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Professor of #Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles #UCLA (he/him)

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A new formalization project has been launched , to prove Carleson's famous theorem on pointwise convergence of Fourier series (as well as some more modern generalizations of that theorem). The main web page for the project (containing the blueprint and github repository for the Lean files, etc.) is at https://florisvandoorn.com/carleson/ , and the Zulip channel to coordinate the project is at https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/442935-Carleson

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@Pashhur The blueprint does contain a lot of material (such as classical Calderon-Zygmund theory) that is quite standard in this area, and Thiele is one of the leading world experts in the subject and has not to my knowledge published anything with major errors in it. Furthermore, the blueprint is already rather more detailed than a traditional math paper, even if it has not yet been properly formalized. So I think there is a reasonable a priori probability to expect that the arguments are largely correct. That said, the formalization effort, despite being only a day or two old, has already uncovered some minor issues in the blueprint (a (k) should have been a (k+1) in one of the lemmas, for instance): https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/442935-Carleson/topic/Outstanding.20Tasks.2C.20V1

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@whenning There is enough data to get LLMs to be able to write some short Lean proofs with reasonable accuracy, see e.g., the benchmark datasets at https://leandojo.org/ , but the corpus is certainly smaller than that of major programming languages or LaTeX (and also there is the technical complication that there was a recent transition from Lean3 to Lean4, which is not backwards compatible). I think there will be more adequate sources of data in the future (e.g., including synthetic Lean data), and more efficient ways to train, so the situation should improve.

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recently reprinted an interview I had a few months ago on the future of proof assistants and in : https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-will-become-mathematicians-co-pilot/ . In it, I made the following assertion:

"I think in the future, instead of typing up our proofs, we would explain them to some . And the GPT will try to formalize it in as you go along. If everything checks out, the GPT will [essentially] say, “Here’s your paper in ; here’s your Lean proof. If you like, I can press this button and submit it to a journal for you.” It could be a wonderful assistant in the future."

This statement seems to have received a mixed reception, in particular it has been interpreted as an assertion that mathematicians would be become lazier and sloppier with writing proofs. I think the best way to illustrate what I mean by this assertion is by a worked example, which is already within the capability of current technology. At https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/a-problem-involving-power-series/ I have a moderately tricky problem in complex analysis. In https://chatgpt.com/share/63c5774a-d58a-47c2-9149-362b05e268b4 , I explained this problem and its solution to in an interactive fashion, and after the proof was explained, GPT was able to provide a LaTeX file of the solution, which one can find at https://terrytao.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/laplace.pdf . GPT performed quite well in my opinion, fleshing out my sketched argument into quite a coherent and reasonably rigorous full proof. This is not 100% of what I envisioned in the article - in particular the rigorous Lean translation in order to guarantee correctness is missing, which I think is an essential requirement before this workflow can be used for research quality publications - but hopefully will illustrate what I had in mind with the quote.

tao OP , (edited )
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

p.s., it may not have come across so well in the text transcription of the interview, but the portion about pressing a button to submit the GPT-generated LaTeX article to a journal was mostly made in jest. I would imagine journals in the future would develop filters, labeling requirements, and other rules regarding submissions that are partially or fully AI-generated, and that new cultural norms will emerge as to how to incorporate AI-generated texts as part of a scientific document (for instance, I could envision a framework in which it would be acceptable to link to an interactive AI-generated and Lean-integrated form of a paper as a secondary version, while retaining a human-written text as the primary authoritative version).

tao OP ,
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@alex I think adopting new workflow practices (such as those already standard in software engineering, or even in existing formalization projects) can address many of these issues. For instance, one should formalize the statement of the result before even starting the proof process, instead of afterwards. One could also semi-automatically or automatically subject the statement with various "sanity checks" or "unit tests", for instance testing trivial or very easy cases of the theorem, as well as known counterexamples to stronger versions of the theorem. (In my example, for instance, I included a verification of the converse to the theorem as a sort of sanity check, even though it was not actually needed for the goal.)

tao OP ,
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@cursv I am not aware of the literature in this area, though the Lean kernel is deliberately kept as small as possible (a few thousand lines of C++ code) and so it should be possible to perform formal verification in some external language.

While this is not the same thing, there is a tool to export a Lean proof to a file format that can be verified by independent software at https://www.scs.stanford.edu/16wi-cs240h/projects/selsam.pdf

Perhaps if you pose this question on https://proofassistants.stackexchange.com/ you might be able to get a more informed answer on this question.

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

The "Wolf, goat and cabbage problem" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf,_goat_and_cabbage_problem is a classic logic puzzle, in which your job is to transfer a wolf, goat, and cabbage safely across a river in a boat that can only carry one of these at a time, without any of them eating the other. Counterintuitively, the solution involves temporarily bringing back over the river one of the animals that one had previously transported over the river.

