randon31415 , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan

I have recently been playing with llamafiles, particularly Llava which, as far as I know, is the first multimodal open source llm (others might exist, this is just the first one I have seen). I was having it look at pictures of prospective houses I want to buy and asking it if it sees anything wrong with the house.

The only problem I ran into is that window 10 cmd doesn't like the sed command, and I don't know of an alternative.

altima_neo , avatar

Powershell, maybe?

Tja ,


ramjambamalam ,

Would it help to run it under WSL?

halva , avatar

might be a good idea to use windows terminal or cmder and wsl instead of windows shells

Falcon ,

sd is written in rust and cross platform

Does awk run on windows?

randon31415 ,

Wait, can you just install sed?

Falcon ,

If you can find a copy yeah. GNU sed isn’t written for windows but I’m sure you can find another version of sed that targets windows.

ripcord , avatar

Install Cygwin and put it in your path.

You can use grep, awk, see, etc from either bash or Windows command prompt.

stevedidWHAT , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan avatar

Open source good, together monkey strong 💪🏻

Build cool village with other frens, make new things, celebrate as village

Tja ,

Apes together *

stevedidWHAT , avatar

See case in point

Zeon ,

It's free / libre software, which is even better, because it gives you more freedom than just 'open-source' software. Make sure to check the licenses of software that you use. Anything based on GPL, MIT, or Apache 2.0 are Free Software licenses. Anyways, together monkey strong 💪

tubbadu , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan

Is it as good as chatgpt?

Infiltrated_ad8271 , avatar

The question is quickly answered as none is currently that good, open or not.

Anyway it seems that this is just a manager. I see some competitors available that I have heard good things about, like mistral.

Bipta ,

Local LLMs can beat GPT 3.5 now.

Speculater , avatar

I think a good 13B model running on 12GB of VRAM can do pretty well. But I'd be hard pressed to believe anything under 33B would beat 3.5.

miss_brainfart , avatar

Asking as someone who doesn't know anything about any of this:

Does more B mean better?

alphafalcon ,

B stands for Billion (Parameters) IIRC

june ,

3.5 fuckin sucks though. That’s a pretty low bar to set imo.

Falcon ,

Many are close!

In terms of usability though, they are better.

For example, ask GPT4 for an example of cross site scripting in flask and you'll have an ethics discussion. Grab an uncensored model off HuggingFace you're off to the races

tubbadu ,

Seems interesting! Do I need high end hardware or can I run them on my old laptop that I use as home server?

Falcon ,

Oh no you need a 3060 at least :(

Requires cuda. They’re essentially large mathematical equations that solve the probability of the next word.

The equations are derived by trying different combinations of values until one works well. (This is the learning in machine learning). The trick is changing the numbers in a way that gets better each time (see e.g. gradient descent)

ripcord , avatar

How's the guy who said he's running off a 1060 doing it?

Chee_Koala ,


tubbadu ,

Oh this is unfortunate ahahahaha
Thanks for the info!

PerogiBoi , to Technology in Want a more private ChatGPT alternative that runs offline? Check out Jan avatar

Also check out LLM Studio and GPT4all. Both of these let you run private ChatGPT alternatives from Hugging Face and run them off your ram and processor (can also offload to GPU).

tubbadu ,

Are they as good as chatgpt?

PerogiBoi , avatar

Mistral is thought to be almost as good. I’ve used the latest version of mistral and found it more or less identical in quality of output.

It’s not as fast though as I am running it off of 16gb of ram and an old GTX 1060 card.

If you use LLM Studio I’d say it’s actually better because you can give it a pre-prompt so that all of its answers are within predefined guardrails (ex: you are glorb the cheese pirate and you have a passion for mink fur coats).

There’s also the benefit of being able to load in uncensored models if you would like questionable content created (erotica, sketchy instructions on how to synthesize crystal meth, etc).

tsonfeir , avatar

I’m sure that meth is for personal use right? Right?

PerogiBoi , avatar

Absolutely. Synthesizing hard drugs is time consuming and a lot of hard work. Only I get to enjoy it.

tsonfeir , avatar

No one gets my mushrooms either ;)

PerogiBoi , avatar

brf tek says hi

tsonfeir , avatar

I just buy my substrate online. I’m far less experimental than most. I just want it to work in a consistent way that yields an amount I can predict.

What I really want to grow is Peyote or San Pedro, but the slow growth and lack of sun in my location would make that difficult.

PerogiBoi , avatar

Precolonized or just substrate? I wonder if a grow lamp would work. Pretty pricey though for electricity.

tsonfeir , avatar

Just the substrate. I use the syringes I buy online because it’s the easiest method for me. I’m not actually sure pre-colonized would be “legal” for my “microscope” hobby. Ahem.

Mostly it’s just B+, which I enjoy and it’s simple to grow. Golden Teacher was also easy, but the yield was less.

