faab64 , to palestine group

The decision to bomb a crowded displaced camp in order to kill two Hamas activists needs to be investigated by the International Criminal Court.

These investigations, as they are ongoing, deal with details and not mainly - decision makers and policy makers, the political rank and command that outlines the policies of attacking citizens, widespread destruction and population starvation have not been investigated and will not be investigated by israel
Following the global shock of the widespread killing in the camp, the Prime Minister, IDF spokesman and chief military prosecutor said that israel will investigate the events.
The Chief Military Prosecutor said the incident would be investigated by the "Chief Investigation Mechanism", a body Israel established after previous investigative mechanisms it was operating were found to not meet the most basic standards – of effectiveness, professionalism, objective, and transparency. In fact, it is another cover up tool.
As documented in studies by Bt'Selem and other human rights organizations, investigations of this kind are intended to create a false representation of internal investigation, in order to prevent the International Criminal Court from intervening and independently investigating the events.
Bt'Selem explained and fished that Israel does not want and can't investigate its actions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. For example in the report "cover-up procedure" that examined their alleged investigation of the events of Zuk Eitan: btselem.org/hebrew/press_relea… (in #Hebrew)

פחות מיממה לאחר הריגתם של עשרות אזרחים, בהם 23 נשים וילדים, בהפצצה הישראלית על מחנה עקורים צפוף, נכנס מנגנון הטיוח הישראלי לפעולה. בעקבות הזעזוע העולמי מן הקטל הנרחב במחנה, אמרו ראש הממשלה, דובר צה"ל והפרקליטה הצבאית הראשית, כי ישראל תחקור את האירועים.
הפרקליטה הצבאית הראשית אמרה כי האירוע ייחקר על ידי "מנגנון הבדיקה המטכ"לי", גוף שישראל הקימה לאחר שמנגנוני החקירה הקודמים שהפעילה נתגלו ככאלה שאינם עונים לסטנדרטים הבסיסיים ביותר – של אפקטיביות, מקצועיות, אובייקטיביות, ושקיפות. למעשה, זהו עוד כלי של טיוח.
כפי שתועד במחקרים של בצלם ושל ארגוני זכויות אדם נוספים, חקירות מסוג זה מיועדות לייצר מצג שווא של חקירה פנימית, כדי למנוע מבית הדין הפלילי הבינלאומי להתערב ולחקור באופן עצמאי את האירועים.
בצלם הסביר והדגים כי ישראל איננה רוצה ואיננה יכולה לחקור את פעולותיה בגדה המערבית וברצועת עזה. כך למשל בדוח 'נוהל טיוח' שבדק את חקירתם לכאורה של אירועי צוק איתן >>btselem.org/.../20160920_white…
חקירות אלו, ככל שמתקיימות, עוסקות בפרטים ולא בעיקר - מקבלי ההחלטות וקובעי המדיניות, הדרג המדיני והפיקודי שמתווה את המדיניות של תקיפת אזרחים, הרס נרחב והרעבה של אוכלוסייה לא נחקרו ולא ייחקרו על ידי ישראל.
את ההחלטה להפציץ מחנה עקורים צפוף בכדי להרוג שני פעילי חמאס צריך לחקור בית הדין הפלילי הבינלאומי.

#Israel #Rafah #RafahMassacare #Gaza #IDF #Politics #ICC #Netanyahu #BtSelem #Genocide #CeasefireNow #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #BDS #Palestine
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Reports of multiple shootings by Quadcopter aircraft towards ambulance and civil defense crews near Tal Al-Sultan police station, west of .

Image from archives

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

A coalition of NGOs has urgently appealed to the Security Council to enforce the International Court of Justice's orders regarding Israel's offensive in Rafah, Gaza.

Organizations such as , Plan International, and , alongside other prominent relief and human rights organizations, emphasize the critical need for immediate action to uphold international law and ensure Israel's compliance with the ICJ's mandates.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, and the top Foreign Affairs and Security Policy official, Josep Borrell, of the Council of the EU, have jointly decided to convene an EU-Israel Association Council.

