@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar



Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Not meant as an insult, but if you really think that, you aren't really great at that "tech job".
But you're still better than any A"I"

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I don't know in what shithole of a country you guys live to hate cops, but here they are just decent, helpful protectors they ought to be. Never ever met one single piece-of-shit-cop in my life.
There surely are rotten apples, but that is due to being human, not being a cop. There is no field of anything where everything's sunshine and lollipops.
Maybe it's a case of how you treat them? You know, like give respect, earn respect? That thing?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

There might be bad daily incidents here too. Sure.
Even if it were 10, what about the tens of thousands of incidents where cops just were helpful and/or protective?
Same like with plane-accidents. Millions don't happen but the one that does makes the media.

I really don't see the problems you do. Cops here are highly selected (a weekend full of assessments of all kind, physical, intellectual and psychological evaluation).
From like 300 participants, 0-3 get chosen.
Then follows 3 years of training and regular checks. Not every country is like the USA which seems to recruit nutjobs and then give them a 2 week crash course.

But, for the sake of the argument: what is the alternative? No cops at all? What do you do if you're in need of help? Elect cops? That already seems to work great with politicians /s

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I was talking about real cops in more civilised countries. Not untrained us-american gun-monkeys.
For the US my statement surely isn't valid.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Wow, such argument, many insight.
Hope you'll never need a cop (and you're not murican) 😉

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

When you grow up some day, you might notice who's your real enemy. As it surely ain't the stupid cop who's just doing another stupid job of all those stupid other jobs in a stupid society of stupid people running after stupid pieces of paper with stupid numbers on it.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Maybe the billionaires running this planet? Who all just have the best of our future at heart

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That might be true for the US, as they're a shitty capitalist hellhole.
Here we have nearly zero incidents, extremely low level of gun-usage and they're not just capital-protectors. They're helpers in all kind, even as a taxi if need be. E.g. Who'd you gonna call if your SO beats you or just won't leave your house?
Or anything else where someone stronger (or better armed) than you threatens you in some way? Popo is here in 5m tops.
Remember that noone has guns here and we're not at liberty to shoot intruders even if we had guns.

While i don't argue about inequality mostly being the reason for violence/whatever, the cops aren't the enemy. As said in another comment, they're just doing their shitty job. As kids we see them as heroes (not fear them like in the US), so many just become cops as a kids-dream, not even thinking about if that's a good thing.
I'd argue that a banking-employee or basically any other employee that works for a billionaire, are the real enemy and evil. Who cares about the lowest end in the chain aka coos? I don't.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

A community looking after themselves? Nice in theory but

  • won't work for bigger cities where nobody gives a rats ass for others
  • won't work in countries without free guns. How else should a community defend themselves?
  • organized crime will always beat local yokels with guns. Now they just can do it freely.
  • who organizes it? Who votes whom? And in the end someone is doing nothing but organizing everything and cashing in. Up the point where he needs protection for his wealth and starts adapting rules. Back to square 1.

I see you're not sure of an alternative, i wouldn't have one to offer either. Where's light there's shadow. And the worst problem is always: people.
Homo homini lupus est. Always has been, allways will be.
Doesn't mean we shouldn't optimize police where necessary. But personally I'm quite glad they're 3 numbers dialed away to quickly help first, ask later. You can even call them drunk so they drive you back home for free or at least call u a cab😁

Sure they would protect my properties too. So unless you are totally against property (then you'd totally be right and we wouldn't argue), how else should i protect it? I don't work but I'm still sometimes not at home and glad the cops would be here in 5mins in case of an alarm.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Because... It's their job? Protecting everyone from unlawful blahblah? Overthrowing a gov is kinda the epitome of "unlawful". No wonders here. Also they'd probably do shit and the army rolls out in such a case, but...

Especially the muricans hate cops so much but love their military. People being paid to murder other people "for protection".
Where are the AMAB instead of ACAB?

Anyhow, and your take on your statement is, that cops are the evil then?
Where's the importance of the lowest of enemies that are literally in the same boat as the regular working joe that cries ACAB?
Or is it just acceptance that one couldn't change a thing but hating cops is graspable and tangible?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I see you avoid answering things, so I don't even watch this. But for the point of the argument again: Rising fascism in europe is connected to the fucking cops HOW?! Why the effing f should I care about the enforcers of a system that wants to fuck me raw and not the owners of this system?
Serves my point somehow, doesn't it?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

So, you're a troll, a bot or unable to comprehend my posts. Which is it?

