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Sherifazuhur , to israel group
@Sherifazuhur@sfba.social avatar
h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

;) Keep writing. It ties you up so you can't destroy and spew hate.

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @somekindahate3 @israel @palestine

Hello clown, you woke up! Please keep on clowning. ;)

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn


Read Johan Norbergs the capitalist manifesto.

Of course I know you wont, you keep harping on old theories long dead.

There you can see that capitalism is the best system that exist.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

True. Yet people never learn. =(

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Also add Franco to the list. He was harsh, but he saved spain from becoming a third world country. Many today are thankful for the Franco years, but sadly spain is deteriorating again, so they need a new Franco.

h4890 ,
h4890 ,

@argumento @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Ooooohhhhh, naughty! 😂 🇮🇱

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Amen! To borrow a bit from the bible! ;)

Also interesting to see how the bible was inspired by earlier myths. It is quite an eclectic work, not to speak of the disconnect between ot and nt.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

It's an interesting theory, that the reason socialism keeps popping up, is due to weaknesses of the brain.

Envy is probably the backdoor through which socialism slips, and greed and narcissism on behalf of the socialist leaders. They exploit the envy of the working classes to satisfy their own greed and lust for power.

Makes you wonder... if therapy and psychology was "100%" would socialism die out as the human race becomes

h4890 ,
h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I think Franco was a conservative monarchist at heart. Based on what I heard he had a lot of respect for the king, and I would imagine he saw socialism as a threat to the royal family.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I always say, the clue is in the name.

"Nationalsozialismus" and for the english... National Socialist German Workers' Party.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

That's an interesting observation too. When many young people start to work many discard socialism. I think another protection could be increasing the voting age to 20 or 25 to make sure you have enoug life experience.

Alternatively, only people who work get to vote, and if you live off the government, you are not allowed to vote.

With those two changes I think the support of socialism would be cut in half.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento

Actually, the fact of someone being a socialist, shows two things:

  1. Scientific knowledge in one domain doesn't transfer into common sense or modern economics.

  2. The person, regardless of intellect is a clown.

So wrong again mr communist! 😂 🇮🇱

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento

Haha, retard! That's why we have american fleeing to cuba, and not cubans fleeing to US.

You're so retarded it's funny.

Please, keep more text coming! 😂 🇮🇱

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento

Ohhhhhh.... naughty! Keep the errors and clownery coming! 😂 🇮🇱

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento

Let me send you this gift of the leader btw. =)

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

This is true. It is also very scary because it shows how indoctrinated they are, when they throw truth to the wind in order to fit the world into their faulty mental models.

It also illustrates yet another reason why their dreams will never come true. They corrupt their minds, and without truth any society will quickly collapse, as we are now seeing in the "post truth" world.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Yep... and as long as humanity doesn't evolve, but stays at the level or our little clown here, humanity will just repeat the mistake.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

A divergence! Wealth transfer must be allowed or else all motivation to work, save and develop is lost.

That's why socialism collapses, no wealth allowed, so no point in doing anything.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @rat @somekindahate3

This was the most interesting sentence for me: "including moral hedonism, or feeling good for advancing the ideology of equality because it made the egalitarian person look enlightened, hip, cool, and untroubled — would merge into a new type of “work” capitalism."

I like the concept of moral hedonism, perhaps a synonym to "virtue signalling"?

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

True. This goes for many young today. I think the cult of instant gratification is to blame, and the trend of not being able to deal with reality.

Then it is easier to just live in a dream world.

I wonder what it is in the upbringing of our socialists and communists which damages them so?

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Ahh makes perfect sense now. Thank you.

h4890 ,

@Dicey @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Tax is theft, and thus impossible to justify ethically.

But maybe you are an evil person Dicey? If so, you are at least consistent in your beliefs even though they are morally revolting.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

This is a very interesting concept. Today, with the welfare state, it could be argued that we are actually destryoing humanity, and thus, that it is unethical in the long term sense.

Like the movies idiocracy, this is what we do with the welfare state, slowly "killing" our species.

The market, is based on competition, which is vital to our species, and is one reason why it works so well.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

This is one of my favourite things to discuss with people who are against eugenics. Is it not ok to become better? Is it ok to eradicate sickness with eugenics? What about living longer? Or is that cheating?

