Black Comrades

On 70th birthday, Mumia Abu-Jamal honors Palestinian resistance ( )

From City Hall, the demonstrators marched to Krasner’s office where speakers included members of a French delegation who delivered the petitions. They raised that Krasner has the power — as he has shown with other unjustly incarcerated prisoners – to release Mumia. Since the 1990’s, the French Collective for the...

Mumia Abu-Jamal speaks with student protesters on Palestine ( )

In answer to the students’ questions, he said he was honored to be on the call with them. “You act with class and class consciousness.” He was thrilled about the arrested Columbia students demanding that the arrested CCNY students be treated with the same respect as they were. “You responded as human beings! You’re on...

Jamaal Bowman, AIPAC, Phony Progressives, and Black Misleadership | Black Agenda Report ( )

This race brings up an age old political question for Black people. Should the light weight goofball be supported when in danger of losing his office because of big money pressure from a group of white people or should he be treated with the same indifference that he meted out to them? Bowman’s absence, like his presence,...

The legacy of Juneteenth ( )

The white-supremacist counterrevolution laid the basis for today’s reality of Black people in disproportionate numbers being relegated to a second-class status, with some of the worst housing, education, health care and nutrition in the country, along with being subjected to mass incarceration and police terror....

Malcolm X, Ho Chi Minh, ¡presente! ( )

Ho Chi Minh stated: “It is well-known that the Black race is the most oppressed and the most exploited of the human family. It is well-known that the spread of capitalism and the discovery of the ‘New World’ had, as an immediate result, the rebirth of slavery. … What everyone does not perhaps know is that after 65 years...

Mumia Abu-Jamal on Zionism’s double standards ( )

The liberals call for a ceasefire. Why not go to the core of things by demanding an end to occupation? Don’t Palestinians deserve freedom? Don’t Palestinians deserve a right to exist? Don’t Palestinians deserve statehood? Or are these things only for [neocolonists]?...

Linking the struggle at home and abroad: Remembering the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ( )

What is little known is that Dr. King took a progressive stance on the question of Palestine in response to the 1967 Six-Day War that [neocolonialism] launched, with the support of the U.S., against Egypt, Syria and Jordan, that resulted in [neocolonists] occupying Gaza, the West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula....

Ahmad Sa’adat: Prisons, the Black Liberation Movement and the struggle for Palestine ( )

We are still seeking to defend our peoples from the relentless assaults of capitalism, Zionism and [neo]imperialism and their police and military forces. We have not yet been able to realize our dreams and transform the prisons into museums of liberation. Revolutionaries across the world struggle and dream for this future, in...

From Reconstruction to Malcolm X: Black history is about struggle ( )

The legacies of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X have been co-opted. While representing opposite sides of the political and ideological barricades, they both supported reparations for people of African descent. Both were expanding their worldview by linking economic and political issues, while exposing...

Black labor: From chattel slavery to wage slavery ( )

A great deal has been written about Eli Whitney as the inventor of the cotton gin and as a great scientist, which he certainly was. However, according to some accounts, the first gin made in Mississippi was constructed on the basis of a crude drawing by a skilled slave. This was probably not very unusual in light of the fact...

‘Palestine has taken center stage in the world struggle against imperialism’ ( )

The South Africa complaint that put [a neocolony’s extermination] on trial worldwide helped to deepen this class consciousness, but it won’t stop there, because now South Africa, with the backing of almost 80 governments, has announced plans to take the U.S. and Britain to the world court for their war crimes of being...

Negroes Steppin’ and Fetchin’ for Imperialism | Black Agenda Report ( )

The use of Black and brown puppets to distort the racial optics of exploitation was a standard part of colonial administration, and it has remained as a central element of neo-colonialism. It is not at all surprising then that imperialists would use the same strategy in the U.S. where some have characterized the country’s...

Long live the revolutionary spirit of Fred Hampton! ( )

Hampton was a victim of the U.S. government’s Cointelpro (Counter Intelligence Program), founded by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover during the early 1950s to target for imprisonment and assassination individual leaders or movements fighting for national liberation and social justice. Some of the most well-known targets, besides...

I Abdul Jon, Presente! ( )

I Abdul Jon was a talented photographer. In the fall of 1981, Abdul and I went up to Rochester, New York, after a group of MOVE men and women were arrested on federal charges. Abdul and I were on assignment for the Philadelphia Tribune, he as photographer, I as the reporter. His photos helped make the articles come alive....

No thanks for Thanksgiving ( )

When first they arrived, European settlements were places of disease, hunger and pitiless death. First Nations folk fed the colonists, taught them planting and healed them with herbal treatments. They repaid them with unremitting war, smallpox used as biological weapons, land theft and slaughter....

Black Agenda Report :: Black Media Misleaders Do the Democrats' Dirty Work ( )

The media misleaders are getting an early start on the 2024 presidential campaign season. Despite the fact that Biden has no competition from any democrat and the party has already said there will be no debates even if a competitor appears, Biden’s weak approval ratings and poor showing in polls vis a vis Donald Trump, have...

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