I do understand what police is and what they do. Did you copy/paste this from r/i_am_14_and_this_is_deep?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Yeah sure whatever. Go hate the least important asset of an instrument that tramples you to death. If that makes you feel better.

Cops may be protecting my assets and my ass, but if it wouldn't be them, it would be private force i would have to pay (at least cops are free lol). I am one of those who reap the soils of your labour (because i don't work). You should fight me and those with way more dough. Not the badly paid cops.
Actually why am I even arguing, i should be glad you hate them 😁

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

It inherently incentivizes greed, it's not built in per se.
As are all traits of the dark triad. This is what makes capitalism the worst choice and really sad. It brings out the worst in us. And those who are better have no chance.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That sounds great. I don't know, neither have heard of, any such place in your neighbor germany. Sadly so. Even I would visit such a place.

And how's it going? No troubles? No asswipes coming in drunk (with their friends) or such?
Is it even frequented?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Funnily, we just discovered that one of our city-libs iss actually doing the exact same thing now too. As an experiment.
And it seems they don't have to deal with it. Quote: "i guess the library-folk is just a quiet and peaceful folk". So, no problems and people love it.

We parrot you guys ☺️

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Noticed the flag but was THIS the "joke" here? Then i get it even less.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Since when will billionaires be anything-ed for anything?

They could shoot a baby in the head on a public busy street with hundreds of witnesses and a 4K video recording of it, and nothing would ever happen.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Useful for what?
Hiding stuff from family-member or coworkers? Yeah sure. Why not.

Hiding stuff from professionals that really want your data? Probably not very helpful.

Also what about backup? One controller-malfunction and your stuff goes poof. I just assume the data is somehow important or else you wouldn't care about such a device 😊

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

As if his majesty would allow his property to neglect the one thing just because he exhausted her doing the other before.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Well... One survivor once told me her husband demanded a daily bj (sometimes two). Which took this pathetic weakling a solid hour of constant sucking and tugging. Oh and she should kneel before him, of course. While he watched soccer. I'd find that pretty exhausting on top of being utterly disgusting.

Short story even shorter: you never know.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That's just because you're... Nornal?

You could understand it better if you'd change your PoV. If you'd see women not as people but as priperty, things make sense.
He was, oh wonder, one of those religious pieces of shit. Women are for making babies, cleaning and cooking. And of course, on top of it: sexual slavery.

Took her 10yrs to find the bravery to leave him. She fled, changed name and moved 300km afar. But she's broken beyond measure, because she also left her kids behind and can never see them again. So, it's basically just the shell that survived.

Another survivor I know, didn't leave. Because of the children. He said "if you dare to leave, i will hurt your kids and u will never see them again." and she obeyed until the kids were old enough to leave. And she did too. It was >20yrs of daily abuse as a breathing sex-toy. That was 10yrs ago and she's still in constant fear he might be around the next corner. That's like 1/100 of the story.

And it's far more widespread than one might think. Incels rising, islam rising, whatever else cult is rising where women are just property.
Or this "trad-wife" shit. It's even women living it freely because they still got a handful of rights...

Ugh,people suck.

PS: Watch fargo s5 if you want to get an uncomfy insight (also they didn't dare to tell the real reality)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Oh yes it is. I just lack the vocabulary for fitting words. Even in my native tongue.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Name checks out... But i doubt that would be enough. More drastic measure should be applied. Blinding and de-dicking would be adequate. No more threat to anyone and the need to learn what it means to be at the mercy of others.

Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Well, it's a hobby/passion. Simple as that. I'm a nerd, i love such things. And home automation is a thing I've dreamt of since the first automatic door in star trek.
Automatic lights, alarm-system, cameras, a smart AI (locally, no stupid alexa et al),a tablet at the door which tells us everything we want to know on a quick glance (weather, shopping-list, fuel-prices, status of all machines etc).
And all that with some many thousand lines of code and triple redundancy 😍

When i visit other people I actually find it "retro" to use light-switches 😁

Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

You're technically right. But the fundamental flaw in your logic is not obeying the #1 rule in everyone's life (at least it should be) :

Keep toxic people out of your life, no matter their sex. Women can be the same pieces of shit that men can be. The statistical quantification or prevalence by trend doesn't matter. Keep. Them. Out. Period. Family, friend, coworkers, significant others? Whatever. OUT!

