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Bigoldmustard ,

There always will be a divide between those who use technology as a means to an end and those whose end is technology.

If you think I’m taking a “side” with that statement you’re the latter.

If you think that’s a dig at anyone it’s probably because you think people care what phone you have, or that I’m trying to sneakily insinuate that you’re not doing anything by installing another flavor of Linux so you can get your dock to line up perfectly the way you want it to.

If you think people care what phone you have it’s probably because you know people who do.

If you think you have to be around those people I’m here to tell you I don’t know anyone who cares about what phone I have.

Bigoldmustard ,

You should live the life you imagine you’re protecting with all this security theater.

Bigoldmustard ,

I print a few exceptional photos a month to save.

I sell my time for like $30/hr. How much money would self hosting cost me vs a data leak where my information was actually used? I have a feeling it’s more.

It’s a nice hobby and I’m sorry I ruffled feathers with my opinion.

Bigoldmustard ,

It sounds like a win win for you and I like that for you.

Bigoldmustard ,

Sure. Like if you enjoy doing that stuff it would be totally worth it I’m sure.

There is a particular kind of person who prefers setup and config to doing anything with a computer, and it’s hard to hide my disdain for that sometimes but that doesn’t make it wrong. It also doesn’t mean I’m doing anything with a computer. We’re biased towards ourselves, I get that.

Like, we just put a dog down so I was thinking about my own mortality and how much time I have in life. It’s not a lot, and the idea of making sure an email address is functioning today sounds like hell.

I’m leaving the original statement up because I don’t think enough people walk back hasty statements online.

Bigoldmustard ,

So you’re challenging me to tell you what I think of you doing what I suggested?

Bigoldmustard ,

My grandpa was always really interested in whatever I had going on, especially when I didn’t think it was worth celebrating. We spent a lot of time golfing together when I was a kid and he taught me a lot about staying calm and looking at me today vs yesterday instead of me vs where I wish I was.

Everybody we ran into seemed to really like being around him. We used to play with a lot of people we rolled up to on the golf course. I try my best to be someone people are happy to see; like they were for him.

I miss him but I carry so much of him inside I feel like I can still hear what he would say. I hope I can be as important to someone as he was to me.

Bigoldmustard ,

You’re not voting anyways, so feel free to not worry about it since you aren’t doing anything either way.

Bigoldmustard ,

Per my last reply…you’re not voting.

You’re old enough to get it, it’s okay to drop the act.

You’re also old enough to know you could be petitioning to change voting laws in your area to not be first past the post if you really wanted to do anything.

But you don’t. You want to post about Linux and help people with that and that’s fine. You can’t do it all. Maybe stay in that lane instead of encouraging behavior you know won’t do anything to advance your purported cause. It’s absurd of you to pretend you’re doing something by voting third party. Like, really think about it.

I’m gonna write in JFK. Is this Leftism? JFC man.

Bigoldmustard ,

Damn, when you have 1,358 universities around the world and that’s still only 1/4 the number of priests accused of sexual molestation in the last 75 years by over 10,000 victims.

now that’s a cheap shot.

Bigoldmustard ,

I spent 12 hours once downloading a limp bizkit song on dial up and it wasn’t even a limp bizkit song. I feel nostalgic for that kind of deception. It feels so quaint.

Bigoldmustard ,

Mine won’t turn on unless your ass is detected on the seat and it set me back less than $200.

People do mess with stuff, gotta agree there. Don’t agree that the solution is to not have stuff though. Might as well not have any public space if that’s the attitude.

Bigoldmustard ,

Ok so if I’m lost in the woods I genuinely don’t care I’ll make it work to get home.

If I’m not lost I’m not using a computer in the woods. That’s where I go to not use computers, after all.

Bigoldmustard ,

If you purchased them from the federal government they won’t have hard drives.

Bigoldmustard ,

Ooh, or behind the scenes email drama from staff!

Bigoldmustard ,

Waking up at the same time 7 days a week. I never feel overly tired and my body feels better.

Bigoldmustard ,

Meanwhile my immune system killed my insulin producing cells and I haven’t had a fever since. I like to imagine it as a greaser with a switchblade casually leaning next to the thermostat.

Bigoldmustard ,

Yes sir I’m type 1. Didn’t even get a fever when I got Covid. I usually cruise around at about 97.7 or so. Think I hit 97.9 last time I was sick.

Bigoldmustard ,

Nice work on the ketones testing, that’s very helpful. Being sick raises my sugar levels, and I have to keep on top of hydration. I remember hoping if I got Covid i would have 2 other obvious symptoms because they were leaning pretty hard on the fever as an indicator. I’m glad you’re taking an active role managing it! I got it when I was 17 so I kind of worked things out on my own (because I was a teenager, not because my parents wouldn’t help).

