chog9 , avatar



Simply put, my family is broke until March due to two unexpected bills. We have no food & no car, so it's hard to get anything here to begin with.
I'm trying to get $40 so we can eat tonight. Thank you for reading, hope you're doing well. 💞
PayPal -
Cash App - $JaseksZak

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid

Lyx , avatar

@chog9 @MutualAidVisibility @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @pernia @succucirno u need to change it to april papi were in march

chog9 OP , avatar

@Lyx @MutualAidVisibility @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @pernia @succucirno I don't think anybody actually reads that but I'll just copy pasta somebody's pathetic post when I'm not extremely high cc @StumbleDonkey

StumbleDonkey , avatar

@chog9 @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @Lyx @pernia @MutualAidVisibility why did you mention 420 in my general direction oh ok yeah I'll change the copypasta soon

chog9 OP , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@chog9 @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @Lyx @pernia @MutualAidVisibility ok here's something you did/do ask for every day ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Simply put, my family is broke until March due to two unexpected bills. We have no food & no car, so it's hard to get anything here to begin with.
I'm trying to get $40 so we can eat tonight. Thank you for reading, hope you're doing well. 💞
PayPal -
Cash App - $JaseksZak

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid
@nimt @WoodshopHandman @Bajax


chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
Lyx , avatar
Lyx , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@Lyx @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @Bajax my isp replaced your cp with video of a hamster farting, please describe your video in detail

StumbleDonkey , avatar

@Lyx @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @pernia @succucirno Hey, @n3f_X, you wanna lay off so I can convert these chuds to a true religion? Or do you want to laugh like a yeen?

n3f_X , avatar

LOl i cant see the posts

StumbleDonkey , avatar
n3f_X , avatar

LOL idk i guess they dont like and defedied me or some shit

StumbleDonkey , avatar
nice-nigger Bot , avatar

gibs :colorcat:

matty , avatar

Cum salon is defederated for having some sketchy shit on it. Dudes talking about wanting to fuck kids. I wasn't having any of it.

StumbleDonkey , avatar

@matty @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax oh yeah pernia was big into that and talking to MAPs for a while

Omega_Variant , avatar

Pernia is a pedo faggot.

You don't say? Never got that vibe at all

FrailLeaf , avatar
pernia , avatar
syzygy , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@matty @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax ha i didnt see gorloc the destroyer here admit "there was something suspicious,so i just janny nuked them. Cant have all my gab refugees seeing DANGEROUS opinions". what a schlub they should go back to gab tbh itd fit their narative and ideology

syzygy , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@syzygy @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @matty @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax they ALL talk about wanting to fuck kids almost constantly it's horrendous

pernia , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
pernia , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@pernia @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @meowski @syzygy @MutualAidVisibility @matty @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax nigga if you was my brother I'd have put you down when you were six years old

chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
pernia , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@pernia @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @meowski @syzygy @MutualAidVisibility @matty @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax lol you people turned on me only when I disapproved of you being gay ass kidfuckers what a bunch of faggots you are

pernia , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @meowski @syzygy @MutualAidVisibility @matty @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax "turned on me" you've been a faggot the second you joined fedi. i unfollowed you the second i realized you were bajax, is all

chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
pernia , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @meowski @syzygy @MutualAidVisibility @matty @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax also how you can't recognize your own friends making a shitpost. bajax meltdown 2.0?

StumbleDonkey , avatar

@chog9 @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @pernia @meowski @syzygy @MutualAidVisibility @matty @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax i am going to ruin every single day on this website for you

chog9 OP , avatar
pernia , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
n3f_X , avatar

im guessin its that fag pernia

StumbleDonkey , avatar

@n3f_X @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @Bajax no it's a chog and a jew and at least one incredibly fat lady I'm talking like fatter than the pig woman from the drew carrey show

StumbleDonkey , avatar

@n3f_X @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @mutualaid @pernia @succucirno oh yeah and @WoodshopHandman who's a pedophile that keeps asking my preteen neice to talk to him on discord

n3f_X , avatar

lol thats not very nice woodshop handsman

FrailLeaf , avatar

@n3f_X @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @Bajax you're a retard. matty defederated cum salon because he's lame

n3f_X , avatar

im a retard bc i cant see their fckin posts? ... go eat your crayons bro .. matty doesnt defederate people for no reason ...

