morpheo , to palestine group avatar

355 bullets killed Hind Rajab.

Have we finally turned the page to the chapter to where it's now okay to call a spade a spade and a zionazi a zionazi?

...or are we going to continue pretending the Nakba "Israel" is perpetrating differs from the Shoah thrust upon the Jewish people? Is a genocide less valid as such, when it is committed towards brown people?

I'm asking because I've refrained from posting here due to the prevailing fear of this server to be labeled "antisemite" when shining a light on the ongoing atrocities.

Were @ 263 days of genocide.

By silencing the voices calling out this genocide we are, de facto, making ourselves complicit in said genocide.

Ping @admin (Yes, I understand this is provoking. Sometimes we, as humans, need to be provoked.)

@palestine ?

morpheo , to palestine group avatar

The Flour Massacre

"At least 80 people were killed, and 400 people were wounded. At the same time. For the same reason. The same place.

For those who don't know, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians of Gaza are facing a forced starvation in the north of Gaza strip. They're starving to death. And the only way they can get food, is to wait for food.

So, some aid trucks enter from the south to the north of Gaza, via Rashid street, on Gaza beach. And that's why--and because the amount of the aid trucks entering is very limited, maybe once or twice a month--people, fathers and brothers, started to sleep in the streets, for weeks now. They're waiting for any aid trucks at least enter during the night, so they can get some flour to their family.

So tonight, at four A.M., it happened. Some flour bags entered the north of Gaza strip and people started running to get that flour, to get that food for their families.
So the Israeli tanks opened fire on them, shooting and killing more than 80 people, wounding more than 300-400 people.

Their blood was mixed with the flour. The mothers and sisters, the family, will never bake that flour, will never bake that bread, they will never get back to their homes; they said good-bye to the family to get some food, and they will never be back with that food, again.

They were killed. Israel is using the starvation weapon against us. Israel is using the starvation weapon against the north of Gaza strip. To force people to leave, to evacuate, to empty the north. They are starving people, they are killing them when they succeed to get some food.

Israel is preventing any food from entering the north of Gaza strip, and if it entered like that, truck for example, what happened yesterday; they start shooting the people. It's not the first time for people to be killed while taking the aid. But that time the number of people that were killed was really great. Like 80 families, 80 families lost the men of the family, who are trying to get some food. This is insane. This is... This cannot be normal.

The starvation weapon is used against us. Israel is still, until now, using the starvation weapon against Palestinians in the north of Gaza strip.
People do not have anything to do; this is not nothing but the 2024 holocaust. This is a holocaust. This is a real genocide."

"The starvation weapon is used for the first time in history against us! "


Bisan Owda talking into the camera in a sad voice, crying. She wears a purple hoodie, microphone hanging from the hoodie strings. Title of video: The Flour Massacre

morpheo , to palestine group avatar
morpheo , to palestine group avatar

"One of the proudest things this country can be proud of, is what the Dunne Stores workers did in the mid 1980's by going on strike, for two years, forcing Ireland to become the first country in the world to impose comprehensive, comprehensive sanctions on apartheid South Africa, which began a domino effect that led to the dismantling of the apartheid regime.
Be brave. Do what this country did with apartheid South Africa. Admit it is an apartheid state. It is an uncivilised state. It is a barbaric state. And that it should have sanctions imposed on it in order to end that apartheid, end that occupation, and end the possibility of the sort of genocidal slaughter we have seen for the last four months."


morpheo , to palestine group avatar

"Datum då initiativet registrerats 2024-02-09

Initiativets ärendenummer EF20240039

Rubrik till initiativet Malmö stad ska stå upp för internationell rätt och Palestina!

Beskrivning av initiativet Situationen för palestinier i Gaza är oaccpetabel och enligt FN-organet OCHA har, i skrivande, stund 27,365 människor mördats och 66,630 skadats av Israels bombattacker mot området..

Den 24 februari 2023 hissade Malmö stad flaggor runt om i staden för att visa stöd till det ukrainska folket. I nyheten om flaggningen står det att "Miljoner människor har flytt och många liv har förlorats på grund av kriget". Samma mening hade kunnat skrivas om det som nu sker med anledning av Israels brutala attacker i Gaza. Trots detta har Malmö stad beslutat att staden "inte tar ställning i konflikten i Israel och Palestina". I policyn för mänskliga rättigheter som Malmö stad har antagit går det bland annat att läsa "De mänskliga rättigheterna är universella och gäller för alla" och "Det offentligas ansvar innebär i korthet att:
● Respektera: inte kränka, bortse ifrån eller nedprioritera rättigheter
● Skydda: förhindra andras möjligheter att kränka mänskliga rättigheter
● Förverkliga: skapa och upprätthålla system som uppfyller olika rättigheter"

Genom att ta ställning och visa stöd för det ukrainska folket, men vägra göra detsamma för det palestinska folket, bryter Malmö stad mot principerna i den antagna policyn för mänskliga rättigheter och principen om likabehandling.

Många Malmöbor har starka kopplingar till Palestina och att visa stöd för det ukrainska, men inte för det palestinska folket sänder ut en tydlig signal om vilka liv som räknas och vilka som inte gör det.
I december 2023 lämnade Sydafrika in en anmälan om folkmord av Israel mot det palestinska folket till den internationella domstolen ICJ i Haag. Den 26 januari 2024 meddelade ICJ tillfälligt utslag i den rättsprocess där Israel anklagas för folkmord i Gaza. Vi känner en oro att Malmö stad gör sig medskyldiga till folkmord om man inte skyndsamt agerar för desinvesteringar och eldupphör.

Med bakgrund i detta kräver vi att Malmö stad
● offentligt tar ställning för omedelbart eldupphör.
● hissar den palestinska flaggan utanför stadshuset, likt flaggningen till stöd för det ukrainska folket den 24 februari 2023.

För inspiration kan ni titta närmare på hur andra städer agerat i tex USA. Full List of US Cities Calling For Israel-Gaza Ceasefire ("


morpheo , to palestine group avatar

This Father Documented His Family's Escape From Israel's Airstrikes

"And I brought the keys, it's like during tha Nakba of '48, just like our grandparents. They always had the keys with them because they hoped to return home.
I also have the key with me. I always show the key to my son and say, 'We will return.'"


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