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user0 , avatar

Mobile-Friendly-Firefox Updates:

Introducing a new desktop button! Say hi to FriendlyFox! It features a menu to conveniently activate scripts without the need to type terminal commands. Just tap&hold/secondary-click the FriendlyFox icon and tap/click the script you want to run. There is also an option to Launch Firefox, and the Customize option allows you to choose the tap/click behavior of the button itself. The default is Install and can be changed to Update or Launch Firefox. Oh, and did I mention that I made the FriendlyFox logo myself using LibreOffice Draw? It's a cute little Red Panda, otherwise known as a Fire Fox. I also used GIMP to modify my avatar. Yay free software! I hope everyone enjoys the new update!

  • Transitioned branch (master to main)

  • Added new files:

    • "Before/After" image (Before_After.png)
    • logo image (friendlyfox.png)
    • desktop file (friendlyfox.desktop)
    • wrapper script (
    • customize script for desktop file (
    • update script (
    • script to remove old repo (
  • Modified friendlyfox.desktop,,,, and

    • fixed copyright date
  • Modified,, and

    • fixed variable
  • Modified

    • fixed clone command
    • updated to remove old repo
    • restore old directory if cloning failed
    • minor modification for failed update
  • Modified and

    • updated for compatibility with new files
  • Modified

    • fixed variable
  • Modified custom_rules.css, fenix_fox-alt.css, fenix_fox.css, fenix_one-alt.css, and fenix_one.css:

    • disabled URL Bar font enlarging*
  • Modified

    • added "Dependencies" section*
    • updated image link
    • added and modified instructions
    • modified to look better
    • re-organized sections
    • added note recommending uninstall of mobile-config-firefox to preserve customizations*

*Thanks to magdesign for submitting and solving a few issues that have been implemented in this release.

user0 , avatar

Mobile-Friendly-Firefox Updates:

Screenshots! Well, not quite. I had added lots of screenshots, but the repo ballooned in size and took too long to clone. So I did a git rebase -i <SHA1> command to completely remove all screenshots and opted instead to link a screenshot that I posted to the Purism forums. I may add some more in the future, but I don't want to clutter the with too many images.

  • Modified single_tab_mode-alt.css, alt-single_tab_mode-alt.css, single_tab_mode.css, true_mobile_landscape-alt.css, true_mobile_landscape.css, true_mobile_mode-alt.css, true_mobile_mode.css, fenix_theme.css, fenix-alt.css, fenix.css, fenix_fox-alt.css, fenix_fox.css, fenix_one-alt.css, and fenix_one.css:

    • simplified variable by directly setting numerical value
    • improved important notice
  • Modified fenix_colors.css, fenix_one-alt.css, and fenix_one.css:

    • apply color to tab manager button badge to match tab text and close button
  • Modified fenix_colors.css and fenix_one-alt.css:

    • removed menubar and navbar color modifications
  • Modified browser.css, true_mobile_landscape.css, true_mobile_mode.css, fenix.css, fenix_fox.css, and fenix_one.css:

    • added menubar and navbar color modifications
  • Modified single_tab_mode-alt.css, alt-single_tab_mode-alt.css, and single_tab_mode.css:

    • optimized active tab width for better fit and to fix flickering when there are two or more pinned tabs
  • Modified true_mobile_landscape-alt.css and true_mobile_landscape.css:

    • added tab manager menu and button counter to remove dependence on tab_manager_button.css
  • Modified fenix_theme.css, fenix-alt.css, and fenix.css:

    • remove back-button removal
  • Modified

    • added new user selection option for back-button
  • Modified

    • added linked image

I've decided to tone down the use of tags in my posts.

user0 , avatar

Mobile-Friendly-Firefox Updates:

End of the year features & fixes!

