Zerush , to Privacy in I don't want Meta AI in WhatsApp, even if it doesn't snoop on my texts

Easy, don't use Zuckerbot crap

brb ,

Not easy when all my friends and family use it

JonEFive ,

And in other parts of the world where it's just a standard. I was surprised when I saw WhatsApp numbers on advertisements with the WhatsApp logo. Hard not to be on WhatsApp in those places.

Zerush ,

Also my friends and Family, but this is why I don't use this shit, I can also communicate with them, better still, with a simple call, perhaps with an SMS (yes, it still exists) or directly in person, accompanied with some beers.

zeppo , to Hacker News in NASA just sent a software update to a spacecraft 12B miles away avatar

Oh damn, if it's anything like my recent Linux dist-upgrades it will reboot and the sound card won't work.

cerement , avatar

but in this case you get to wait 34 days to find out

thefartographer , to Astronomy in Scientists found a primordial galaxy with a bunch of gas and no stars

My home!

DaMonsterKnees ,

: motherofgod:

Get this woman her throne. The queen is back.

BradleyUffner , to Astronomy in Scientists found a primordial galaxy with a bunch of gas and no stars

How is this different from a nebula?

makyo ,

Seems like you could call this a galaxy-sized nebula

AmosBurton_ThatGuy , (edited ) avatar

From my amateur understanding of space, it seems to be a galaxy made of just primordial hydrogen and helium, back before the first stars formed and started creating heavier elements due to the fusion reactions that power stars and the eventual supernovas that further dispersed and helped to create even more heavy elements.

Another cool theory is that the first stars are thought to have been much, much more massive, possibly up to around a thousand solar masses since they were made solely of hydrogen and helium. It's estimated that current stars couldn't get above a few hundred solar masses at most due to the existence of heavier elements in modern gas clouds. I don't understand enough to explain why the existence of heavier elements limits star size so I'll leave that to someone smarter than me.

Someone correct me if I got anything wrong, again I only have an amateur level of understanding about space.

XeroxCool ,

I think the heavier elements exponentially speed up stellar death. In part, the fusion of elements makes the core denser and denser each step of the way. Going from hydrogen to helium is twice as dense, but helium is still a good fuel so it isn't an issue. As fusion continues through carbon and oxygen, it shrinks but still burns. Iron is the tipping point though because it doesn't work as a fuel at all - it triggers a core collapse, the surface falls into the void, and everything heavier than iron is instantaneously fused and thrown into the universe.

So I would guess the lesser abundance of heavier elements early on delayed that process compared to today's standards. Sort of like making a snowman in fresh powder and having to melt/wet the snow to make it pack vs having a little rain and higher temps after the powder to wet it

AmosBurton_ThatGuy , avatar

Thanks for the explanation! :)

rbhfd ,

The amount of heavy elements present in a star when it formed will be neglible to the amount that will be created over time through fusion.

You can actually detect this through spectroscopy because the initial amount of metals will be present in the outer layer of the star. Heavy elements made through fusion will be mostly in the core.

The reason stars formed from primordial gas, i.e. only consisting of hydrogen and helium, is that such a gas will fragment less as it cools and collapses. Less fragmentation means heavier stars.

I only have a high level knowledge of the process though.

unionagainstdhmo , (edited ) to Astronomy in Scientists found a primordial galaxy with a bunch of gas and no stars avatar

Sounds like the galaxy used its gas to gaslight NASA into thinking it is a galaxy

itsnotits ,

used its* gas

unionagainstdhmo , avatar

Damn autocorrect, fixed now. Thanks

maynarkh , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

It's not just "sideloading", it's Apple being forced to break its vertical integration with the App Store. The point is that the App Store cannot even be a "preferred" source for apps, much less the only one, and that includes having a perfectly workable iPhone with the App Store not even installed ever, because you did not choose it from some list at first start, and you're rolling with some third party store exclusively.

In theory, it should look like Windows and its browsers, or even more free, because what Windows does now with Edge is also illegal over the DMA and Europeans will soon be able to uninstall or not even have Edge installed on their Windows devices.

M500 ,

I’m hoping this ultimately makes Apple open their operating system and leads to Apple letting users dock their phones and let it launch traditional macOS

maynarkh ,

I think it's a step towards a world where that makes sense. Not this time, but maybe next time.