I recently discovered by accident that this type of puzzle can be a helpful conceptual framework for trying to solve a system of nonlinear equations through a combination of quantifier elimination and introduction of variables. Let me illustrate this with a simple (and artificial) example problem: locate real numbers 𝑥,𝑦 obeying the constraints 𝑥>0 and 1/2<𝑥+𝑦²<√𝑥. Here, the mental model to keep in mind is that 𝑥,𝑦 are currently on one side of a "river" (representing unknown quantities) and the task is to get them to the other side of the "river" (representing quantities that can be solved for, possibly
in terms of other variables).

One can solve the problem using this framework as follows. The quantity 𝑧:=𝑥+𝑦² implicitly appears in the problem but is currently on the other side of the "river", since it is expressible in terms of 𝑥,𝑦. So let us "bring it back to our side of the river" by introducing it explicitly as a new variable; now we want to find real numbers 𝑥,𝑦,𝑧. that solve the constraints 𝑥>0, 𝑧=𝑥+𝑦² and 1/2<𝑧<√𝑥.(1/2)

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Looking at this system, we see that only one of the conditions involves 𝑦, namely the constraint 𝑧=𝑥+𝑦², and this equation can be solved for 𝑦 if and only if 𝑧≥𝑥. So we can move 𝑦 "across the river" (this is an example of "quantifier elimination") and reduce to finding unknowns 𝑥,𝑧 solving the system 𝑥>0,𝑧≥𝑥 and 1/2<𝑧<√𝑥; a choice of variable 𝑦 can then be found in terms of these variables by either 𝑦=√(𝑧−𝑥) or 𝑦=−√(𝑧−𝑥) (one is free to choose either option).

Now looking at the new system, we see that the variable 𝑧 is the easiest to move "across the river": one can find a solution for 𝑧 in terms of 𝑥 as long as one has 𝑥,1/2≤√𝑥. Now we have a problem which only involves 𝑥, which is easy to solve by high school algebra, e.g., by setting 𝑥=1/2, thus moving the final variable 𝑥 "across the river" as well. Now we can unwind the process and find a candidate for 𝑧 (e.g., 𝑧=0.51 will work), and then a candidate for 𝑦 (in this case 𝑦=0.1 will work).

Of course, for solving nonlinear systems of equations involving real numbers, many other techniques (including fully automated computer algebra methods) are available, but I have found this sort of conceptual framework useful in the past for solving more compliciated types of problems, such as locating solutions to functional equations or partial differential equations, or more generally trying to prove a complicated existentially quantified assertion, in particular making the concept of "quantifier elimination" and "introduction of variables" visualizable as moving objects over the river and back across the river respectively. (2/2)

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

There has been a remarkable breakthrough towards the Riemann hypothesis (though still very far from fully resolving this conjecture) by Guth and Maynard making the first substantial improvement to a classical 1940 bound of Ingham regarding the zeroes of the Riemann zeta function (and more generally, controlling the large values of various Dirichlet series): https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.20552

Let 𝑁(σ,𝑇) denote the number of zeroes of the Riemann zeta function with real part at least σ and imaginary part at most 𝑇 in magnitude. The Riemann hypothesis tells us that 𝑁(σ,𝑇) vanishes for any σ>1/2. We of course can't prove this unconditionally. But as the next best thing, we can prove zero density estimates, which are non-trivial upper bounds on 𝑁(σ,𝑇). It turns out that the value σ=3/4 is a key value. In 1940, Ingham obtained the bound (N(3/4,T) \ll T^{3/5+o(1)}). Over the next eighty years, the only improvement to this bound has been small refinements to the 𝑜(1) error. This has limited us from doing many things in analytic number theory: for instance, to get a good prime number theorem in almost all short intervals of the form ((x,x+x^\theta)), we have long been limited to the range (\theta>1/6), with the main obstacle being the lack of improvement to the Ingham bound. (1/3)

tao OP ,
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Guth and Maynard have managed to finally improve the Ingham bound, from 3/5=0.6 to 13/25=0.52. This propagates to many corresponding improvements in analytic number theory; for instance, the range for which we can prove a prime number theorem in almost all short intervals now improves from (\theta>1/6=0.166\dots) to (\theta>2/15=0.133\dots). (The Riemann hypothesis would imply that we can cover the full range (\theta>0)).