  • Modified userContent.css:

    • set page background color to match fenix_colors.css, fenix_one.css, and fenix_one-alt.css
  • Modified fenix_colors.css, fenix_one.css, and fenix_one-alt.css:

    • optimized colors to better support styles that do not hide the tab bar: desktop and mobile styles, as well as all styles while using larger screen (lapdock, monitor, or tv) including laptop and desktop computers
  • Modified

    • optimized logic: only attempt to create backup on first run of script
    • added new user selection option for applying recommended preferences to user.js
    • fixed typo preventing dynamic_popups_max.css from being applied
  • Modified

    • optimized logic: only continue with uninstall if at least one chrome directory has been located in selected browser profiles
    • added logic to remove added preferences from user.js if present
  • Modified

    • added note to pre-install section about applying recommended preferences with script

user0 OP , avatar


Thank you for the interest. I will start adding screenshots in the new year, very soon. I have taken several, but I still need to decide which ones to use and how I'm going to organize them.

user0 OP , avatar


I had added lots of screenshots, but the repo ballooned in size and took too long to clone. So I completely removed all screenshots and opted instead to link a screenshot that I posted to the Purism forums. I may add some more in the future, but I don't want to clutter the with too many images. Sorry if that's a let-down.

user0 , avatar
user0 , avatar

Mobile-Friendly-Firefox Updates:

  • Added new user selection options into script:

    • Two Nav Bar color options for Fenix theme (Default Gray & Private Browsing Purple)
    • Two icon options for Unified Extensions button (Fenix theme)
    • Hide/Show Unified Extensions button (all styles & themes)
    • Hide/Show Tab Manager button (Destop style)
  • Fixed implementation of all dynamic_popups files:

    • Modified script and userChrome styles to move all dynamic_popups options to the bottom where they belong
    • Dynamic popups will now look much better

user0 , avatar


(Technically, this is a modified mirror, since Codeberg does not support forking non-Codeberg git repos)

I'll try to keep changes in sync between my Mobile-Friendly-Firefox and my mobile-config-firefox repos.

user0 , avatar

Major Update:

  • Added to install and uninstall scripts

    • Support for Librewolf, Mullvad, and Tor browsers

I have not tested Mobile-Friendly-Firefox with these browsers yet, as I am waiting for official arm64 releases before installing them onto my Librem 5. While I think that everything should work, anyone can share issues here on the fediverse, on my Mobile-Friendly-Firefox repo, or on my forum thread. I'll try to check all three from time to time so I don't miss anything.

Minor Update:

  • Added to install and uninstall scripts

    • Support for Librewolf flatpak

I have tested and confirmed that it works perfectly.

user0 , avatar

Major Update:

My Codeberg repo: Mobile-Friendly-Firefox

  • Added automated install and uninstall scripts

  • Updated several files

Happy Holidays!

user0 , avatar

I have made a repo for my code on Codeberg:


I plan to create a few branches for the postmarketOS mobile-config-firefox repo for styles to consider merging.

user0 , avatar

Updated November 21th 2023:

This forum thread is best viewed with javascript disabled in your browser.

Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5

  • Adjusted the following files to better support fully expanded Tab Manager Menu in all Display Scales (100%-200%):

    • Line 101 & Line 102 of tabmenu.css
    • Line 117 & Line 118 of true_mobile_landscape-alt.css
    • Line 143 & Line 144 of true_mobile_landscape.css
    • Line 304, Line 305, Line 644 & Line 645 of fenix_fox-alt.css
    • Line 325, Line 326, Line 721 & Line 722 of fenix_fox.css
    • Line 525, Line 526, Line 865 & Line 866 of fenix_one-alt.css
    • Line 546, Line 547, Line 942 & Line 943 of fenix_one.css

Changed this:

    /* Expand Tab Manager Menu */
    #customizationui-widget-multiview panelview {
        max-width: calc(100vw - 10px) !important;
        width: calc(100vw - 10px) !important;

To this:

    /* Expand Tab Manager Menu */
    #customizationui-widget-multiview panelview {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        width: 100% !important;

user0 , avatar

Updated November 20th 2023:

This forum thread is best viewed with javascript disabled in your browser.

Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5

  • Adjusted the following files for compatibility with New-Tab Button (new-tab-button.css):

    • Line 57 & Line 60 of single_tab_mode-alt.css
    • Line 57 & Line 60 of alt-single_tab_mode-alt.css
    • Line 57 & Line 60 of single_tab_mode.css

Changed this:

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[selected] {
        min-width: 100vw !important;
    #tabbrowser-tabs[haspinnedtabs] > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 40px) !important;

To this:

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[selected] {
        min-width: 100% !important;
    #tabbrowser-tabs[haspinnedtabs] > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: 83.5% !important;
  • Adjusted the following files to fix a mistake I had made which prevented adding extensions to toolbar:

    • Lines 261-265 of fenix_theme.css
    • Lines 278-283 offenix-alt.css
    • Lines 278-283 offenix.css

Changed this:

    /* Hide Back button and Private Browsing Indicator */
    #private-browsing-indicator-with-label {
        visibility: collapse !important;

To this:

    /* Remove Back button */
    #back-button {
        display: none !important;

    /* Hide Private Browsing Indicator */
    #private-browsing-indicator-with-label {
        visibility: collapse !important;

Changed this:

    /* Hide Back button, Tab Bar, and Private Browsing Indicator */
    #private-browsing-indicator-with-label {
        visibility: collapse !important;

To this:

    /* Remove Back button */
    #back-button {
        display: none !important;

    /* Hide Tab Bar and Private Browsing Indicator */
    #private-browsing-indicator-with-label {
        visibility: collapse !important;

user0 , avatar

Updated November 19th 2023:

This forum thread is best viewed with javascript disabled in your browser.

Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5

  • Renamed hide_tab_counter.css to hide_tab_manager_menu_button.css

  • Adjusted the following files for compatibility with all Display Scales (100%-200%):

    • Line 5 of appMenu.css
    • Line 5 of browser.css
    • Line 5 of editBookmarkPanel.css
    • Line 5 of findbar.css
    • Line 5 of popups.css
    • Line 5 of tabmenu.css
    • Line 11 of urlbar.css
    • Line 5 of alt-browser-alt.css
    • Line 5 of tabs_fill_available_width.css
    • Line 5 of numbered_tabs.css
    • Line 5 of extensions_menu.css
    • Line 35 of custom_rules.css
    • Line 20 of single_tab_mode-alt.css
    • Line 20 of alt-single_tab_mode-alt.css
    • Line 20 of single_tab_mode.css
    • Line 5 of hide_tab_manager_menu_button.css
    • Line 5 of hide_newtab_+_new-tab_buttons.css
    • Line 5 of new-tab-button.css
    • Line 20 & Line 198 of true_mobile_landscape-alt.css
    • Line 20 & Line 224 of true_mobile_landscape.css
    • Line 20 of true_mobile_mode-alt.css
    • Line 20 of true_mobile_mode.css
    • Line 5 of dynamic_popups.css
    • Line 5 of dynamic_popups_plus.css
    • Line 5 of dynamic_popups_max.css
    • Line 5 of dynamic_popups_pro.css
    • Line 5 of dynamic_popups_pro_max.css
    • Line 106 & Line 219 of fenix_theme.css
    • Line 106 & Line 225 of fenix-alt.css
    • Line 106 & Line 225 of fenix.css
    • Line 181 & Line 436 of fenix_fox-alt.css
    • Line 181 & Line 457 of fenix_fox.css
    • Line 402 & Line 657 of fenix_one-alt.css
    • Line 402 & Line 678 of fenix_one.css
    • Line 155, Lines 171-173, Line 265, Lines 281-283, Lines 316-318, Lines 338-340, Lines 367-369, Lines 465-467, & Lines 504-506 of userContent.css (fenix)
    • Line 8, Lines 24-26, Line 118, Lines 134-136, Lines 169-171, Lines 191-193, Lines 220-222, Lines 318-320, & Lines 357-359 of userContent.css (non-colorized)

