SeattleRain ,

Is this so much Wal-Mart's fault or the Chinese gov that way undercuts western wages?

TrousersMcPants ,

Wal-Mart, they explicitly muscle local supermarkets out of rural towns

SeattleRain ,

Yes, by undercutting them with goods produced by Chinese labors getting very low wages.

Donkter ,

I believe they actually take a loss on their products until the local stores are priced out, propping up the store on their billions. Then they can jack up their prices to make the money back.

JoshuaFalken ,

Looks more like the US government's fault by allowing export of American jobs to a foreign power. But if you call Mystery Incorporated, you might be shocked to see corporate benefactors under the government's mask.

jballs , avatar

This documentary is a bit old, but still pretty relevant into how Walmart operates.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

Why the fuck do we allow the largest "employer" in America to pay such little wages that their "workers" qualify for government programs? Why do we allow this company to subsidize itself off the backs of the American tax payer, fueling their never ending sprawl that destroys local mom and pops across the country? Why do we allow them to force most workers into part time bullshit to avoid paying for benefits when their business model justifies more full time employees. What's it going to take to get people to stand up against this shit? Walmart is hardly the only example.

StinkySocialist ,

We have no class consciousness. That's why. The working class is divided against itself and would rather fight itself then band together and fight our oppressors.

Scubus ,

While I agree, Walmart is also the highest paying job out of all the businesses within the closest three towns to where I live that doesn't require any specific education.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

Other jobs paying less is a result of the minimum wage being suppressed for far too long

intensely_human ,

And why do we allow people to take those jobs!?

JoshuaFalken ,

People largely don't vote. The informed voters are an even smaller slice of the pie chart. Even so, it seems most politicians can be bought for shockingly cheap.

Money would have to get out of politics, voting in any election big or small would need a paid holiday, voting itself would have to move off the first passed the post system, etcetera. There's so many steps to be taken in order to get out from under the corporate boot it's hard to keep track of them.

When the entire economic and political landscape has been turned into a casino, it's a steep climb to beat the house at its own game.

boatsnhos931 ,

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  • TechNerdWizard42 ,

    Big business bad to many people but it's the point of the USA. I disagree with it. But that's the point of free market capitalism to the exception of anything else, Murica. Insert eagle (red tailed hawk) screech here.

    Many countries decide to incentivize smaller stores and punish chain stores. We call this socialism. The US decides to punish small stores with rules that make no sense for a 200sqft store while giving away billions in tax cuts, sorry "incentives", to big stores.

    Instead of taking less from those you want to succeed, the US takes more from the individual to give to the big store.

    This is an important distinction because big box stores in places that aren't the USA actually have a disadvantage. And their prices are not much lower if at all, relying solely on economies of scale. You can then choose to shop in one which if we're honest has convenience. Open 24 hours a day, get 7 items that have no logistical correlation, get a brand name item that the local store doesn't have, etc. And you don't feel like you're exploiting people at the same time.

    I now do almost all of my day to day shopping in small shops. The rest, bigger purchases or weird items, are big online people or online scooter delivery from a mom and pop store but over an app that takes a 5% cut, so I put it in the same category.

    Zombiepirate , avatar

    Big business bad to many people but it's the point of the USA. I disagree with it. But that's the point of free market capitalism to the exception of anything else, Murica. Insert eagle (red tailed hawk) screech here.

    The US has a long and storied history of busting up monopolies and taxing the ultra-wealthy upwards of 90%. You've bought into a fictional re-telling of American history; yes there are robber-barons, but there is also unionization. Yes, there are megacorps, but there are also trust-busters. The United States has never been a free-market, but it is popular for reactionaries to claim that it is or should be.

    Many countries decide to incentivize smaller stores and punish chain stores. We call this socialism.

    This is absolutely not socialism.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    free market capitalism

    That's an oxymoron. Capitalism is a belief system where amassing a dragon's hoard of wealth by any means possible is seen as virtuous rather than a sign of a severely damaged psyche.

    If the market is free, rather than rigged in your favor, you'll be able to amass a goblin's hoard at most, unless you're the heir of another goblin.

    TechNerdWizard42 ,

    I don't disagree. I left the failing shithole of the USA. People on Lemming are too stupid to read and comprehend most of the time.

    Americans argue for free market. Then go shocked pikachu when it bites them in the ass. Americans call socialism evil. Then not know what socialism is. Americans call rigging the markets evil. Then introduce nationalistic tarrifs and import controls.

    Shayeta ,

    Walmart didn't drive her out of business, people who chose lower prices over buying local did.

    Deceptichum , avatar


    Shayeta ,

    Yes, that's what I said, no one is forcing anyone. People choose where they want to shop.

    intensely_human ,

    You don’t understand. Once wal-mart offers lower prices, people cannot choose anything else. They must pay those low prices. They must.

    riodoro1 ,

    Walmart didn’t pay them enough to choose local.

    Shayeta ,

    I don't get it, paid who?

    intensely_human ,


    underwire212 ,

    Walmart lowers prices so low for a few months until it drives local competition out of business (because they can afford to take temporary loss).

    Local shops go out of business.

    Walmart raises prices so now people are paying even more than they were before Walmart colonized the area.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Shayeta ,

    Wow, that should be illegal.

    pigup ,
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