This law very carefully includes only select software, they are carefully trying not to disrupt the market too much. For example, this is the law that mandates Facebook Messenger must support third party clients, where I should be able to send messages to it from a third party app and receive responses through an open API. So does WhatsApp and a few other messaging apps.

It doesn't include iMessage though, because nobody cares about iMessage in the EU market. I am interested where this goes in the next decade. Hope they keep unshittifying tech.

helenslunch , avatar

Absolutely never going to happen. Sorry. Stop buying Apple products. Money is the only language these corporations speak.

Tak , avatar

I agree with you but they're not going to see sales go down and decide to make less profitable decisions. Like Netflix, people said they were going to stop paying for it because the price hikes and the account sharing but they're making better margins now.

We need to stop only boycotting and seek legal action. Antitrust Apple.

Zworf ,

I have to say I thought that was kinda a pipe dream, but Samsung DeX is surprisingly useful and I use it a lot when I don't have my personal laptop around but I do have a docking station (which happens a LOT in today's hotdesking environment).

Just plug it in and access to all my personal computing stuff is there <3

onlinepersona , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

Fuck yeah, Europe. Imagine F-droid on iphone. IINM Apple has a thing against opensource on their locked down devices. This will change that, finally.


helenslunch , avatar

Imagine F-droid on iphone

F-Apple. I like it!

onlinepersona ,

They should use that name. No problem with it 😄


eutampieri ,

Are you licensing your comments?

Clusterfck ,

It’s some kind dumbass idea that AI won’t be trained with the comment now. Because you know, billion dollar companies ALWAYS follow the rules.

onlinepersona ,

Looks like it, doesn't it :)


JackGreenEarth , avatar

If you really want to, put the license in your profile specifying it will be used for all your comments, but on Voyager it really clutters up the comment with a big link for every comment.

onlinepersona ,

I'm sorry, but that's a you problem. Either block me or don't use Voyager 🤷


Railcar8095 ,

Option A sounds good

onlinepersona ,

👍 have at it


Glimpythegoblin ,

Looks like it, doesn't it :)

Onlinepersona fully endorses this comment.

moitoi , avatar


Damage , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

This is like someone drinking for the first time only long after reaching adulthood. Dumb mistakes will be made. Oh, well...

Zworf ,

Sure, Apple has a point about protecting the users. But it's their choice to make and I'm sure they will make it a really unattractive option with many warnings. Considering some of my friends who work in IT are now afraid to do things as simple as making changes in the registry now, I don't think an unknowing user will be tricked into this.

And really let's be honest Apple's strong objections have absolutely nothing to do with user protection and absolutely everything with that 30% take they're making.

And the thing is, for all Android's lack of privacy, I can open the box of an Android phone and install whatever I want without having to even create an account with Google or Samsung or whoever. You can use an iPhone without an Apple ID but you can do absolutely nothing apart from the built-in apps.

Damage ,

I agree, my point was that this should have happened years ago. Android had this option from the start, and evolved with it in mind; iOS will probably have a rougher time dealing with this.

HanDman , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

Once this is implemented, what sort of apps are people hoping to see available?

lnxtx , avatar

Browsers with engines other than the WebKit, e.g. native Firefox with the Gecko.

The FOSS community will gain momentum.

JackGreenEarth , avatar

They should allow gecko browsers in the apple store too, otherwise Mozilla won't bother making it for only a few users.

helenslunch , avatar

All sorts of FOSS projects that understandably can't be bothered dealing with Apple's absurd App Store policies.

DdCno1 ,

I've definitely noticed a demand for emulators. Apple does not permit those on their app store.

smeg ,

Crazy that they're still not allowed, I remember using a great gameboy emulator on a jailbroken iPod touch in like 2010

DdCno1 ,

I bought my first Android phone in late 2010. Its 600 MHz single-core CPU just barely ran a GBA emulator at playable speeds. The screen wasn't multitouch and a bug in the operating system (fixed about a year or two later by the manufacturer) meant that any time the screen was being touched, CPU load would shoot up to 100% and everything slowed down to a crawl, which meant I could only play turn-based titles. That's how I discovered Advance Wars.

smeg ,

On a related note I was recently incredibly impressed to see how well Dolphin Emulator runs GameCube and Wii games on Android, though even fully working touch controls aren't really viable for anything other than glorious turn-based combat!