PerogiBoi , avatar

I had such low yield with B+ or any other strains 🤪probs just my technique.

tsonfeir , avatar

Well, low might be relative to your expectations. How many grams did you want vs what you got?

I see some people on Reddit with huge-ass yields. Like, fist-sized caps. wtf. Ultimately, I got the amount I wanted to use out of it.

PerogiBoi , avatar

I saw roughly 11 grams dried. Was expecting 3x the amount judging by everyone’s’ impressive grows haha.

Rai ,

Whazzat? I’ve only met uncle Ben!

PerogiBoi , avatar

Its the great grandfather of uncle Ben

Chee_Koala ,

Even though growing mushrooms is almost the easiest thing to do on the planet

timetravel ,

Can you provide links for those? I see a few and don't trust search results

Black_Gulaman ,

You can search inside LM studio for uncensored or roleplay. Select the size you want then it's all good from there.

PerogiBoi , avatar

They’re the first results on all major search engines.

tsonfeir , avatar


Just_Pizza_Crust ,

I'd also recommend Oobabooga if you're already familiar with Automatic1111 for Stable diffusion. I have found being able to write the first part of the bots response gets much better results and seems to make up false info much less.

FaceDeer ,

There's also koboldcpp, which is fairly newbie friendly.

Turun ,

And llama file, which is a chat bot in a single executable file.

EarMaster ,

I feel like you're all making these names up...but they were probably suggested by a LLM all together...

webghost0101 ,

Something i am really missing is a breakdown of
How good these models actually are compared to eachother.

A demo on hugging face couldnt tell me the boiling point of water while the authors own example prompt asked the boiling point for some chemical.

TriPolarBearz ,

Maybe you could ask for the boiling point of dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO), a very dangerous substance.

More info at

webghost0101 ,

I asked H2O first but no proper answer.

i heard dihydrogen monoxide has a melting point below room temperature and they seem to find it everywhere causing huge oxidation damage to our infrastructure, its even found inside our crops.

Truly scary stuff.

M500 ,

I can't find a way to run any of these on my homeserver and access it over http.
It looks like it is possible but you need a gui to install it in the first place.

Emma_Gold_Man ,

ssh -X

theterrasque ,


praise_idleness , to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store

Fdroid FTW

Eggyhead , to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store avatar

Businesses don't make themselves cheaper for consumers even if they get a chance to cut their overhead. I just don't see businesses ever do that. Profits "rise" and they circle-jerk about how great they're doing.

I'm more interested in getting access to FOSS, indie apps, and apps that Apple is too afraid to be associated with, such as emulators and apps that feature adult content.

cooopsspace ,

The whole point of this exercise was that a bigger cut of the app revenue goes to the developers though.

You know, since the phone manufacturer and payment provider actually doesn't do any of the development work on the app...

maxFapper ,

No, but they do gate keep what can/can't be installed on their phone quite aggressively.

That's why there isn't a single torrent client for iOS, for example.

MiDaBa , to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store

This article seems like Apple had to sign off on it before it was published. Having multiple stores from which to choose will certainly lead to lower prices. The best example of this is gaming. Closed systems of digital purchases like Xbox or Nintendo Switch stores almost always have higher prices than the exact same game on PC. Of course on PC I can buy from the ubiquitous Steam, the Microsoft store, Epic, GOG, UBI, EA, and others. If PC were like an iPhone I would only be able to buy from Microsoft and MS could demand a cut of every game sold outside of their walled garden.

The fact this writer claims developers would be nothing without Apple is laughable. If Apple closed up shop tomorrow we'd still want and use apps. Apple is not the reason we use apps, they are only a platform that can run the apps we already use.

otp ,


Y'all have Universal Basic Income on PC?

psud ,

They mean the handset price will go up, since Apple will no longer be able to suck as much app store money from you

Though I don't expect many people to take advantage of their new freedom - look at the number of Android users who have ever side loaded apps, or used a store which didn't come with their phone

wrekone , to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store

What a bootlicker.

helenslunch , to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store avatar

You might not like the 27% cut, but that’s only fair, and I explaind this time and again about Apple apps and services. Like iMessage, the App Store is a proprietary Apple technology.

Yes, it’s a storefront that makes apps available on iPhones. And the iPhone would be worthless without them. But the apps themselves and the revenue streams they generate for developers would not exist without the iPhone, iOS, the infrastructure that supports them, and the years of development Apple has put in. All of that cost money to make, and Apple is now just capitalizing on all that.

Anyone in Apple’s place would do the same thing. And indeed, other marketplaces have similar commissions.

WTF kinda bullshit is this? If there was literally any other way to install an app I would agree, but there's not.

Yes, it costs money to run the app store. Probably about 1% of that 27% would cover it.