Changed this:

@media (max-height: 300px) {

To this:

@media (orientation: landscape) and (max-height: 650px) {

Changed this:

@media (max-width: 700px) {

To this:

@media (orientation: portrait) and (max-width: 720px) {

Changed this:

    (max-height: 300px),
    (max-width: 700px) {

To this:

    (orientation: landscape) and (max-height: 650px),
    (orientation: portrait) and (max-width: 720px) {

user0 , avatar


I want to start by saying that the updates contained herein are not absolutely necessary.

A forum user asked this question:

Is there a way to use the context menu for tabs in Firefox mobile? Tap and hold used to bring up a menu where I could, among other things, send the tab to another device. That is very useful at times.

Tap and hold in the tabs list doesn’t bring up any menu at all.

I answered this question in what I am calling Question & Answer (post 85) and made an update in the Final Updates (post 61).

Updated November 17th 2023:

This forum thread is best viewed with javascript disabled in your browser.

Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5

  • Added fenix_theme.css for those that want the Firefox for Android (fenix) theme and don’t want to hide the Tab Bar.

  • Added file descriptions to some posts.

  • Adjusted the following files to hide the Tab Bar in Fullscreen and to hide the Title Bar (only useful if you modify these files to prevent hiding the Tab Bar):

    • Lines 251-254 and Lines 511-514 of fenix_fox-alt.css
    • Lines 251-254 and Lines 542-545 of fenix_fox.css
    • Lines 472-475 and Lines 732-735 of fenix_one-alt.css
    • Lines 472-475 and Lines 763-766 of fenix_one.css

Changed this:

    /* Hide Nav Bar when in Fullscreen mode */
    #nav-bar[inFullscreen] {
        display: none;

To this:

    /* Hide Nav Bar and Tab Bar when in Fullscreen mode and hide and Title Bar */
    .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
        display: none;

user0 , avatar

Updated November 13th 2023:

These are possibly the final updates until the next Firefox-ESR update in October of next year.

This forum thread is best viewed with javascript disabled in your browser.

Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5

  • Fixed a typo, changing 4px to 5px in the following file:

    • Line 31 of true_mobile_mode.css
  • Changed --panel-background: none !important; to --panel-background: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important; in the following files:

    • Line 52 of dynamic_popups_pro.css
    • Line 66 of dynamic_popups_pro_max.css

Updated November 15th 2023:

  • Added code to allow for fully expanded Tab Manager Menu in landscape mode in the following files:

    • Line 114 of true_mobile_landscape-alt.css
    • Line 140 of true_mobile_landscape.css
    • Line 299 of fenix_fox-alt.css
    • Line 320 of fenix_fox.css
    • Line 520 of fenix_one-alt.css
    • Line 541 of fenix_one.css
  • After the additional code was added, changed 207px to 18px in the following files:

    • Line 155 of fenix-alt.css
    • Line 155 of fenix.css
    • Line 312 of fenix_fox-alt.css
    • Line 333 of fenix_fox.css
    • Line 533 of fenix_one-alt.css
    • Line 554 of fenix_one.css
  • After the additional code was added, removed a line of code in the following files:

    • Line 160 of fenix-alt.css
    • Line 160 of fenix.css
    • Line 317 of fenix_fox-alt.css
    • Line 338 of fenix_fox.css
    • Line 538 of fenix_one-alt.css
    • Line 559 of fenix_one.css

user0 , avatar

There is a line of code in two dynamic_popups files that must be changed:

  • Line 52 of dynamic_popups_pro.css
  • Line 66 of dynamic_popups_pro_max.css


        --panel-background: none !important;

should be this:

        /* Default color: */
        /*--panel-background: var(--arrowpanel-background) !important;*/
        /* Fenix color: */
        --panel-background: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;

This is needed because setting the --panel-background to none negatively affected the extension/addon download and install popups.

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