Sherifazuhur , avatar

Remember when Biden said the US will build a pier in Gaza back in early March? To deliver food to be checked by ISR in Cyprus, then in Gaza. US military finally started pier construction off Gaza. May take 60 days to build. No rush. Just starving Gazans. @palestine @israel

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel
You're asserting that The Admin felt no sense of urgency and took it's time to act.

What evidence do you have that there wasn't another reason for the delay? 🤔

The coast has been under mortar attack for the past month, preventing any construction.

NoFlexZone , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel

Why does the Biden Administration or any other US Administration deserve the benefit of the doubt, "Historian"?

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel
Because, either you can ether assume the worse of everyone and condemn them without evidence...


You can look at what people DO, and when they do right, give them the benefit of the doubt (which in this case was absolutely justified.)

ineffect , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel
Would you care to explain why the Biden admin has earned the benefit of the doubt, for those of us lacking your brilliant intuition?

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@ineffect @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine @NoFlexZone
Because he DOES the right thing (often in the face of unprecedented obstruction.)

YOUR TURN: Explain why he SHOULDN'T receive the benefit of the doubt? 🤔

If you always assume the worst of someone, what incentive do you give them to do the right thing?

NoFlexZone , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @ineffect @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine You've made no case. 'Nuh Uhhhh' is not evidence.

You're a "historian" make the historical case of why the Biden Admin or any other US Admin should be taken at their word

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@NoFlexZone @ineffect @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine
YOU are making the accusation. It's not up to ME to prove you right. 🤦‍♂️

has kept his promises. You have NO justification for not giving him "the benefit of the doubt" when he doesn't deliver as quickly as you like.

Sherifazuhur OP , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @palestine his « promises » to whom? To Palestinians? He’s undercut them every step of the way, opposing statehood, & sending Israel billions of dollars of support & weapons. He deliberately called protesters antisemitic, confused Haifa with Rafah, & is no more than a mouthpiece for Jake Sullivan. As Bush was led by Cheney, Biden is led by JS & a gaggle of Israel-hugging colonialists

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @palestine
(Sigh) THE PALESTINIANS THEMSELVES don't want "Statehood". If they did, we'd have that "two state solution" by now.

Presidents don't allocate funds. Congress does. If ANYONE decides whether to send money or weapons to , it's CONGRESS (remember T****'s 1st impeachment for threatening to withhold weapons to allocated by Congress?)

The pro-Israel lobby is WAY larger & more powerful than the "pro-Palestine" lobby.

He condemned "antisemitic" protests. 🤦‍♂️

Sherifazuhur OP , avatar

@palestine @MugsysRapSheet Why are you spouting nonsense? Palestinians went to the UN for a vote on statehood - and who opposed it? The US and at the US’ direct order, the UK

MugsysRapSheet , avatar
uathachas , avatar
Sherifazuhur OP , avatar

@palestine @MugsysRapSheet @israel @NoFlexZone when has Biden ever done the right thing for Palestinians in his entire career? And what has he done ״right ״ in the Middle East, Africa or Af/Pak?

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel @NoFlexZone
In case you've forgotten, this thread started with the building of a pier to deliver humanitarian aid by sea.

This was following airdrops.

He has been pressuring to establish "cease fires" in order to get in aid, and warned against bombing "Shelter towns" Gazans evacuated to.

I find must constantly remind children protesting Biden that "Israel is not the 51 state". Our power to dictate what they do is limited… most only b/c they need us.

Sherifazuhur OP , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @israel @palestine @NoFlexZone Biden could have - but never did - opposed the invasion of Gaza; he could order direct deliveries of aid WITHOUT Israel’s interference, oversight and attacks on aid distribution. The pier is a stupid idea because ISR will vet aid in Cyprus and again upon delivery & its inadequacy was discussed here -
USACE could have begun work back in March but didn’t.

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine @NoFlexZone
So now, even when he is on the right side (by providing aid by sea), it's "a stupid idea".

Israel opposes that pier. Biden is doing EXACTLY as you argue he should: "direct deliveries of aid WITHOUT Israel’s interference." 🤦‍♂️

By criticizing him even when he does the right thing, you put him in a no win situation.

And after Hamas' vicious attack on , do you REALLY think ANY potus would have opposed Israel's right to retaliate?

NoFlexZone , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine wait did you say Palestinians themselves don't want statehood?

Go away zionist swine

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine
"Generational Divide on the Two-State Solution"

"Younger Palestinians no longer support a solution that would see two countries existing side by side. One in six Palestinians between the ages of 15 and 25 said they support a two-state solution, compared with 34% of Palestinians aged 46 and older." 🙄

ViXY_DBC , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine So? what do you expect them to think? After their parents and friend got blown up day after day for 6 months?

It's completely understandable and nobody has any moral high ground to blame them.

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@ViXY_DBC @NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine
I didn't question their support for a "two-state solution", only pointing out that criticizing 's past opposition to a 2SS wasn't counter to what so many (now a majority?) of want.

Sherifazuhur OP , avatar

@palestine @NoFlexZone @israel @MugsysRapSheet How many Palestinians have you personally spoken to - older or younger? How many courses in attitudinal surveying have you taken? Or how many opinion-based surveys have you carried out? Or maybe the problem is that you haven’t factored in for despair, frustration nor do you understand what a one state vs a two state solution would be. IMO can’t be 1 state because many Israelis are comfortable with apartheid.

NoFlexZone , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel @MugsysRapSheet its a red herring, the "Historian" is a lie. Lmao

Not wanting a "two state solution" isn't the same as, "not wanting statehood".

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel
You're going to have to explain that one. 🤨

No. Never mind. You can't (and the fact you keep switching this thread from Public to "Quiet" only proves my point. You know your arguments won't hold up to Public scrutiny.)

NoFlexZone , avatar

@MugsysRapSheet @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel
The point of your confusion is where you presuppose the existence of "Israel", an illegal state & a rogue nuclear power continues.

But if you knew history...yada yada yada

MugsysRapSheet , avatar

@NoFlexZone @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel
If your starting point is that the entire state of is "illegal" and shouldn't exist, then there's no point in continuing.

arh ,

@Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel The american breakfast: scrambled eggs with slight chance of bombs. Fancy.

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