Since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost more than 355,000 soldiers killed and wounded as per estimates calculated by the Intelligence of the British Defence Ministry ( )

The recent battle for the town of Avdiivka in Donetsk region was one of the bloodiest since the war began: for months, Russian commanders did not hesitate to send squad after squad into the meat grinder so that Vladimir Putin would have something to present to his electorate before the elections....

Russia begs China for loans as the Kremlin is running out of money for rainy days, analysts say ( )

In almost 2 years of full-scale war, Russia has spent half the money from the National Welfare Fund (NWF), the main source of resources for a rainy day. At the end of 2023, almost 4 trillion rubles were spent from the National Welfare Fund, and now only 5 trillion remains in its so-called liquid part (savings in currency and...

Russia's shortage of yuans and resulting reduction of foreign trade volume to continue as major Chinese banks halt operations in Russia, Belarus over fear of sanctions, experts say ( )

In response to the yuan shortage, Russia's Central Bank has started conducting currency swap deals with banks. Since the beginning of the year, their volume totalled 35.7 billion yuan, while for the whole of last year it was less than 60 billion yuan. In early February, the currency swap rates exceeded 4% per annum, which is...

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