ChaoticEntropy , to News in Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah killed by Israeli tank, investigation finds avatar

Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hecht, the IDF’s international spokesman, said: “We don’t target journalists.” He did not provide further comment.

... because they classify them as enemy combatants/sympathisers whilst capturing footage of Israel's actions.

lennybird , avatar

Throughout this conflict, and after having watched very closely the war in Ukraine the past 2 years... The rhetoric coming out of Israel matches very closely with the same sort of propaganda and denialism Russia uses.

Dead_or_Alive , to politics in US Senate Republicans block assault-style weapons ban as mass shootings rise

Good, anti 2A laws should be struck down.

GiddyGap OP ,

Repeal and replace 2a.

cristo ,


plaguesandbacon , to World News in War resumes in Gaza after truce collapses

War is a funny way to say genocide

chakan2 , avatar's terrible people killing each other. War is apt.

Zuberi , avatar

Glad to know the IDF propaganda is working so well.

Next we should spin up bots that comment silly things like "bad people on both sides." Genius /s

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in Sudanese women describe being gang-raped in attacks by Arab forces

Emir Massar Aseel, an Arab tribal leader in El Geneina, dismissed the rape allegations as “empty lies.” Aseel is a leader of the Rizeigat – one of the largest Arab tribes in West Darfur and the group from which many RSF leaders hail. Arab tribal traditions prohibit sexual assault and bar Arabs from marrying Masalit, Aseel said in a phone interview, and thus his people couldn’t have committed mass rape.

“If I can’t bring myself to marry” a Masalit woman, Aseel said, “why would I go and take her by force?”

If not for the horrific context, the sheer idiocy of the above comment would be truly hilarious.

interceder270 ,

Yeah, crazy how people on both sides of the spectrum feel they can cast judgement without evidence or an investigation.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Nice victim-blaming, bro. The fuck is wrong with you?

PowerCrazy , to World News in Erdogan tells UN chief Israel must be tried in international courts for Gaza crimes

100%, more world leader should be tried for war crimes. The surviving members of the last 5 US administrations for sure. Erdogan himself, of course, Merkel and Macron. Probably a few thousand others.

Aurenkin , to World News in Taiwan president: China too 'overwhelmed' to consider invasion

This would be such a stupid, self destructive move. Even worse than Russias attempt to invade Ukraine. Hopefully it never happens but seems like there are no guarantees.

Edit: Almost forgot. Fuck the CCP

goat OP , avatar

Edit: Almost forgot. Fuck the CCP

you are now banned from

nixcamic ,

I don't get tankies obsession with defending China and Russia. They've done more to hurt the communist cause than all the rabid right wing crazies put together.

goat OP , avatar

oh tankies aren't communists. they don't actually care about any of that.

nah, they only care about destroying america

Zellith , to World News in Erdogan tells UN chief Israel must be tried in international courts for Gaza crimes

I don't agree with him. He agrees with me.

Death__BySnuSnu , to World News in Four Palestinians, including two children, killed by Israeli forces in West Bank

There is no Hamas in the West Bank. This is murder of innocent children by an oppressive occupier. It has been happening for decades without any international action.

nimnim , avatar

In the West Bank, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is the key player and just like Hamas, it is a reliable source of information (coughing, hospital bombing).

kayjay , to World News in Erdogan tells UN chief Israel must be tried in international courts for Gaza crimes

A broken clock is right twice a day

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in Saudi Arabia wins bid for 2030 World Fair, beating Italy, S. Korea

That’s a bold move, Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.

timewarp , to News in Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast avatar

HRW may very well be right here, but if the only investigation the police does after a homicide is talk to some witnesses... but you know, never actually check for fingerprints, or in this case... analyze fragments from the rocket, then I'm not going to go all in and say that they've done much of a report. How convenient that people act like this is all the proof they need without even reading what they actually examined.

KoboldCoterie , to World News in EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf avatar

I'm not from the EU and don't have the context to really understand the history of this decision, but this just seems so unnecessarily divisive.

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon
capital , to World News in Six teenagers in court over beheading of French teacher

Maybe these people would be happier moving to a country where their religion is forced down from the government? Maybe go there?

You’re incompatible with western society so change or get the fuck out.

And before anyone jumps down my throat I’m speaking specifically of those who don’t accept that things like freedom of speech includes things they don’t like.

sollerona ,

freedom of speech includes blatant disrespect of a religion you're not a part of, got it

Locrin , to World News in Six teenagers in court over beheading of French teacher

Islam is so touchy. Even pointing out Mohammed was a bandit and a pedophile gets them going and that is just straight facts anyone can get from reading about his life.

elbarto777 ,

Religious extremists are the touchy ones. Plenty of Muslim folks who go on with their lives in peace.

I do agree that islamist extremists are the worst.

gravitas_deficiency ,

To be honest, the Nationalist Christians (Nat-C’s) that we have here at home are pretty fucking unsettling. They know that it’s their god-given right to be in charge of everything and they will “save” everyone by trying to force their twisted interpretation of religious texts onto the populace with zero compromise, because “that’s god’s plan”.

They’re just as bad as Islamic extremists; they’re just committing their violence in more official channels and in a slower fashion, up until the day that they manage to get an unshakable hold on power (read: establish a “theocratic” dictatorship, like the Republic of Gilead from Handmaid’s Tale, which they took as an aspirational goal instead of a cautionary story).

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