The purpose of this council is to assess compliance with the Association Agreement, which includes obligations to uphold human rights.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

"The run health ministry says 35 people have been killed in an explosion at a refugee camp near Rafah"

This is how the covered the deadly Israeli massacre targeting displaced families in last night.

Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2341

@palestine @israel

18+ faab64 , to palestine group

"This scene will not leave our minds, and we will not forgive the blood of our people, the burning of our children, and the cutting off of their heads."

Very disturbing image. But this is a beheaded baby by IDF monsters at refuge camp last night.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israel-Gaza Conflict: May 26-27 (Recap)

1️⃣ The Israeli army bombed a displacement camp in northern Rafah, killing at least 35 Palestinians, (Gaza Health Ministry)

2️⃣ Hamas launches a missile attack on Tel Aviv, triggering alarm sirens. Earlier, the Qassam Brigades said its fighters “killed and captured” a number of Israeli soldiers in Jabalia camp. Israeli military has denied the claim.

3️⃣ This comes as Israel has intensified attacks across Gaza, killing more than 80 Palestinians in the past 24 hours.

4️⃣ Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin-Farhan has said after meetings with Arab and European counterparts in Brussels that it is very concerning that Israel does not recognise that the security it seeks comes through a two-state solution. “It is absolutely necessary that Israel accepts that it cannot exist without the existence of a Palestinian state,” the top Saudi diplomat told reporters.

5️⃣ Responding to the attack at the tent camp in Rafah, Palestinian writer and activist Kaleem Hawa said it was clear “there is no red line for Israel and the US”.

6️⃣ A spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza has spoken tabout the attack on the displacement camp in Rafah. Here is a summary of their comments: There is a need to follow the basic rules of international humanitarian law.
The healthcare system in Gaza is incapable of dealing with the situation in Rafah. The number of victims from the bombing of the displacement camp and raids in Rafah is likely to rise.

7️⃣ Aryeh Neier, a long-standing Jewish human rights activist whose family fled from Nazi Germany to the United States in 1939 when he was two years old, says he has been convinced that the Israeli military is committing “genocide” in Gaza.

At least 35,984 people including more than 15,000 children, have been killed and over 80,643 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll from the October 7 attack in Israel stands at 1,139.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

Photos || Civil Defense crews extinguish a large fire that broke out after the occupation targeted a camp housing displaced people. Where 30 martyrs and a large number of injuries were recovered; Northwest of .

General Directorate of Civil Defense
Sunday, May 27, 2024

civil defense at Rafah is trying to stop the fire at the UNRWA refuge camp in Rafah

faab64 , to palestine group

Yinon Magal, one of Israel's prominent journalists, celebrates the burning of Palestinians alive in an UNRWA displacement camp in .

According to Tv. ratings, more than 250,000 Israelis tune in to watch Magal's show every night.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

The Israeli army justifies the bombing and burning of the displaced in an UNRWA displacement camp in , claiming that it is “a compound”.

The displaced camp, which was designated as a safe area to which thousands of civilians were pushed, was targeted with 8 bombs, killing at least 35, most of whom are women and children.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Horrific footage is unfolding of the Israeli massacre of displaced Palestinians, with 8 missiles targeting the displacement camp at a site in , despite Israel claiming it is "safe."

Civil Defense to Al Jazeera: We believe that the occupation army used internationally prohibited weapons to target the displaced in Rafah, judging by the size of the fires that erupted at the targeted site.

Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2332

@palestine @israel
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Deadly clashes between Palestinian resistance and Israeli occupation forces are reported in eastern and central with 100sof thousands of innocent civilians stock in between.

is bombing Rafah from sea, air and ground while Palestinians fighting against heavily armed Israeli forces with riffles and RPGs.

People in Rafah haven't received any food since Israel took over Rafah crossing. All the water pipes except one have been cut off and almost half a million people living on 1/8th of what is the minimum amount needed for humans to survive.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Horrific scenes from the heinous massacre carried out by the IOF, targeting the tents of the displaced north of the city in a "safe" area.

