kimlockhartga , avatar

I need to reorganize my fiction bookshelves. What system has worked best for you? I'm leaning towards going by author, though that leaves the question of how to treat anthologies. Maybe anthologies could be first, or shelved by the editor's name. Alphabetical by title (preceded by numbers) might work just as well as by author.

I had been doing them by height size, except for the graphic novels, which tend not to match any standard size.

These particular bookshelves are all fiction (except for graphic nonfiction) so organizing by subject seems unwieldy.


smashedratonpress , avatar

@kimlockhartga @bookstodon Bookshelf organization is hard. Once upon a time I tried to keep my shelves organized. But last time I had to unbox everything I just threw them on the shelves and left 'em where they landed. That was so long ago that now I have their locations pretty well memorized. There are only 40 shelf-meters of books, so it's not super huge. The Feynman lectures are next to the complete Max Carrados mysteries, which are next to the Kama Sutra, and so forth.

whitneymcn , avatar

@smashedratonpress @kimlockhartga @bookstodon When we moved into our current house, in 2009, we took the opportunity to sort our bookshelves.

In the 15 years following, that organizational structure has...not been sustained. We have many more bookshelves that look like this now.

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  • CleoQc , avatar

    I'm seeing so much space in your bookshelves!

    @smashedratonpress @kimlockhartga @bookstodon

    whitneymcn , avatar

    @CleoQc @smashedratonpress @kimlockhartga @bookstodon I appreciate your enabling. 😀

    We give away and sell books regularly, but I work for a publisher, so the inbound almost always outpaces the outbound

    acatwholovesyou , avatar

    @whitneymcn @smashedratonpress @kimlockhartga @bookstodon eeeeeyy, somebody else who likes Anathem 👊

    hoare_spitall , avatar

    @whitneymcn @smashedratonpress @kimlockhartga @bookstodon
    It look familiar.

    akamran , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon I go by author, but not in alphabetical order. My books are in different rooms by subject OR by how often I reach for them. Same with the spice rack. It's a filing system that works only for me but that's ok because I live alone 😁

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @akamran @bookstodon now that you mention it, my spice rack is like yours. I don't need to put Chinese 5 spice next to Cinnamon. That's a really great point. I think the living room/dining room is in order of purchase. I did create one shelf which is sort of "my" nonfiction, though we shall see. Someone who shall remain nameless keeps using up valuable shelf space for decorative display items!

    paul_ipv6 , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @akamran @bookstodon

    i tend to clump by similar use/mood. spice rack has things like 5 spice, ginger, mustard, cumin/coriander seeds together, baking spices together, herbs together. only things i use regularly go into the rotating rack by the stove.

    seem to do similar with books. music/musicology/luthiery together, arts/crafts/pens together, cookbooks together.

    would love to claim there is organization within but life is short. ;)

    Brian_Mahoney , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon I made several groups. Literature/classics. Fun, think of Dan Brown. Canadian of all kinds then 'readers'. Readers are old school texts as well as Norton Anthologies, for example. Poetry separate, but all poetry is classic. For all sections, by author after the initial sorting. Hope that helps. If you're at all like me, you have many other sections besides fiction, too. How the hell many books do I have? Lots and lots. 😅

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @Brian_Mahoney @bookstodon We would get along well. We have books in every room. The office has floor to ceiling shelves with pretty good organization, but it all got away from me after that!

    It used to be pretty easy to organize by subject or genre, but now it's complicated: children's paranormal, dystopian police procedural, LBGTQIA+ historical fantasy, etc.

    jmax , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon By author. Anthologies get their own section, sorted by title.

    Rycaut , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon for anthologies I would tend to sort them by the title of the anthology so that if you have multiple related anthologies even if their editors differed year over year your copies are shelved together. I also shelf shared world books together

    (Ie stuff like “Years best …” where the editor might vary)

    My challenge is both running out of shelf space and I usually keep my unread books shelved separately from those I have read. But need to do another round of reorganizing

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @Rycaut @bookstodon Your anthology approach is a good one.

    Meadhbh , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon I usually put all my anthologies together in one section, ordered by editor name. If there’s multiple editors, the one listed first.

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @Meadhbh @bookstodon good idea. Everyone seems to separate out anthologies, and I think that's the only way I will find them.

    FiveSeventeen , avatar


    at present, the books which I have unpacked are sorted by the order they came out of the boxes. New books arriving and being read go into the spaces.


