SBF's effective altruism and rationalism considered an aggravating circumstance in sentencing ( )

For thursday's sentencing the us government indicated they would be happy with a 40-50 prison sentence, and in the list of reasons they cite there's this gem:

  1. Bankman-Fried's effective altruism and own statements about risk suggest he would be likely to commit another fraud if he determined it had high enough "expected value". They point to Caroline Ellison's testimony in which she said that Bankman-Fried had expressed to her that he would "be happy to flip a coin, if it came up tails and the world was destroyed, as long as if it came up heads the world would be like more than twice as good". They also point to Bankman-Fried's "own 'calculations'" described in his sentencing memo, in which he says his life now has negative expected value. "Such a calculus will inevitably lead him to trying again," they write.

Turns out making it a point of pride that you have the morality of an anime villain does not endear you to prosecutors, who knew.

Bonus: SBF's lawyers' list of assertions for asking for a shorter sentence includes this hilarious bit reasoning:

They argue that Bankman-Fried would not reoffend, for reasons including that "he would sooner suffer than bring disrepute to any philanthropic movement."

swlabr ,

morality of an anime villain

Plenty of anime villains would be insulted by this.

IANAL: His defense team must truly suck ass. To let the prosecution build the case that he is essentially amoral and profit driven is just baffling. To let SBF speak in any capacity at all is more baffling. The only way they could bungle this further is if they asked for more time than the prosecution was asking for.

Architeuthis OP , avatar

If I remember correctly SBF taking the stand was completely against his lawyers' recommendations, and in general he seems to have a really hard time doing what people who know better tell him to, such as don't DM journalists about your crimes and definitely don't start a substack detailing how you felt justified in doing them, and also trying to 'explain yourself' to prosecution witnesses is witness tampering and will get your bail revoked.

dgerard Mod , avatar

There's a limit to what anyone can achieve with this calibre of client. This is also his second defence team after the others refused to put up with his shit any more. He has a new, third defence team handling his appeal.

Soyweiser ,

Is he the type of guy to go 'wait if I just explain my stance more and more they will eventually understand'?

Did he try to Rationalist blogpost monologue his defence team because he also wanted to do that to the judge? The idea of him trying to verbose from first principles the law in his own defense sounds very funny to me. Poor lawyers

E: Officially perjured himself 3 times. Oof.

dgerard Mod , avatar

i expect that if you listened to the water pipes in MDC Brooklyn, you could hear SBF tapping out a full explanation of his crimes in Morse code, especially why it was all Caroline's fault

cstross , avatar

@dgerard @sneerclub he's gonna start a Basilisk cult in prison, isn't he. Get out in 25 years and head straight for the executive suite in the temple his followers will have built for him.

froztbyte ,

I expect we'll soon hear the laments of how prison impacts ev, maybe combined with some utterly twisted argument for prison abolition (along with their own deeply fucked replacement suggestion)

dgerard Mod , avatar

the important point is that prison abolition should start with financial so-called "'"'"crimes"'"'",

gnomicutterance , avatar

One of the docs Molly links to has a whole argument about how white collar criminals are soft wee precious blorbos and really should get a nice cuppa and a teddy instead of jail time.

pikesley , avatar


"Almost all of the letters lamented the likelihood that victims will not be able to enjoy the gains on their crypto assets, as the bankruptcy proceedings are likely to pay out claims in dollars based on the price of Bitcoin and other assets on the date of bankruptcy ($16,871, in Bitcoin's case) rather than their prices today (around $70,000, or over four times as much)" oh no what a shame

dgerard Mod , avatar

ACAB and abolish prisons, but we can leave finance cops and SBF until quite late in the process

come the fabulous gay luxury space communism future, when scarcity itself becomes all but obsolete, we will absolutely have to make it clear that, at the mind-buggeringly long and rambling cadre meetings discussing the disbursement of the few items that remain restricted, Sam's opinion is not invited

sinedpick ,

Holy FUCKING shit this cannot be real. No. He could not have written this.

sbf plans for post-ftx

My estimation of SBF as a wretch just fuckin plummeted.

mii ,

These clowns are so fucking incompetent at being evil geniuses that they need a document outlining their Evil Plan™ and not once think how that might be a stupid idea.

self Mod , avatar

at this point, multiple people involved in crypto have been famously caught with a crimes.txt file on their unencrypted desktop, in signal chats named some shit like financial crimes and real gamers clubhouse where they talk about the crimes and Fortnite they’re doing, or with toilet phones protected by ziplock bags with crime burner phone (with evidence of my crimes) written on the bag with a sharpie

mii ,

I suddenly feel like Hackerman because my PGP-encrypted file with Steam backup tokens is infinitely better secured than some crypto bro's detailed confession of crimes that could land them jail for 50 years.

self Mod , avatar

I wonder how much of this is hubris from the cryptocurrency assholes consistently trying to confuse the public into associating their horseshit with general cryptography (especially with the crypto abbreviation for both) and in the process gaslighting themselves into thinking they’re cryptography and computer security experts

gnomicutterance , avatar

It goes along with the number of programmers who simultaneously are confident that being a programmer means they are geniuses while also bragging that ChatGPT writes better code than they do.

YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM , avatar
  1. Say you’re crazy
  2. Say they’re crazy
  3. Get muscular dystrophy when you’re a kid
  4. Marry J. Edgar Hoover
  5. Take up residence in Albania
  6. Stretch yourself on a rack so that you become over 6 1/2 feet tall
  7. Marry your mother
  8. Marry your father
  9. Blow up the state of liberty…

Hey I think some of these are pretty good ideas

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

Utilitarianism is just a vapid philosophy, and so gross.

V0ldek , avatar

Turns out being a fucking sociopath is a good indicator of reoffence, who would've thinkity thunked.

Give him 50 years of being forced to talk to a normal person that swats him in the head with a newspaper every time he says "expected value", we can rehabilitate this boy.

gnomicutterance , avatar

You know, I read the whole Molly white piece as an abolitionist who agrees with Sam that these sentences are barbaric, but struggling to figure out what rehabilitative process you can use with someone as horrible as Sam, and I think you might have just come up with it. Want to be in charge of the US criminal justice system?

V0ldek , avatar

Want to be in charge of the US criminal justice system?

I have zero qualifications, but I'm also not a bloodthirsty vengeful old guy, so it'd probably be a net improvement.

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