At least 27 martyrs have ascended, dozens are wounded, and rescue operations continue to this moment.

Videos available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2325

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Auto translated from Arabic: 🚨 Emergency Committee in the Rafah Governorate:

Dozens of martyrs and wounded in a massacre committed by the occupation targeting displaced people's tents in northwest Rafah despite claiming they were safe.

This evening, Sunday, the "israeli" occupation committed a massacre by bombing the tents of displaced persons in northwest Rafah (Tal al-Sultan), resulting in dozens of martyrs and wounded, and causing fires in the tents.

The Emergency Committee confirms that the "israeli" bombing targeted the tents of displaced persons in areas the occupation claimed were safe and had urged residents to move to.

The massacre committed negates all the occupation's claims of safe areas in Rafah.

Committing the massacre against displaced civilians reflects the "israeli" insistence on continuing the killing and destruction in Rafah, ignoring all international demands and decisions to stop the military operation and avoid harming civilians.

The failure of the international community, led by the United States, to take any deterrent measures against the occupation and to ignore implementing the decisions of the International Court of Justice, serves as a green light for the occupation to continue its killing and destruction in Rafah, which is the last refuge for hundreds of thousands of displaced persons.

We renew our call to the international community and active UN institutions to work seriously and effectively to force the occupation to comply with the decisions of the International Court of Justice and not to suffice with statements and recording positions. Otherwise, every delay will result in more victims.

Emergency Committee
May 26, 2024

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

"Pictures of equipment and weapons published by the Al Qassam Brigades after executing a complex operation by luring an Israeli force into a tunnel in , resulting in casualties and captives among the force."

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

(From Resistance Sources) The IOF launched heavy airstrikes targeting multiple areas across the Gaza Strip:

Northern Gaza:
The humanitarian situation is catastrophic in northern Gaza Strip, especially in terms of famine, reports Al-Mayadeen.

10 martyrs and 17 wounded have been reported in the IOF bombing of Al-Nazla School in the Al-Saftawi area, in northern Gaza.

10 martyrs and several injured have been reported in the targeting of a house near shelters in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip.

3 martyrs (a woman and her two children) ascended due to the bombing of the Shreiteh family home by IOF warplanes in Al-Sabra neighborhood, southern Gaza City, in northern Gaza.

IOF artillery shelling is targeting the Beit Lahia project and Al-Qasasib neighborhood in Jabalia camp, in the northern Gaza Strip.

Southern Gaza:
For the first time, occupation forces executed belts of fire in central Rafah city according to Al-Mayadeen. The belts of fire have reached the vicinity of the Kuwaiti hospital, which is the only operational hospital in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Kuwait Specialized Hospital in Rafah appeals to the World Health Organization to urgently provide fuel to ensure it remains operational.

forces are completely destroying residential buildings in some neighborhoods of , particularly in Al-Shawka and Al-Jneina.

Central Gaza:
Heavy artillery shelling targeted multiple areas including Wadi Gaza, Al-Bureij, and Salah Al-Din. Fire from occupation vehicles has been reported. (media 1)

Videos shared on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2304?single

faab64 , to random

Urgent: Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid: The government must make one decision tomorrow, which is to reach a prisoner exchange deal immediately Our children are dying day after day and we must not waste another opportunity to bring them back

They don't give a shit about millions of starving palestinians or those dying by the 100s every day. They are upset because their diaper soldiers are failing in Gaza since it's the first time they are facing a slightly armed resistance instead of shooting at unarmed women and children that they have been used to all their lives.

faab64 , to palestine group

Israel-Gaza Conflict: May 22-23 (Recap)

1️⃣ Israeli officials react with outrage after Spain, Ireland and Norway announce their recognition of the State of Palestine, promising to continue the attack on Gaza and build new illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

2️⃣ Intense street battles continue in Gaza’s southern Rafah and northern Jabalia as Israeli troops advance into both areas, packed with terrified civilians.