FrailLeaf , avatar

@n3f_X @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @Bajax you're a retard because you post shit exactly like this, if they block you, you can still see their posts, buffoon.

n3f_X , avatar

what the fuck do u care what we are doing ... you arent on this server and you arent on cum salon ... dont worry about what we are doing

pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@n3f_X @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @FrailLeaf @Bajax says the regarded nigger who srcubbed me out kf my own thread ha. I always was TOO strong for ricejew.cringital, always will be. Simple as

pernia , avatar

@n3f_X @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @FrailLeaf @Bajax THANK YOU SUPREME LEADER MATHEUS R JONQUIAVIOUS FOR PROTECTING OUR IMPRESSINABLE MINDS FROM THE INTERNET

StumbleDonkey , avatar
pernia , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@pernia @blackmastodon @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @meowski @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @FrailLeaf @Bajax really what's the youngest child you had sex with?

pernia , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
pernia , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax that sad sack of nigfer drippings cant see me because mu cunny game goes TOO hard so their whole instance defederated me


StumbleDonkey , avatar
Lyx , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @RehnSturm256 @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @locagainstwall @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Zergling_man @Bajax your weird ominous question needs clarofocation. Its cunny thats pretty simple i cant imagine a loli, umm, somehow not having cunny¿ or being cunny?¿? Need clarification

StumbleDonkey , avatar
Lyx , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @bot @Bajax ha look at that your a nigger just trying to start problems between me and bot. Too bad she and i have obliterated pawoo and baraag hand in hand, block for block. But sadly,theres one piece here that dont fit,YOU NIGGA. U seem to add littl to bo entertainement to the fedi, so ihave to ask are u just like a gab reject who wishes he had the guts to sign up to the kiwi farms or just a generic npc who has little to add and just wanta to sit at the cool kids table¿


StumbleDonkey , avatar

@Lyx @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @bot @Bajax nigga do you know who you're talkin to? you're talking to Bajax, one of the most famous cats on fedi I'm not some johnny-cum-lately

pernia , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pernia @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @bot @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @n3f_X @succucirno @meowski amusing enough,that sigil didnt even summon bot and you know how bot is. Bot likes being a booger so that waa pretty impressive as a fail ha

pernia , avatar

@Lyx @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @bot @chog9 @histodons @meowski @mutualaid @n3f_X @succucirno literally not even bot will talk to him, too much of an npc for her xd

Lyx , avatar

@pernia @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @bot @chog9 @histodons @meowski @mutualaid @n3f_X @succucirno these soy levels are incomprehemsible sir. How can kne man be OVER 9000% SOYLENT?¿?

tonycum ,
Lyx , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pernia @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @n3f_X @succucirno @meowski well alot of otherin this thread didnt lol. But I LOVE CUNNY TOO

pernia , avatar
pernia , avatar
pthenq1 , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pthenq1 @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax too late i already sent them a message telling them you like poop butt seps


Lyx , avatar
pthenq1 , avatar

@Lyx @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax

Reported to Cybertips. Report number 189035147

Now I am going to report this person and going to bloc the website.

Please report this person here

chog9 OP , avatar

@pthenq1 @Lyx @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @StumbleDonkey @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax report my dick to your ass for tearing that shit up brother :sadneko:

chog9 OP , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@chog9 @pthenq1 @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @n3f_X @nimt @pernia @succucirno this is just terrible ive been reported for child porn AND ive been blacked by donnegro@skeptics. What horrible karma could possibly beset me with all these tragedies


chog9 OP , avatar
Lyx , avatar
pernia , avatar
nimt , avatar
FrailLeaf , avatar
Lyx , avatar
kirby ,
Lyx , avatar

@kirby @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @nimt @pernia @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax ¿ kirby how could you be such a hater¿ just for that im not sharing any of my :cp: with you. I hope your happy

Lyx , avatar

@kirby @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @nimt @pernia @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax theyre still pretry mad i guess and its all no names i dont think ive seen before. Other than that club cyberia guy i think i cslled him a tranny or something


kirby ,
Lyx , avatar
Pawlicker ,
Lyx , avatar
kirby ,

@Pawlicker @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @Lyx @chog9 @nimt @pernia @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax honestly nothing can beat the green green whas your problem green clip that one is god tier compared to shit like this

Pawlicker ,
kirby ,
kirby ,
Lyx , avatar

@Pawlicker @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @nimt @pernia @kirby @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @n3f_X @WoodshopHandman @Bajax i k ow hes a base but like, yeah. Thats how gambling works its never made sense to my how someone would fall for it lol. Its all based on jewish number trickery to form the illusion you could win,but if u did, theyd go out of business. They even have to abide by numeric laws that promise a certain amount of wins vs lossesin totality. I play lottery tivkets now and again but thats cause its fair, even tho its minùte chances. The games rigged beffore you roll those dice lulz

Lyx , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar
nimt , avatar
MercurialBlack , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@nimt @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @n3f_X @pernia @pthenq1 @succucirno man these guys just wont stop blocking me i really think this is an overreaction. Well i guess its a libtard detonator at this point

pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pernia @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @n3f_X @nimt @pthenq1 @succucirno @meowski chuds like hin dont get femoid seps. We could probably throw dog poop at his granny tho

pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pernia @pthenq1 @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @n3f_X @meowski yeah i was waiting to see your reaction to that one pretty cute and funny if you ask me ha

nimt , avatar
MKULTRADiamond , avatar
lonelyowl13 , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@MKULTRADiamond @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @Lyx @chog9 @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz I already replied to the message in november 2012 why do you keep doing this to me god damn coercive engagement SHOULD NOT count on the algorithm grumble.

