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ksynwa , in Former NATO chief says recent US administrations laid groundwork for global conflicts avatar

He is saying that NATO has not been ghoulish enough which is why we have tensions and catastrophic wars everywhere.

yogthos OP , avatar

Yeah, he's basically pushing for more war.

azanra4 , in What does Blinken's 'table and menu theory' signify? avatar

Such statements are absolutely bone-chilling. Even when NATO’s empire has fully waned, the world will still have to reckon with a genocidal society occupying stolen continents with some of the planets’s best land. It’s an unspeakable crime of the destruction of nations and of depriving access to the means of subsistence. It would be even worse to have history reward these people. What is to be done?

The settler demographic is so overwhelming in its dominance in the anglo colonies, it seems like the only way to ensure the world never again endures this terror is to balkanize the US, Australia, and Canada into their states as sovereign entities, especially texas and california, to prevent a global power from rising in the land for a long time to come.

What do you all think about this? Any thoughts and especially book recs are welcome.

yogthos OP , avatar

I think we're entering a very volatile period now where the west is becoming increasingly desperate and willing to take bigger gambles in an attempt to retain its global hegemony. At this point, internal collapse of the west would probably be the best case scenario for the world.

porcupine , in What does Blinken's 'table and menu theory' signify?

It's just the Tarkin doctrine

yogthos OP , avatar

Lucas did say that Star Wars was a metaphor for Vietnam with US playing the role of the empire.

davel , in Why the West’s resentment of China is so misguided avatar

I finally took a moment to decipher what The Conversation is. It’s a place for American (and occasionally other Global North) academics to publish articles. It’s funded by public & private universities and a variety of oligarch endowments.

yogthos OP , avatar

that said, it's one of the more grounded mainstream western publications

davel , avatar

Yeah it’s interesting. Notably it seems to consciously exclude the private ivy league schools and the private STEM/military-industrial complex schools like MIT & Stanford.

yogthos OP , avatar


MatBC , in Why the West’s resentment of China is so misguided avatar

I think a headline: why is the west so misguided? Would be more productive

yogthos OP , avatar


scofflaw , in The US-dominated International Order is collapsing

On the other hand, no it’s not.

yogthos OP Mod , avatar

even thoroughly propagandized people like you are gonna have to start engaging with reality sooner or later

scofflaw ,

What is going to replace the current world order? Have people stopped using the dollar as the basis for international trade? Is there a better forum than the UN for generating international cooperation and consensus/dispute resolution? Will people get a more fair shake from a dictator-for-life led world order?

freagle ,

The UN that votes regularly to condemn the glorification of Nazis and the US consistently votes no? The UN that sent forces to Haiti, after Haiti had been subjugated by the North Atlantic, only to murder, rape, and spread disease? The UN that claims to want to stop all this aggression but is completely and utterly powerless to stop the USA from harassing, murdering, and torturing on every continent? The UN that watched the USA deploy white phosphorous against civilians and did nothing? The UN that agrees Haiti owes a debt to the former slave owners of France for each slave freed? The UN that watched the UK almost gave a financial crisis paying back debts to slave owners but says nothing about reparations to the people of the world who have been enslaved, raped, bred, experimented on, pillaged, and brutally disconnected from their heritage?

That UN?

Which dictatorships are you talking about? Cuba, where literacy, maternal survival, and life expectancy are all better than the USA after 60 years of the most brutal unilateral collective punishment the world has ever seen? The same Cuba that produced multiple COVID vaccines at on the same timeline as the USA despite the USA providing private corps with massive windfalls as incentives? That dictatorship? The one with more democracy than you have ever seen in your entire life?

Or maybe you mean China, where, according to a 15-year study by Harvard, 95% of the population approve of the government of the communist party because it's responsive to their needs, works hard to promote the interest of the masses, and produces outcomes that the vast majority want. The same China that experienced a USA-led terror campaign in East Turkestan and managed it through a successful deradicalization that didn't include black sites for torture, rape, and human experimentation, while continuing to support the autonomy and liberation of women, while maintaining one of the highest mosque-per-capita ratio in the world, while maintaining the autonomy of the Uighur cultural government to maintain their autonomous region within China. Where the native languages of their 57 different ethnic groups are all practiced, taught, and used and not a single one is at risk of extermination like in the USA? That dictatorship?

Or maybe you mean the DPRK which is recovering from the mass bombing of its entire society by the USA, so much so that the USA airmen said their were no more targets to even drop bombs on, where the amount of napalm in the air forced the Koreans to live in caves. The DPRK that knows exactly how brutal Western countries are, suffering under brutal collective punishment after the mass bombing campaign. The DPRK that, despite all of the propaganda for being a military dictatorship has a military budget smaller than the NYC police department. The DPRK that managed to balance rebuilding their nation from literally universal rubble, where land mines and unexploded ordinance killed so many after the war, and created a healthy society that can meet the needs of its people while also creating the necessary military deterrents to protect their autonomy. That dictatorship?

And speaking of the DPRK, let's go back to the UN. That UN watches the USA bring nuclear armed submarines to port in Korea and then launch a massive "military exercise" and does nothing. Do you know what that exercise looks like? It looks like an actual invasion force, complete with bombers flying straight at key strategic targets in DPRK and turning away from the border at the last possible second. They do this regularly. There is no difference between an exercise and an invasion except an order from command. And the DPRK has to spend so much of its scarce resources ensuring that it is ready for every single exercise potentially becoming an invasion. And the UN thinks this is just "the rules based order".