And if you end up being totally lonely by this? Well. Still better being totally lonely than being under the foot of an arsehole just not to be lonely.

There are awesome people out there. You just got to weed out a legion of sand before finding a pearl. Or two.

Wisdoms of an old, misanthropic, eremitic fart.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

You're right. And you also probably meant NEURON activity 😉

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Thanks, but.. Wow, who would've thought it's the other major contenders.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I'd second a selfhosted dav too. Recommending Baikal. But it needs a lil bit of "work".

Yet, if FOSS is more a wish than a requirement:
Try Bring. "free", syncs and has an api to get it connected to smart-home or whatever.
Definately the easiest thing.

Amazon is working on a new paid subscription plan for its Alexa voice assistant ( www.businessinsider.com )

Amazon is revamping its Alexa voice assistant as it prepares to launch a new paid subscription plan this year, according to internal documents and people familiar with the matter. But the change is causing internal conflict and may lead to further delay.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That's why i stopped using those at all. It's always the same.

But screw alexa. Why would i even want a bug sending my voice to some random server? And pay for it?
Wouldn't use that thing if they'd pay me....

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

At least they don't try to make you pay for that :-)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Why are there even kids working there? How old was this "teen"? What is wrong with the USA (rethorical question)?

Your numbers (i assume correctness) are making it even more worse. Disgusting even.
That's like fines not bound to income. A major kick in the nutsack for the poor and a slightly more expensive, but totally neglectable, parking-ticket for the rest.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Which would exactly change what? Still a teen that shouldn't work in such a place. Maybe an hour a day filling shelfs in a supermarket. Not working at a deboner in a soul-crusher.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

You egomaniac! Don't you ever think of the shareholders? Monster!

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Cult != Race. If you want to be taken seriously outside your circle-jerk-bubble, phrase adequately.
This was just a comment out of politeness. Won't reply further because it's boring.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

This really is a thing missing before the regular Jane or Joe would even consider signing on. The fundamental difference (federation) makes it hard enough for the technically unsavy. The "but where do i make an account for this new reddit?"...
An SSO-solution could help eliminate that.

Dyskolos OP ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Oh, it’s not INTERNET they don’t get, they get no net at all. It’s “unknown network” for a long time until they finally display “<domain>” and only then I can access the LAN. From there on, everything works fine.

Dyskolos OP ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

NVM, I finally found the culprit by accident…my switch enabled STP (slow) by default. Switching it off or using RSTP fixed the delays. Thanks for helping anyway man!

Stuff I began feeling very concerned as well as anxious of that I have been hearing about ( lemmy.world )

Greetings, and to begin, I have been diagnosed with Asperger's and also have OCD. Recently, I have been feeling like I need to open a discussion on something that may be going on with me at this time and may need someone to talk to about it. For starters, I have been thinking about setting up a koala community on here that was...

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Short on time here, so I'll just throw some things at you:

Don't be technophobic. Our technological advancements are a beautiful wonder to marvel at. It's what we usually do with it that's questionable.
And win11 isn't that much worse than win11. Except the startmenu-changes. I hated it so much, I ended up coding my own startmenu 😔

As for paint, you might wanna give "gimp" a look.
If that's an overkill for your needs, try "paint.net"

That's Microsoft. I'm a pro and have all their titles and certifications, but sometimes I just wanna punch them. Instead of adding just new features, they love to ban access to the old ones. Horrible design-decisions.

Just avoid the "home" versions. And maybe buy a cheap raspberry pi and install pihole there. The end of all ads, tracking and spying.

LibreOffice already was the best replacement for wordpad. No need to look back.
One should never rely (or adapt to) ms-tools. They often just die.

For your aural pleasures, go check
You'll love it. Even for free it's totally beautiful and a labour-of-love.

As for your community-idea: I'm the wrong one to advice anything.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar


I know I am an apologist, but there're many good groups of simple news and knowledge but also goot groups of trading and discussion.

Also it's one of the last bastions of freedom. Especially loved by people in repressed countries.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

In theory? Yes.
In reality? No.

Besides all the practical reasons already mentioned, it's simply a question of marketing to get people into it. Which costs money noone wants to pay because it kills the principle of breaking free of corpo-hold.
Without marketing you'll end up with the nerds that are already here (majority). And of those, the majority are probably also male.

And on top of that, you might find other people living in NYC but what about smaller cities or even foreign ones?
With reddits userbase you probably could, but you don't reach them because they already prefer mainstream-stuff 😐

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