3️⃣ Israel’s military says its Nahal Brigade joined a division of troops surrounding Rafah as it plans to attack “terror targets” deep in the city, adding that it will prevent “harm to the civilian population as much as possible”.

4️⃣ UN says displaced “families living among the rubble” after more than 800,000 Palestinians flee Rafah as Israeli forces attack.

5️⃣ Washington has warned Israel against withholding Palestinian Authority funds after Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said he would withhold tax revenue.

6️⃣ Biden administration remains concerned about Israel’s possible use of heavy bombs against civilians in Rafah and is in contact with Israel, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.

7️⃣ The Israeli military has bombed a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killing at least eight people, mostly women and children, the Wafa reports.

At least 35,705 people including more than 15,000 children, have been killed and over 79,990 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll from the October 7 attack in Israel stands at 1,139.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israel-Gaza Conflict: May 22-23 (Recap)

1️⃣ Israeli officials react with outrage after Spain, Ireland and Norway announce their recognition of the State of Palestine, promising to continue the attack on Gaza and build new illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

2️⃣ Intense street battles continue in Gaza’s southern Rafah and northern Jabalia as Israeli troops advance into both areas, packed with terrified civilians.

3️⃣ Israel’s military says its Nahal Brigade joined a division of troops surrounding Rafah as it plans to attack “terror targets” deep in the city, adding that it will prevent “harm to the civilian population as much as possible”.

4️⃣ UN says displaced “families living among the rubble” after more than 800,000 Palestinians flee Rafah as Israeli forces attack.

5️⃣ Washington has warned Israel against withholding Palestinian Authority funds after Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said he would withhold tax revenue.

6️⃣ Biden administration remains concerned about Israel’s possible use of heavy bombs against civilians in Rafah and is in contact with Israel, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.

7️⃣ The Israeli military has bombed a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killing at least eight people, mostly women and children, the Wafa reports.

At least 35,705 people including more than 15,000 children, have been killed and over 79,990 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll from the October 7 attack in Israel stands at 1,139.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

A new scandal for the Israeli intelligence services... The

publishes a photo of sports critic Muhammad Shabana as being of the commander of the Brigade in the Al-Qassam Brigades.

How many innocent people have they murdered based on the faulty intelligence? How many "collateral damage" was caused by those "mistakes"?

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

War crimes warning: According to Israeli media and news groups, Israeli occupation forces are preparing to launch an attack on Kamal Adwan in northern Gaza.

The hospital has been under siege for the past week, and Israel has targeted it with multiple shells, terrorizing most of the patients and displaced Palestinians inside, causing them to flee. Many patients and doctors remain in the hospital, unable to evacuate due to their injuries.

faab64 , to israel group

It was never about Hamas or hostages: An Israeli occupation soldier shares a picture of himself holding a photograph of a Palestinian woman from a home they raided in Gaza, accompanied by disturbing and inappropriate comments about her.

I'm sure Israeli supporters will look the other way or say "boys will be boys" to justify these despicable behaviors.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

While the International Court of Justice, or World Court, has no means to enforce its orders, the case was a stark sign of Israel's global isolation over its campaign in Gaza, particularly since it began its offensive against Rafah this month against the pleas of its closest ally the United States.
Judge Nawaf Salam, president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) presides over the International Court of Justice ( ), during a ruling on South Africa's request to order a halt to Israel's Rafah offensive in Gaza as part of a larger case brought before the -based court by .

via @appassionato


faab64 , to random

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital spokesman told Al Jazeera:

The only transformer supplying the hospital with electricity stopped

  • No amount of fuel reached the hospital despite our repeated appeals
  • We urgently need fuel to ensure the operation of the transformer that supplies the hospital with electricity
  • A large number of martyrs arrived at the hospital after the Deir al-Balah massacre

faab64 , to israel group

Thousands of displaced Palestinians are forced to flee from Rafah towards Khan Yunis and central Gaza after massive bombings and drone attacks.

It's truly heartbreaking watching them flee with all their belongings in a small shopping bag, with no food, shelter or place to live, their lives have been aa close to hell as one can imagine.

Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2286

@palestine @israel

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