    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @FiveSeventeen @bookstodon sometimes, it's more time than it's worth. I've currently got a two-rows on the same shelf thing creeping up, and that will send any system out of whack.

    FiveSeventeen , avatar


    as do I, and trying to find that one book - or, as happened recently, three books from a set - is a nightmare. I have been promising to sort them for a year. Mind you, I've being promising to unpack them for that same year.


    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @FiveSeventeen @bookstodon It's hard. Life can be exhausting by itself, and hardback are wicked heavy to be moving around.

    tayledras , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon

    Stephen King, Ursula K. le Guin, Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow... many of my favorite authors and editors have years of anthologies to their names.

    I actually ended up dedicating entire shelves to anthologies, and then sorting all my other shelves by author and title.

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @tayledras @bookstodon I may end up doing that. Or I will sneak anthologies into the small literature section in the office.

    RogerBW , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon Physical format first, but I have mostly paperbacks. Then by genre (SF & fantasy vs detective, thrillers & romance, loosely real world vs not). Within that, by author; within author, usually by pub date or series. Multi-author anthologies come after author-Z, ordered by anthology title (e.g. Magic in Ithkar 1, 2, 3).

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @RogerBW @bookstodon I like this idea, too. Grouping anthologies and listing by title makes a lot of sense.

    todwest , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon I tend to sort by size and shape, then alphabetical by author. Mass market paperbacks in their own section alphabetical, then hardcover and trade paperbacks together in their own section. I also break down and fiction, non-fiction, and academic books in their respective sections.

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @todwest @bookstodon yes indeed. All of the other bookcases in the house are nonfiction, by subject. I have thought about doing the dewy decimal system: 200s in the den, 300s through 600s in the office, 800s in the living room, and 900s in the dining room.

    Well, except that I have all the 741.5 books (graphic novels) shelved with fiction. 😁

    I really tried to separate biography, politics, academic books, and history books, but some books are equally about biography, history, and politics.

    ceoln , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon

    I tend to do by author, and anthologies by "well I'm never going to be able to find this regardless, so by editor I guess".

    Not necessarily recommended. 😄

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @ceoln @bookstodon ha ha ha. I guess I need to see how many anthologies I actually have.

    Likewise , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @bookstodon You know I do my fiction by author alphabetically (but the individual books aren’t alphabetized). My graphic novels are just in their own section. What about doing the anthologies like that, too?

    BackFromTheDud , avatar

    @Likewise @kimlockhartga @bookstodon FWIW I usually put mine in Author (A-Z)/Date of Publication.

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @BackFromTheDud @Likewise @bookstodon oh, I like that idea! Alphabetical by author with each author's work from the oldest to newest by date. Very good idea, especially with Stephen King or Stephen Graham Jones.

    BackFromTheDud , avatar

    @kimlockhartga It was handy when I had all my Terry Pratchett books on the shelf, that's for sure! @Likewise @bookstodon

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @BackFromTheDud @Likewise @bookstodon totally can see that! For prolific authors, it really helps. If I didn't have multiple books by the same authors, it would make sense to go by title or genre.

    BackFromTheDud , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @Likewise @bookstodon I have a friend who arranges their books by height. You can never find the thing you're looking for!

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @BackFromTheDud @Likewise @bookstodon yeah, it just doesn't work well once you get enough of them.

    MissConstrue , avatar

    @BackFromTheDud @kimlockhartga @Likewise @bookstodon I knew someone who organized by dust cover color. It looked nice, but I’m convinced that her books were just stage props, because adding a new book would necessitate reorganizing everything.

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @MissConstrue @BackFromTheDud @Likewise @bookstodon I've never been fond of the color organization shelf format, unless you wanna make it a lot harder: organize by each hue's opposite on the color wheel! 😃

    Likewise , avatar

    @kimlockhartga @MissConstrue @BackFromTheDud @bookstodon I think color organization can look neat, but realistically I like to be able to find my books easily, also it would drive my mind crazy to have an author’s books spread about the whole room.

    jimkennedy , avatar

    @Likewise @kimlockhartga @MissConstrue @BackFromTheDud @bookstodon I've always suspected that anyone who organises bookshelves by colour is not a reader. I have no data or proof, just a baseless, gut feeling.

    kimlockhartga OP , avatar

    @Likewise @bookstodon I think that makes sense. Thank you.

    I'm thinking anthologies, then number titles, then alphabetical by author. I think I have too many graphic novels for even two shelves, so they may need to go by author.

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