History of (extremely predictable) failures catching up to you? Quick, write a book! ( thebaffler.com )

Too tired to sneer at the book myself right now but the article doesn’t pull punches either

Figured it’s worth posting since the book author has featured here more than once recently and has definitely been an enabler to The Shit

sc_griffith ,
@sc_griffith@awful.systems avatar

“I’ve always hated the phrase ‘speak truth to power,’ because it assumes all power is bad. It should really be ‘speak truth to power when the power is false or damaging—or even just plain bizarre,’” Swisher writes.


self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

fuck almighty, it’s like the Kara Swisher manifesto in one compact quote

froztbyte OP ,

“I’ve always hated the phrase …. since that kid told me I’m actually the problem! The nerve!”

bitofhope ,
@bitofhope@awful.systems avatar

What, so if there's power that's honest, harmless and sensible you're supposed to... not speak truth to it?

sc_griffith ,
@sc_griffith@awful.systems avatar

you're supposed to accept your rightful place in the hierarchy and shut your goddamn mouth. stop bothering these lovely people they have empires to run

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

archive link since the baffler was so fond of telling me I had only 1 free article left, meaning refreshing the tab would most likely lock me out of reading the page

froztbyte OP ,

that really is a fucking annoying banner, yeah. also, lifehack: open these fuckers in temp containers or priv sessions of $browserflavour. counter cookies can't do shit when they always die.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

true! I really need to squash the Lemmy bug that kills my session when I switch tab groups on mobile

froztbyte OP ,

I've been using mlem on iOS as my client, if you want something to try out

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

I have it installed, but haven’t tried it since our instance launched! I should give it another try soon and see if they’ve implemented the admin frontend yet

sjmarf ,
@sjmarf@lemmy.ml avatar

Mlem dev here! Admin features aren't live quite yet, but they should be available as part of an upcoming beta in a couple of weeks.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

nice, I’ll definitely keep an eye on TestFlight! thanks for all your work on Mlem!

cornflake ,

Using Firefox Focus as default mobile browser also handy for this

froztbyte OP ,

(sorry, this rant isn't directed at you, but)

for FUCKS SAKE, mozilla

Firefox Focus is a free and open-source privacy-focused mobile browser by Mozilla, based on Firefox. It is available for Android[4][5] and iOS smartphones and tablets.[6][7] Its predecessor, Focus by Firefox,

jesus christ can these people have a worse fucking product development team and/or strategy?

this company squanders so fucking much potential and goodwill, holy shit

AcausalRobotGod ,

Temp containers in Firefox is the greatest extension ever.

froztbyte OP ,

it's so good

and it just goddamn works

on my workstation I have that + Choosy (there are other-OS alternatives to Choosy as well), and I profile-route things as needed along with fallthroughs into complete memoryholes for things I want as little state as possible on

(I hate the modern web so fucking much)

MonsiuerPatEBrown ,

Writers are people who can do nothing else.

That said lots of people write books. But writers are frequently people who have failed at pretty much everything else as a human.

steakmeoutt ,

What a stupid thing to say. Great job not contributing to the discussion at all.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

what in the absolute fuck does that mean

nah actually don’t bother answering

dgerard Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

these posters do keep the ban button exercised

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

the redditor urge to skim the thread title and post the first brain fart that enters their heads meets my urge to mash the ban button until it breaks

it is fucking hilarious that our guest poster’s brain processed this thread title and came up with “yeah man fuck writers” and posted that on this of all instances

froztbyte OP ,

heh yeah. our wordcount certainly pales when held against that of our very good friends, but I imagine the collective output of even a handful of the regulars is still well into the millions per month

GammaGames ,
@GammaGames@beehaw.org avatar

Lots of writers wish they didn’t have to do anything else lol what are you even talking about

Amoeba_Girl ,
@Amoeba_Girl@awful.systems avatar

hey sam, they're letting you post in prison?

V0ldek ,
@V0ldek@awful.systems avatar

Elon, that you?

Soyweiser ,

And yet you write that here. Checkmate letterhater! Boom! Shapirod!

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