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Masterblaster420 ,

this could be reality right now if we overthrew the owners. who keeps the owners in power? the conservative right. property is an unalienable right to them. what can we do? destroy the conservative right by any means necessary.

Masterblaster420 ,

revolution was always the answer. you think they're just going to give up their place at the head of the table? they'll figure out a way to wipe us all out before they do that.

Masterblaster420 ,

it's a monster and no one is in control of it. it must be destroyed.

Masterblaster420 ,

everyone here should look at the Venus Project. We keep struggling to understand how automation makes sense in a capitalist society. SPOILER: it doesn't. The entire system has to be re-imagined or we perish and the owners flourish (without us).

Masterblaster420 ,

This is ridiculous that you're getting downvoted for this statement. This all-or-nothing rejection to landlords is unreasonable. I rent a house to my buddy for $300/month. I could be renting it more than that, but I just want to make sure that he and his family are okay. I CAN NOT AFFORD to let him live there for free. The rent I charge is beyond reasonable. The people rejecting the idea that you should be able to at least collect the property taxes for something you own have never lived in the real world.

Masterblaster420 ,

getting rid of conservatives

Masterblaster420 ,

any means necessary

Masterblaster420 ,

i explain that i'm not. also, i'm armed, so bring it.

Masterblaster420 ,

I'm old. I've lived a good life. If it means that there are finally posses rounding up conservatives, I might just be ok with it.

Masterblaster420 ,

pretty much. and once you wipe the earth clean of that scum, you step back and let an AI designed by academics in the humanities take over.

Masterblaster420 ,

perfect is the enemy of good

Masterblaster420 ,

which is why we should do the same thing to conservatives. don't get bullied. bully back.

Masterblaster420 ,

i definitely saw my early childhood exploits where i hurt animals as psycopathic. i'm glad i could realize that at an early enough age to stop doing those kinds of things, but i remember being a little shit that didn't care about other sentient beings. it's gross and i would beat the hell out of my kid if i saw them doing that. i'd sit them down and explain why they shouldn't but also put the fear of god in them to never do something like that ever again, just in case they didn't grow out of it.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( )

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

Masterblaster420 ,

Let us not forget how much Trump hates environmental regulation. He will auction off America's treasures for whoever sticks enough money in his pocket. Biden has done a pretty decent job of maintaining the old guard mentality of preservation and conservation (as imperfect as that may be).

I wish more people cared about the environment.

Masterblaster420 ,

If more people vote third-party it will pull center politicians further in whatever direction you vote

oh you naive child. you're willing to doom us all for your 'conscience'. what a spoiled, privileged brat.

Masterblaster420 ,

who cares about placing blame? you sound like a kid crying to your mommy. JUST DO THE RIGHT THING GODDAMNIT.

Masterblaster420 ,

Screaming at people to vote will not make them want to vote. Worst case scenario you piss them off enough that the spite vote against you.

if people are that petty and childish, then fuck it. let them live in their spite world alongside the sociopathic, conservative right. i'm so sick of the lack of humanity in america.

Masterblaster420 ,

You all deserve whatever hell comes for you.

hear hear. i'm so sick of trying to explain how western democracy works to toddlers. fuck it. FAFO you little idiots. i'm already packed up and heading for my bunker. ya'll can sort this whole, stupid, goddamn mess out yourselves.

Masterblaster420 ,

ooo, look at little lord edgelroy.

Masterblaster420 ,

you live in a bubble. i don't think the majority of americans sees it the way you do. i see it the way you do, but you shouldn't assume that just because your personal social media feed is pro-palestine that it's unanimous across the US.

Masterblaster420 ,

the meat of it is concerned with property and ownership, which has little to do with the general welfare of sentient beings, so i think it was alright for the time, and totally outdated now.

Masterblaster420 ,

the entire concept implies a way to eat meat without having to slaughter animals.

Masterblaster420 ,

there's a lot of people that need to pay for what they've done to this world. i got 40 years tops left in me. i think i'm going to start making lists.

Masterblaster420 ,

sad, ain't it? this country needs a masked hero to do what the government can't do.

Masterblaster420 ,

trans people were way better off before they became such a loud voice in politics. they have essentially shot themselves in the foot trying to be the center of attention.

Masterblaster420 ,

and the left is too chickenshit to do anything about it.

Masterblaster420 ,

their religion has always been bullshit and people need to stop holding up the bible in debate. they can't be debated with. put them in reeducation camps.

Masterblaster420 ,

meh, i'm not really concerned either way

Masterblaster420 ,

focus on the common enemy, southern conservatives.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

you don't understand the game, what i'm really saying, or you're a russian bot.

where did i make an argument for joe biden? what the actual fuck do you think i'm saying? and do you really believe there will be no difference between a biden presidency and a trump presidency? you're a joke if so.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

thank you. every now and then it helps to hear someone else tell me i'm not crazy. how do we make the rest of america understand this?

