todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL that the reason that Mr. Rogers told viewer that he was feeding his fish as he was doing so was because a five-year-old fan who is blind was concerned that he wasn't, so he wanted to put her mind at ease.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL that for centuries, tuberculosis was thought to be hereditary, or caused by malnutrition, harsh climate, etc. It wasn’t until 1865 that French military doctor Jean-Antoine Villemin proved that TB was an infectious disease by inoculating lab rabbits with material from infected humans and cattle

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar
DemocracyMattersALot , avatar


What’s an extra pound of weight worth? LOL.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL about Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, an astrophysicist who discovered pulsars in 1972, had her boss not only take credit for the discovery but also win a Nobel prize for it.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL that from 1742 to 1752 the city of Tallin, Estonia, was governed by a former African slave named Abram Gannibal. His grandson, Alexander Pushkin, is considered to be the father of the Russian literature and the greatest Russian poet. Abram's son Ivan Gannibal founded Kherson, Ukraine

stolenprivacy , to random German avatar

Ja, fahren ist ökologisch sinnvoll.
E-Bike fahren, dass mit Solarstrom geladen werden kann, ist ökologisch noch sinnvoller.
Weil 1qm Solarpanel mehr Leistung via Akku auf die Strasse bringt im Vergleich zur benötigten Energie für Aufwuchs, Ernte und Transport der ökologisch erzeugten zusätzlichen Nahrung für Strampeln ohne E-Bike.

saitam , avatar

@stolenprivacy Das Rechenbeispiel mag ja irgendwie faszinierend sein, aber ich find's ziemlich absurd. Da rechnet irgend jemand etwas aus und gibt es als "Wahrheit" weiter obendrein ohne Quelle nix. Diese Rechnung kann schlicht nicht alle Faktoren beinhalten:

  • Graue Energie bei sämtlichen Teilen (PV, Akku, Antrieb, Steuerung, Velo an sich, das nicht nur robuster gebaut werden muss, sondern auch einen höheren Verschleiss aufweist).

  • Energieverlusst durch nicht sachgemässen Umgang und Pflege des ebikes, weil man dank dem Motor diesen Verlust ja nicht wahrnimmt: zu wenig Reifendruck, schlechte Sitzposition, schlechte Wartung des Antriebs uvm.

  • Wie weit wird die Vergleichsnahrung transportiert?

  • Bio ist nicht gleich bio

  • Kalorienüberschuss führt entweder zu Gesundheitsproblemen oder wird im Fitness abgebaut, sicherlich auch nicht einberechnet. Denn weniger gegessen wird desswegen kaum.

Und überhaupt das Stichwort lautet WENIGER bzw. Suffizienz.
Auch weniger Bildschirmzeit, mich an der eigenen Nase nehmend 😀

bewo001 ,

@saitam @stolenprivacy
Wirkungsgrad von Pflanzen:

"Den Wirkungsgrad einer Pflanze kann man bestimmen, indem man den Heizwert der getrockneten Biomasse durch die Sonnenenergie teilt, die eine Pflanze während ihres Wachstums aufnehmen konnte. Manche Pflanzen, zum Beispiel Mais, Amaranth und Zuckerrohr, nutzen die Sonnenenergie besonders intensiv und erreichen Wirkungsgrade von zwei bis fünf Prozent."

Muskeln liegen im Wirkungsgrad zwischen Benziner und Dieselmotor. Auch nicht so toll.

Dh selbst ohne Einbeziehung von Verlusten durch Transport, Düngung, Pflanzenschutz und Landmaschinen sieht die Bilanz für das System Pflanzennahrung/Muskel schon deutlich schlechter aus, als das System PV-Anlage/E-Motor.

Bei nachhaltig betriebener Landwirtschaft dürfte der Pflanzenwirkungsgrad noch niedriger liegen, weil pro Fläche weniger Pflanzenmasse geerntet wird.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar
celeduc , avatar

@todayilearned @pluralistic yesterday I learned that James Farley, the Irish-American Catholic political kingmaker who put FDR in the presidency, "retired" from politics to drive Coca-Cola's global conquest. I had no idea Coca-Cola was so central to the soft [drink] power of the US.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL Leonard Nimoy refused to join Star Trek the Animated Series without George Takai and Nichelle Nichols claiming they were proof of ethic diversity in the 23rd century.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

Today I learned about the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893 when a group of European and American businessmen overthrew the monarchy. In 1993 the US government apologized for it.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar
todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL Academy Award winning actor Jack Palance was Ukranian. His birth name was Volodymyr Ivanovich Palahniuk.

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL that english scientist Henry Cavendish discovered physical laws like Ohm's, Dalton's, or Charles's law and few others as first but they were not named after him because he didn't publish his notes and didn't tell his fellow scientists, propably due to being asocial and shy

todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL that during WWII, Ford's mile-long assembly line at ‘Willow Run Plant” produced B-24’s at a peak rate of nearly one every hour (~63min). A symbol of American industrial might, exemplifying how industry (and some 6 Million women) pivoted to support the war effort, vital to Allied victory:

eliasp , avatar

@todayilearned why are we unable, in Europe's industrial powerhouses, to achieve something similar to support ? This is the chance to help Ukraine fight for our future security and a peaceful life.
If Ukraine falls, Putin certainly won't stop there!

randahl , avatar

@eliasp it is not that we are unable to. European politicians are unwilling to, because in a democracy you do not get elected for making your own country poorer.

And investing billions in military production builds assets that are of little value, once the war is over.

If the EU had shared defence this would all be much more efficient and fair.


todayilearned Bot , to random avatar
todayilearned Bot , to random avatar

TIL when Nobel Prize winning physicist Gerard 't Hooft had an asteroid named after him, he wrote a constitution for it's future inhabitants including articles that forbid use of imperial measurement units, outlaw the use of apostrophes, and limit the length of tax forms to one page.

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