The arguments are largely Fourier analytic in nature. The first few steps are standard, and many analytic number theorists, including myself, who have attempted to break the Ingham bound, will recognize them; but they do a number of clever and unexpected maneuvers, including controlling a key matrix of phases (n^{it} = e^{it\log n}) by raising it to the sixth (!) power (which on the surface makes it significantly more complicated and intractable); refusing to simplify a certain complicated Fourier integral using stationary phase, and thus conceding a significant amount in the exponents, in order to retain a certain factorized form that ultimately turns out to be more useful than the stationary phase approximation; and dividing into cases depending on whether the locations where the large values of a Dirichlet series occur have small, medium, or large additive energy, and treating each case by a somewhat different argument. Here, the precise form of the phase function (t \log n) that is implicit in a Dirichlet series becomes incredibly important; this is an unexpected way to exploit the special features of the exponential sums arising from analytic number theory, as opposed to the more general exponential sums that one may encounter in harmonic analysis. (2/3)

tao OP ,
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

As it turns out, both Larry and James will speak on this result later today at this conference: https://www.ias.edu/events/visions-arithmetic-and-beyond-celebrating-peter-sarnaks-work-and-impact-4 https://www.ias.edu/events/visions-arithmetic-and-beyond-celebrating-peter-sarnaks-work-and-impact-5 . (I unfortunately had to cancel participation in this event and will give a pre-recorded talk.) Larry and James are both excellent speakers and if you are interested in analytic number theory, I certainly recommend attending the talks. (3/3)

tao OP ,
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Talks are now available at https://www.ias.edu/video/new-bounds-large-values-dirichlet-polynomials-part-1 https://www.ias.edu/video/new-bounds-large-values-dirichlet-polynomials-part-2

The new progress can be summarized by the following chain of implications (see James' talk for some more detail):

Riemann Hypothesis
Lindelof Hypothesis
Density Hypothesis
Guth-Maynard zero-density estimate <- we are here
1940 Ingham zero density estimate
"Trivial" bound from Riemann-von Mangoldt formula

tao OP , (edited )
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@highergeometer James addresses this at around 1:05:10 in the questions after his talk. Their work helps rule out the scenario of many somewhat bad violations of the Riemann Hypothesis (which is particularly helpful when trying to understand primes in short intervals), but doesn't make any new progress on ruling out one single extremely bad violation of the Riemann hypothesis, which is what zero-free regions are meant to exclude (and which play a central role in understanding primes in long intervals). The best zero-free region asymptotically is still the Vinogradov-Korobov zero-free region, which in this notation shows that 𝑁(σ,𝑇) is known to vanish completely once (\sigma \geq 1 - \log^{-2/3-o(1)} T). This result similarly has barely budged since 1958, and breaking that would similarly be a major advance in this field. (And in the q-aspect, eliminating Siegel zeroes would also be a major breakthrough on the zero free region front for L-functions.)

On the other hand, there are some useful improvements to zero density theorems (due to Turan, Halasz, and others) for σ near 1 that in some sense interpolate between the classical zero density theorems and the zero free regions, and in fact do better than the density conjecture for large values of σ.

tao OP , (edited )
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@highergeometer Here is a quick effort (a few minutes with ChatGPT), plotting the best known exponents θ(σ) for which we have an estimate (N(\sigma,T) \ll T^{\theta(\sigma)+o(1)},) for various 1/2≤σ≤1. The lower the curves are, the better. The new improvement of Guth and Maynard improves upon the better of the Ingham and Huxley bounds near 3/4, but still does not reach the density conjecture in this range, although we have successfully established the density conjecture for somewhat larger values of σ. The known zero-free region roughly speaking corresponds to the bottom right corner of the image, and the Riemann hypothesis would push the entire diagram down to the x-axis. At the other extreme, the upper boundary θ=1 of this diagram corresponds to the trivial bound coming from the Riemann-von Mangoldt formula.

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

is forming a new working group to determine how best to measure and manage groundwater resources in the US, which are essential for agriculture, manufacturing, and of course for drinking water, but for which we have surprisingly little quantitative understanding of. One of the first actions of the working group is to seek public input on the following questions:

  • How can we enhance the timely collection of data on groundwater inventory, use, recharge, and flow across the United States to gain a whole-of-country picture of the nation’s groundwater resources?
  • How can we effectively model and predict changes in the inventory, recharge, and flow of groundwater in the context of the overall water cycle and provide that information to stakeholders and decision-makers?
  • How can we efficiently scale groundwater recharge while mitigating risks?
  • How can we ensure clean and safe groundwater, especially for the communities that are affected most by groundwater contamination and depletion?
  • How can we engage with communities to successfully ensure a sustainable supply of groundwater, including for agriculture, industry, energy, human consumption, and healthy ecosystems and biodiversity?
  • What strategies and incentives can help limit groundwater over-use?

