bickering and politics. Great, now I need to start over with a new account again, just when I was feeling settled in? Leaves a bad taste, and I was lucky enough to not end up on one of the MOST hated instances.

I hate politics. You can't escape them anywhere involving humans.

CarolineJohnson , avatar

The instance that works for me, sadly, is the instance that works on Jerboa and hasn't defederated with any other instances.

Which one is that?

meldroc ,

The people screaming about free speech for bigots & fascists seem to neglect the free speech of the instance owners and admins.

They're doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. Paying for bandwidth and servers. Donating their time to create the software, work out the kinks, and moderate the communities so we don't strangle each other.

From their perspective: Would you want to use your money and time to rebroadcast Nazism or similarly toxic ideology? Because that's what they're being asked, and most of them say "HELL NO!" When the chuds are demanding that these people rebroadcast such crap, it's like they're asking these admins to do a Hitler salute with them.

This is their space. They have free speech rights too. That's what curation is, free speech. You send a message by the choice of messages you rebroadcast or refuse to rebroadcast.

mnemonicmonkeys ,

The people screaming about free speech for bigots & fascists seem to neglect the free speech of the instance owners and admins.

This is a pretty farcical argument, because the instance admins set things up specifically so that the instance users can discuss and vote on what the instance does.

meldroc ,

According to some of the posts in here, apparently, wanting to ban Nazis from your instance and refusing to rebroadcast their toxic shit is being "entitled"...

pythonoob ,

This makes the Nazis sound like a bunch of Karen's lol

Djeece ,

I would definitely expect the Venn diagram of neo-nazis and Karens who give trouble to retail workers to look a lot like a circle.

Sentinian ,

People want to have everything in one place and they bitch and whine when everything in one place ends up getting under control of people who are shitty.

Defederating is a needed part to maintain no party keeps too much control and ruins it for everyone. Remember why most of us left reddit for here? The ability for communities to defederate others will hopefully prevent the shit that happened.

Master , avatar

"Quit your Whining" then proceeds to whine.

bogdugg , avatar

I wonder if people would be interested in a "lurker" instance that disables comments/posts/etc. entirely. A "read-only" instance for the people who really hate the idea of being defederated, lol.

SenatorBumCuckets , avatar

That's fucking brilliant, I'm going to try to make one

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

"...b-b-buh-but muh fReE sPeEcH!!1"

-idiots who don't understand the 1st amendment only protects speech from the government, not individuals or corporations and it definitely doesn't protect them from the consequences of their words (never mind the fact that it only applies to one country)

god , avatar

There is a common misunderstanding. First of all, this is a Canadian instance. There is no American constitution ruling over it. Second, free speech is not limited to the American constitution, or to governments. It is a concept that is related to people's ability to express themselves, not necessarily in relation to a governmental power.

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

Freedom of speech as a concept, sure, but the first amendment only applies to the US government.

Broadly speaking, here's a list of countries and their relative levels of freedom of speech:

god , avatar

That's what I said though. Idk who mentioned the first amendment.

zarquon ,

Isn't this a case of take your own advice?

Many instances have already defederated lots of stuff. If you feel strongly about that shouldn't you migrate there over asking other instances to do the same thing? Seems like if he wanted to he would have here by now.

All just feel like fediverse problems and IMO the action should be take ~2 weeks off line and then evaluate there all the shit lands and decide. In thedude's shoes, I would have already pulled the plug on this as way to much hassle to get into the middle of. Props to him for not.

SexualPolytope , avatar

asks people to quit whining


Anyway, I don't really care about defederation enough to switch instances. But even if I did, you can't deny that it's annoying. When Lemmy introduces some nice way of migrating to other instances with userdata intact, then your rant will make sense. Without that, I don't think it's wrong if people complain.

julietOscarEcho ,

Most people complaining have two weeks of user data...

mnemonicmonkeys ,

I'd like to point out that most people on both sides of the defederation debate are like that. And this instance has been up for months with only LemmyGrad blocked

burrp ,

Whinging about whinging. The spirit of Reddit lives on.

boopeditandnow , avatar
Thteven , avatar

That's fucking hideous, thank you.

squaresinger ,

What is that?

gloriousspearfish ,

What the hell is up with the right thumb?

hoi_polloi ,

AI is going on.

themanaconda ,

We're already at peak reddit replacement if we have whining in the comments about the contents of another post whining about users. I feel so at home here.

RickRussell_CA , avatar

You feelin' alright, man? Maybe get something to eat.

Ginjutsu ,

big "I am very badass" vibes

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