Masterblaster420 OP ,

i have some bad news for you. we've been doing that for 4 or 5 decades now. it isn't working.

the 60's was one of the biggest explosions of progressive ideas. it brought about a lot of change, but only after radicals started throwing monkey wrenches into the gears of society in the 70's.
they've been saying "wait for the old guard to die off" since the 70's. they keep making new ones.
we can't make any significant steps towards saving the planet as long as there's a voter base that keeps electing conservatives to office.
bernie brought class struggles to the forefront. not much changed.
abortion is a huge topic right now. we actually have gone backwards one that one.
republicanns don't care if you laugh at them. they're making plans to exterminate you as we speak because they understand that we still live in a 'might-makes-right' world. when are the good guys gonna figure this one out?

Masterblaster420 OP ,

so you propose that we elect trump instead?

Masterblaster420 OP ,

i never said anything about presidents, stupid. go back and look at the OP and tell me where i said anything about presidents.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

I'm not advocating anything but effective solutions. I don't want to see people suffer, not even my enemies (unless their suffering serves to deter others from standing in the way of humanity).

Masterblaster420 OP ,

i'm opposed to suffering. a quick and mostly painless death is still in the realm of possible solutions. I would only advocate for something more cruel if it would pave the way for less suffering. this is all basically a trolley problem we have to solve.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

of course not. please follow through with your point so i can offer a further explanation.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

this is so hard to explain to someone who's just concretizing their world view. there's a lot of philosophy and practical application involved with my line of thought, so please bear with me.

first of all, i'm pragmatic. this is not about retribution or revenge. this is about plain and simple problem solving. what's the problem? too many things are suffering and we have the power to reduce that suffering. why can't we do it? because there are too many people who disregard the suffering of others. it's about altruistic vs narcissistic beliefs. i don't believe that everyone in the world is altruistic by nature. there are certainly sociopaths who will never learn to consider anyone but themselves. modern society has enabled those people to rise to the top and influence many others.

what's the solution? to build an altruistic society based on rational thought and logic. some people say that those concepts are incompatible, and that logic favors an individualistic society. i think that most of the people that believe this more or less see the world through an economist's lens. but if you really look at the whole of society and its history, there have always been people advocating for an altruistic society. this is why we have the humanities as a branch of academia.

but none of that really matters because, in the end, society has been molded by the victors, and made in the image of whatever the conquerors held as their values. i propose that we, the altruists, use that same model of might-makes-right to form the society that we want to see. really, there is no objective morality, so ultimately, we're all just beating each other over the head to get what we want. why don't we beat each other over the head to make a lasting world that favors compassion?

you might say that those concepts are incompatible, but i ask you to take a look at the long-term, big-picture view. yes, the steps to achieve what we want look messy, but we're talking about securing a future for untold generations to come. if you think about the lifespans of countless future generations, it more than justifies the bloody steps we would have to take now to achieve it.

in the past, i might have said "we'll get there. the history of society has always been 2 steps forward, one step back", but we're now running out of time. we could see serious extinction events in this century if we don't act YESTERDAY to get a hold of the situation. there are so many innocent creatures that don't deserve what we're unleashing on the world right now. furthermore, i see us only having a small window of time before the sociopaths that run the world develop the tools to keep us under their thumb for a very long time, if not forever.

so with that in mind, an 'ends justify the means' approach is more than justified.

i don't think that really answered your question. you want a list of grievances? just take a look at most of the threads here on Lemmy - everything that everyone is sick and tired of. that is my list of grievances.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

what a cop-out response to well thought out statement. you come off as vapid and shallow. i'm old enough to be over getting laid. i'm married, son and we're both as happy as we can be. would you like to address my points now, junior?

Masterblaster420 OP ,

stay on topic. i understand that you're probably of the shorter attention span variety, but you asked a question and i answered it with an in-depth response. don't disrespect me with petty remarks.

Masterblaster420 OP ,

what i'm bent out of shape over:

corporate overreach
environmental destruction
income inequality
R&D focused towards maximum profits instead of altruistic solutions
rise of fascism
religious dogma restricting secular thinking
focus on individual liberty over public welfare

I fantasize about:
eliminating enough voters to make democracy works towards humanitarian goals
removing corporate influence over society
making the sociopaths scared of the people

Masterblaster420 OP ,

of course they do. that's my entire point. debate is useless. if you don't start fighting for the society you want to live in, somebody else is, and you're gonna be living in their 'perfect world'. you need to decide which side you're on.

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