You can continue for as long as you please and watch them break down in where they draw their lines.

You can then pursue transhumanism, and ask if we will move beyond being human? Is that ethical? Is there a limit to

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

what we could become if we do not limit ourselves to the future of idiocracy?

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento

The clown awakens! 🤡 🇮🇱

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I would argue that libertarianism hasn't even had the chance to fix this.

One weakness of libertarianism is its inherent difficulty to organize. By its nature it attracts strong personalities and people who have more important things to do than to waste their lives with politics.

Contrast that with socialism, the most egoistic of ideologies, where the participants see it as a road to live like billionaires and having

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

the tax payer foot the bill. Literally their survival is tied to socialism.

Since libertarians tend to be productive people, their livelihood is not tied to the party, which means that usually the party remains forever small and will almost always never have any influence.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Someone, some day might find the key to creating a big libertarian party, but I think that for that to happen, living conditions in the west need to either reach soviet living conditions, so that people literally accept anything else, or some libertarian genius needs to do things a lot differently from how politics is done and explained to the public today.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

How about actually answering amerikas argument?

I think that would be more productive. If you don't, you risk ending up in the troll category, and then it is not possible to respect you and you will just get nonsense in return.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

True. I think we've been down this path before. What to fill the libertarian void (value-void) with?

Hedonism, epicureanism, stoicism, nihilism, etc. all valid answers. Some better than others in my opinion. This is also another weakness about libertarianism.

I imagine it is hard to only keep to the market, personal values will creep in especially if you act on the modern political arena. Since libertarianism does not

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

(in its pure form) care about those values, there will be conflicts within the party along those lines.

Nationalism, socialism & co have a strength here, since it is decided from the start what the values are, so they have more "harmony" in the party than libertarians ever will.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Maybe that is also a strength? You do tend to get more harmonius volunteer organizations when people can just come and go and leave when they are not happy? They start their own, fork and so on.

With the rules you get abominations like the linux foundation.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

It depends. If the volunteering is something which would never have been done anyway, there is a small profit to it.

But yes... if the topic or task at hand is important enough for people to be willing to pay for it, then that of course is way more efficient.

In modern language it can be called "a business opportunity" and starting a company to fulfill a need in the market. ;)

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento

Yawn... the clowns are getting tedious.

Only @amerika is writing anything worth reading so far.

Step it up clowns! You are falling behind! 🤡 🇮🇱

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Culture is a funny beast. You are born into it, it is shaped over generations, or perhaps even thousands of years, and it is very difficult, if not outright impossible to "change" culture. You can fake changing culture, but organically entering it I would say is almost impossible.

I have a weakness for creating my own values, and my yard stick is personal utility and how it fits with my own mental map of the world.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

But note that my process might end up with none, or some of the values of my native culture, but with the difference of me then consciously assimilating the culture.

Has that happened? Difficult to say. Since culture is by definition imprecise and abstract, it is very easy to talk past each other on that topic.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 @burner

That's interesting. All of a sudden there were many indian CEOs and I wonder where the meme came from?

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento

Ahh... and yet you didn't understand a thing clown! 😂 🇮🇱 🤡

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 @burner

Haha, the ultimate joke! 😂 Happy to hear it.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

What do you think about cultures that died out? Do you believe in layers of culture? For instance, indian culture, underneath catholic culture underneath "modern" mexican culture? Or is it just one culture?

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

That goes back to how to measure and how you think people are motivated.

I might sponsor something which has no other value except making me feel good. Value for sure, but will it help humanity? Most likely not.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Being a big shot on social media, means to write for the herd, by definition.

You might be big for the herd, but hardly original.

Nietzsche had a lot of interesting things to say on that theme.

So be careful what you wish for... perhaps being appreciated on liberdon or annihilation.social is what you can achieve without diluting or lowering yourself! ;)

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

A reason as good as any!

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Do you have an example of performers who you think managed to maintain the quality?

As for performers who perform, I think this phenomenon happens to political parties who want to grow as well.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Kraftwerk, Motorhead and Iron maiden, I like all three! Also seems like something common with those guys is that they tour and perform way, way longer than they had to if they were only motivated by money.

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