Yes, it costs money to build iphones and iOS, but Apple is not a charity. They don't hand them out at the mall. They charge exorbitant prices for them.

LWD , (edited ) to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store

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  • kirklennon ,

    If you are a developer, what right does Apple have to seeing your finances for all purchases made in the app that they sold on their store?

    It's a commission for sales that came from the app, meaning from Apple's platform, where they have roughly one billion above-average income users with a reputation for buying apps and subscriptions.

    It's also worth keeping in mind that there are different ways of monetizing platforms, none of which are necessarily morally better or worse than the other. Microsoft's IDE, Visual Studio, is $45 or $250 per user per month (so $4500 annually for a team of ten). Xcode, Apple's IDE, is free. A business can offer its apps on the App Store, which also serves the files, for a grand total of $99/year.

    EtzBetz , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

    I'm still kind of sceptical about this. You could always install custom apps onto your iPhone as long as you had a Mac and you had the source.
    I'm imagining that you now still need everything, except that you can install packaged apps. I'd love if it was different/like on android, but the past has shown us that big companies often know their ways around.

    Zworf ,

    You could but you also had to reload them every 2 weeks which is a real PITA, or pony up the $100. And keep Xcode up to date which uses a ton of space.

    EtzBetz ,

    Hmm, that's true. The two weeks probably also wouldn't be okay.

    Zworf , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

    Nice! I hope this will create a similarly great FOSS privacy-first ecosystem as F-Droid has done for Android. Some of the apps on there are really high quality. And amazingly small and efficient. It's really cool how much you can do if you don't waste 90% of your time spying on the user. Which goes for Android and iOS store apps almost equally.

    doolijb , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

    Fantastic, now the next step is opening up iOS development outside of MacOS

    MiddledAgedGuy , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

    Do we know if this is going to be implemented per device or it's done via geolocation or something? I skimmed the article, didn't seem to say besides "don't get excited if you're outside of Europe" or something to that effect. Basically wondering if this benefit can be gained in the future by importing a phone.

    My dislike of Apple is... decades old. But Google sucks too. I need to dig into how Apple treats privacy (someone mentioned that it might not be great on another of these posts) and see how the software ecosystem outside of the Apple store shakes out. I'm hopefully several years out from needing a phone replacement, so I can wait and see how it goes.

    Zworf ,

    Well Google sucks but at least they opened the door to sideloading and open-sourced Android so things like Graphene and LineageOS exist. You don't have to put up with the spying. Apple spies less, but whatever is there is unavoidable right now. Same with controlling what you're allowed to put on your phone.

    HanDman , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

    Once this is implemented, what sort of apps are people hoping to see available?

    lnxtx , avatar

    Browsers with engines other than the WebKit, e.g. native Firefox with the Gecko.

    The FOSS community will gain momentum.

    JackGreenEarth , avatar

    They should allow gecko browsers in the apple store too, otherwise Mozilla won't bother making it for only a few users.

    helenslunch , avatar

    All sorts of FOSS projects that understandably can't be bothered dealing with Apple's absurd App Store policies.

    DdCno1 ,

    I've definitely noticed a demand for emulators. Apple does not permit those on their app store.

    smeg ,

    Crazy that they're still not allowed, I remember using a great gameboy emulator on a jailbroken iPod touch in like 2010

    DdCno1 ,

    I bought my first Android phone in late 2010. Its 600 MHz single-core CPU just barely ran a GBA emulator at playable speeds. The screen wasn't multitouch and a bug in the operating system (fixed about a year or two later by the manufacturer) meant that any time the screen was being touched, CPU load would shoot up to 100% and everything slowed down to a crawl, which meant I could only play turn-based titles. That's how I discovered Advance Wars.

    smeg ,

    On a related note I was recently incredibly impressed to see how well Dolphin Emulator runs GameCube and Wii games on Android, though even fully working touch controls aren't really viable for anything other than glorious turn-based combat!

    DdCno1 ,

    PS2 emulation is my recent surprise. If you have a powerful enough device, then AetherSX2 will run games extremely well on it. Less powerful devices can still run PSP games using the remarkable PPSSPP emulator.

    Then there's the whole business of emulating Windows PCs. There's a number of impressive apps that can be used to play even fairly new titles. I believe Winlator is the latest.

    smeg ,

    Yeah x86 emulation is actually huge, is winlator in a usable state yet?

    DdCno1 , (edited )

    I've only used it with older games so far, but it works really well already. If you don't mind a bit of fiddling with the configuration, I highly recommend trying it out.

    Edit: ETA Prime's video on the emulator is a few months old already, but it's a good starting point:

    smeg ,

    Amazing, I'm saving that!

    BorgDrone ,

    We’ll probably see shitloads of spyware and other questionable apps.

    Zworf ,

    I doubt it. Apple will make the process scary enough that users won't get tricked into this.

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