Bigoldmustard ,

So being high all the time is remarkably similar to being sober all the time because your brain adjusts to what you throw at it.

I took 10 months off and I just read a lot of books.

Everyone is different though. You should probably try avoiding the internet news and try interacting with people in real life. People are pretty cool when they’re not a vague description of bad behavior from a stranger online who wants you to believe an entire category of people are bad.

The news literally exists to make you anxious at this point because it drives engagement.

The fucked up thing is you can know this and still not be able to stop compulsively reading it.

Bigoldmustard ,

You’ve typed out the formula for defeating Walmart yet your fixation on wanting that specific shitty job makes you see it as a negative.

How many stores can Walmart afford to close?

Do you believe if Walmart closed nobody else would be willing to take your money?

Do you believe skills for work at Walmart are actually super specified and won’t transfer to anywhere else?

Bigoldmustard ,

We have a lot of two lane roads where I grew up. My parents used to have this Buick sedan that took diesel. To pass a slower car my mom would make sure there was nobody coming the other way for as far as she could see, then floor it and tell me to pray.

Whoops I guess I didn’t drive that. Worst car I’ve driven personally is probably a Volkswagen scirocco that had been in storage for years. It was a stick so I had to keep the clutch in with one foot and have my heel on the brake and toe on the throttle just to keep it running at a stop sign.

Bigoldmustard ,

Lmao 54k people on Lenny as a whole and we’ve already got a repost police!

Bigoldmustard ,

Yeah I wasn’t counting your alts bud nice try.

Bigoldmustard ,

I wonder if anyone has ever done a scientific study on the efficacy of practice?

Bigoldmustard ,

East of Eden by John Steinbeck. If you only read one fiction book ever, you could do a lot worse.

It’s not Sci-fi. It is beautiful though, and complex and descriptive and puts you right there with the character arcs. Just a staggering work of genius I can’t recommend enough. I buy it for people I care about.

Bigoldmustard ,

I get real squirrelly with anxiety every 5-7 years and one trip sets me right again. Fingers crossed for everyone here, wouldn’t it be great to not have to have any question about what you’re taking?

Bigoldmustard ,

I used to be able to eat spicy foods. After I got Covid everything tastes 5 times as spicy. Weird wild stuff.

Bigoldmustard ,

It’s really easy to understand diabetes but it’s not something a lot of people grasp quickly if it doesn’t affect them.

First, when you eat carbohydrates they are converted into sugar by the body. Your cells want that sugar, but they don’t want too much. Too much sugar in the blood can damage blood vessels, leading to all sorts of issues ranging from annoying to fatal.

Insulin is like UPS, it delivers the sugar to the cells, also facilitating its entry into the cells. Normal people’s pancreas release an appropriate amount of insulin to match the amount of sugar in your blood and keep your blood sugar in a safe range (70-120, guidance on this varies this is not medical advice).

Type 1: Pancreas is damaged, often by the body’s immune system, and can no longer produce insulin. It’s genetic, and it doesn’t usually present after adolescence. The only treatment for type 1 is insulin. If you don’t have a pump you take a 24-hour insulin for a baseline and then a short-acting insulin for your meals. You usually have a carbohydrate to insulin ratio. 1 unit of insulin to 15g carbs is pretty common for a starting point. If you have a pump it just releases a slow drip of insulin as a base and then you program your ratio for meals.

Type 2: Your cells become insulin resistant and your pancreas responds by upping the amount of insulin it produces. Eventually it can’t keep up and your blood sugar rises. There is a period of time where you can avoid developing type 2 with diet changes. There is a period of time where you can just take pills. The final stage is using insulin injections like a type 1.

Finally, insulin is really expensive (or was, I think there’s legislation lowering prices in my state). The retail price without insurance of 2 insulins, needle tips, and blood testing supplies can easily be $1200/month. That’s the price you pay to eat without dying as a type 1.

I’m just a simple guy but if making that much money off people who literally have no other choice isn’t evil I’m not sure what is. Do we deserve to be able to eat? Tough call I guess.

Bigoldmustard ,

I don’t worry too much about what might happen. If the world ends it was probably supposed to. Everything that happens had to have happened that way. It’s a waste of time worrying about what might have been different.

Bigoldmustard ,

People should pay their child support.

People shouldn’t dehumanize other people. Read what you wrote. Would you want to live that life? You’re closer to financial ruin than you think if you live in America.

This is a mentally ill desperate individual. We should feel bad for everyone involved in their story.

Bigoldmustard ,

What I haven’t seen mentioned is that the structure of the vehicle depends on the integrity of the exterior, if Tesla’s own marketing was true. So, if it rusts easily, isn’t it more likely to be structurally unstable during impact?

Bigoldmustard ,

Fair point. No dog in the fight over here.