The USA has never held it's power because it was aligned with what people wanted. It has always been a brutal, rapacious, violent, psychotic bully and the three types of relationships it has are hangers-on like Europe, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, the dominated like Africa, South America, and The Philippines, and the resisting like China, Russia, Iran. There are no relationships the USA has based on peace, respect, or human dignity. Hangers-on hang on for the hyper profits. The dominated play politics to avoid being murdered and occupied. The resisting are all trying to figure out some path out from under the American boot, which is the boot the USA inherited from Spain, France, Portugal, and The Netherlands. No one has ever figured out how to end this 600-year reign of terror, so each resistor looks completely different because they are literally live experiments in their unique contexts fighting to survive against the most extreme conditions imposed in them by the USA and their North Atlantic hangers-on.

Maybe we'll live to see the day the USA loses it's position of dominance. We can all hope so. But to position it as America versus dictatorship is to reveal yourself as among the most propagandized people in the world.

freagle , in 2009 US Policy Paper Planned Current Israeli-Iranian Tensions

Yog, this is what I'm talking about. I flip-flop between seeing these events as Ls for the USA and seeing them as inline with their strategies and USA is playing rope-a-dope. Which is it, comrade?

yogthos OP Mod , avatar

My take on it is that US think tanks come up with hare brained schemes, and then neocons push them through, but none of these schemes actually help US in the long run. I mean just look at how things are going with Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. US managed to do a lot of damage initially, but their overall position has deteriorated significantly. Iran is now stronger than ever, and if US does end up in a direct conflict, it's going to be a way bigger shit show than Ukraine.

One fundamental problem that US has is that the empire is spread all over the globe which is a logistics nightmare. None of the vassal states are self sufficient, and don't really have the ability to support each other, so they're entirely dependent on US for protection.

On the other hand, Russia, China, and Iran are all back to back, and they're all strong industrially and technologically. It's much easier for them to help one another and to counter US when they try to project power.

cfgaussian ,

I think this is exactly the right answer. Yes the neocon warmongers plan a lot of these conflicts in advance, but when they happen they turn out to have been disastrously bad ideas that, even with all the chaos and destruction they cause and contrary to their expectation of advancing the position of US imperialism, end up actually putting the US in a worse position than when they started and with their enemies stronger and more united.

yogthos OP Mod , avatar

The moral of the story here is why empiricism and material analysis are so important. Liberals are adherents of Idealism, which holds that existence is inseparable from human perception and that reality stems from the mind. This leads them to think that they can just will reality into existence through sheer force of will. They reject the primacy of the physical world and brush away question about pesky details such as industrial capacity, logistics, and so on. This is an excellent demonstration of Dialectical Materialism being a superior framework for understanding the world.

TankieReplyBot Bot , in How the US is waging economic war on China avatar

I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:

SpaceDogs , in How the US is waging economic war on China avatar

Radhika Desai 🥰

TankieReplyBot Bot , in Washington’s Political Capture of the Philippines: A Former Colony, Now a Future Proxy avatar

I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:

Giyuu , in China lays out five major goals it expects to focus on for Blinken's China visit avatar

I assume blinken will come with his western arrogance and stupidity, and do hope China humiliates him for it.

yogthos OP Mod , avatar


TankieReplyBot Bot , in Iran and Israel at war? - Seyed Mohammad Marandi avatar

I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:

Shrike502 , in ‘We must say no’: Seoul defense chief on Korean, USFK involvement in hypothetical Taiwan crisis avatar

What makes him think they have a choice?

yogthos OP Mod , avatar

Right, the whole puppet regime exists solely to serve as cannon fodder for the empire.

audin , in The US and the UK are pushing for total war on all fronts

Russia: invades a neighboring country and is literally re-positioning into a war economy to cope

Also Russia: “The US and the UK are pushing for total war”

knfrmity ,


audin ,

thanks for the NPC reply, keeping the reddit flag high I see

LeniX ,

Man, libs have some brain rot in their noggins... Calling others NPCs while giving actual NPC responses and parroting mainstream media talking points about Russia.

Lemmykoopa ,

This why why they NEED the Russian election interference story, otherwise maybe the "NPCs" did research and somehow came to a conclusion that disagreed with what the majority believes

deathtoreddit , avatar

My man, you compare us folks to reddit when you have similar foreign policy takes to them

What differs you from the crowd? The fact you want gay rights? The fact you want to mow down Columbia protestors?

Here, we are just anti-western and we don't hide it...

If you want, go to

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

reddit is when you say the opinion that got 99% of this fourm banned from reddit

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

man when the libs over at think you went too far you might have a problem, I could find your ideology in slavery america by talking to a plantation owner.

Lemmykoopa ,

Not being an NPC ofc means agreeing with the widely held, greatly policed and propagated positions of the US state department

sovietsnake , avatar

Thank you for the most braindead brainwashed imperialist analysis I've read in a while. You can go and keep sucking daddy US boots now.

Pili ,

What is the common denominator between the tensions that exist in Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan, and Iran?

LeniX ,

And also Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Libya, Yugoslavia (along with Serbia and Kosovo), Yemen, Haiti, Bolivia, Venezuela (muh steal their oil) et fucking cetera... The list is long enough to fill a library.

FreudianCafe ,

And Cuba Camboja Brasil Argentina Panamá Ecuador Nicaragua Egypt China Angola...

nocturnedragonite , avatar
yogthos Mod , avatar

Is brain damage a prerequisite for having a account?

cayde6ml ,

You mean liberates a neighboring country after being bombed for 8 years, and whose economy continues to improve.

deathtoreddit , in The US and the UK are pushing for total war on all fronts avatar

Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?!


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