rat , to palestine group
@rat@ni.hil.ist avatar

An Israeli settler attacks a peace activists' demonstration for Palestinian children in Gaza in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

via : Quds News Network @qudsnen

@palestine @israel

rat OP ,
@rat@ni.hil.ist avatar

@qudsnen @palestine @israel

look at his tattoo : its the logo of the fascist kach party — "existing from 1971 to 1994.[1] Founded by fascist Rabbi Meir in 1971, based on his Jewish-Orthodox-nationalist ideology (subsequently dubbed ), the party earned a single seat in the Knesset in the 1984 election, after several electoral failures.[4] However, it was barred from participating in the next election in 1988 under the revised Knesset Elections Law banning parties that incited racism. After Kahane's assassination in 1990, the party split, with Kahane Chai (כהנא חי‎, "Kahane Lives") breaking away from the main Kach faction."


ollowing the banning of Kach and Kahane Chai, the movements officially disbanded. The leadership of the former Kahane Chai formed an advocacy group known as The Kahane Movement. The group's activities consist mainly of maintaining the Kahane website, kahane.org. However, the Kahane Movement is listed on the United States' list of terrorist organizations as an alias for "Kach", though the group denies this.

The New Kach Movement existed between 2001 and 2003 and maintained websites posting Kahanist political commentary and held meetings with informal members. Headed by Israeli-born student Efraim Hershkovits, it had chapters worldwide and a youth movement, Noar Meir. Upon returning to live in Israel in 2003, Hershkovits disbanded the movement to avoid harassment by the Israeli government, advising its former members to support the Kahane Movement. After the organization had dissolved, its name was also added to the United States' list of terrorist organizations as an alias for "Kach". Hershkovits was arrested on 7 August 2005 and placed in administrative detention for three months by Israeli authorities.

The United States continued to designate the group as a terrorist organization by the early 2000s,[13] saying that it engaged in terrorist activity by:

using explosives or firearms with intent to endanger the safety of individuals or cause substantial damage to property (including an attempt to car bomb a Palestinian girls school in East Jerusalem)[36]
threatening and conspiring to carry out assassinations
soliciting funds and members for a terrorist organization

The State Department also says that the group is suspected of involvement in a number of low-level attacks since the start of the Second Intifada in 2000.[15]

In the 2003 elections, former Kach leader Baruch Marzel ran as number two on the Herut – The National Movement party list. The party narrowly missed obtaining a seat. In 2004, he founded the Jewish National Front, which gained 24,824 votes (0.7%) in the 2006 elections, less than half needed to win a seat. Michael Ben-Ari, elected to the Knesset in 2009 on the National Union list, where he represents Eretz Yisrael Shelanu, is a self-declared follower of Rabbi Kahane who was involved with Kach for many years. Jewish National Front merged into Eretz Yisrael Shelanu prior to the election.

Former Kahane Chai chief executive[37] Mike Guzofsky continues to solicit funds in the U.S., with the support of American Kahanists.

A 2009 Haaretz story accused Avigdor Lieberman of past membership in Kach, an accusation Lieberman denies.[38]

A number of Kach followers, including Ben-Zion Gopstein, Baruch Marzel, Michael Ben-Ari, and Itamar Ben-Gvir, later became founding members and spokespeople for the segregationist Lehava movement.[39][40][41][42][43][44] Otzma Yehudit is a Kahanist political party that includes many of the same followers, including Ben-Gvir and Marzel.[18]

In 2022, the United States removed the group from its list of terrorist organizations.[45]


oatmeal , to palestine group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ After a Decade Inside the Most Radical Circles of Israel's Far-right, He's Ready to Tell All

Q: Apropos tailor-made laws, the coalition agreement between Otzma Yehudit and stipulates that the clause in the law which prevents inciters to from running for the will be revoked. But it doesn’t seem to be on the agenda, from Ben-Gvir’s point of view.

“Correct – he understands that the way things are aligned politically does not enable this at the moment ... But Ben-Gvir isn’t really interested in this. He’s gathered around him a group that obeys his authority and does as he says. He has no interest in bringing Marzel and Ben-Ari back to the Knesset at this stage. But today, if the hard core of Otzma Yehudit would be allowed a little more political leeway, they would take the racial and ethnic segregation laws that Rabbi promoted and enact them word for word. Absolute racial separation, with a hope for obliteration.”



Board game elements including a stack labeled "Land of Israel cards" and a card with text and an image of luggage, on a background featuring parts of the board with various inscriptions and symbols. Kach’s ethnic cleansing monopoly.

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