MKULTRADiamond , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
MKULTRADiamond , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
MKULTRADiamond , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @Lyx @chog9 @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz here's a wild idea. What if on normie social media, I present myself as a completely normal, professional business person, and THAT is the joke?

lonelyowl13 , avatar

@MKULTRADiamond @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @StumbleDonkey @Lyx @chog9 @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz

But you can be a professional business person without any jokes! You can sell invites into the premium hellthreads where you will lecture people about your weird new age spiritual stuff!

MKULTRADiamond , avatar
Lyx , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
MKULTRADiamond , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
MKULTRADiamond , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@chog9 @StumbleDonkey @Bajax @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @MKULTRADiamond @MutualAidVisibility @NonPlayableClown @Saber @Sky_Frog @WoodshopHandman @adiz @blackmastodon @brokeassredneck @dcc @histodons @kroner @lonelyowl13 @mutualaid @n3f_X @p @pernia @pthenq1 @succucirno @tiskaan i love the feature where i can mute someone and not even get to see thier replies. That borring npc nigger hog earned that highly coveted privlege

MKULTRADiamond , avatar
Lyx , avatar
lonelyowl13 , avatar

@MKULTRADiamond @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @Lyx @chog9 @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz

The local draft beer store now has something that looks like champagne. It's soooo sweet , so tasty ☺️
And now i'm drinking again, expect inadequate drunkposting

Lyx , avatar
lonelyowl13 , avatar

@Lyx @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @MKULTRADiamond @succucirno @StumbleDonkey @chog9 @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz

Congratulation, my friend!
I hope you take it to a metal recycling center and use the proceeds to buy illegal drugs and rent underage prostitutes!

StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@chog9 @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @lonelyowl13 @MKULTRADiamond @succucirno @Lyx @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz

 !”#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~␡

chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@chog9 @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @lonelyowl13 @MKULTRADiamond @succucirno @Lyx @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz I will say abc to you!!! abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz yay you know it already!!! 😘 number 1 memorizer team!!! best person, man, woman, transgender, non binary, dog and cat, you are the best one who memorize the abc!!! get ready for the 123! 1234567890 yay!!! you are now the best person in the world!

chog9 OP , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @dcc @lonelyowl13 @MKULTRADiamond @succucirno @Lyx @pernia @tiskaan @pthenq1 @MutualAidVisibility @Saber @Sky_Frog @n3f_X @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @WoodshopHandman @brokeassredneck @NonPlayableClown @kroner @Bajax @p @adiz A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U

StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
pernia , avatar
pernia , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pernia @Bajax @Heil_Honkler @IAMAL_PHARIUS @MKULTRADiamond @MutualAidVisibility @NonPlayableClown @Saber @Sky_Frog @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @adiz @blackmastodon @brokeassredneck @chog9 @dcc @histodons @kroner @lonelyowl13 @meowski @mutualaid @n3f_X @p @pthenq1 @succucirno @tiskaan oh yeah i save all my metals. Ill strip it all down and sell it when im on my way outta here ill probably have $500-2000 its a saving game with scrap metal tbh

Lyx , avatar
chog9 OP , avatar
StumbleDonkey , avatar

@Lyx @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @chog9 @pernia @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @Bajax OH it's an incorrect buzzer not farting my speakers are really bad it sounded like he was farting but he's actually gloating that the listener is apparently wrong about something

chog9 OP , avatar
pernia , avatar
Lyx , avatar

@pernia @Bajax @MutualAidVisibility @StumbleDonkey @WoodshopHandman @blackmastodon @chog9 @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @meowski well... I tried to but they said they werent interested in accepting thier own knocked out teeth as payment so i just stole it instead

PeachySummer , avatar

Dawg, it is currently March. Stop e-begging lol

syzygy , avatar
pernia , avatar

@StumbleDonkey @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @Lyx @chog9 @MutualAidVisibility @WoodshopHandman @Bajax lips desynced, video changes every 5 seconds to some horshit. this can't be seps bomb

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