ergative , to random avatar

On the one hand, this is a natural (if painful-looking) hybrid of two things that aesthetically have a lot in common:

On the other hand, ballet positions en pointe do not look beautiful without the turnout, and trying to do turnout while ice skating is just asking to go splat.

ergative , to random avatar

Finally got around to watching Blades of Glory, and I must say, the choreographers deeply understood how the physics of human body centers of gravity dictate an enormous amount of crotch-in-face as an unavoidable component of pairs

Excellent cinema, all around. Well done. Good job.

ergative , (edited ) to random avatar

Ok, I've got to do a weird-ass brain dump here. It's about , , , and

Bear with me.

(Or, y'know, don't.)

Johnson & Ettlinger (2010) did a very nice study that showed people are better at distinguishing an unfamiliar vowel from a familiar one, even if the contrast is one that doesn't exist in their language, than they are at distinguishing two unfamiliar vowels from each other even if the contrast between the two vowels is familiar.


ergative OP , avatar

Now to :

I learned to do 3-turns and brackets in my figure-skating days, but I never learned counters or rockers.

Now, I cannot for the life of me tell a counter from a rocker.

I can distinguish both of them from a bracket and a 3-turn, no problem. I can see a turn and think, 'oh, that's the familiar one, which is a bracket' or 'oh, that's the unfamiliar one'. Sure. Easy.

But which of the two unfamiliar ones it is remains impossible.


ergative OP , avatar

So: as with exemplar , thus with :

Abstract knowledge of distinctive features is not as helpful in real-time perception as concrete experience with at least one exemplar of the pair.

Thank you. I will now take questions.

ergative , to random avatar

This is kind of a cool neuroscientific feature on (not hugely in-depth; probably capitalizing on Ilia Malinin's win):

In my time skating, I definitely noticed that I just stopped getting dizzy after spins. Actually I never really got dizzy at all. My dizziness-vulnerability improved at about the same rate as my spin speed.

ergative OP , avatar

The comment about how Michelle Kwan was amazing for changing direction in her spins is a bit dated, though. Just like jumps, spins in have really progressed in the last few decades. Change direction spins are common in ice dancing, and Luc Economides does an incredible change-dierction camel that is better than Michelle Kwan's.

(On the forward spin he's got a change of edge, too; this is also newer thing in fs, and it looks SO COOL when done well.)

ergative , to random avatar

Daaaaaaaaang, good job, Jason Brown. That was exquisite.

ergative , (edited ) to random avatar

See, here's the problem with choreographing a move where you rip your shirt open in a moment of wild abandon:

If you're disappointed and dejected after a mess of a first half, then it looks more like you're getting ready for bed after a lousy day at work than losing yourself in passionate intensity when the velcro comes loose.

I'm talking about Nika Egadze here, who, to be honest, has been struggling to convince me about that shirt-rip all season.

ergative , to random avatar

Adam Siao Him Fa's backflip is such a flex.

'Look,' he's saying, 'sure, if you're a Malinin or an Uno you might do stuff that earns you points. But it takes a real king to include elements that LOSE points ON PURPOSE because you know you can spare them. I'm no mere Malinin or Uno. I'm a Bonaly.'

ergative , to random avatar

Proposal: a delightful geek should skate to a medley of Star Trek music.

Especially Voyager. Voyager had the best theme music. Remember that moment in the opening credits when the camera crosses the planet's rings right at the swell of the music? Gorgeous. I'd like to see an extended layback Ina Bauer there.

ergative , (edited ) to random avatar

Major props to Hyungyeom Kim for choosing Requium for a Dream for his free programme. That is some bomb-ass music, even if he wasn't quite up to it.

I'm actually surprised more people don't skate to it. Can you imagine what Adam Siao Him Fa could do with it?

Remember when the preview for The Two Towers came out, and they hadn't finished the soundtrack yet, so they used Requium for a Dream instead?

Great music.

ergative , to random avatar

Alexander Zlatkov has one of the most beautiful camel spins in the business.

Donovan Carillo is a cutie pie, and I'm upset that I don't see him more often on the international stage.

ergative OP , avatar

Jari Kessler's got some nice moves too.

ergative OP , avatar

Nikita Starostin needs a new choreographer. All of those huge cymbal beats and musical transitions n the final step sequence and spins are completely ignored, while the big choreographic movements are entirely unsupported by any element of the music.

ergative OP , avatar

Shmuratko's knee slide into camel spin is so cool.

ergative OP , avatar

Gabriele Frangipani has some very cool choreography that he commits to with an intensity that really defines his style.

ergative OP , avatar

THANK YOU, Deniss Vasiljevs, for not trying to do a quad. Doesn't it feel nice to do a sp full of triples that are flawless? Be like Jason Brown, yeah?

ergative OP , avatar

Good job, Nika Egadze, but I gotta say that when commentators throw off gems about a Tutberidze skater like, 'he was 29th last season, but has made a seismic leap in the standings this year,' I do start wondering whether they've been explicitly forbidden to mention Valieva and are trying to send us signals about what they believe.

Because no way do I believe Egadze is not being given 'vitamin supplements'.

ergative OP , avatar

Daaaaang, HELLo, Japan has entered the rink.

ergative , (edited ) to random avatar

Dang, the pairs competition at the World championship this year was terrific! So many pairs competitions this year were so lackluster--failed lifts, falls on all the side-by-side jumps, falls on all the throws. But not at ! Largely very clean, and some FABULOUS skating by a lot of new teams.

I'm in love with this year's dark horses Fabienne-Hase/Volodin. I don't love Metelkina/Berulava's aesthetic, but they're a team to watch. And Hocke/Kunkel make me happy.


18+ ergative , to random avatar

I love Miura and Kihara so much. But FUCK YEAH STELLATO-DUDEK AND DESCHAMPS!


ergative , to random avatar

Catching up on the Pairs Short Programme form in , and allow me to dip out for a second and say


daisybranch , to random avatar

Still not over Stellato-Dudek/Deschamps winning yesterday, so by golly I'm going to do my best to make everyone else excited about it, too:

daisybranch , to random avatar

Today is the second time in my life that I've seen Chinese pairs skaters have an unfortunate time when the woman gets thrown into the boards. This one (Peng/Wang) wasn't as catastrophic as the last (Zhang/Zhang, 2006 Olympics) but it still looked painful.

I have no idea how to tag this but it's about (I tried searching all the tags I could think of but nothing came up so I have done my own :sad_dog: )

ergative , avatar

@daisybranch I'm catching up with women's sp right now. I usually use myself, but I'll adopt following you.

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