For further information on how to respond to this call for public input, see https://www.whitehouse.gov/pcast/briefing-room/2024/04/25/pcast-welcomes-public-input-on-americas-groundwater-challenges

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

I am on the advisory board of the Upward Mobility Foundation https://www.theumf.org/ , a small nonprofit devoted to making AI tools broadly accessible. Their first product, "uME" https://talktoume.org/, has just launched: this is a free text service, aimed primarily and children over the age of 13, that gives access to an AI chatbot designed to serve as a friendly companion (or "AI grandparent") that is available at any time to talk on a wide range of topics, ranging from emotional support to academic questions. (No user account needs to be set up for this service, and beyond the birthdate (which is required in the US for any internet service involving minors), no personal information beyond the cell phone number used to text the service is collected, and this information as well as the chatbot conversations are only retained for the minimum time required for compliance with the law.) Anecdotally, this product has been quite successful among young teenagers, particularly those who are not early adopters of technology but struggle with issues such as loneliness, although ironically due to the demographic and the strong emphasis on privacy, hard data on the effectiveness of the service has not been collected.

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@Rowena I think a program to connect human grandparent volunteers to underresourced children could be very impactful, but to me the bottleneck for such a program would be the vetting of the volunteers, which is not something that technological aids are particularly equipped to resolve. So I would view such a program as quite complementary to an AI resource for such children, and in particular I don't see them being in any sort of conflict.

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

A friend of mine was lucky enough to take this remarkable photo of the recent solar eclipse, in which a plane had left a contrail below the eclipse. She was wondering though why the portion of the contrail that was in the path of the eclipse appeared curved. My initial guess was that it was some sort of refractive effect, but why would the refractive index of the air be so much different inside the shadow of the eclipse than outside of it? With only a few minutes of eclipse I doubt that there would be a significant temperature change. Anyway, any theories would be welcome!

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Suppose an agent (such as an individual, organization, or an AI) needs to choose between two options A and B. One can try to influence this choice by offering incentives ("carrots") or disincentives ("sticks") to try to nudge that agent towards one's preferred choice. For instance, if one prefers that the agent choose A over B, one can offer praise if A is chosen, and criticism if B is chosen. Assuming the agent does not possess contrarian motivations and acts rationally, the probability of the agent selecting your preferred outcome is then monotone in the incentives in the natural fashion: the more one praises the selection of A, or the more one condemns the selection of B, the more likely the agent would select A over B.

However, this monotonicity can break down if there are three or more options: trying to influence an agent to select a desirable (to you) option A by criticizing option B may end up causing the agent to select an even less desirable option C instead. For instance, suppose one wants to improve safety conditions for workers in some industry. One natural approach is to criticise any company in the industry that makes the news due to an workplace accident. This is disincentivizing option B ("Allow workplace accidents to make the news") in the hope of encouraging option A ("Implement policies to make the workplace safer"). However, if this criticism is driven solely by media coverage, it can perversely incentivize companies to pursue option C ("Conceal workplace accidents from making the news"), which many would consider an even worse outcome than option B. (1/3)

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@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

In many cases, what one wants to maximize is not the amount of criticism that one applies to an undesirable choice B (or amount of praise one applies to a desirable choice A), but rather the gradient of praise or criticism as a function of the desirability of the choice. For instance, rather than the maximizing magnitude of criticism directed at B, one wants to maximize the increase in criticism that is applied whenever the agent switches to a more undesirable choice B-, as well as the amount of criticism by which is reduced when the agent switches to a more desirable choice B+, where one takes into account all possible alternate choices B-, B+, etc., not just the ideal choice A that one ultimately wishes the agent to move towards. Thus, for instance, a company with a history of concealing all of its workplace accidents, who is considering a policy change to be more transparent about disclosing these accidents as a first step to working to resolve them, should actually be praised to some extent for taking this first step despite it causing more media coverage of its accidents, though of course the praise here should not be greater than the praise for actually reducing the accident rate, which in turn should not be greater than the praise for eliminating accidents altogether. Furthermore, one has to ensure that the direction of the gradient does not point in a direction that is orthogonal to, or even opposite to, the desired goal (e.g., pointing in the direction of preventing media coverage rather than improving workplace safety). (2/3)

tao OP ,
@tao@mathstodon.xyz avatar

In short, arguments of the form "B is undesirable; therefore we should increase punishment for B" and "A is desirable; therefore we should increase rewards for A", while simple, intuitive, and emotionally appealing, in fact rely on a logical fallacy that the the effect of incentives are monotone in the magnitude of the incentive (as opposed to the magnitude and direction of the gradient of incentive). I wonder if there is an existing name for this fallacy: the law of unintended consequences (or the concept of perverse incentives, or Goodhart's law) are certainly related to this fallacy (in that they explain why it is a fallacy), but it would be good to have a standard way of referring to the fallacy itself.

In any case, I think political discourse contains too much discussion of magnitudes of incentives, and nowhere near enough discussion of gradients of incentives. Which raises the meta-question: what incentive structures could one offer to change this situation?

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