Bigoldmustard ,

As a diabetic this is me reading the carbs per serving lol

Bigoldmustard ,

No the base doesn’t get soggy. Yes you could probably pick it up but it is definitely fork food. How good you think it is might be directly tied to how much you like cheese.

Locals say they don’t eat it but I have my doubts. There’s just so many places to get it. I hope this makes one of them mad enough to run the numbers on tourism vs deep dish establishments because I’m curious but not curious enough to hyperfixate.

Bigoldmustard ,

I was fortunate enough to get paternity leave and had 9 weeks off. I am not a man with a ton of hobbies. Holy shit guys they have us brainwashed. I never even once felt I had “run out of things to do”. I felt alive in a way I haven’t since childhood. I think our girl is better off for having that time with both of us also.

Everyone should have that opportunity. I think it would allow people to really bond with their kids. Even people who don’t have kids should get it, shit it’s so good to choose what you do every day I still feel refreshed almost 2 years later.

Bigoldmustard ,

What they don’t tell you is it’s completely allowed to not care about your slightly nice car also.

I like to have a stress free experience on the road. So I do my best to be accommodating while also being predictable (don’t break traffic rules to be nice you’re gonna get someone killed).

Thing about it is, when you drive the shitbox you think you’re at an advantage, but the shitbox is an outlier. Try buying a car you trust as much with your liability ins…damn.

Meanwhile if you have a car that’s still kinda worth something (or you save money, btw you’re an outlier and good for you, I’m bad at it) and you have insurance, it’s just a pain in the ass not a crisis.

Wayfair lays off 13% of its workforce weeks after telling employees to work harder ( )

Wayfair lays off 13% of its workforce weeks after telling employees to work harder::Wayfair is laying off 1,650 employees, amounting to 13% of its global workforce, as the online home goods retailer struggled to rebound following its success amid pandemic lockdowns.

Bigoldmustard ,

I get extra money, I buy shit I don’t want to budget for. That’s furniture for a lot of people. Also we’re hitting the point where people are finding out just how shitty their stuff is because they’ve owned it a couple years.

Bigoldmustard ,

We’re so far gone this meme wouldn’t work without the word “children”.

Bigoldmustard ,

Can I buy more of this product?

I’m getting my sister a gift will this product delight her?

Is this product similar to [leading brand]?

Trump Isn’t Bluffing. We’ve become inured to his rhetoric, but his message has grown darker ( )

“We pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Donald Trump said this past November, in a campaign speech that was ostensibly honoring Veterans Day. “The real threat...

Bigoldmustard ,

Surely someone will save the day at the last minute so we don’t have to do anything other than vote right? That’s what entertainment media almost exclusively promotes.

Bigoldmustard ,

I qualify! While my loans aren’t as burdensome as they are for many other people this will be a big help to my small family.

Here’s hoping this program continues to evolve and expand. While this is just a band-aid on a broken education system that’s pretty much all we do around here anymore.

Bigoldmustard ,

Thanks I picked it up. I have read about 5 of them and really enjoy them. This was an offer that I just couldn’t pass up!

Bigoldmustard ,

Frankly, I don’t think it matters much what Ron thinks about foreign policy. He should be working on his personal skills since he’s term limited and sure as shit ain’t getting that nomination. I don’t think lobbyists who say things like “what’s that an icee? Probably a lot of sugar in that” are very successful.

School ( )

EDIT: A lot of you are reading into the tweet while still somehow agreeing with the overall message. No one is saying we should eliminate music programs or that we should teach toddlers about healthcare plans. The tweet is making this thing called a --checks notes-- joke, that also conveys the message that schools could teach...

Bigoldmustard ,

Or we could just do it like every other civilized country in the world where they give you a number of what you owe and you say “looks good” or “I don’t think so”.

Thanks to the magic of lobbying we have the privilege of having to endure smart comments like yours!

Bigoldmustard ,

Let’s say I’m married filing separately with a mortgage, student loans, on my wife’s insurance but with my own job where I pay for a Flexible spending account for diabetes supplies. My wife also has student loans, some federal, some private. Let’s say we have a kid and pay for daycare but wife missed open enrollment for dependent care spending account. Maybe we even have our employer cover part of daycare in this scenario, let’s say 25%, but it didn’t kick in until 4 months into the year. Just for fun maybe one of us cashed out an old retirement.

How confident are you that you could handle that situation if you had only gotten a “remedial” education? This is not a super unique scenario even.

Bigoldmustard , (edited )

Free Tax Act is great for filing jointly or as a single person. It absolutely will let you fail extremely hard if you file separately.

Edit: this might not be true I used free tax USA.

Just want to sneak in I admire your faith in people’s ability, whether I agree with it or not.

Bigoldmustard ,

Oh man I read the OP earlier but didn’t click to the comments and I couldn’t figure out why this song was stuck in my head.

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