DdCno1 ,

PS2 emulation is my recent surprise. If you have a powerful enough device, then AetherSX2 will run games extremely well on it. Less powerful devices can still run PSP games using the remarkable PPSSPP emulator.

Then there's the whole business of emulating Windows PCs. There's a number of impressive apps that can be used to play even fairly new titles. I believe Winlator is the latest.

smeg ,

Yeah x86 emulation is actually huge, is winlator in a usable state yet?

DdCno1 , (edited )

I've only used it with older games so far, but it works really well already. If you don't mind a bit of fiddling with the configuration, I highly recommend trying it out.

Edit: ETA Prime's video on the emulator is a few months old already, but it's a good starting point:

smeg ,

Amazing, I'm saving that!

BorgDrone ,

We’ll probably see shitloads of spyware and other questionable apps.

Zworf ,

I doubt it. Apple will make the process scary enough that users won't get tricked into this.

MiddledAgedGuy , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

Do we know if this is going to be implemented per device or it's done via geolocation or something? I skimmed the article, didn't seem to say besides "don't get excited if you're outside of Europe" or something to that effect. Basically wondering if this benefit can be gained in the future by importing a phone.

My dislike of Apple is... decades old. But Google sucks too. I need to dig into how Apple treats privacy (someone mentioned that it might not be great on another of these posts) and see how the software ecosystem outside of the Apple store shakes out. I'm hopefully several years out from needing a phone replacement, so I can wait and see how it goes.

Zworf ,

Well Google sucks but at least they opened the door to sideloading and open-sourced Android so things like Graphene and LineageOS exist. You don't have to put up with the spying. Apple spies less, but whatever is there is unavoidable right now. Same with controlling what you're allowed to put on your phone.

doolijb , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

Fantastic, now the next step is opening up iOS development outside of MacOS

Zworf , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

Nice! I hope this will create a similarly great FOSS privacy-first ecosystem as F-Droid has done for Android. Some of the apps on there are really high quality. And amazingly small and efficient. It's really cool how much you can do if you don't waste 90% of your time spying on the user. Which goes for Android and iOS store apps almost equally.

EtzBetz , to Technology in iPhone sideloading seems a certainty for European users - here's the latest development

I'm still kind of sceptical about this. You could always install custom apps onto your iPhone as long as you had a Mac and you had the source.
I'm imagining that you now still need everything, except that you can install packaged apps. I'd love if it was different/like on android, but the past has shown us that big companies often know their ways around.

Zworf ,

You could but you also had to reload them every 2 weeks which is a real PITA, or pony up the $100. And keep Xcode up to date which uses a ton of space.

EtzBetz ,

Hmm, that's true. The two weeks probably also wouldn't be okay.

LWD , (edited ) to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store

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  • kirklennon ,

    If you are a developer, what right does Apple have to seeing your finances for all purchases made in the app that they sold on their store?

    It's a commission for sales that came from the app, meaning from Apple's platform, where they have roughly one billion above-average income users with a reputation for buying apps and subscriptions.

    It's also worth keeping in mind that there are different ways of monetizing platforms, none of which are necessarily morally better or worse than the other. Microsoft's IDE, Visual Studio, is $45 or $250 per user per month (so $4500 annually for a team of ten). Xcode, Apple's IDE, is free. A business can offer its apps on the App Store, which also serves the files, for a grand total of $99/year.

    helenslunch , to Technology in Don't expect iPhone apps to get cheaper now that you can pay for them outside of the App Store avatar

    You might not like the 27% cut, but that’s only fair, and I explaind this time and again about Apple apps and services. Like iMessage, the App Store is a proprietary Apple technology.

    Yes, it’s a storefront that makes apps available on iPhones. And the iPhone would be worthless without them. But the apps themselves and the revenue streams they generate for developers would not exist without the iPhone, iOS, the infrastructure that supports them, and the years of development Apple has put in. All of that cost money to make, and Apple is now just capitalizing on all that.

    Anyone in Apple’s place would do the same thing. And indeed, other marketplaces have similar commissions.

    WTF kinda bullshit is this? If there was literally any other way to install an app I would agree, but there's not.

    Yes, it costs money to run the app store. Probably about 1% of that 27% would cover it.

    Yes, it costs money to build iphones and iOS, but Apple is not a charity. They don't hand them out at the mall. They charge exorbitant prices for them.

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